970 resultados para ALPHA-SMOOTH MUSCLE ACTIN


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Due to the clinical success of left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) used for short term "bridge to transplant" and the limited availability of donor organs, heart assist devices are being considered for long term implantation as an alternative to heart transplantation. In an effort to improve biocompatibility, a nonthrombogenic cellular lining was developed from genetically engineered smooth muscle cells (GE-SMC) for the Thermocardiosystems Heartmate$\sp{\rm TM}$ LVAD. SMCs have been transduced with the genes for endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS III) and GTP cyclohydrolase (GTPCH) with subsequent stable expression of the NOS III protein via an Epstein Barr based DNA expression vector. Transduced SMCs produce nitric oxide at concentrations that reduce platelet deposition and smooth muscle cell proliferation when tested in vitro. In addition, the adhesive capabilities of GE-SMC linings were also examined, and optimized in physical environments mimicking typical in vivo LVAD operation. Preliminary investigations examining cell adhesion during constant shear stress exposure demonstrated an acute phase of cell loss corresponding to cytoskeletal F-actin rearrangement. Subsequently, an in vitro circulatory loop was designed to expose cell lined LVADs to in vivo operating conditions. Cumulative cell loss from cell lined LVADs was less than 10% after 24 hours of flow. Using a protocol for "preconditioning" the cell lining within the mock circulatory loop, the first implantation of an LVAD containing a genetically engineered SMC lining was successfully implemented in a bovine model. Results from this 24 hour study indicate that the flow-conditioned cellular lining remained intact with no evidence of thromboembolization and only minimal changes in coagulation studies. ^


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Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms and Dissections (TAAD) are the fifteenth leading cause of death in the United States. About 15% of TAAD patients have family history of the disease. The most commonly mutated gene in these families is ACTA2, encoding smooth muscle-specific α-actin. ACTA2 missense mutations predispose individuals both to TAAD and to vascular occlusive disease of small, muscular arteries. Mice carrying an Acta2 R258C mutant transgene with a wildtype Acta2 promoter were generated and bred with Acta2-/- mice to decrease the wildtype: mutant Acta2 ratio. Acta2+/+ R258C TGmice have decreased aortic contractility without aortic disease. Acta2+/- R258C TG mice, however, have significant aortic dilatations by 12 weeks of age and a hyperproliferative response to injury. We characterized smooth muscle cells (SMCs) from bothmouse models under the hypothesis that mutant α-actin has a dominant negative effect, leading to impaired contractile filament formation/stability, improper focal adhesion maturation and increased proliferation. Explanted aortic SMCs from Acta2+/+ R258C TG mice are differentiated - they form intact filaments, express higher levels of contractile markers compared to wildtype SMCs and have predominantly nuclear Myocardin-Related Transcription Factor A (MRTF-A) localization. However, ultracentrifugation assays showed large unpolymerized actin fractions, suggesting that the filaments are brittle. In contrast, Acta2+/- R258C TG SMCs are less well-differentiated, with pools of unpolymerized actin, more cytoplasmic MRTF-A and decreased contractile protein expression compared to wildtype cells. Ultracentrifugation assays after treating Acta2+/- R258C TGSMCs with phalloidin showed actin filament fractions, indicating that mutant α-actin can polymerize into filaments. Both Acta2+/+ R258C TGand Acta2+/- R258C TGSMCs have larger and more peripheral focal adhesions compared to wildtype SMCs. Rac1 was more activated in Acta2+/+ R258C TGSMCs; both Rac1 and RhoA were less activated in Acta2+/- R258C TG SMCs, and FAK was more activated in both transgenic SMC lines compared to wildtype. Proliferation in both cell lines was significantly increased compared to wildtype cells and could be partially attenuated by inhibition of FAK or PDGFRβ. These data support a dominant negative effect of the Acta2 R258C mutation on the SMC phenotype, with increasing phenotypic severity when wildtype: mutant α-actin levels are decreased.


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A key unanswered question in smooth muscle biology is whether phosphorylation of the myosin regulatory light chain (RLC) is sufficient for regulation of contraction, or if thin-filament-based regulatory systems also contribute to this process. To address this issue, the endogenous RLC was extracted from single smooth muscle cells and replaced with either a thiophosphorylated RLC or a mutant RLC (T18A/S19A) that cannot be phosphorylated by myosin light chain kinase. The actin-binding protein calponin was also extracted. Following photolysis of caged ATP, cells without calponin that contained a nonphosphorylatable RLC shortened at 30% of the velocity and produced 65% of the isometric force of cells reconstituted with the thiophosphorylated RLC. The contraction of cells reconstituted with nonphosphorylatable RLC was, however, specifically suppressed in cells that contained calponin. These results indicate that calponin is required to maintain cells in a relaxed state, and that in the absence of this inhibition, dephosphorylated cross-bridges can slowly cycle and generate force. These findings thus provide a possible framework for understanding the development of latch contraction, a widely studied but poorly understood feature of smooth muscle.


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Regulation of the actin-activated ATPase of smooth muscle myosin II is known to involve an interaction between the two heads that is controlled by phosphorylation of the regulatory light chain. However, the three-dimensional structure of this inactivated form has been unknown. We have used a lipid monolayer to obtain two-dimensional crystalline arrays of the unphosphorylated inactive form of smooth muscle heavy meromyosin suitable for structural studies by electron cryomicroscopy of unstained, frozen-hydrated specimens. The three-dimensional structure reveals an asymmetric interaction between the two myosin heads. The ATPase activity of one head is sterically “blocked” because part of its actin-binding interface is positioned onto the converter domain of the second head. ATPase activity of the second head, which can bind actin, appears to be inhibited through stabilization of converter domain movements needed to release phosphate and achieve strong actin binding. When the subfragment 2 domain of heavy meromyosin is oriented as it would be in an actomyosin filament lattice, the position of the heads is very different from that needed to bind actin, suggesting an additional contribution to ATPase inhibition in situ.


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“Catch,” a state where some invertebrate muscles sustain high tension over long periods of time with little energy expenditure (low ATP hydrolysis rate) is similar to the “latch” state of vertebrate smooth muscles. Its induction and release involve Ca2+-dependent phosphatase and cAMP-dependent protein kinase, respectively. Molecular mechanisms for catch remain obscure. Here, we describe a quantitative microscopic in vitro assay reconstituting the catch state with proteins isolated from catch muscles. Thick filaments attached to glass coverslips and pretreated with ≈10−4 M free Ca2+ and soluble muscle proteins bound fluorescently labeled native thin filaments tightly in catch at ≈10−8 M free Ca2+ in the presence of MgATP. At ≈10−4 M free Ca2+, the thin filaments moved at ≈4 μm/s. Addition of cAMP and cAMP-dependent protein kinase at ≈10−8 M free Ca2+ caused their release. Rabbit skeletal muscle F-actin filaments completely reproduced the results obtained with native thin filaments. Binding forces >500 pN/μm between thick and F-actin filaments were measured by glass microneedles, and were sufficient to explain catch tension in vivo. Synthetic filaments of purified myosin and twitchin bound F-actin in catch, showing that other components of native thick filaments such as paramyosin and catchin are not essential. The binding between synthetic thick filaments and F-actin filaments depended on phosphorylation of twitchin but not of myosin. Cosedimentation experiments showed that twitchin did not bind directly to F-actin in catch. These results show that catch is a direct actomyosin interaction regulated by twitchin phosphorylation.


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Patients with the M4Eo subtype of acute myeloid leukemia almost invariably are found to have an inversion of chromosome 16 in their leukemic cells, which results in a gene fusion between the transcription factor called core binding factor beta (CBFbeta) on 16q and a smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (SMMHC) gene on 16p. Subcellular localizations of the wild-type CBFbeta and the CBFbeta-SMMHC fusion protein were determined by immunofluorescence of NIH 3T3 cells that overexpress wild-type or fusion protein. Normal CBFbeta showed an unexpected perinuclear pattern consistent with primary localization in the Golgi complex. The CBFbeta-SMMHC fusion protein had a very different pattern. Nuclear staining included rod-like crystalline structures as long as 11 microm. The heterodimeric partner of CBFbeta, CBFalpha, formed part of this complex. Cytoplasmic staining included stress fibers that colocalized with actin, probably as a consequence of the myosin heavy chain component of the fusion protein. Deletion of different regions of the CBFbeta portion of the fusion protein showed that binding to CBFalpha was not required for nuclear translocation. However, deletion of parts of the SMMHC domain of the fusion protein involved in myosin-mediated filament formation resulted in proteins that did not form rod-like structures. These observations confirm previous indirect evidence that the CBFbeta-SMMHC fusion protein is capable of forming macromolecular nuclear aggregates and suggests possible models for the mechanism of leukemic transformation.


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Smooth muscle cell (SMC) phenotypic modulation from the mature ’contractile’ to a less differentiated ’synthetic’ phenotype involves not only altered expression but also a reorganisation of contractile and cytoskeletal proteins. Objective: To investigate the role of RhoA, a known regulator of the actin cytoskeleton, in SMC phenotypic regulation. Methods: Rho transcription (RT-PCR), expression (Western analysis) and activation (membrane translocation or Rho ’pull-down’ assay) was investigated in cultured rabbit aortic SMC during phenotypic modulation, and under the influence of known SM-regulatory proteins (thrombin, heparin and TGF- β). Rho’s effect on cell morphology was examined by transient transfection of ’synthetic’ state SMC with either constitutively active Rho (Val14RhoA) or its inhibitor, C3 transferase. Results: RhoA transcription was elevated in the first 3 days of primary culture, and protein expression peaked at 2 days post-confluence when SMC return to a more ’contractile’ state. However, RhoA showed augmented activation at three time-points in primary culture: the transition point when SMCs enter logarithmic growth and are highly motile, upon reaching quiescence, and when they return to a more ’contractile’ state. Thrombin, heparin and TGF-β activated RhoA in ’synthetic’ state SMCs. Transfection with Val14RhoA caused a dramatic decrease in SMC size and a reorganization of cytoskeletal proteins, reminiscent of the ’contractile’ phenotype. Specific inhibition of endogenous Rho by C3 transferase resulted in an almost complete loss of contractile proteins. Conclusion: These data indicate that Rho is an important determining factor of SMC functional state.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of GABAB receptors, a subclass of receptors to the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABAB), in human aortic smooth muscle cells (HASMCs), and to explore if altering receptor activation modified intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)]i) of HASMCs. Real-time PCR, western blots and immunofluorescence were used to determine the expression of GABABR1 and GABABR2 in cultured HASMCs. Immunohistochemistry was used to localize the two subunits in human left anterior descending artery (LAD). The effects of the GABAB receptor agonist baclofen on [Ca(2+)]i in cultured HASMCs were demonstrated using fluo-3. Both GABABR1 and GABABR2 mRNA and protein were identified in cultured HASMCs and antibody staining was also localized to smooth muscle cells of human LAD. 100 μM baclofen caused a transient increase of [Ca(2+)]i in cultured HASMCs regardless of whether Ca(2+) was added to the medium, and the effects were inhibited by pre-treatment with CGP46381 (selective GABAB receptor antagonist), pertussis toxin (a Gi/o protein inhibitor), and U73122 (a phospholipase C blocker). GABAB receptors are expressed in HASMCs and regulate the [Ca(2+)]i via a Gi/o-coupled receptor pathway and a phospholipase C activation pathway


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Most human ACTA1 skeletal actin gene mutations cause dominant, congenital myopathies often with severely reduced muscle function and neonatal mortality. High sequence conservation of actin means many mutated ACTA1 residues are identical to those in the Drosophila Act88F, an indirect flight muscle specific sarcomeric actin. Four known Act88F mutations occur at the same actin residues mutated in ten ACTA1 nemaline mutations, A138D/P, R256H/L, G268C/D/R/S and R372C/S. These Act88F mutants were examined for similar muscle phenotypes. Mutant homozygotes show phenotypes ranging from a lack of myofibrils to almost normal sarcomeres at eclosion. Aberrant Z-disc-like structures and serial Z-disc arrays, ‘zebra bodies’, are observed in homozygotes and heterozygotes of all four Act88F mutants. These electron-dense structures show homologies to human nemaline bodies/rods, but are much smaller than those typically found in the human myopathy. We conclude that the Drosophila indirect flight muscles provide a good model system for studying ACTA1 mutations.


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The differentiation of stem cells into multiple lineages has been explored in vascular regenerative medicine. However, in the case of smooth muscle cells (SMC), issues exist concerning inefficient rates of differentiation. In stem cells, multiple repressors potentially downregulate myocardin, the potent SRF coactivator induced SMC transcription including Krüppel like zinc finger transcription factor-4 (KLF4). This thesis aimed to explore the role of KLF4 in the regulation of myocardin gene expression in human smooth muscle stem/progenitor cells (hSMSPC), a novel circulating stem cell identified in our laboratory which expresses low levels of myocardin and higher levels of KLF4. hSMSPC cells cultured in SmGM2 1% FBS with TGF-β1 (5 ng/ml “differentiation media”) show limited SMC cell differentiation potential. Furthermore, myocardin transduced hSMSPC cells cultured in differentiation media induced myofilamentous SMC like cells with expression of SM markers. Five potential KLF4 binding sites were identified in silico within 3.9Kb upstream of the translational start site of the human myocardin promoter. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays verified that endogenous KLF4 binds the human myocardin promoter at -3702bp with Respect to the translation start site (-1). Transduction of lentiviral vectors encoding either myocardin cDNA (LV_myocardin) or KLF4 targeting shRNA (LV_shKLF4 B) induced human myocardin promoter activity in hSMSPCs. Silencing of KLF4 expression in differentiation media induced smooth muscle like morphology by day 5 in culture and increased overtime with expression of SMC markers in hSMSPCs. Implantation of silastic tubes into the rat peritoneal cavity induces formation of a tissue capsule structure which may be used as vascular grafts. Rat SMSPCs integrate into, strengthen and enhance the SMC component of such tubular capsules. These data demonstrate that KLF4 directly represses myocardin gene expression in hSMSPCs, which when differentiated, provide a potential source of SMCs in the development of autologous vascular grafts in regenerative medicine.


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Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) are one of the key players in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases. The origin of neointimal VSMC has thus become a prime focus of research. VSMC originate from multiple progenitors cell types. In embryo the well-defined sources of VSMC include; neural crest cells, proepicardial cells and EPC. In adults, though progenitor cells from bone marrow (BM), circulation and tissues giving rise to SMC have been identified, no progress has been made in terms of isolating highly proliferative clonal population of adult stem cells with potential to differentiate into SMC. Smooth muscle like stem progenitor cells (SMSPC) were isolated from cardiopulmonary bypass filters of adult patients undergoing CABG. Rat SMSPC have previously been isolated by our group from the bone marrow of Fischer rats and also from the peripheral blood of monocrotaline induced pulmonary hypertension (MCT-PHTN) animal model. Characterization of novel SMSPC exhibited stem cell characteristics and machinery for differentiation into SMC. The expression of Isl-1 on SMSPC provided unique molecular identity to these circulating stem progenitor cells. The functional potential of SMSPC was determined by monitoring adoptive transfer of GFP+ SMSPC in rodent models of vascular injury; carotid injury and MCT-PHTN. The participation of SMSPC in vascular pathology was confirmed by quantifying the peripheral blood, and engrafted levels of SMSPC using RT-PCR. In terms of translating into clinical practice, SMSPC could be a good tool for detecting the atherosclerotic plaque burden. The current study demonstrates the existence of novel adult stem progenitor cells in circulation, with the potential role in vascular pathology.