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The mesoporous molecular sieves of the MCM-41 and FeMCM-41 type are considered promissory as support for metals used as catalysts in oil-based materials refine processes and as adsorbents for environmental protection proposes. In this work MCM-41 and FeMCM41 were synthesized using rice husk ash - RHA as alternative to the conventional silica source. Hydrothermal synthesis was the method chosen to prepare the materials. Pre-defined synthesis parameters were 100°C for 168 hours, later the precursor was calcinated at 550°C for 2 hours under nitrogen and air flow. The sieves containing different proportions of iron were produced by two routes: introduction of iron salt direct synthesis; and a modification post synthesis consisting in iron salt 1 % and 5% impregnation in the material followed by thermal decomposition. The molecular sieves were characterized by X ray diffraction XRD, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy FT-IR, X ray fluorescence spectroscopy XFR, scanning electronic microscopy SEM, specific surface area using the BET method, Termogravimetry TG. The kinetic model of Flynn Wall was used with the aim of determining the apparent activation energy of the surfactant remove (CTMABr) in the MCM- 41 porous. The analysis made possible the morphology characterization, identifying the presence of hexagonal structure typical for mesoporous materials, as well as observation of the MCM41 and iron of characteristic bands.


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During natural gas processing, water removal is considered as a fundamental step in that combination of hydrocarbons and water favors the formation of hydrates. The gas produced in the Potiguar Basin (Brazil) presents high water content (approximately 15000 ppm) and its dehydration is achieved via absorption and adsorption operations. This process is carried out at the Gas Treatment Unit (GTU) in Guamaré (GMR), in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. However, it is a costly process, which does not provide satisfactory results when water contents as low as 0.5 ppm are required as the exit of the GTU. In view of this, microemulsions research is regarded as an alternative to natural gas dehydration activities. Microemulsions can be used as desiccant fluids because of their unique proprieties, namely solubilization enhancement, reduction in interfacial tensions and large interfacial area between continuous and dispersed phases. These are actually important parameters to ensure the efficiency of an absorption column. In this work, the formulation of the desiccant fluid was determined via phases diagram construction, employing there nonionic surfactants (RDG 60, UNTL L60 and AMD 60) and a nonpolar fluid provided by Petrobras GMR (Brazil) typically comprising low-molecular weight liquid hydrocarbons ( a solvent commonly know as aguarrás ). From the array of phases diagrams built, four representative formulations have been selected for providing better results: 30% RDG 60-70% aguarrás; 15% RDG 60-15% AMD 60-70% aguarrás, 30% UNTL L60-70% aguarrás, 15% UNTL L60-15% AMD 60-70% aguarrás. Since commercial natural gas is already processed, and therefore dehydrated, it was necessary to moister some sample prior to all assays. It was then allowed to cool down to 13ºC and interacted with wet 8-12 mesh 4A molecular sieve, thus enabling the generation of gas samples with water content (approximately 15000 ppm). The determination of the equilibrium curves was performed based on the dynamic method, which stagnated liquid phase and gas phase at a flow rate of 200 mL min-1. The hydrodynamic study was done with the aim of established the pressure drop and dynamic liquid hold-up. This investigation allowed are to set the working flow rates at 840 mL min-1 for the gas phase and 600 mLmin-1 for the liquid phase. The mass transfer study indicated that the system formed by UNTL L60- turpentine-natural gas the highest value of NUT


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Due to environmental restrictions around the world, clean catalytic technology are of fundamental importance in the petrochemical industry and refineries. Creating the face of this a great interest in replacing the liquid acids for solid acids, so as molecular sieves have been extensively studied in reactions involving the acid catalysis to produce chemical substances with a high potential of quality. Being the activity of the catalysts involved in the reaction attributed to the acid character of them involved for the Lewis and Brönsted acid sites. Based on this context, this study aimed to prepare catalysts acids using a molecular sieve silicoalumino-phosphate (SAPO-11) synthesized in hidrotermical conditions and sulphated with sulphuric acid at different concentrations, using to it the method of controlled impregnating. The samples resulting from this process were characterized by x-ray difratometry (DRX), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermal analysis (TG-DTG) and determination of total acidity (by n-butilamin adsorption). The results show that the synthesis method used was efficient in the formation of AEL structure of SAPO-11 and when being incorporated the sulfate groups in this structure the acidity of the material was increased, pointing out that to very high concentrations of acid there is a trend of decrease the main peaks that form the structure. Finally they were tested catalytictly by the reaction model of conversion of m-xylene which showed favorable results of conversion for this catalyst, showing to be more selective of cracking products than isomerization, as expected, in order that for the o-xylene selectivity there was no positive change when to sulfate a sample of SAPO-11, while for light gases of C1-C4 this selectivity was remarkably observed


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The groundwater pollution arising due to fuel leaks gas stations has presented a problem aggravating. Increasingly studies related to environmental problems such accidents and seek to propose some solutions for the treatment of groundwater and soils that are contaminated by gasoline. This study evaluated the use of molecular sieve TiSBA-15 as a catalyst for the reaction of removing of volatile organic compounds, particularly benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes, known as BTEX, one of the main pollutants found in groundwater. The catalyst was synthesized by the method post-synthesis techniques and characterized by XSD, TG/DTG, adsorption/desorption of N2, XRF-EDX, for checking the incorporation of titanium and formation of the structure of the catalyst. The reaction occurred with the presence of hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, in aqueous medium to form hydroxyl radicals, which are needed in the process of removal of BTEX compounds. The catalytic reaction was carried out for 5 hours at 60 °C, pH to 3.0, and analyzes of the compounds were made in a gas chromatograph with a flame detection means photoionization static headspace (HS-GC-PID). The catalytic tests have shown the efficacy of using this type of catalyst for the removal of these volatile organic compounds, having a removal rate of 90.60% in the range where the catalyst was studied TiSBA-15(5,0)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A study of the pyrolysis and oxidation (phi 0.5-1-2) of methane and methyl formate (phi 0.5) in a laboratory flow reactor (Length = 50 cm, inner diameter = 2.5 cm) has been carried out at 1-4 atm and 300-1300 K temperature range. Exhaust gaseous species analysis was realized using a gas chromatographic system, Varian CP-4900 PRO Mirco-GC, with a TCD detector and using helium as carrier for a Molecular Sieve 5Å column and nitrogen for a COX column, whose temperatures and pressures were respectively of 65°C and 150kPa. Model simulations using NTUA [1], Fisher et al. [12], Grana [13] and Dooley [14] kinetic mechanisms have been performed with CHEMKIN. The work provides a basis for further development and optimization of existing detailed chemical kinetic schemes.


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Rhogocytes, also termed ‘pore cells’, exist free in the hemolymph or embedded in the connective tissue of different body parts of molluscs, notably gastropods. These unique cells can be round, elongated or irregularly shaped, and up to 30 μm in diameter. Their hallmark is the so-called slit apparatus: i.e. pocket-like invaginations of the plasma membrane creating extracellular lacunae, bridged by cytoplasmic bars. These bars form distinctive slits of ca. 20 nm width. A slit diaphragm composed of proteins establishes a molecular sieve with holes of 20 x 20 nm. Different functions have been assigned to this special molluscan cell type, notably biosynthesis of the hemolymph respiratory protein hemocyanin. It has further been proposed, but not proven, that in the case of red-blooded snail species rhogocytes might synthesize the hemoglobin. However, the secretion pathway of these hemolymph proteins, and the functional role of the enigmatic slit apparatus remained unclear. Additionally proposed functions of rhogocytes, such as heavy metal detoxification or hemolymph protein degradation, are also not well studied. This work provides more detailed electron microscopical, histological and immunobiochemical information on the structure and function of rhogocytes of the freshwater snails Biomphalaria glabrata and Lymnaea stagnalis. By in situ hybridization on mantle tissues, it proves that B. glabrata rhogocytes synthesize hemoglobin and L. stagnalis rhogocytes synthesize hemocyanin. Hemocyanin is present, in endoplasmic reticulum lacunae and in vesicles, as individual molecules or pseudo-crystalline arrays. The first 3D reconstructions of rhogocytes are provided by means of electron tomography and show unprecedented details of the slit apparatus. A highly dense material in the cytoplasmic bars close to the diaphragmatic slits was shown, by immunogold labeling, to contain actin. By immunofluorescence microscopy, the protein nephrin was localized at the periphery of rhogocytes. The presence of both proteins in the slit apparatus supports the previous hypothesis, hitherto solely based on similarities of the ultrastructure, that the molluscan rhogocytes are phylogenetically related to mammalian podocytes and insect nephrocytes. A possible secretion pathway of respiratory proteins that includes a transfer mechanism of vesicles through the diaphragmatic slits is proposed and discussed. We also studied, by electron microscopy, the reaction of rhogocytes in situ to two forms of animal stress: deprivation of food and cadmium contamination of the tank water. Significant cellular reactions to both stressors were observed and documented. Notably, the slit apparatus surface and the number of electron-dense cytoplasmic vesicles increased in response to cadmium stress. Food deprivation led to an increase in hemocyanin production. These observations are also discussed in the framework of using such animals as potential environmental biomarkers.


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For nearly 200 years since their discovery in 1756, geologists considered the zeolite minerals to occur as fairly large crystals in the vugs and cavities of basalts and other traprock formations. Here, they were prized by mineral collectors, but their small abundance and polymineralic nature defied commercial exploitation. As the synthetic zeolite (molecular sieve) business began to take hold in the late 1950s, huge beds of zeolite-rich sediments, formed by the alteration of volcanic ash (glass) in lake and marine waters, were discovered in the western United States and elsewhere in the world. These beds were found to contain as much as 95% of a single zeolite; they were generally flat-lying and easily mined by surface methods. The properties of these low-cost natural materials mimicked those of many of their synthetic counterparts, and considerable effort has made since that time to develop applications for them based on their unique adsorption, cation-exchange, dehydration–rehydration, and catalytic properties. Natural zeolites (i.e., those found in volcanogenic sedimentary rocks) have been and are being used as building stone, as lightweight aggregate and pozzolans in cements and concretes, as filler in paper, in the take-up of Cs and Sr from nuclear waste and fallout, as soil amendments in agronomy and horticulture, in the removal of ammonia from municipal, industrial, and agricultural waste and drinking waters, as energy exchangers in solar refrigerators, as dietary supplements in animal diets, as consumer deodorizers, in pet litters, in taking up ammonia from animal manures, and as ammonia filters in kidney-dialysis units. From their use in construction during Roman times, to their role as hydroponic (zeoponic) substrate for growing plants on space missions, to their recent success in the healing of cuts and wounds, natural zeolites are now considered to be full-fledged mineral commodities, the use of which promise to expand even more in the future.


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Catalysis at organophilic silica-rich surfaces of zeolites and feldspars might generate replicating biopolymers from simple chemicals supplied by meteorites, volcanic gases, and other geological sources. Crystal–chemical modeling yielded packings for amino acids neatly encapsulated in 10-ring channels of the molecular sieve silicalite-ZSM-5-(mutinaite). Calculation of binding and activation energies for catalytic assembly into polymers is progressing for a chemical composition with one catalytic Al–OH site per 25 neutral Si tetrahedral sites. Internal channel intersections and external terminations provide special stereochemical features suitable for complex organic species. Polymer migration along nano/micrometer channels of ancient weathered feldspars, plus exploitation of phosphorus and various transition metals in entrapped apatite and other microminerals, might have generated complexes of replicating catalytic biomolecules, leading to primitive cellular organisms. The first cell wall might have been an internal mineral surface, from which the cell developed a protective biological cap emerging into a nutrient-rich “soup.” Ultimately, the biological cap might have expanded into a complete cell wall, allowing mobility and colonization of energy-rich challenging environments. Electron microscopy of honeycomb channels inside weathered feldspars of the Shap granite (northwest England) has revealed modern bacteria, perhaps indicative of Archean ones. All known early rocks were metamorphosed too highly during geologic time to permit simple survival of large-pore zeolites, honeycombed feldspar, and encapsulated species. Possible microscopic clues to the proposed mineral adsorbents/catalysts are discussed for planning of systematic study of black cherts from weakly metamorphosed Archaean sediments.


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Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. cv Jianxi), which shows high Al resistance, accumulates Al in the leaves. The internal detoxification mechanism was studied by purifying and identifying Al complexes in the leaves and roots. About 90% of Al accumulated in the leaves was found in the cell sap, in which the dominant organic acid was oxalic acid. Purification of the Al complex in the cell sap of leaves by molecular-sieve chromatography resulted in a complex with a ratio of Al to oxalic acid of 1:3. A 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance study of the purified cell sap revealed only one signal at a chemical shift 164.4 ppm, which was assigned to the Al-chelated carboxylic group of oxalic acid. A 27Al-nuclear magnetic resonance analysis revealed one major signal at the chemical shift of 16.0 to 17.0 ppm, with a minor signal at the chemical shift of 11.0 to 12 ppm in both the intact roots and their cell sap, which is consistent with the Al-oxalate complexes at 1:3 and 1:2 ratios, respectively. The purified cell sap was not phytotoxic to root elongation in corn (Zea mays). All of these results indicate that Al tolerance in the roots and leaves of buckwheat is achieved by the formation of a nonphytotoxic Al-oxalate (1:3) complex.


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A range of catalysts based on Pd nanoparticles supported on inorganic supports such as BETA and ZSM-5 zeolites, a silicoaluminophosphate molecular sieve (SAPO-5) and γ-alumina as a standard support have been tested for the total oxidation of naphthalene (100 ppm, total flow 50 ml/min) showing a conversion to carbon dioxide of 100% between 165 and 180 °C for all the analysed catalysts. From the combined use of zeolites with PVP polymer protected Pd based nanoparticles, enhanced properties have been found for the total abatement of naphthalene in contrast with other kinds of catalysts. A Pd/BETA catalyst has been demonstrated to have excellent activity, with a high degree of stability, as shown by time on line experiments maintaining 100% conversion to CO2 during the 48 h tested.


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With global warming becoming one of the main problems our society is facing nowadays, there is an urgent demand to develop materials suitable for CO2 storage as well as for gas separation. Within this context, hierarchical porous structures are of great interest for in-flow applications because of the desirable combination of an extensive internal reactive surface along narrow nanopores with facile molecular transport through broad “highways” leading to and from these pores. Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) have been recently used in the synthesis of carbon monoliths exhibiting a bicontinuous porous structure composed of continuous macroporous channels and a continuous carbon network that contains a certain microporosity and provides considerable surface area. In this work, we have prepared two DESs for the preparation of two hierarchical carbon monoliths with different compositions (e.g., either nitrogen-doped or not) and structure. It is worth noting that DESs played a capital role in the synthesis of hierarchical carbon monoliths not only promoting the spinodal decomposition that governs the formation of the bicontinuous porous structure but also providing the precursors required to tailor the composition and the molecular sieve structure of the resulting carbons. We have studied the performance of these two carbons for CO2, N2, and CH4 adsorption in both monolithic and powdered form. We have also studied the selective adsorption of CO2 versus CH4 in equilibrium and dynamic conditions. We found that these materials combined a high CO2-sorption capacity besides an excellent CO2/N2 and CO2/CH4 selectivity and, interestingly, this performance was preserved when processed in both monolithic and powdered form.


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In this study, a novel molecular sieve silica (MSS) membrane packed bed reactor (PBR) using a Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst was applied to the low-temperature water gas shift reaction (WGS). Best permeation results were H-2 permeances of 1.5 x 10(-6) mol(.)s(-1) m(-2) Pa-1, H-2/CO2 selectivities of 8 and H-2/N-2 selectivities of 18. It was shown that an operation with a sweep gas flow of 80 cm 3 min(-1), a feed flow rate of 50 cm(3) min(-1) and a H2O/CO molar ratio of one at 280 degreesC reached a 99% CO conversion. This is well above the thermodynamic equilibrium and achievable PBR conversion. Hydrophilic membranes underwent pore widening during the reaction while hydrophobic membranes indicated no such behaviour and also showed increased H-2 permeation with temperature, a characteristic of activated transport. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mixed ammonia-water vapor postsynthesis treatment provides a simple and convenient method for stabilizing mesostructured silica films. X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, nitrogen adsorption/desorption, and solid-state NMR (C-13, Si-29) were applied to study the effects of mixed ammonia-water vapor at 90 degreesC on the mesostructure of the films. An increased cross-linking of the silica network was observed. Subsequent calcination of the silica films was seen to cause a bimodal pore-size distribution, with an accompanying increase in the volume and surface area ratios of the primary (d = 3 nm) to secondary (d = 5-30 nm) pores. Additionally, mixed ammonia-water treatment was observed to cause a narrowing of the primary pore-size distribution. These findings have implications for thin film based applications and devices, such as sensors, membranes, or surfaces for heterogeneous catalysis.


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Adsorption of binary mixtures onto activated carbon Norit R1 for the system nitrogen-methane-carbon dioxide was investigated over the pressure range up to 15 MPa. A new model is proposed to describe the experimental data. It is based on the assumption that an activated carbon can be characterized by the distribution function of elements of adsorption volume (EAV) over the solid-fluid potential. This function may be evaluated from pure component isotherms using the equality of the chemical potentials in the adsorbed phase and in the bulk phase for each EAV. In the case of mixture adsorption a simple combining rule is proposed, which allows determining the adsorbed phase density and its composition in the EAV at given pressure and compositions of the bulk phase. The adsorbed concentration of each adsorbate is the integral of its density over the set of EAV. The comparison with experimental data on binary mixtures has shown that the approach works reasonably well. In the case of high-pressure binary mixture adsorption, when only total amount adsorbed was measured, the proposed model allows reliably determining partial amounts of the adsorbed components. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.