84 resultados para ACN


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The electrocopolymerization of carbazole and acrylamide on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) from ACN solutions via cyclovoltammetry (CV) was studied in order to evaluate the possibility to deposit uniform and thin but pinhole-free and still reactive coatings onto graphite-like substrates. The morphology of the coatings was investigated using atomic force microscopy and the coating thicknesses and optical parameters were measured using ellipsometry. It was found that under the chosen conditions thin (coating thickness hf>180 nm) and relatively smooth (root mean square surface roughness RMS<150 nm) P(Cz-co-AAm)-coatings exhibiting a uniform globuoidal morphology can be deposited onto graphite. From a certain coating thickness (hf>50 nm) no pinholes could be detected. It was found that the thickness of the deposited coatings increases almost linearly with increasing number of CV-cycles while keeping all other experimental parameters (scan rate and comonomer concentration ratio) constant. No influence of the comonomer concentration ratio on the film thickness and coating appearance could be observed, however, at quite low initial concentrations. However, the CV-scanning rate has quite a significant influence on the thickness of the deposited coatings. Higher scan rates (100 mV/s) result in thin (hf≈22 nm) coatings whereas at lower scan rates (<50 mV/s) coatings with thicknesses of approximately 50 nm were obtained. The optical coating parameters (the refractive index n and extinction coefficient k) seem to be independent of the deposition parameters and therefore averaged values of n̄=1.54±0.03 and k̄=0.08±0.03 were obtained.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Electrochemical double layer capacitors (EDLCs), also known as supercapacitors, are promising energy storage devices, especially when considering high power applications [1]. EDLCs can be charged and discharged within seconds [1], feature high power (10 kW·kg-1) and an excellent cycle life (>500,000 cycles). All these properties are a result of the energy storage process of EDLCs, which relies on storing energy by charge separation instead of chemical redox reactions, as utilized in battery systems. Upon charging, double layers are forming at the electrode/electrolyte interface consisting of the electrolyte’s ions and electric charges at the electrode surface.In state-of-the-art EDLC systems activated carbons (AC) are used as active materials and tetraethylammonium tetrafluoroborate ([Et4N][BF4]) dissolved in organic solvents like propylene carbonate (PC) or acetonitrile (ACN) are commonly used as the electrolyte [2]. These combinations of materials allow operative voltages up to 2.7 V - 2.8 V and an energy in the order of 5 Wh·kg-1[3]. The energy of EDLCs is dependent on the square of the operative voltage, thus increasing the usable operative voltage has a strong effect on the delivered energy of the device [1]. Due to their high electrochemical stability, ionic liquids (ILs) were thoroughly investigated as electrolytes for EDLCs, as well as, batteries, enabling high operating voltages as high as 3.2 V - 3.5 V for the former [2]. While their unique ionic structure allows the usage of neat ILs as electrolyte in EDLCs, ILs suffer from low conductivity and high viscosity increasing the intrinsic resistance and, as a result, a lower power output of the device. In order to overcome this issue, the usage of blends of ionic liquids and organic solvents has been considered a feasible strategy as they combine high usable voltages, while still retaining good transport properties at the same time.In our recent work the ionic liquid 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}imide ([Pyrr14][TFSI]) was combined with two nitrile-based organic solvents, namely butyronitrile (BTN) and adiponitrile (ADN), and the resulting blends were investing regarding their usage in electrochemical double layer capacitors [4,5]. Firstly, the physicochemical properties were investigated, showing good transport properties for both blends, which are similar to the state-of-the-art combination of [Et4N][BF4] in PC. Secondly, the electrochemical properties for EDLC application were studied in depth revealing a high electrochemical stability with a maximum operative voltage as high as 3.7 V. In full cells these high voltage organic solvent based electrolytes have a good performance in terms of capacitance and an acceptable equivalent series resistance at cut-off voltages of 3.2 and 3.5 V. However, long term stability tests by float testing revealed stability issues when using a maximum voltage of 3.5 V for prolonged time, whereas at 3.2 V no such issues are observed (Fig. 1).Considering the obtained results, the usage of ADN and BTN blends with [Pyrr14][TFSI] in EDLCs appears to be an interesting alternative to state-of-the-art organic solvent based electrolytes, allowing the usage of higher maximum operative voltages while having similar transport properties to 1 mol∙dm-3 [Et4N][BF4] in PC at the same time.


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In the last decades, the effects of the air pollution have been increasing, especially in the case of the human health diseases. In order to overcome this problem, scientists have been studying the components of the air. As a part of water-soluble organic compounds, amino acids are present in the atmospheric environment as components of diverse living organisms which can be responsible for spreading diseases through the air. Liquid chromatography is one technique capable of distinguish the different amino acids from each other. In this work, aiming at separating the amino acids found in the aerosols samples collected in Aveiro, the ability of four columns (Mixed-Mode WAX-1, Mixed-Mode HILIC-1, Luna HILIC and Luna C18) to separate four amino acids (aspartic acid, lysine, glycine and tryptophan) and the way the interaction of the stationary phases of the columns with the analytes is influenced by organic solvent concentration and presence/concentration of the buffer, are being assessed. In the Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column, the chromatograms of the distinct amino acids revealed the separation was not efficient, since the retention times were very similar. In the case of lysine, in the elution with 80% (V/V) MeOH, the peaks appeared during the volume void. In the Mixed-Mode HILIC-1 column, the variation of the organic solvent concentration did not affect the elution of the four studied amino acids. Considering the Luna HILIC column, the retention times of the amino acids were too close to each other to ensure a separation among each other. Lastly, the Luna C18 column revealed to be useful to separate amino acids in a gradient mode, being the variation of the mobile phase composition in the organic solvent concentration (ACN). Luna C18 was the column used to separate the amino acids in the real samples and the mobile phase had acidified water and ACN. The gradient consisted in the following program: 0 – 2 min: 5% (V/V) ACN, 2 – 8 min: 5 – 2 % (V/V) ACN, 8 – 16 min: 2% (V/V) ACN, 16 – 20 min: 2 – 20 % (V/V) ACN, 20 – 35 min: 20 – 35 % (V/V) ACN. The aerosols samples were collected by using three passive samplers placed in two different locations in Aveiro and each sampler had two filters - one faced up and the other faced down. After the sampling, the water-soluble organic compounds was extracted by dissolution in ultra-pure water, sonication bath and filtration. The resulting filtered solutions were diluted in acidified water for the chromatographic separation. The results from liquid chromatography revealed the presence of the amino acids, although it was not possible to identify each one of them individually. The chromatograms and the fluorescence spectra showed the existence of some patterns: the samples that correspond to the up filters had more intense peaks and signals, revealing that the up filters collected more organic matter.


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A ocratoxina A (OTA), micotoxina encontrada em diferentes níveis e em diversas matrizes, apresenta efeitos carcinogênicos, nefrotóxicos e teratogênicos. O desenvolvimento de métodos capazes de diminuir esta contaminação a níveis permitidos pela legislação é incentivado e os processos biológicos utilizados envolvem o uso de enzimas e/ou microrganismos para degradação da OTA e são preferenciais pela especificidade, bem como pelas condições brandas para a detoxificação. O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar a ação de carboxipeptidase A nos níveis e na toxicidade de OTA, visando aplicar a técnica para detoxificar farinhas de trigo. Primeiramente foi estimado o risco de exposição à ocratoxina A pelo consumo de farinhas de trigo. Para isso foram estabelecidas condições de determinação de OTA em farinhas de trigo, empregando técnicas de estatística multivariada para definir os principais interferentes na extração de OTA pelo método de QuEChERS e detecção em CLAE-FL. O método validado permitiu a avaliação da ocorrência natural em 20 amostras de farinha de trigo, estando estas contaminadas na faixa de 0,22 a 0,85 µg.kg-1 , apresentando um valor de ingestão diária de 0,08 ngOTA.dia-1 .kgmassacorpórea -1 e uma disponibilidade de 94,4%. Em seguida foi realizada a padronização da extração de carboxipeptidase A em biomassa de Rhizopus oryzae que consistiu em agitação ultrassônica durante 30 minutos numa potencia fixa de 150 W e 40 kHz e a triagem de agentes biológicos para degradação de OTA. Para o estudo da degradação in vitro de OTA, método de extração e detecção de OTA e OTα em CLAEFL foi validado e o processo de degradação foi realizado com Rhizopus oryzae e Trichoderma reesei, obtendo-se uma redução máxima de 63,5% e 57,7%, respectivamente. A degradação apresentou uma correlação alta (R>0,9) e significativa (p<0,05) com a produção de Otα, indicando que ocorreu a produção de enzimas capazes de hidrolisar a micotoxina, por exemplo, a carboxipeptidase A. O estudo da toxicidade de OTA e seu metabólito OTα foi realizado em neutrófilos humanos, onde foi observado a ausência de efeito tóxico de OTα. Também foi determinado o mecanismo de toxicidade de OTA pelo aumento de Ca2+ intracelular pela liberação a partir das reservas internas. Esta liberação, subsequentemente, provoca uma cascata de eventos, nomeadamente: a produção de espécies reativas, depleção de ATP, perda de ΔΨm, levando à morte por necrose. Para reduzir o risco de exposição à micotoxina pela ingestão de matéria prima contaminada, carboxipeptidase A extraída de diferentes fontes foi aplicada na hidrólise de OTA em farinha de trigo para posterior determinação do conteúdo residual de OTA e OTα, empregando método validado. O estudo mostrou uma redução de OTA entre 16,8 e 78,5% e produção de OTα entre 2 a 8,2 ng.g-1 . As carboxipeptidases mais promissoras para degradação foram as provenientes de Rhizopus e Trichoderma e a carboxipeptidase comercial. Ficou demonstrado que se pode recomendar a aplicação de enzimas proteolíticas, tipo carboxipeptidase, para reduzir o risco de exposição à micotoxina quando utilizada matéria prima contaminada, por exemplo, farinha de trigo para diferentes processos. A transformação de OTA para OTα e seus efeitos na redução da toxicidade da micotoxina corroboram com esta afirmação.


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Ye’elimite based cements have been studied since 70’s years in China, due to the irrelevant characteristics from a hydraulic and environmental point of view. One of them is the reduced fuel consumption, related to the lower temperature reaction required for this kind of cement production as compared to Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), another characteristic is the reduced requirement of carbonates as a typical raw material, compared to OPC, with the consequent reduction in CO2 releases (~22%)from combustion. Thus, Belite-Ye’elimite-Ferrite (BYF) cements have been developed as potential OPC substitutes. BYF cements contain belite as main phase (>50 wt%) and ye´elimite as the second content phase (~30 wt%). However, an important technological problem is associated to them, related to the low mechanical strengths developed at intermediate hydration ages (3, 7 and 28 days). One of the proposed solutions to this problem is the activation of BYF clinkers by preparing clinkers with high percentage of coexisting alite and ye'elimite. These clinkers are known Belite-Alite-Ye’elimite (BAY) cements. Their manufacture would produce ~15% less CO2 than OPC. Alite is the main component of OPC and is responsible for early mechanical strengths. The reaction of alite and ye´elimite with water will develop cements with high mechanical strengths at early ages, while belite will contribute to later curing times. Moreover, the high alkalinity of BAY cement pastes/mortars/concretes may facilitate the use of supplementary cementitious materials with pozzolanic activity which also contributes to decrease the CO2 footprint of these ecocements. The main objective of this work was the design and optimization of all the parameters evolved in the preparation of a BAY eco-cement that develop higher mechanical strengths than BYF cements. These parameters include the selection of the raw materials (lime, gypsum, kaolin and sand), milling, clinkering conditions (temperature, and holding time), and clinker characterization The addition of fly ash has also been studied. All BAY clinker and pastes (at different hydration ages) were mineralogically characterized through laboratory X-ray powder diffraction (LXRPD) in combination with the Rietveld methodology to obtain the full phase assemblage including Amorphous and Crystalline non-quantified, ACn, contents. The pastes were also characterized through rheological measurements, thermal analyses (TA), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The compressive strengths were also measured at different hydration times and compared to BYF.


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El estudio de la relación entre la RSC y el desempeño financiero (DEF) es complejo. En este sentido caben distintas hipótesis. En un extremo la hipótesis del impacto social (Freeman, 1984) defiende la existencia de un impacto positivo en la rentabilidad cuando se concilian los intereses y expectativas de la empresa y el conjunto de los grupos de interés. En el otro extremo, otros autores establecen una relación negativa entre la RSC y la rentabilidad (tradeoff hypothesis) mostrando que los costos asociados a la RSC exceden de los beneficios generados para la empresa (Friedman, 1962, 1970; Aupperle et al, 1985). En el medio algunos autores sostienen la existencia de mediadores o intangibles que explicarían los resultados a veces inconclusos y en definitiva sustentar una relación neutral entre ambas variables (Setó y Angla, 2011; Surroca, Tribó y Waddock, 2010; Gómez-García, 2008). Otros autores defienden la hipótesis de un círculo de valor virtuoso bidireccional o hipótesis de sinergia positiva entre la RSC y el DEF (McGuire et al, 1990; Waddock y Graves, 1997; Preston y ÓBannon, 1997; Orlitzky, et al., 2003, Orlitzky, 2005; Allouche y Laroche, 2005). De acuerdo a esta hipótesis, las compañías con resultados previos buenos liberan recursos para acometer actividades de RSC (hipótesis de la disponibilidad de recursos). Debido a ello, las investigaciones realizadas en los últimos años sobre el impacto de la RSC en el DEF arrojaron resultados inconclusos y conclusiones diferentes dependiendo de la industria, la dimensión estudiada de la RSC y del horizonte temporal considerado (Ortlitzky et al, 2003; Allouche y Laroche, 2005; Marom, 2006; Peloza, 2009; Martínez-Campillo et al 2013). En esta misma línea apuntan Godfrey y Hatch (2007) cuando señalaron la importancia de resolver estas tres cuestiones para poder comparar resultados...


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La curación de un proceso neoplásico no siempre es posible, por lo que durante las últimas décadas los estudios oncológicos realizados buscaban una mejor comprensión de la naturaleza del cáncer que permitiese obtener para los pacientes supervivencias cada vez mayores. Estos estudios se realizaban con el fin de conseguir técnicas quirúrgicas más depuradas, fármacos más eficaces y con menos efectos adversos, etc. El propósito de esta Tesis Doctoral es ofrecer un marco teórico, novedoso en el campo de la oncología molecular, que haga posible la identificación de genes diana. Se desea aportar una nueva propuesta basándose en los perfiles de expresión4 obtenidos en función de un nuevo parámetro que clasifique los tumores no por su histopatología, fundamento en el que se sustentan las principales clasificaciones tumorales como por ejemplo: Dukes5, Astler y Coller o TNM, sino por la variabilidad en la expresión de los genes. Para abordar esta cuestión, se utiliza uno de los parámetros empleados en la caracterización del riesgo bursátil: la beta de un activo financiero. Se traslada este concepto a la oncología molecular. La identificación de genes se realiza teniendo en cuenta los perfiles de expresión obtenidos en función de las betas de los genes...