997 resultados para A. bifilosa c6 f


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Combustion synthesized (CS) cobalt catalysts deposited over two supports, alumina and silica doped alumina (SDA), were characterized and tested for its Fischer-Tropsch (FT) activity. The properties of CS catalysts were compared to catalysts synthesized by conventional impregnation method (IWI). The CS catalysts resulted in 40-70% increase in the yield of C6+ hydrocarbons compared to MI catalysts. The FT activity for CS catalysts showed formation of long chain hydrocarbon waxes (C24+) compared to the formation of middle distillates (C-10-C-20) for IWI synthesized catalysts, indicating higher hydrocarbon chain growth probability for CS catalysts. This is ascribed to the smaller crystallite sizes, increased degree of cobalt reduction and consequentially, a higher number of active metal sites, exposed over the catalyst surface. Additionally, 12-13% increase in the overall C6+ hydrocarbon yield is realized for SDA-CS catalysts, compared to Al2O3-CS catalysts. The improved performance of CS-SDA catalysts is attributed to 48% increase in cobalt dispersion compared to Al2O3 supported CS catalysts, which is again caused by the decrease in the cobalt -support interaction for SDA supports. The metal support interactions were analyzed using XPS and H-2 TPR-TPD experiments. Combustion method produced catalysts with smaller crystallite size (17-18 nm), higher degree of reduction (similar to 92%) and higher metal dispersion (16.1%) compared to the IWI method. Despite its enhanced properties, the CS catalysts require prominently higher reduction temperatures (similar to 1100-1200 K). The hydrocarbon product analysis for Al2O3 supported catalyst showed higher paraffin wax concentrations compared to SDA supported catalysts, due to the lower surface basicity of Al2O3. This work reveals the impact of the CS catalysts and the nature of support on FT activity and hydrocarbon product spectrum. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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El presente trabajo se realizó en el Laboratorio de Cultivo de Tejidos Vegetales del Programa Recursos Genéticos Nicaragüenses (REGEN), ubicado en la Universidad Nacional Agraria (UNA). El experimento se evaluó en dos fases, en la primera fase se estudió el comportamiento in vitro de ápices de los clones de yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) MCol-22, Okra y Portland cultivados en un medio nutritivo MS (Murashige y Skoog, 1962) con concentraciones de 0.00 mg/1 y 0.040 mg/1 de BAP (6-bencil aminopurina) y concentraciones de 0.05 mg/1 0.10 mgfl y 0.20 mg/1 de GA3 (ácido giberélico). En la segunda fase se evaluó el comportamiento de cuatro clones (C6-1141, MCol-1505, MCol-2215 y MMex-59) en las consistencias de medio nutritivo semisólida y líquida. A través del estudio se determinó que el genotipo es un factor muy importante sobre la respuesta organogénica de los tejidos cultivados in vitro. Sin embargo, es posible definir medios nutritivos para grupos de clones, facilitando así el proceso de micropropagación de especies de importancia económica como la yuca. Los clones que sobresalieron en la primera fase fueron el Portland y MCol- 22. Con respecto al efecto del BAP la concentración 0.04 mg/1 predominó sobre la concentración 0.00 mg/1, para todas las variables evaluadas en el ensayo. Así mismo, la concentración 0.10 mg/1 de GA 3 resultó la más efectiva. Por otra parte, de las consistencias de medios nutritivos evaluados en la segunda fase, se determinó que la consistencia semisólida dió mejor resultado sobre el número de races y la consistencia líquida tuvo mayor influencia sobre la variable altura de planta.


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Existing models of baroclinic tides are based upon the "traditional approximation'', i. e., neglect of the horizontal component of the Earth's rotation, leading to a well- known conclusion that no freely propagating internal waves can exist beyond the critical latitude and the wave rays are symmetric to the vertical. However, recent studies have contended that the situation may change if both the vertical and horizontal components of the Earth's rotation are taken into account. With the full account of the Coriolis force, characteristics of the internal wavefield generated by tidal flow over uneven topography are investigated. It is found that "nontraditional effects'' profoundly change not only the dynamics of internal waves but also the rate at which the barotropic tidal energy is fed into the internal wavefield. Discarding the traditional approximation, internal waves are proved to be able to generate poleward of the critical latitude, rays of which are no longer symmetric and the limiting values of ray angles become greater or less than 90 degrees, depending on the local latitude and the direction of ray. More importantly, in contrast to the predictions of models based upon the traditional approximation, a substantial conversion occurs in the situations when stratification is so weak that the buoyancy frequency is below the tidal one.


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Se realizó un estudio en Instituto de Capacitación e Investigación en Desarrollo Rural Integral (ICIDRI), como parte de una serie de estudios desarrollados por el mismo, que se ubica en el municipio de Masatepe en el departamento de Masaya, tuvo como ob jetivo evaluar carbono almacenado en el componente arbóreo, para lo que se eligieron tres lotes de un sistema de café bajo sombra; El Genízaro (LGR), El Guanacaste (LGT) y El Cinco piso (LCP). Se realizó un censo forestal al 100 % para individuos con diáme tro mayor a 10 cm, encontrándose 24 familias botánicas, 51 especies y 704 individuos; de estos 348 se encontraron LGR, 226 en LCP y 130 en el LGT, las familias sobresalientes fueron las Fabaceaes, Rutaceaes; Sapotaceaes, Anacardiaceaes y Mimosaceae, las es pecies más representativas fueron: Cordia alliodora 19%, Simarouba glauca 17%, Persea americana 13%, y Mangifera indica y Cedrela o dorata con 12% por individual, acumulando el 73% del total. Al realizar un diagnóstico para conocer la calidad de árboles uti lizados como sombra, se definieron 6 categorías llamadas calidad de árboles; individuos sanos (C1), regulares (C2), con podas muy altas (≥50%) (C3), secos y casi secos (C4), con parasitas (C5) y con otro tipo de afectaciones (C6), se encontró que de los tr es lotes evaluados, El Guanacaste, fue el más sano presentando 42% en categoría (C1) y 22% en (C2). El carbono almacenado por lote fue de 108. 0 t C en el LGR, 54.5 t C para el LCP y 26.7 t C para el LGT, esta diferencias en carbono almacenado por lote se debieron a que estos presentan diferencia en área y así mismo en número de individuos y evaluando el carbono registrado por lote se encontró que e stos valores corresponden a 58.4 t C ha. - 1, almacenado en el componente arbór eo del sistema café bajo sombra


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The pure Coulomb explosions of the methane clusters (CA(4))(n), (light atom A = H or D) have been investigated by a simplified electrostatic model for both a single cluster and an ensemble of clusters with a given cluster size distribution. The dependence of the energy of ions produced from the explosions on cluster size and the charge state of the carbon ions has been analysed. It is found that, unlike the average proton energy which increases with the charge q of the carbon ions, the average deuteron energy tends to saturate as q becomes larger than 4. This implies that when the laser intensity is sufficiently high for the (CD4)(n) to be ionized to a charge state of (C4+D4+)(n), the neutron yield from a table-top laser-driven Coulomb explosion of deuterated methane clusters (CD4)(n) could be increased significantly by increasing the interaction volume rather than by increasing the laser intensity to produce the higher charge state (C6+D4+)(n). The flight-time spectra of the carbon ions and the light ions have also been studied.


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Background: Vascular ulcers are commonly seen in daily practice at all levels of care and have great impact at personal, professional and social levels with a high cost in terms of human and material resources. Given that the application of autologous platelet rich plasma has been shown to decrease healing times in various different studies in the hospital setting, we considered that it would be interesting to assess the efficacy and feasibility of this treatment in primary care. The objectives of this study are to assess the potential efficacy and safety of autologous platelet rich plasma for the treatment of venous ulcers compared to the conventional treatment (moist wound care) in primary care patients with chronic venous insufficiency (C, clinical class, E, aetiology, A, anatomy and P, pathophysiology classification C6). Design: We will conduct a phase III, open-label, parallel-group, multicentre, randomized study. The subjects will be 150 patients aged between 40 and 100 years of age with an at least 2-month history of a vascular venous ulcer assigned to ten primary care centres. For the treatment with autologous platelet rich plasma, all the following tasks will be performed in the primary care setting: blood collection, centrifugation, separation of platelet rich plasma, activation of coagulation adding calcium chloride and application of the PRP topically after gelification. The control group will receive standard moist wound care. The outcome variables to be measured at baseline, and at weeks 5 and 9 later include: reduction in the ulcer area, Chronic Venous Insufficiency Quality of Life Questionnaire score, and percentage of patients who require wound care only once a week. Discussion: The results of this study will be useful to improve the protocol for using platelet rich plasma in chronic vascular ulcers and to favour wider use of this treatment in primary care.


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A doença venosa crônica (DVC) é uma desordem complexa que compreende sinais e sintomas que variam das telangiectasias às úlceras ativas. A DVC é classificada de acordo com aspectos clínicos, etiológicos, anatômicos e fisiopatológicos (CEAP) em sete classes variando de C0 à C6. A principal causa da DVC é a hipertensão venosa que altera o fluxo venoso e, consequentemente, a força de cisalhamento que induz alteraões fenotípicas nas células endoteliais que passam a expressar mediadores pró-inflamatórios e pró-trombóticos, que levam à adesão de leucócitos, ao aumento do estresse oxidativo, da permeabilidade vascular e do dano endotelial e ao remodelamento tecidual e vascular.Em virtude dos inúmeros mecanismos e da diversidade de moléculas envolvidas na patogênese e progressão da DVC, é essencial conhecer a interaão entre elas e também saber quais são as moléculas (biomarcadores) que se correlacionam positivamente ou negativamente com a gravidade da doença. Foram avaliados os níveis de Interleucina-6 (IL-6), sL-selectina, sE-selectina, sP-selectina, molécula de adesão intercelular-1solúvel (sICAM-1), molécula de adesão das células vasculares-1 solúvel (sVCAM-1), ativador tecidual do plasminogênio (tPA), atividade do inibidor do ativador do plasminogênio-1 (PAI-1), trombomodulina solúvel (sTM), fator de von Willebrand (vWF), metaloproteinase de matriz (MMP)-2, MMP-3, MMP-9, inibidor tecidual das MMPs -1 (TIMP-1), angiopoietina-1 e -2, sTie-2 e s-Endoglina e fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular (VEGF) no sangue coletado da veia braquial de 173 mulheres com DVC primária divididas em grupos C2, C3, C4 e C4 menopausadas (C4m) e de 18 voluntárias saudáveis (grupo C0a). Foram também analisados os níveis urinários de ent-prostaglandina F2α nesses grupos. Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas com relaão às concentraões sanguíneas e urinárias de sE-selectina, sP-selectina, sICAM-1, atividade de PAI-1, MMP-3, razão TIMP-1/MMP-3, angiopoietin-2, razão angiopoietina-1/angiopoietina-2, s-Endoglina e ent-prostaglandina F2α entre os grupos estudados, possivelmente devido à alta variabilidade na concentraão desses biomarcadores entre as participantes do mesmo grupo. Entretanto, as concentraões sanguíneas de IL-6 sL-selectina, sVCAM-1, tPA, vWF, sTM, MMP2, MMP-9, TIMP-1, razão TIMP-1/MMP-2, razão TIMP-1/MMP-9, angiopoietina-1 e VEGF foram estatisticamente diferentes entre os grupos. Não foi identificado nenhum biomarcador que se correlacionasse diretamente ou inversamente com a progressão da DVC, provavelmente devido à diversidade de fatores envolvidos e à complexa interaão entre eles durante o curso da doença.


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羊草(Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel),隶属禾本科赖草属,是欧亚大陆草原区东部重要建群种之一。羊草是牧草之王,是我国比较有优势的战略性生物资源,对我国北方畜牧业的发展以及生态环境的保育均具有重要意义。近年来,由于缺乏科学管理、过度放牧等不利影响,加之羊草本身固有的“三低”问题(即抽穗率低、结实率低、发芽率低)已对羊草生物多样性维持构成了严重的威胁,限制了我国人工草地建设和天然草地的改良及沙化治理的步伐。因此,如何通过细胞、分子生物学以及生物技术手段改良羊草、快速评价和创造新的种质;如何加快育种进程便成为当前亟待解决的问题。本文围绕这些问题开展了系统的研究并取得如下结果: 1. 建立了羊草离体培养再生体系,并研究了影响愈伤组织诱导和植株再生的因素,影响植株再生的主要因素为激素配比和基因型。将3~5mm的幼穗接种到含有2,4-D 0~5.0mg/L的N6基本培养基上,随着2,4-D浓度的变化,愈伤组织诱导率不同,最高诱导率为93.21%(基因型C6)、最低为33.35%(吉生1号);愈伤组织在N6(大)+B5(微)+KT1.0mg/L+BA1.0mg/L的培养基上可以分化出芽,并在1/2MS培养基上生根。羊草基因型W4不同幼穗诱导的愈伤组织在继代培养过程中其生长、褐化死亡等方面存在着差异;在分化培养过程中,不同幼穗的愈伤组织最高分化率为9.24%,最低分化率为5.26%。 2. 对来自同一基因型不同幼穗的愈伤组织中差异表达的基因进行了研究。采用DDRT-PCR技术对其差异表达的基因进行了分离,通过银染技术显示差异片段。将得到的差异片段进行回收、克隆测序,得到两个差异片段序列,经过序列分析表明,其中一个片段是与水稻翻译延伸因子eEF-1基因高度同源;另一差异片段与水稻谷胱甘肽转移酶GST基因高度同源。 3. 建立了羊草遗传转化方法。在获得羊草离体培养再生体系的基础上,采用基因枪法对羊草两个基因型进行转抗除草剂基因(PAT)的研究。对分别来自基因型W4和C3的愈伤组织各1430和1850块进行转化。在附加1.0mg/L PPT的培养基上进行一系列的筛选培养,共获得了23株再生苗,经过生根筛选培养,得到5株抗性苗,3株来自基因型W4,2株来自基因型C3。对5株植株进行PCR和Southern 检测,得到2株阳性苗,均来自基因型W4,对阳性植株经过无性繁殖得到的无性系进行PCR检测及Basta受性鉴定,外源基因可以在其无性系稳定遗传并表达,无性系除对Basta有抗性外,其表型特征与对照无明显区别。


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碳源是制约生物脱氮效率的重要因素.我国城市污水碳源不足,需要考虑补充碳源提供反硝化电子供体.在复合垂直流人工湿地(IVCW)系统中,通过湿地特有的通气管补充碳源到湿地底部,改善了湿地内部微生物环境,强化了湿地脱氮功能,对氮的去除效率有显著提高.结果表明,葡萄糖作为外加碳源提高系统的反硝化能力要优于羧甲基纤维素(CMC),投加葡萄糖的系统比未补充碳源的系统脱氮效率有显著提高(p<0.05).通过投加不同量的葡萄糖进行对比实验,发现对于处理量60 L.d-1的IVCW系统最佳葡萄糖投加量为1.5 g.此时C6


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Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) from four filamentous cyanobacteria Microcoleus vaginatus, Scytonema javanicum, Phormidium tenue and Nostoc sp. and a coccoid single-cell green alga Desmococcus olivaceus that had been separated from desert algal crusts of Tegger desert of China, were investigated for their chemical composition, structure,and physical properties. The EPS contained 7.5-50.3% protein (in polymers ranging from 14 to more than 200 kD, SDS-PAGE) and 16.2-46.5% carbohydrate (110-460 kD, GFC). 6-12 kinds of monosaccharides, including 2-O-methyl rhamnose, 2-O-methyl glucose, and N-acetyl glucosamine were found. The main carbohydrate chains from M. vaginatus and S. javanicum consisted mainly of equal proportion of Man, Gal and Glc, that from P. tenue consisted mainly of arabinose, glucose and rhamnose. Arabinose was present in pyranose form, mainly alpha-L 1 --> 3 linked, with branches on C4 of almost half of the units. Glucose was responsible for the terminal units, in addition of having some units as beta1 --> 3 and some as beta1 --> 4 linked. Rhamnose was mainly 1 --> 3 linked with branches on C2 on half of the units. The carbohydrate polymer from D. olivaceus was composed mainly of beta1 --> 4 linked xylose, galactose and glucose. The galactose part was present both in beta-pyranose and -furanose forms. Arabinose in alpha-L-furanose form was mainly present as 1 --> 2 and 1 --> 2, 5 linked units, rhamnose only as alpha 1 --> 3 and xylose as beta 1 --> 4. The backbone of the polysaccharide from Nostoc sp. was composed of beta-1 --> 4 linked xylose, galactose and glucose. Most of the glucose was branched on position C6, terminal glucose and 2-O-methyl glucose units are also present. The relationship between structure, physical properties and potential biological function is discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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在糖化学合成中,1,6-脱水吡喃糖不仅是合成具有生物活性低聚糖、糖共体、抗原、抗体以及天然产物等化合物重要原料,而且还是许多具有生物活性的天然产物的结构单元。同时,它还具有[3,2,1]的双环缩醛结构,使其在糖化学合成中具有高的立体选择性和区域选择性,同时减少了C-1 和C-6 位的保护和去保护的优点。此外,环内的缩醛开环后,又可以相应地在C-1 和C-6 位进行官能团转化以及糖苷化反应。 本文报道了一种新的1,6-脱水吡喃糖的合成方法,并设计合成了2-C-支链-1,6-脱水吡喃葡萄糖1-195、1-197、1-198 以及2-C-支链-6-硫代1,6-脱水吡喃葡萄糖1-225。到目前为止,1,6-脱水糖开环并进行糖苷化反应,存在选择性较差、产率低的缺点。我们发现,在乙腈做溶剂的条件下,NiCl5 能高立体选择性高产率地催化化合物1-195、1-197、1-198 开环并与ROH、RSH 发生糖苷化反应。在NiCl5-乙腈条件下,合成了一系列2-C-支链-α-糖苷和2-C-支链-β-硫代糖苷,并对2-C-支链1,6-脱水吡喃葡萄糖的生成机理以及开环机理进行了探讨。 烯糖在糖化学合成中是重要的起始原料,从Fischer 首次合成烯糖至今,一直不断地有新的合成方法出现。但目前文献报道的方法存在所用试剂有毒、价格贵和操作繁琐等缺点。我们对Fischer-Zach 方法进行了改进, 发现Zn-NaH2PO4-H2O 和Zn-PEG600-H2O 体系都能很好地合成烯糖。该方法具有条件温和、绿色环保、操作简单的优点。在Zn-NaH2PO4 溶液或Zn-PEG600 条件下,以溴代糖为原料,高产率地合成一系列的烯糖。 The 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses are crucial subunits of myriad bioactive nature products, as well as important syntons of carbohydrate chemistry which have been extensively used to prepare the biologically potential oligosaccharides, glycoconjugates, antibiotics, and structurally varied nature products. Their particular [3.2.1] bicyclic skeleton makes them have high regio- and stereo-control in a variety of reactions, and such structure avoids protecting hydroxyl groups at C1 and C6.Additionally, the cleavage of the internal acetal under acidic conditions could be beneficial for further transformations of functional group and glycosylation of the corresponding pyranosyl sugar at the C6 or C1 site. Herein we developed a novel approach to prepare the 1,6-anhydrohexopyranose, and synthesized the 2-C-branched-1,6-anhydrohexopyranose 1-195, 1-197, 1-198 and 2-C-branched-6-thio-1,6-anhydrohexopyranose 1-225. Until now, glycosylation of 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses has been limited because of the low yields and low stereoselectivity. In this paper, we found that NiCl5-MeCN system could selectively cleave the ring of 1,6-anhydrohexopyranoses with alcohols and thiols at room temperature in high yields. A series of 2-C-branched-α-glycosides and 2-C-branched-β-thioglycosides have been synthesized via NiCl5-catalyzed. Furthermore, we investigated the formation and ring-opening mechanism of 2-C-acetylmethyl-1,6-anhydrohexopyranose. Glycals are significant starting material in carbohydrate chemistry. After the Fischer-Zach method for forming glucal was reported for the first time, the numerous synthetic methods for glycals have been explored. However, there are several drawbacks in the existing methods, such as the usage of very expensive and toxic reagents, intricate operation, and the influence of acid-sensitive and base-sensitive functional group. We improved the Fischer-Zach method and developed a facile, mild and environmentally benign methodology towards the synthesis of the glycals in Zn-NaH2PO4-H2O or Zn-PEG600-H2O system. Our method involves the treatment of glycosyl bromides with Zn in NaH2PO4 aqueous solution or PEG600-H2O at room temperature, affording various glycals in excellent yields.


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Since the successful completion of the cooling storage ring (CSR) project in China at the end of 2007, high qualitative heavy ion beams with energy ranging from keV to GeV/u have been available at the Heavy Ion Research Facility at Lanzhou (HIRFL). More than 1091 GeV/u C6+particles or 108235 MeV/u Xe particles can be stored in the CSR main-ring and extracted within hundred nano-seconds during the test running,the beam parameters will be improved in the coming years so that high energy density (HED) conditions could be achieved and investigated there. Recent scientific results from the experiments relevant to plasma research on HIRFL are summarized. Dense plasma research with intense heavy ion beams of CSR is proposed here.


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Abstract A state-of-the-art high energy heavy ion microbeam irradiation system is constructed at the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This microbeam system operates in both full current intensity mode and single ion mode. It delivers a predefined number of ions to preselected targets for research in biology and material science. The characteristic of this microbeam system is high energy and vertical irradiation. A quadrupole focusing system, in combination with a series of slits, has been designed to optimize the spatial resolution. A symmetrically achromatic system leads the beam downwards and serves simultaneously as an energy analyzer. A high gradient quadrupole triplet finally focuses a C6+ ion beam to 1 µm in the vacuum chamber within the energy range from 10 MeV/u to 100 MeV/u. In this paper, the IMP microbeam system is described in detail. A systematic investigation of the ion beam optics of this microbeam system is presented together with the associated aberrations. Comparison is made between the IMP microbeam system and the other existing systems to further discuss the performance of this microbeam. Then the optimized initial beam parameters are given for high resolution and high hitting efficiency. At last, the experiment platform is briefly introduced.


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大丽花经兰州重离子加速器提供的80MeV/u12C6+离子束辐照后产生矮化突变体,用随机扩增多态性(Random Amplified Polymorphic,RAPD)DNA术对野生型和突变体进行检测分析。结果表明,在所用的25条引物中,1.80×108/cm2剂量辐照后有18条引物扩增出现多态性片断,扩增条带多态率19.57%;1.08×108/cm2剂量辐照后仅有6条引物扩增出现多态性片断,扩增条带多态率5.76%。用Jaccard公式对扩增产物进行统计分析,结果表明,两种剂量C6+辐照后与对照相似性系数分别为0.65和0.92。高剂量辐射后DNA发生突变,在品种改良和诱变育种中相对较高剂量的选择可能更为有效。


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目的 比较重离子束1 2 C6+对60 Coγ射线照射人离体血诱发淋巴细胞微核的效应。方法 用60 Coγ射线和地面加速器产生的重离子1 2 C6+(平均LET为 36 70keV μm) ,不同剂量照射离体人血 ,用CB微核法观察双核淋巴细胞的微核 ,计算重离子束1 2 C6+对60 Coγ射线的相对生物效能。结果 在 0~ 6Gy剂量范围内 ,重离子束1 2 C6+对60 Coγ射线的相对生物效能在 4 1 9~ 1 78之间 ,平均为 2 56。结论 重离子束1 2 C6+比60 Coγ射线有更高的生物效应