967 resultados para Abortion, spontaneous


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE Analyze the contextual and individual characteristics that explain the differences in the induced abortion rate, temporally and territorially. METHODS We conducted an econometric analysis with panel data of the influence of public investment in health and per capita income on induced abortion as well as a measurement of the effect of social and economic factors related to the labor market and reproduction: female employment, immigration, adolescent fertility and marriage rate. The empirical exercise was conducted with a sample of 22 countries in Europe for the 2001-2009 period. RESULTS The great territorial variability of induced abortion was the result of contextual and individual socioeconomic factors. Higher levels of national income and investments in public health reduce its incidence. The following sociodemographic characteristics were also significant regressors of induced abortion: female employment, civil status, migration, and adolescent fertility. CONCLUSIONS Induced abortion responds to sociodemographic patterns, in which the characteristics of each country are essential. The individual and contextual socioeconomic inequalities impact significantly on its incidence. Further research on the relationship between economic growth, labor market, institutions and social norms is required to better understand its transnational variability and to reduce its incidence.


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Seventy Swiss mice chronically infected with different strains of Trypanosoma cruzi, with persistently negative parasitemia on routine blood examination were parasitologically investigated to find out whether spontaneous cure occurred. Duration of infection varied from 90 to 250 days in the initial phase of this investigation. Parasitological tests consisted of daily direct blood examination performed during at least 25 days, followed by xenodiagnosis and subinoculation of blood into newborn mice. Mice that persisted negative were treated with Cyclophosphamide with one dose of 250 mg/kg of body weight and then investigated by direct blood examination, xenodiagnosis and subinoculation. A second dose of 250 mg/kg b. w. was given to the persistently negative mice. With one single exception, all mice showed positive parasitological tests in the different stages of the present investigation and we conclude that spontaneous cure did not occur in this group, which is representative of the chronic infection with different strains of T cruzi.


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Posterior interosseous nerve entrapment syndrome and spontaneous rupture of the extensor pollicis longus tendon are rare conditions. The authors describe the bizarre combination of a spontaneous rupture of the extensor pollicis longus tendon in a 82-year-old lady with a posterior interosseous nerve syndrome. As far as the authors know, this is the first description of such an association in the literature. Surgical exploration revealed compression of the posterior interosseous nerve at the proximal portion of the supinator muscle and at Henry's leash. The nerve was freed, and the tendon of the extensor index proprius was transferred to the extensor pollicis longus. Six months after the procedure, the patient had resumed her daily activities, showing a good functional result.


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OBJECTIVES: 1) To determine trends in prevalence of neural tube defects and the impact of therapeutic abortion. 2) To review perinatal management of spina bifida. DESIGN: All spontaneous and therapeutic abortions, still births and live births affected by neural tube defects registered in Alfredo da Costa Maternity in Lisbon, from 1983 to 1992, were retrospectively analysed. RESULTS: Eighty-two cases with neural tube defects are reported and myelomeningocele and anencephaly++ were the most frequent ones. Total prevalence for all defects was 0.78:1000 births with a small upward trend during the last two years. Birth prevalence was 0.6:1000, with a clear downward trend, due to therapeutic abortion. Prenatal diagnosis improved significantly, from 9% of all defects detected in 1983-87 to 77.5% in 1988-92. Since 1989, all cases of anencephaly were detected before birth. Most cases of spina bifida were vaginally delivered, and elective cesarean section occurred in 4. Early closure of the defect was undertaken in 87.6% of the newborns with open spina bifida. CONCLUSION: While total prevalence of neural tube defects remained stable, with only a small upward trend, prenatal diagnosis and therapeutic abortion resulted in a 56.3% fall in birth prevalence. Optimal management of open spina bifida demands a multidisciplinary team with an individual program for each case.


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RESUMO: Um dos maiores problemas da sífilis é a infecção intra-uterina do feto, que pode resultar em morte fetal com aborto espontâneo. Os objectivos desta tese foram comparar os cinco testes serológicos para o diagnóstico de sífilis congénita e optimizar e aplicar a várias amostras clínicas, colhidas de indivíduos com suspeita de infecção por Treponema pallidum, uma técnica de PCR-Multiplex e uma técnica de PCR em tempo real. Na globalidade dos soros estudados obtiveram-se os seguintes resultados: o RPR reactivo em 87/517; TPHA reactivo em 135/517; e EIA reactivo em 127/517. A pesquisa de anticorpos específicos de tipo IgM foi efectuada em 33 soros sendo estudada pelas técnicas de imunofluorescência indirecta e de westernblot. Quanto aos resultados obtidos pelas duas técnicas, o teste FTA-Abs-IgM demonstrou reactividade em 3/33, enquanto que a técnica de westernblot-M, apresentou reactividade em 18/33. Para a avaliação de uma técnica de PCR-TR, foram estudadas 318 amostras de 236 indivíduos classificados, com base em critérios clínicos e laboratoriais, em diferentes estádios de infecção por Treponema pallidum e em indivíduos sem infecção por aquele microrganismo. Relativamente a estas técnicas foi possível observar amplificação de ADN de Treponema pallidum em 133/318 pela técnica de PCR-TR e 90/318 pela técnica de PCR-Multiplex. Mediante os resultados obtidos e de outros estudos efectuados parece poder concluir-se que o teste EIA é o mais indicado para o rastreio da infecção por Treponema pallidum, devendo um resultado reactivo por esta técnica, ser confirmado com a realização de um teste não treponémico (RPR). Relativamente ao diagnóstico de infecção congénita, o teste westernblot para pesquisa de anticorpos específicos de tipo IgM, parece ser o mais apropriado. A técnica PCR-TR, parece ser a mais indicada, pois apresenta uma maior sensibilidade e especificidade que a PCR-Multiplex.----------------- ABSTRACT:The syphilis major problem is the intrauterine infection of the fetus, which may result in fetal death with spontaneous abortion. The objectives of this thesis were to compare the five serological tests for the diagnosis of congenital syphilis and optimize and apply several clinical samples taken from individuals suspected of infection with Treponema pallidum, a PCR-Multiplex and real-time PCR. In all sera studied were obtained the following results: the RPR reactive in 87/517; reactive TPHA in 135/517, and 127/517 in reactive EIA. The search for specific IgM antibodies was performed on 33 sera that were studied by indirect immunofluorescence and westernblot. The results obtained by both techniques, the test FTA-Abs-IgM showed reactivity in 3/33, while the technique westernblot-M, showed reactivity in 18/33. For an RT-PCR evaluation, we studied 318 samples from 236 individuals classified based on clinical and laboratory criteria at different stages of infection by Treponema pallidum and in individuals without infection by that organism. For these techniques it was possible to observe ADN amplification of Treponema pallidum in 133/318 by RT-PCR and 90/318 by PCR-Multiplex. Based on obtained results and in other studies seems that we can conclude that the EIA test is the most suitable for Treponema pallidum screening infection, and a reactive result by this technique, should be confirmed with the realization of a non-treponemal test (RPR). For the congenital infection diagnosis, testing for antibodies westernblot specific IgM appears to be the most appropriate. The RT-PCR seems to be the most suitable, since it has a higher sensitivity and specificity than the PCR-Multiplex.


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Reported are observations on spontaneous occurring morphogenetic juvenilization in laboratory populations of vector species of Chagas disease. Two general effects have been observed: arrested development and uncoordinated development. These are manifested by supernumerary nymphs (6th stage), intermediate nymphal-adult stages, badly deformed adults developed from 5th instar nymphs, uncoordinated development manifested by grotesque forms of adults, supernumerary adults unable to complete metamorphosis and complete supernumerary adults produced by 6th stage nymphs. The reoccurrence of insects with identical grades of juvenilization in the population is an indication that this is a genetic trait that might be inherited. The factors responsible for morphogenetic juvenilization cannot be transmitted through the juvenilized insects because they are sterile, than they were transmitted through normal insects probably as a recessive or a group recessive factors. The spontaneous morphogenetic juvenilization observed in laboratory populations has a striking similarity to juvenilizing effects induced by application of juvenile hormone analogues, described in the literature and also obtained in our laboratory in a study to be published. Thus it is suggested that both; the altered phenotypes occurring in wild populations and their "phenocopies" induced by the application of juvenile hormone analogues are products of gene controlled identical reactions.


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PURPOSE: Recently, the absence of spontaneous venous pulsation (SVP) has been suggested as a vascular risk factor for primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). As the mechanism behind this phenomenon is still unknown, the authors have studied this vascular component using colour Doppler imaging (CDI). METHODS: A total of 236 patients were divided into three diagnostic groups: healthy controls (81), POAG (86) and normal tension glaucoma (NTG; 69). All subjects were submitted to CDI studies of the retrobulbar circulation, intraocular pressure measurements and assessment of SVP existence. Mann-Whitney, chi-square contingency tables and Spearman correlations were used to explore differences and correlations between variables in the diagnostic groups. RESULTS: Eighty-two percent of healthy controls had SVP (66/81), while a smaller numbers were registered in both glaucoma groups: POAG - 50% (43/86); NTG - 51% (35/69). In NTG patients, but not in POAG patients, the prevalence of the SVP phenomenon decreases with increased glaucoma damage (p = 0.04; p = 0.55, respectively). Overall glaucoma patients from both groups had lower central retinal vein (CRV) velocities than the healthy controls (p < 0.05). NTG patients with SVP had less severe visual field defects (mean defect -6.92 versus -11.1, p < 0.05), higher [correction added after online publication 21 September 2012; the word 'higher' has been inserted to replace the word 'lower'] peak systolic and mean flow velocities in the central retinal artery (p < 0.01; p < 0.05, respectively) as well as higher [correction added after online publication 21 September 2012; the word higher has been inserted to replace the word lower] maximal velocities and RI of the CRV (p < 0.02; p < 0.05, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Glaucoma patients have a decrease in CRV velocities. SVP is less prevalent in glaucoma patients than in healthy individuals. This phenomenon apparently reflects different hemodynamic patterns in the central retinal vessels. This variable may be of particular importance in NTG patients, where it may be associated with more advanced functional damage.


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Six Costa Rican Chagas' disease patients, with wellknown acute phase history and no specific treatment were examined in several occasions during 39, 24, 32, 16 and 14 years, respectively, from the onset. Nome of the patients presented heart abnormalities as revealed by the conventional EKG and ergometry, exceptfor one of them with an incomplete block of the right bundle branch. Also, no alterations of the oesophagus motility was detected manometrically except for another patient who presented a slight hypersensivity reaction to a pharmacological test (Mecholyl). Three out of six patients became serologically negative in 1981, remaining as such until 1986. Besides the conventional serology, the search of protective ("lytic") antibodies was also performed in 1985 and 1986, being completely negative in one of the "cured" patients and dubious in the other two. The hypothesis that these three patients had as spontaneous cure, based on the clinical, serological and parasitologica l findings is discussed.


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The authors report a case of diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis, with longstanding evolution and presenting with diffuse infiltrated lesions rich in amastigotes in the absence of mucosal involvement. In situ characterization with monoclonal antibodies revealed Leishmania amazonensis. Large regional lesions have presented spontaneous healing without specific therapy. Considering that DCL presents with a defect in the cellular immune response, thisfact demonstrate that this patient may develop a regional cellular immune response enough to destroy the parasites and to produce clearing of some lesions.


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A new case of spontaneous cure of human Chagas' disease is described in Uruguay. An 87-year-old man who had a typical acute phase of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in 1947 and never received specific treatment against the disease, when examined in 1998 revealed several completely negative parasitological and serological tests, including traditional serology, PCR and flow cytometry. As a whole, such findings fulfill the current criteria to define the cure of Chagas' disease. Clinical data suggest the possibility of a benign evolution of Chagas' disease in this case, but the basic findings (slight cardiac and esophageal impairment) could also be due to the advanced age of the patient.


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An acute case of Chagas disease was studied in 1944, with clinical and laboratory follow-up until 2007, in Bambuí, Minas Gerais, Brazil. A five-year-old girl living in a rural hut that was highly infested with Triatoma infestans presented a febrile clinical condition compatible with the acute form of trypanosomiasis. She presented a positive thick blood smear, but never again showed serological and/or parasitological evidence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection, on several occasions. This patient never received any specific treatment and, to this day, she remains completely asymptomatic, with normal findings from clinical, electrocardiographic, X-ray and echocardiographic examinations.


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Interleukin 8 (CXCL8) is an autocrine chemokine specific for the chemoattraction and activation of granulocytes, NKT cells and T lymphocytes. Patients with tuberculosis and latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection were assessed for the spontaneous expression of CXCR1 (CD128) and CXCR2 on lymphocytes and monocytes. Compared with ex vivo profiles, increased spontaneous CXCR2 expression and normal CXCR1 expression were found on lymphocytes in two out of 59 individuals. Monocytes showed normal ex vivo profiles for both receptors. After stimulation with purified protein derivative, the in vitro levels of CXCL8 were below the median levels of all patients with prior tuberculosis. Spontaneous CXCR2 modulation did not cause notable variation in the in vitro levels of CXCL8.


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INTRODUCTION: Spontaneous sedimentation is an important procedure for stool examination. A modification of this technique using conical tubes was performed and evaluated. METHODS: Fifty fecal samples were processed in sedimentation glass and in polypropylene conical tubes. Another 50 samples were used for quantitative evaluation of protozoan cysts. RESULTS: Although no significant differences occurred in the frequency of protozoa and helminths detected, significant differences in protozoan cyst counts did occur. CONCLUSIONS: The use of tube predicts a shorter path in the sedimentation of the sample, increases concentration of parasites for microscopy analysis, minimizes the risks of contamination, reduces the odor, and optimizes the workspace.