983 resultados para A-type zeolite membrane


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The blocked diisocyanate crosslinked chitosan membrane was modified by incorporating different mass% of NaY zeolite. The physico-chemical properties of resulting composite membranes were studied using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The mechanical properties of the membranes were studied using universal testing machine (UTM). After measuring the equilibrium swelling, membranes were subjected to pervaporation for separation of water-isopropanol mixtures. Both flux and selectivity were increased with increasing NaY zeolite content in the membranes. The membrane containing 40 mass% of NaY zeolite exhibited the highest separation selectivity of 11,241 with a flux of 11.37 x 10(-2) kg/m(2) h for 10 mass% of water in the feed. The total flux and flux of water are almost overlapping each other, suggesting that these membranes could be effectively used to break the azeotropic point of water-isopropanol mixture. From the temperature dependent diffusion and permeation values, the Arrhenius activation parameters were estimated. All the composite membranes exhibited lower activation energy compared to crosslinked membrane, indicating that the permeants require less energy during the process because of molecular sieving action attributed to the presence of sodalite and super cages in the framework of Nay zeolite. The Henry's mode of sorption dominates the process, giving an endothermic contribution. (C) 2014 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel zirconium-based membrane material of BaCo0.4Fe0.4Zr0.2O3-6 with cubic perovskite structure was synthesized for the first time through a method of citric and EDTA acid combined complexes. The structural stability was characterized by XRD, O-2-TPD and H-2-TPR techniques respectively. The high oxygen permeation flux of 0.873 mL/cm(2) min at 950 degreesC was obtained under He/Air gradient. Meanwhile, the single activation energy for oxygen permeation and the long-term steady operation of 200 h at 800 degreesC were achieved.


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A stainless-steel net is used to support a zeolite NaA membrane synthesized using a 'seeded-growth' method. The zeolite and stainless-steel net are tightly integrated (see Figure), showing large-scale order and high mechanical stability. High oxygen permeance and high permselectivity for O-2 over N-2 (about 7) is demonstrated.


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The type VI secretion system (T6SS) contributes to the virulence of Burkholderia cenocepacia, an opportunistic pathogen causing serious chronic infections in patients with cystic fibrosis. BcsK(C) is a highly conserved protein among the T6SSs in Gram-negative bacteria. Here, we show that BcsK(C) is required for Hcp secretion and cytoskeletal redistribution in macrophages upon bacterial infection. These two phenotypes are associated with a functional T6SS in B. cenocepacia. Experiments employing a bacterial two-hybrid system and pulldown assays demonstrated that BcsK(C) interacts with BcsL(B), another conserved T6SS component. Internal deletions within BcsK(C) revealed that its N-terminal domain is necessary and sufficient for interaction with BcsL(B). Fractionation experiments showed that BcsK(C) can be in the cytosol or tightly associated with the outer membrane and that BcsK(C) and BcsL(B) form a high molecular weight complex anchored to the outer membrane that requires BcsF(H) (a ClpV homolog) to be assembled. Together, our data show that BcsK(C)/BcsL(B) interaction is essential for the T6SS activity in B. cenocepacia.


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Membranes are dynamic structures that affect cell structure and function. Compositional changes ofmembranes have been shown with the application of a perturbation; however these are limited to whole tissue analysis. The purpose of this thesis was to compare the phospholipid (PL) fatty acid (FA) composition of rat whole muscle (Wm) to 1) purified and non-purified subsarcolemmal (SS) mitochondria in soleus, plantaris, and red gastrocnemius, and 2) sarcolemma, transverse-tubules, SS and intermyofibrillar (IMF) mitochondria fix)m whole hindlimb. The major findings were that 1) contamination significantly altered the PL FA composition of the SS mitochondrial membrane fraction, 2) Wm and SS mitochondria compositions differed between muscle types, and 3) Wm did not accurately reflect the PL FA composition of any isolated subcellular membranes, with each being unique from each other. As such, the relevancy of the trends reported in the literature of the effects of perturbations on Wm may be limited.


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The MNK (Menkes disease protein; ATP7A) is a major copper- transporting P-type ATPase involved in the delivery of copper to cuproenzymes in the secretory pathway and the efflux of excess copper from extrahepatic tissues. Mutations in the MNK (ATP7A) gene result in Menkes disease, a fatal neurodegenerative copper deficiency disorder. Currently, detailed biochemical and biophysical analyses of MNK to better understand its mechanisms of copper transport are not possible due to the lack of purified MNK in an active form. To address this issue, we expressed human MNK with an N-terminal Glu-Glu tag in Sf9 [Spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm) 9] insect cells and purified it by antibody affinity chromatography followed by size-exclusion chromatography in the presence of the non-ionic detergent DDM (n-dodecyl b-D-maltopyranoside). Formation of the classical vanadate-sensitive phosphoenzyme by purified MNK was activated by Cu(I) [EC50=0.7 µM; h (Hill coefficient) was 4.6]. Furthermore, we report the first measurement of Cu(I)-dependent ATPase activity of MNK (K0.5=0.6 µM; h=5.0). The purified MNK demonstrated active ATP-dependent vectorial 64Cu transport when reconstituted into soya-bean asolectin liposomes. Together, these data demonstrated that Cu(I) interacts with MNK in a co-operative manner and with high affinity in the sub-micromolar range. The present study provides the first biochemical characterization of a purified full-length mammalian copper-transporting P-type ATPase associated with a human disease.


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Both Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) types A and B are found in endemic Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) occurring in equatorial Africa. We studied 17 cases of Brazilian BL previously demonstrated to be EBV-positive to determine the EBV type as well as the presence of a characteristic 30 bp deletion within the 3' end of the latent membrane protein-1 (LMP-1) gene that may be important to the pathogenesis of several EBV-associated neoplasms. All case in which the age was known were children. We found type A EBV in 13 of 14 (93%) evaluable cases, and type B in one case. The LMP-1 deletion was found in 12 of 15 (80%) evaluable cases, including the one case of type B EBV, and a similar high prevalence (59%) of the deletion was detected in EBV-positive normal and reactive lymphoid tissues from individuals from the same geographic region. The high proportion of cases associated with type A EBV suggests that immunodeficiency is not an important factor in the pathogenesis of Brazilian BL, in contrast to endemic African BL. The presence of the LMP-1 deletion in a high prevalence in the normal population in this region is unexplained.


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Six groups of 6 rats received equal doses (0.8 ml/100 g of body weight) of different rabbit anti rat kidney sera. The titer of anti GBM antibodies in the sera was evaluated by indirect immunofluorescent test in isolated GBM (IIT GBM). Rats of groups 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 received anti rat GBM sera with titers of 1/320, 1/240, 1/160, 1/60, 1/30 respectively. Group 4 received anti rat kidney serum with a titer of 1/80. The rats of group 1 died from 1 to 5 minutes after inoculation and their kidney were congested, with hialine trombi occluding arterioles and glomerular capillaries. The rats of group 2 and one of group 3 died from 2 to 15 days after inoculation and diffuse cortical necrosis was found. The remaining rats were sacrificed 2 months after inoculation. The kidneys were normal in control group; chronic membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis was observed in group 3 and 4, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis in group 5 and minimal changes in group 6. By immunofluorescence rabbit gammaglobulin was seen in GBM of group 3, 4, 5 and 6. The IIT GBM performed in the eluates of the kidneys revealed the presence of heterologous antibody in groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 and autologous antibody in groups 3, 4 and 5. One concludes that the IIT GBM identifies and quantifies antibodies which have the property of damaging the kidney.


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We report preparation and the singular filtration properties of an ultrafiltration membrane made with MSU-type mesoporous silica that exhibits cylindrical pores aligned mostly normal to the support. This membrane supported on tubular commercial macroporous alumina supports was prepared by the interfacial growth mechanism between stable silica-surfactant hybrid micelles made of the association of silica oligomers with polyethyleneoxide-based (PEO) surfactants and sodium fluoride, a well-known silica condensation catalyst. It appears that the combined effect of the silica nature of the membrane, whose surface charge can be easily adjusted by changing the pH and the non-connected cylindrical shape of the pores provides a new behavior in the retention properties, as proved by the filtration of polyoxyethylene polymers (PEO) with different molecular weights. Depending on the filtration conditions, a rejection rate of 80 % and a steep cut-off at 2,000 Da can be obtained or, on the reverse, polymers three times bigger than the pore diameter can diffuse through the membrane. This new filtration mechanism, which opens up new modes of separation modes, is explained in the light of both topology of the porous network and pH-dependent interactions between PEO polymers and silica porous media. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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LipL32 is the most abundant outer membrane protein from pathogenic Leptospira and has been shown to bind extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins as well as Ca2+. Recent crystal structures have been obtained for the protein in the apo-and Ca2+-bound forms. In this work, we produced three LipL32 mutants (D163-168A, Q67A, and S247A) and evaluated their ability to interact with Ca2+ and with ECM glycoproteins and human plasminogen. The D163-168A mutant modifies aspartate residues involved in Ca2+ binding, whereas the other two modify residues in a cavity on the other side of the protein structure. Loss of calcium binding in the D163-D168A mutant was confirmed using intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence, circular dichroism, and thermal denaturation whereas the Q67A and S247A mutants presented the same Ca2+ affinity as the wild-type protein. We then evaluated if Ca2+ binding to LipL32 would be crucial for its interaction with collagen type IV and plasma proteins fibronectin and plasminogen. Surprisingly, the wild-type protein and all three mutants, including the D163-168A variant, bound to these ECM proteins with very similar affinities, both in the presence and absence of Ca2+ ions. In conclusion, calcium binding to LipL32 may be important to stabilize the protein, but is not necessary to mediate interaction with host extracellular matrix proteins.


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The aim of the present study is understanding the properties of a new group of redox proteins having in common a DOMON-type domain with characteristics of cytochromes b. The superfamily of proteins containing a DOMON of this type includes a few protein families. With the aim of better characterizing this new protein family, the present work addresses both a CyDOM protein (a cytochrome b561) and a protein only comprised of DOMON(AIR12), both of plant origin. Apoplastic ascorbate can be regenerated from monodehydroascorbate by a trans-plasma membrane redox system which uses cytosolic ascorbate as a reductant and comprises a high potential cytochrome b. We identified the major plasma membrane (PM) ascorbate-reducible b-type cytochrome of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and soybean (Glycine max) hypocotyls as orthologs of Arabidopsis auxin-responsive gene air12. The protein, which is glycosylated and glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored to the external side of the PM in vivo, was expressed in Pichia pastoris in a recombinant form, lacking the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-modification signal, and purified from the culture medium. Recombinant AIR12 is a soluble protein predicted to fold into a β-sandwich domain and belonging to the DOMON superfamily. It is shown to be a b-type cytochrome with a symmetrical α-band at 561 nm, to be fully reduced by ascorbate and fully oxidized by monodehydroascorbate. Redox potentiometry suggests that AIR12 binds two high-potential hemes (Em,7 +135 and +236 mV). Phylogenetic analyses reveal that the auxin-responsive genes AIR12 constitute a new family of plasma membrane b-type cytochromes specific to flowering plants. Although AIR12 is one of the few redox proteins of the PM characterized to date, the role of AIR12 in trans-PM electron transfer would imply interaction with other partners which are still to be identified. Another part of the present project was aimed at understanding of a soybean protein comprised of a DOMON fused with a well-defined b561 cytochrome domain (CyDOM). Various bioinformatic approaches show this protein to be composed of an N-terminal DOMON followed by b561 domain. The latter contains five transmembrane helices featuring highly conserved histidines, which might bind haem groups. The CyDOM has been cloned and expressed in the yeast Pichia pastoris, and spectroscopic analyses have been accomplished on solubilized yeast membranes. CyDOM clearly reveal the properties of b-type cytochrome. The results highlight the fact that CyDOM is clearly able to lead an electron flux through the plasmamembrane. Voltage clamp experiments demonstrate that Xenopus laevis oocytes transformed with CyDOM of soybean exhibit negative electrical currents in presence of an external electron acceptor. Analogous investigations were carried out with SDR2, a CyDOM of Drosophila melanogaster which shows an electron transport capacity even higher than plant CyDOM. As quoted above, these data reinforce those obtained in plant CyDOM on the one hand, and on the other hand allow to attribute to SDR2-like proteins the properties assigned to CyDOM. Was expressed in Regenerated tobacco roots, transiently transformed with infected a with chimeral construct GFP: CyDOM (by A. rhizogenes infection) reveals a plasmamembrane localization of CyDOM both in epidermal cells of the elongation zone of roots and in root hairs. In conclusion. Although the data presented here await to be expanded and in part clarified, it is safe to say they open a new perspective about the role of this group of proteins. The biological relevance of the functional and physiological implications of DOMON redox domains seems noteworthy, and it can but increase with future advances in research. Beyond the very finding, however interesting in itself, of DOMON domains as extracellular cytochromes, the present study testifies to the fact that cytochrome proteins containing DOMON domains of the type of “CyDOM” can transfer electrons through membranes and may represent the most important redox component of the plasmamembrane as yet discovered.