999 resultados para 950 History of Asia


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Das Attentat von Sarajewo vom 28. Juni 1914 bildete den Ausgangspunkt für den Ersten Weltkrieg. Von Beginn weg und für die nächsten vier Jahre nahm dieser ein globales Ausmass an. Der Vortrag wird deshalb versuchen, ausgehend von Sarajewo eine globale Perspektive auf einen Konflikt zu werfen, der schon sehr früh als Weltkrieg bezeichnet und später als Erster Weltkrieg bekannt wurde. Mehr Raum als üblich soll dabei den wichtigen Verflechtungen zwischen der europäischen und der aussereuropäischen Welt eingeräumt werden. Am Schluss wird der Vortrag wieder zur Geschichte der bosnischen Hauptstadt zurückkehren.


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Total war is a controversial term used in the past by politicians, publicists and military officers as well as by computer specialists and academics in the present. Since its conception by French politicians during the First World War in a time of severe crisis (1916/17), it has become a term used by historians and other academics to cover a wide array of elements when looking at wars of the past. A real total war was and is impossible. Elements of total war – total war aims, total methods of warfare, total mobilization and total control – can, however, be identified and can serve as a useful tool for further transnational research on war.


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Auf dem Hintergrund der Tatsache, dass sich die Termine für Spezialisten der Geschichte des Ersten Weltkrieges im Jahr 2014 kaum mehr zählen lassen, versucht der vorliegende Vortrag danach zu fragen, wo die Wissenschaft und die Öffentlichkeit heute mit den Ereignissen der Jahre 1914-1918 umgehen, welche Perspektiven sich aufgetan haben, beziehungsweise sich hoffentlich in der Zeit, die kommen wird, noch auftun werden. Diese Perspektiven der Gegenwart sollen dabei mit der Historiographie und den Narrativen vom «Grossen Krieg» in den letzten 100 Jahren verknüpft werden.


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For decades, if not centuries, the term imperialism has been used in manifold and ambivalent ways. Some historians, such as William Hancock, therefore shied away from using it in their texts, while others set up theories to explain as much as possible with regard to the European expansion into the non-European world – and in some cases even beyond. Taking the three cases of German colonial policy before 1890, the granting of “responsible government” to the so-called British dominions and the expansion of British power in South Asia from the mid-eighteenth century to 1914, this article seeks to show to what extent a knowledge of both older and more recent theories of imperialism can still be useful for empirical research in the humanities and the social sciences.


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This presentation concentrates on the role that the deportation of Christian minorities in Anatolia during the First World War played in the context of the history of law. Terminologies and the use of legal notions by contemporaries will be a special focus, because this is still helpful in the context of present-day discussions. Therefore a contextualisation as precise as possible is important, when the topic of deportation and genocide is addressed. At the same time it is important not to confuse historical and legal appraisals. In this presentation the general discussion as to the prospects and potential of a judicial punishment of violations of international legal norms before as well as during the First World War will therefore be included as much as the attitude of jurists in regard to the position of the Ottoman Empire within the international community of law abiding states. Finally this presentation will also focus on discussions at the end of the war around the trials in Istanbul and the purpose of the Paris Peace Conference. In this context and following ideas of Mahmood Mamdani the discourse on law can be shown to have served not only as a way of giving victims a voice, but also as a language of power already at the beginning of the 20th century.