994 resultados para ANTIMICROBIAL SPECTRUM


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Le développement de la multirésistance chez Escherichia coli est un problème important en médecine animale et humaine. En outre, l’émergence et la diffusion des déterminants de résistance aux céphalosporines à larges spectres de troisième génération (ESCs) parmi les isolats, incluant des céphalosporines essentielles en médecine humaine (ex. ceftriaxone et ceftiofur), est un problème majeur de santé publique. Cette thèse visait trois objectifs. D’abord étudier la dynamique de la résistance aux antimicrobiens (AMR) ainsi que la virulence et les profils génétiques de la AMR des E. coli isolées de porcs recevant une nourriture post-sevrage supplémentée avec de la chlortétracycline et de la pénicilline G, et, accessoirement, évaluer les effets d'additifs alimentaires sur cette dynamique en prenant pour exemple d'étude un minéral argileux, la clinoptilolite, étant donné son possible lien avec le gène blaCMY-2 qui confère la résistance au ceftiofur. L'objectif suivant était d'investiguer les mécanismes menant à une augmentation de la prévalence du gène blaCMY-2 chez les porcs qui reçoivent de la nourriture médicamentée et qui n'ont pas été exposés au ceftiofur Ici encore,nous avons examiné les effets d’un supplément alimentaire avec un minéral argileux sur ce phénomène. Enfin, notre dernier objectif était d’étudier, dans le temps, les génotypes des isolats cliniques d'E. coli résistant au ceftiofur, isolés de porcs malades au Québec à partir du moment où la résistance au ceftiofur a été rapportée, soit de 1997 jusqu'à 2012. Dans l'étude initiale, la prévalence de la résistance à 10 agents antimicrobiens, incluant le ceftiofur, s’accroît avec le temps chez les E.coli isolées de porcelets sevrés. Une augmentation tardive de la fréquence du gène blaCMY-2, encodant pour la résistance au ceftiofur, et la présence des gènes de virulence iucD et tsh a été observée chez les isolats. La nourriture supplémentée avec de la clinoptilolite a été associée à une augmentation rapide mais, par la suite, à une diminution de la fréquence des gènes blaCMY-2 dans les isolats. En parallèle, une augmentation tardive dans la fréquence des gènes blaCMY-2 et des gènes de virulence iucD et tsh a été observée dans les isolats des porcs contrôles, étant significativement plus élevé que dans les porcs ayant reçu l'additif au jour 28. La diversité, au sein des E. coli positives pour blaCMY-2 , a été observée au regard des profils AMR. Certaines lignées clonales d'E.coli sont devenues prédominantes avec le temps. La lignée clonale du phylotype A prédominait dans le groupe supplémenté, alors que les lignées clonales du phylotype B1, qui possèdent souvent le gène de virulence iucD associé aux ExPEC, prédominaient dans le groupe contrôle. Les plasmides d'incompatibilité (Inc) des groupes, I1, A/C, et ColE, porteurs de blaCMY-2, ont été observés dans les transformants. Parmi les souches cliniques d'E.coli ESC-résistantes, isolées de porcs malades au Québec de 1997 à 2012, blaCMY-2 était le gène codant pour une β-lactamase le plus fréquemment détecté; suivi par blaTEM et blaCTX-M,. De plus, les analyses clonales montrent une grande diversité génétique. Par contre, des isolats d'E. coli avec des profils PFGE identiques ont été retrouvés dans de multiples fermes la même année mais aussi dans des années différentes. La résistance à la gentamicine, kanamycine, chloramphenicol, et la fréquence de blaTEM et de IncA/C diminuent significativement au cour de la période étudiée, alors que la fréquence de IncI1 et de la multirésistance à sept catégories d'agents antimicrobiens augmente significativement avec le temps. L'émergence d'isolats d'E. coli positifs pour blaCTX-M, une β-lactamase à large spectre et produisant des ESBL, a été observée en 2011 et 2012 à partir de lignées clonales distinctes et chez de nombreuses fermes. Ces résultats, mis ensemble, apportent des précisions sur la dissémination de la résistance au ceftiofur dans les E. coli isolées de porcs. Au sein des échantillons prélevés chez les porcs sevrés recevant l'alimentation médicamentée sur une ferme, et pour laquelle une augmentation de la résistance au ceftiofur a été observée, les données révèlent que les souches d'E. coli positives pour blaCMY-2 et résistantes aux ESCs appartenaient à plusieurs lignées clonales différentes arborant divers profils AMR. Le gène blaCMY-2 se répand à la fois horizontalement et clonalement chez ces E. coli. L'ajout de clinoptilotite à la nourriture et le temps après le sevrage influencent la clonalité et la prévalence du gène blaCMY-2 dans les E. coli. Durant les 16 années d'étude, plusieurs lignées clonales différentes ont été observées parmi les souches d'E. coli résistantes au ceftiofur isolées de porc malades de fermes québécoises, bien qu’aucune lignée n'était persistante ou prédominante pendant l'étude. Les résultats suggèrent aussi que le gène blaCMY-2 s'est répandu à la fois horizontalement et clonalement au sein des fermes. De plus, blaCMY-2 est le gène majeur des β-lactamases chez ces isolats. À partir de 2011, nous rapportons l'émergence du gène blaCTX-M dans des lignées génétiques distinctes.


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Purpose: To synthesize silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) of Arbutus andrachne leaf water extract (LE) and to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of both LE and AgNPs. Methods: The synthesized AgNPs were characterized using the following techniques: ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-vis), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, and analysis of particle size (PS) and zeta potential (ZP). The antimicrobial activities of LE and NPs were assessed by Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion (DD) and broth microdilution (MD) methods according to the recommendations of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). LE and AgNPs were examined against fresh cultures of four Gram-positive and five Gram-negative bacteria, and three yeast strains. Results: AgNPs were successfully synthesized and characterized using Arbutus andrachne LE. The AgNPs showed moderate antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538p, S. epidermidis ATCC 12228, Escherichia coli ATCC 29998, Klebsiella pnemoniae ATCC 13883 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, and also antifungal activity against Candida albicans ATCC 10239 and C. krusei ATCC 6258. Conclusions: Due to the potent activity of AgNPs against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and yeast strains, it is suggested that AgNPs are potential broad spectrum antimicrobial agents.


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Purpose: To prepare and evaluate some 2-piperidinomethylamino-4-(7-H/substitutedcoumarin-3-yl)-6- chlorosubstitutedphenyl pyrimidines as antimicrobial agents. Methods: Some 2-piperidinomethylamino-4-(7-H/substitutedcoumarin-3-yl)-6-chlorosubstitutedphenyl pyrimidines were prepared by reacting 2-amino-4-(7-H/substitutedcoumarin-3-yl)-6- (chlorosubstitutedphenyl) pyrimidines with piperidine and formaldehyde. The chemical structures of the synthesized compounds were elucidated by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR), mass spectrometry and elemental analysis. These compounds were investigated for their antimicrobial activity against ten bacteria and five fungi by serial plate dilution method using standard drugs, namely, ofloxacin and ketoconazole, respectively, and their minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were also determined. Results: A total of eighteen new compounds (1a-18a) were synthesized. Compound 6a (MIC = 50 μg/mL; p < 0.05 or less) displayed the highest activity against S. aureus , E. faecalis , Staphylococcus epidermidis , B. subtilis , and B. cereus . Compound 6a further showed good activity (MIC = 25 μg/mL; p < 0.05 or less) against E. coli ; P. aeruginosa K. pneumonia , B. bronchiseptica , and P. vulgaris . Compounds 6a (MIC = 25 μg/mL; p < 0.0001) and 17a (MIC = 25 μg/mL; p < 0.0001) displayed very good activity against C. albicans , A. niger , A. flavus , M. purpureous , and P. citrinum , respectively. Analysis of structure-activity relationship revealed that the presence of bromo group at 7-postion of the coumarin moiety along with the 4-chlorophenyl group at position-6 of the pyrimidine ring is critical for antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive bacteria, Gram negative bacteria and fungi. Conclusion: The synthesized 2-piperidino derivatives are better antifungal and antibacterial agents than the earlier reported 2-morpholino derivatives, but require further investigations against other microbial strains to ascertain their broad spectrum antimicrobial activity.


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In this study an effective nanocomposite antimicrobial agent for wool fabric was introduced. The silver loaded nano TiO(2) as a nanocomposite was prepared through UV irradiation in an ultrasonic bath. The nanocomposite was stabilized on the wool fabric surface by using citric acid as a friendly cross-linking agent. The treated wool fabrics indicated an antimicrobial activity against both Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli bacteria. Increasing the concentration of Ag/TiO(2) nanocomposite led to an improvement in antibacterial activities of the treated fabrics. Also increasing the amount of citric acid improved the adsorption of Ag/TiO(2) on the wool fabric surface leading to enhance antibacterial activity. The EDS spectrum, SEM images, and XRD patterns was studied to confirm the presence of existence of nanocomposite on the fabric surface. The role of both cross-linking agent and nanocomposite concentrations on the results was investigated using response surface methodology (RSM).


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Antimicrobial resistance was assessed in indicator Escherichia coli isolates from free-ranging livestock and sympatric wild boar (Sus scrofa) and Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica) in a National Game Reserve in northeastern Spain. The frequency of antimicrobial resistance was low (0% to 7.9%). However, resistance to an extended-spectrum cephalosporin and fluoroquinolones was detected.


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The Raman spectra at 77 K of the hydroxyl stretching of kaolinite were obtained along the three axes perpendicular to the crystal faces. Raman bands were observed at 3616, 3658 and 3677 cm−1 together with a distinct band observed at 3691 cm−1 and a broad profile between 3695 and 3715 cm−1. The band at 3616 cm−1 is assigned to the inner hydroxyl. The bands at 3658 and 3677 cm−1 are attributed to the out-of-phase vibrations of the inner surface hydroxyls. The Raman spectra of the in-phase vibrations of the inner-surface hydroxyl-stretching region are described in terms of transverse and longitudinal optic splitting. The band at 3691 cm−1 is assigned to the transverse optic and the broad profile to the longitudinal optic mode. This splitting remained even at liquid nitrogen temperature. The transverse optic vibration may be curve resolved into two or three bands, which are attributed to different types of hydroxyl groups in the kaolinite.


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Objectives: To report on the design, significance and potential impacts of the first documented human clinical trial assessing the anxiolytic and thymoleptic efficacy of an aqueous monoextract of Piper methysticum (kava). The significance of the qualitative element of our clinical trial is also explored. The Kava Anxiety Depression Spectrum Study (KADSS) is a 3-week placebocontrolled, double-blind, cross-over trial involving 60 adult participants (18—65) with elevated stable anxiety and varying levels of depressive symptoms. Aims: The aims of KADSS are: (1) to determine whether an aqueous standardised extract of kava is effective for the treatment of anxiety; (2) to assess the effects of kava on differing levels of depression; and (3) to explore participants’ experience of taking kava via qualitative research. The study also provides preliminary assessment of the safety of an aqueous extract of kava in humans. Conclusion: If results reveal that the aqueous kava preparation exerts significant anxiolytic effects and appears safe, potentially beneficial impacts may occur. Data supporting a safe and effective kava extract may encourage a re-introduction of kava to Europe, UK and Canada. This may provide a major socioeconomic benefit to Pacific Island nations, and to sufferers of anxiety disorders.


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Rationale: Piper methysticum (Kava) has been withdrawn in European, British, and Canadian markets due to concerns over hepatotoxic reactions. The WHO recently recommended research into “aqueous” extracts of Kava. Objective: The objective of this study was to conduct the first documented human clinical trial assessing the anxiolytic and antidepressant efficacy of an aqueous extract of Kava. Design and participants: The Kava Anxiety Depression Spectrum Study was a 3-week placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover trial that recruited 60 adult participants with 1 month or more of elevated generalized anxiety. Five Kava tablets per day were prescribed containing 250 mg of kavalactones/day. Results: The aqueous extract of Kava reduced participants' Hamilton Anxiety Scale score in the first controlled phase by −9.9 (CI = 7.1, 12.7) vs. −0.8 (CI = −2.7, 4.3) for placebo and in the second controlled phase by −10.3 (CI = 5.8, 14.7) vs. +3.3 (CI = −6.8, 0.2). The pooled effect of Kava vs. placebo across phases was highly significant (p < 0.0001), with a substantial effect size (d = 2.24, η² [sub]p[sub] = 0.428). Pooled analyses also revealed highly significant relative reductions in Beck Anxiety Inventory and Montgomery–Asberg Depression Rating Scale scores. The aqueous extract was found to be safe, with no serious adverse effects and no clinical hepatotoxicity. Conclusions: The aqueous Kava preparation produced significant anxiolytic and antidepressant activity and raised no safety concerns at the dose and duration studied. Kava appears equally effective in cases where anxiety is accompanied by depression. This should encourage further study and consideration of globally reintroducing aqueous rootstock extracts of Kava for the management of anxiety.


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Mosston & Ashworth‟s Spectrum of Teaching styles was first published in 1966 and is potentially the longest surviving model of teaching within the field of physical education. Its longevity and influence is surely testament to its value and influence. Many tools have also been developed through the years based on The Spectrum of Teaching Styles. In 2005 as part of a doctoral study, this tool was developed by the author, Dr Edwards and Dr Ashworth for researchers and teachers to identify which teaching styles were being utilised from The Spectrum when teaching physical education. It could also be utilised for self-assessment of the teaching styles and individual uses, or those who work with Physical Education Teacher Education courses. The development of this tool took approximately 4 months, numerous emails and meetings. This presentation will outline this process, along with the reasons why such a tool was developed and the differences between it and others like it.


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Introduction: Some types of antimicrobial-coated central venous catheters (A-CVC) have been shown to be cost-effective in preventing catheter-related bloodstream infection (CR-BSI). However, not all types have been evaluated, and there are concerns over the quality and usefulness of these earlier studies. There is uncertainty amongst clinicians over which, if any, antimicrobial-coated central venous catheters to use. We re-evaluated the cost-effectiveness of all commercially available antimicrobialcoated central venous catheters for prevention of catheter-related bloodstream infection in adult intensive care unit (ICU) patients. Methods: We used a Markov decision model to compare the cost-effectiveness of antimicrobial-coated central venous catheters relative to uncoated catheters. Four catheter types were evaluated; minocycline and rifampicin (MR)-coated catheters; silver, platinum and carbon (SPC)-impregnated catheters; and two chlorhexidine and silver sulfadiazine-coated catheters, one coated on the external surface (CH/SSD (ext)) and the other coated on both surfaces (CH/SSD (int/ext)). The incremental cost per qualityadjusted life-year gained and the expected net monetary benefits were estimated for each. Uncertainty arising from data estimates, data quality and heterogeneity was explored in sensitivity analyses. Results: The baseline analysis, with no consideration of uncertainty, indicated all four types of antimicrobial-coated central venous catheters were cost-saving relative to uncoated catheters. Minocycline and rifampicin-coated catheters prevented 15 infections per 1,000 catheters and generated the greatest health benefits, 1.6 quality-adjusted life-years, and cost-savings, AUD $130,289. After considering uncertainty in the current evidence, the minocycline and rifampicin-coated catheters returned the highest incremental monetary net benefits of $948 per catheter; but there was a 62% probability of error in this conclusion. Although the minocycline and rifampicin-coated catheters had the highest monetary net benefits across multiple scenarios, the decision was always associated with high uncertainty. Conclusions: Current evidence suggests that the cost-effectiveness of using antimicrobial-coated central venous catheters within the ICU is highly uncertain. Policies to prevent catheter-related bloodstream infection amongst ICU patients should consider the cost-effectiveness of competing interventions in the light of this uncertainty. Decision makers would do well to consider the current gaps in knowledge and the complexity of producing good quality evidence in this area.


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Spectrum sensing is considered to be one of the most important tasks in cognitive radio. Many sensing detectors have been proposed in the literature, with the common assumption that the primary user is either fully present or completely absent within the window of observation. In reality, there are scenarios where the primary user signal only occupies a fraction of the observed window. This paper aims to analyse the effect of the primary user duty cycle on spectrum sensing performance through the analysis of a few common detectors. Simulations show that the probability of detection degrades severely with reduced duty cycle regardless of the detection method. Furthermore we show that reducing the duty cycle has a greater degradation on performance than lowering the signal strength.