189 resultados para ACUPUNCTURE
Introduction: Many cancer patients experience sleeping difficulties which can persist several years after the completion of cancer treatment. Previous research suggests that acupuncture, and variants of acupuncture (acupressure, auricular therapy) may be effective treatment options for sleep disturbance. However, current evidence is limited for cancer patients.
Methods: Feasibility study with 3 arms. Seven cancer patients with insomnia randomised to receive either auricular therapy (attaching semen vaccariae seeds to ear acupoints) (n=4), self-acupressure (n=1) or no treatment (n=2). Participants assigned to receive auricular therapy or self-acupressure stimulated the acupoints each night an hour before retiring to bed. The duration of participant involvement was 5 weeks. Subjective sleep quality was measured at baseline and post-treatment using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). The impact of treatment on concerns of importance to the participants themselves was measured using the Measure Yourself Concerns and Wellbeing (MYCaW). Each participant also completed a treatment log book.
Results: All participants completed their treatment. All auricular therapy and self-acupressure participants recorded clinically significant improvements in global PSQI scores. In the auricular therapy arm mean global PSQI reduced from 12.5 at baseline to 8 following completion of treatment. In the self-acupressure arm PSQI reduced from 15 to 11. While in the no treatment arm the mean PSQI score was 14.5 at both baseline and follow up.
Conclusions: Despite the limited sample size, both auricular therapy and self-acupressure may represent potentially effective treatments for cancer patients with insomnia. The positive findings suggest further research is warranted into both treatment modalities.
ABSTRACT: The physical therapy (PT) associated with standard drug treatment (SDT) in Bell palsy has never been investigated. Randomized controlled trials or quasirandomized controlled trials have compared facial PT (except treatments such as acupuncture and osteopathic) combined with SDT against a control group with SDT alone. Participants included those older than 15 yrs with a clinical diagnosis of Bell palsy, and the primary outcome measure was motor function recovery by the House-Brackmann scale. The methodologic quality of each study was also independently assessed by two reviewers using the PEDro scale. Four studies met the inclusion criteria. Three trials indicate that PT in association with SDT supports higher motor function recovery than SDT alone between 15 days and 1 yr of follow-up. On the other hand, one trial showed that electrical stimulation added to conventional PT with SDT did not influence treatment outcomes. The present review suggests that the current practice of Bell palsy treatment by PT associated with SDT seems to have a positive effect on grade and time recovery compared with SDT alone. However, there is very little quality evidence from randomized controlled trials, and such evidence is insufficient to decide whether combined treatment is beneficial in the management of Bell palsy.
To assess the preferred methods to quit smoking among current smokers. Cross-sectional, population-based study conducted in Lausanne between 2003 and 2006 including 988 current smokers. Preference was assessed by questionnaire. Evidence-based (EB) methods were nicotine replacement, bupropion, physician or group consultations; non-EB-based methods were acupuncture, hypnosis and autogenic training. EB methods were frequently (physician consultation: 48%, 95% confidence interval (45-51); nicotine replacement therapy: 35% (32-38)) or rarely (bupropion and group consultations: 13% (11-15)) preferred by the participants. Non-EB methods were preferred by a third (acupuncture: 33% (30-36)), a quarter (hypnosis: 26% (23-29)) or a seventh (autogenic training: 13% (11-15)) of responders. On multivariate analysis, women preferred both EB and non-EB methods more frequently than men (odds ratio and 95% confidence interval: 1.46 (1.10-1.93) and 2.26 (1.72-2.96) for any EB and non-EB method, respectively). Preference for non-EB methods was higher among highly educated participants, while no such relationship was found for EB methods. Many smokers are unaware of the full variety of methods to quit smoking. Better information regarding these methods is necessary.
Si l’alternative est de nos jours et dans nos sociétés occidentales un concept de plus en plus en vogue, son caractère lui, en demeure pas moins ambigu. En effet, et alors même que nombre de pratiques dites alternatives émergent de part et d’autre de la société, en faire allusion dans certains domaines équivaut à s’affliger soi-même d’une étiquette sur laquelle serait inscrite « New-Age » en caractère gras. Pourtant, son caractère loin d’évoquer cette seule dimension, semble par ailleurs être conséquente d un déséquilibre de plus en plus prégnant au sein même des prérogatives de l’État. Ce mémoire tente donc de rendre compte de ce phénomène tout en investiguant les répercussions de cette asymétrie sur l’intégration de pratiques médicales alternatives au Québec. Ceci dans l’intention non seulement d’explorer davantage la nature de la relation entre médecine alternative et biomédecine, mais aussi afin de poser un nouveau regard sur son expansion. Un regard, lequel permettrait potentiellement de poser les jalons nécessaires à un espace de conciliation entre les médecines, lequel découlerait alors d’un nouvel équilibre au cœur des prérogatives mêmes de l’État.
Introducción: La hemofilia es una enfermedad poco frecuente; no obstante, los avances en los tratamientos de pacientes hemofílicos en las últimas décadas han generado cambios en su calidad de vida. Esto ha motivado el desarrollo de múltiples investigaciones al respecto. Objetivo: Revisar la literatura sobre la calidad de vida en el paciente hemofílico, producida en el periodo 2008-2012. Método: Se consultaron algunas bases de datos científicas utilizando como palabras clave “hemofilia” y “calidad de vida”. Se recopiló la información encontrada y se organizó según los objetivos propuestos en “factores negativos” y “factores protectores” de la calidad de vida a nivel fisiológico, psicosocial y cultural; “instrumentos para la evaluación de la calidad de vida” a nivel específico y general; y antecedentes empíricos de los últimos cinco años en los que se evaluara la calidad de vida o se realizara alguna intervención en la misma. Resultados: En general la información disponible sobre el comportamiento epidemiológico de la hemofilia es limitada. El interés por factores protectores y negativos es principalmente de tipo fisiológico, aunque se encontraron factores de tipo psicosocial y cultural, lo que indica la importancia de profundizar en esta temática. Existen pocos instrumentos especializados para la evaluación de la calidad de vida en hemofílicos. La evidencia empírica se centra en la evaluación. Conclusión: El estudio de la calidad de vida en pacientes hemofílicos amerita ser abordado de manera interdisciplinaria.
Introducción: Autismo es un trastorno del desarrollo caracterizado por compromiso en interacción social, habilidades de lenguaje, presentando rituales con estereotipias. Sin tratamientos curativos, actualmente se buscan terapias alternativas. Un incremento de la literatura científica de terapias asistidas con animales se ha evidenciado, demostrando mejoría en pacientes autistas con la equinoterapia. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura para evaluar efectividad de la equinoterapia en habilidades sociales y de lenguaje en niños autistas. Metodología: Revisión sistemática de la literatura de artículos obtenidos en bases de datos y Meta-buscadores que proporcionaron evidencia de equinoterapia en niños autistas. Tipo de artículos consultados: revisiones sistemáticas, meta análisis y ensayos clínicos. Trabajos publicados hasta 2013. En inglés y español. Se emplearon términos MeSH y EMTREE. Resultados: Cuatro artículos cumplieron criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Se analizaron los artículos individualmente, no se logró realizar un meta análisis por diferencias metodológicas entre los estudios. En total 85 sujetos fueron evaluados en dichos estudios. La equinoterapia en niños autistas evidenció mejoría en habilidades sociales y en las habilidades de lenguaje pre verbal. Discusión: La equinoterapia es prometedora en el manejo de niños autistas, los artículos evidencian consistentemente mejorías a nivel de habilidades sociales y de lenguaje. Debe ser considerado el tipo de paciente, el régimen de equinoterapia y la sostenibilidad de las mejoras. Conclusiones: Se necesitan nuevos estudio con un mayor rigor metodológico que permitan fortalecer la evidencia sobre la equinoterapia en niños con autismo y así poder realizar recomendaciones con un adecuado nivel de evidencia.
Este é um estudo exploratório e correlacional, com um número inicial de 150 participantes, utilizando uma amostra de conveniência constituída por cinco clínicas médicas e cinco casas de medicina tradicional chinesa, em Lisboa, onde os indivíduos foram autorizados a responder voluntariamente a questionários. Apresenta uma taxa de resposta de 74% (N=111). A adesão à acupunctura é maior no sexo feminino e na faixa etária de 31 a 50 anos (40% homens e 48% mulheres). A procura de tratamento de problemas musculares e articulares e para problemas do foro psicológico são as mais descritas, apesar de ser referida como eficaz noutro tipo de queixas, e não ser o primeiro tipo de tratamento que a população procura. É reconhecido que os resultados podem ocorrer a médio e longo prazo, após várias sessões terapêuticas, o que não parece afetar a perceção da população em estudo que se diz satisfeita (53%) com uma muita boa e / ou boa relação benefício-custo. Em geral, a maioria da população (93%) confia na terapia pelo resultado bom ou muito bom (79%) ou razoável (16%) obtido, e deposita confiança (88%) nas competências do profissional de saúde que executa a acupunctura.
Background and aims: GP-TCM is the 1st EU-funded Coordination Action consortium dedicated to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) research. This paper aims to summarise the objectives, structure and activities of the consortium and introduces the position of the consortium regarding good practice, priorities, challenges and opportunities in TCM research. Serving as the introductory paper for the GPTCM Journal of Ethnopharmacology special issue, this paper describes the roadmap of this special issue and reports how the main outputs of the ten GP-TCM work packages are integrated, and have led to consortium-wide conclusions. Materials and methods: Literature studies, opinion polls and discussions among consortium members and stakeholders. Results: By January 2012, through 3 years of team building, the GP-TCM consortium had grown into a large collaborative network involving ∼200 scientists from 24 countries and 107 institutions. Consortium members had worked closely to address good practice issues related to various aspects of Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) and acupuncture research, the focus of this Journal of Ethnopharmacology special issue, leading to state-of-the-art reports, guidelines and consensus on the application of omics technologies in TCM research. In addition, through an online survey open to GP-TCM members and non-members, we polled opinions on grand priorities, challenges and opportunities in TCM research. Based on the poll, although consortium members and non-members had diverse opinions on the major challenges in the field, both groups agreed that high-quality efficacy/effectiveness and mechanistic studies are grand priorities and that the TCM legacy in general and its management of chronic diseases in particular represent grand opportunities. Consortium members cast their votes of confidence in omics and systems biology approaches to TCM research and believed that quality and pharmacovigilance of TCM products are not only grand priorities, but also grand challenges. Non-members, however, gave priority to integrative medicine, concerned on the impact of regulation of TCM practitioners and emphasised intersectoral collaborations in funding TCM research, especially clinical trials. Conclusions: The GP-TCM consortium made great efforts to address some fundamental issues in TCM research, including developing guidelines, as well as identifying priorities, challenges and opportunities. These consortium guidelines and consensus will need dissemination, validation and further development through continued interregional, interdisciplinary and intersectoral collaborations. To promote this, a new consortium, known as the GP-TCM Research Association, is being established to succeed the 3-year fixed term FP7 GP-TCM consortium and will be officially launched at the Final GP-TCM Congress in Leiden, the Netherlands, in April 2012.
Introduction. Results from previous studies on acupuncture for labour pain are contradictory and lack important information on methodology. However, studies indicate that acupuncture has a positive effect on women's experiences of labour pain. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of two different acupuncture stimulations, manual or electrical stimulation, compared with standard care in the relief of labour pain as the primary outcome. This paper will present in-depth information on the design of the study, following the CONSORT and STRICTA recommendations. Methods. The study was designed as a randomized controlled trial based on western medical theories. Nulliparous women with normal pregnancies admitted to the delivery ward after a spontaneous onset of labour were randomly allocated into one of three groups: manual acupuncture, electroacupuncture, or standard care. Sample size calculation gave 101 women in each group, including a total of 303 women. A Visual Analogue Scale was used for assessing pain every 30 minutes for five hours and thereafter every hour until birth. Questionnaires were distributed before treatment, directly after the birth, and at one day and two months postpartum. Blood samples were collected before and after the first treatment. This trial is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01197950.
In this work we analyze the skin bioimpedance statistical distribution. We focus on the study of two distinct samples: the statistics of impedance of several points in the skin of a single individual and the statistics over a population (many individuals) but in a single skin point. The impedance data was obtained from the literature (Pearson, 2007). Using the Shapiro-Wilk test and the assymmetry test we conclude that the impedance of a population is better described by an assymetric and non-normal distribution. On the other side, the data concerning the individual impedance seems to follow a normal distribution. We have performed a goodnes of fitting test and the better distribution to fit the data of a population is the log-normal distribution. It is interesting to note that our result for skin impedance is in simtony with body impedance from the literature of electrical engeneering. Our results have an impact over the statistical planning and modelling of skin impedance experiments. Special attention we should drive to the treatment of outliers in this kind of dataset. The results of this work are important in the general discussion of low impedance of points of acupuncture and also in the problem of skin biopotentials used in equipments like the Electrodermal Screen Tests.
A acupuntura visa à terapia e à cura das enfermidades pela aplicação de estímulos através da pele, com a inserção de agulhas em pontos específicos. Essa técnica esteve isolada do mundo ocidental durante milênios, distanciando sua forma de raciocínio e linguagem da cultura ocidental. Isto restringe sua aceitação no Ocidente, sendo considerada mística e sem base científica. Além disso, a prática da acupuntura no Ocidente se depara com deficiências no ensino e difusão científica. Porém, a eficácia dessa terapia levou a Organização Mundial de Saúde a listar enfermidades que podem ser tratadas pela acupuntura e, recentemente, essa técnica foi reconhecida como especialidade médica veterinária no Brasil. A pesquisa da acupuntura reveste-se, portanto, de grande interesse, na medida em que poderá traduzir conhecimentos milenares, contribuindo para sua aceitação e incorporação.
In the 20th century, the acupuncture has spread on occident as a complementary practice of heath care. This fact has motivated the international scientific community to invest in research that seek to understand why acupuncture works. In this work we compare statistically volt age fluctuation of bioelectric signals caught on the skin at an acupuncture point (IG 4) another nearby on acupuncture point. The acquisition of these signals was performed utilizing an electronic interface with a computer, which was based on an instrumentation amplifier designed with adequate specifications to this end. On the collected signals from a sample of 30 volunteers we have calculated major statistics and submitted them to pairing t-test with significance leveI a = O, 05. We have estimated to bioelectric signals the following parameters: standard deviation, asymmetry and curtose. Moreover, we have calculated the self-correlation function matched by on exponential curve we have observed that the signal decays more rapidly from a non-acupoint then from an acupoint. This fact is an indicative of the existence of information in the acupoint
Hepatitis C is transmitted primarily parenterally by contaminated blood and is often associated with: intravenous drug abuse, invasive procedures, blood transfusions, acupuncture, tattooing, and alcohol and tobacco use. This study aimed to quantify and evaluate the risk factors among blood donors, volunteer blood donors and replacement individuals, infected or not by the C virus. The main transmission routes of C virus were identified in 55 men and 25 women (GI) monitored by the Ambulatory Unit of the Department of Tropical Diseases, Botucatu Medical School, and in 24 men and 26 women (GII), all active blood donors at the Bauru State Hospital Transfusional Agency. Both groups were similar in: tobacco and alcohol consumption, sexual behavior, tattooing and illicit drug use. The duration of alcohol and tobacco consumption and blood transfusions in GI were longer, whereas the option for steady partners, condom use, disposable materials and piercings were predominant in GII. In conclusion, the risk factors for hepatitis C demonstrate the necessity of health policies that act on the primary and secondary prevention levels (respectively, reduction of infection incidence and hepatopathy risk).
O tabagismo está relacionado a 30% das mortes por câncer. É fator de risco para desenvolver carcinomas do aparelho respiratório, esôfago, estômago, pâncreas, cérvix uterina, rim e bexiga. A nicotina induz tolerância e dependência pela ação nas vias dopaminérgicas centrais, levando às sensações de prazer e recompensa mediadas pelo sistema límbico. É estimulante do sistema nervoso central (SNC), aumenta o estado de alerta e reduz o apetite. A diminuição de 50% no consumo da nicotina pode desencadear sintomas de abstinência nos indivíduos dependentes: ansiedade, irritabilidade, distúrbios do sono, aumento do apetite, alterações cognitivas e fissura pelo cigarro. O aconselhamento médico é fundamental para o sucesso no abandono do fumo. A farmacoterapia da dependência de nicotina divide-se em: primeira linha (bupropiona e terapia de reposição da nicotina), e segunda linha (clonidina e nortriptilina). A bupropiona é um antidepressivo não-tricíclico que age inibindo a recaptação de dopamina, cujas contra-indicações são: epilepsia, distúrbios alimentares, hipertensão arterial não-controlada, abstinência recente do álcool e uso de inibidores da monoaminoxidase (MAO). A terapia de reposição de nicotina pode ser feita com adesivos e gomas de mascar. Os efeitos da acupuntura no abandono do fumo ainda não estão completamente esclarecidos. As estratégias de interrupção abrupta ou redução gradual do fumo têm a mesma probabilidade de sucesso.