987 resultados para 900 MHz


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The big proliferation of mobile communication systems has caused an increased concern about the interaction between the human body and the antennas of mobile handsets. In order to study the problem, a multiband antenna was designed, fabricated and measured to operate over two frequency sub bands 900 and 1800 MHz. After that, we simulated the same antenna, but now, in the presence of a human head model to analyze the head's influence. First, the influence of the human head on the radiation efficiency of the antenna has been investigated as a function of the distance between the head and the antenna and with the inclination of the antenna. Furthermore, the relative amount of the electromagnetic power absorbed in the head has been obtained.


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The big proliferation of mobile communication systems has caused an increased concern about the interaction between the human body and the antennas of mobile handsets. In order to study the problem, a multiband antenna was designed, fabricated and measured to operate over two frequency sub bands 900 and 1800 MHz. After that, we simulated the same antenna, but now, in the presence of a human head model to analyze the head's influence. First, the influence of the human head on the radiation efficiency of the antenna has been investigated as a function of the distance between the head and the antenna and with the inclination of the antenna. Furthermore, the relative amount of the electromagnetic power absorbed in the head has been obtained. In this study the electromagnetic analysis has been performed via FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain).


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Microbiología Médica) UANL


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Proyecto realizado por nueve profesores del IES Pintor Luis Sáez de Burgos, se desarrolla en la comunidad de Castilla Y León (Soria, Burgos y Zamora). Los profesores implicados trabajan en el instituto llevando a cabo actividades académicas y fuera del mismo en las provincias mencionadas realizando trabajos de campo. Nuestros objetivos son: a) Conocer los puntos geográficos donde el Cid realizó sus hazañas. b) Aproximación al Mundo Medieval Británico. c) Práctica matemática desde el juego del ajedrez. d) Evolución de los cambios medioambientales. En todas las áreas la metodología empleada ha sido la siguiente: a) Trabajo en grupos dentro del aula. b) Trabajo de investigación individual en la biblioteca. c) Trabajo de campo. La evaluación de las actividades se ha hecho de forma cionjunta entre profesores y alumnos, siendo valorado positivamente tanto por el alumnado como por el profesorado. Los materiales elaborados son: cuestionarios, cómics y fotografías. Los materiales utilizados han sido: videos, libros, diccionarios específicos, ajedreces, mapas, revistas y cámaras fotográficas de un solo uso. No está publicado..


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Es de transcendental importancia el reto de conseguir que las redes de los operadores de servicios de telecomunicaciones brinden el servicio a la mayoría de los sectores de la Patria, dicho concepto es el denominado acceso universal, y constituye el marco teórico del presente estudio. Mediante el presente análisis, se determina la viabilidad técnica del uso de la tecnología de acceso inalámbrico de acceso múltiple por división de código en la banda 450 MHz; CDMA 450, para la ampliación del acceso universal en el Ecuador. Lo indicado debido a sus fortalezas técnicas, en especial por la propagación que brinda la banda de frecuencias 450 MHz. Detalla además, los motivos para su gran aceptación a nivel mundial, particularmente en países latinoamericanos como Argentina y Perú. A la fecha, el Consejo Nacional de Telecomunicaciones; CONATEL, Organismo Rector de las Telecomunicaciones en el Ecuador, ha emitido Resoluciones que faciliten el uso de esta tecnología por parte de la Corporación Nacional de Telecomunicaciones; CNT, empresa estatal de telefonía fija, las cuales son recogidas en la presente investigación. Dichas Resoluciones fueron adoptadas, tomando como referencia los resultados obtenidos con el uso de la tecnología CDMA 470, que brinda la empresa ETAPA en el cantón Cuenca, de la provincia del Azuay. Con estos antecedentes y a fin de validar la investigación realizada, se realizaron estudios teóricos de propagación, en las Provincias de Cotopaxi y Galápagos, obteniéndose la viabilidad técnica para su uso únicamente en Galápagos. Finalmente, se debe señalar que este estudio no pretende plantear a la tecnología CDMA 450 como única herramienta válida para conseguir lo indicado, sino que recomienda la investigación de nuevas tecnologías que permitan que las telecomunicaciones sean una herramienta que faciliten el desarrollo de la población.


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This paper presents a simple clocking technique to migrate classical synchronous pipelined designs to a synchronous functional-equivalent alternative system in the context of FPGAs. When the new pipelined design runs at the same throughput of the original design, around 30% better mW/MHz ratio was observed in Virtex-based FPGA circuits. The evaluation is done using a simple but representative and practical systolic design as an example. The technique in essence is a simple replacement of the clocking mechanism for the pipe-storage elements; however no extra design effort is needed. The results show that the proposed technique allows immediate power and area-time savings of existing designs rather than exploring potential benefits by a new logic design to the problem using the classic pipeline clocking mechanism.


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The first application of high field NMR spectroscopy (800 MHz for 1H observation) to human hepatic bile (as opposed to gall bladder bile) is reported. The bile sample used for detailed investigation was from a donor liver with mild fat infiltration, collected during organ retrieval prior to transplantation. In addition, to focus on the detection of bile acids in particular, a bile extract was analysed by 800 MHz 1H NMR spectroscopy, HPLC-NMR/MS and UPLC-MS. In the whole bile sample, 40 compounds have been assigned with the aid of two-dimensional 1H–1H TOCSY and 1H–13C HSQC spectra. These include phosphatidylcholine, 14 amino acids, 10 organic acids, 4 carbohydrates and polyols (glucose, glucuronate, glycerol and myo-inositol), choline, phosphocholine, betaine, trimethylamine-N-oxide and other small molecules. An initial NMR-based assessment of the concentration range of some key metabolites has been made. Some observed chemical shifts differ from expected database values, probably due to a difference in bulk diamagnetic susceptibility. The NMR spectra of the whole extract gave identification of the major bile acids (cholic, deoxycholic and chenodeoxycholic), but the glycine and taurine conjugates of a given bile acid could not be distinguished. However, this was achieved by HPLC-NMR/MS, which enabled the separation and identification of ten conjugated bile acids with relative abundances varying from approximately 0.1% (taurolithocholic acid) to 34.0% (glycocholic acid), of which, only the five most abundant acids could be detected by NMR, including the isomers glycodeoxycholic acid and glycochenodeoxycholic acid, which are difficult to distinguish by conventional LC-MS analysis. In a separate experiment, the use of UPLC-MS allowed the detection and identification of 13 bile acids. This work has shown the complementary potential of NMR spectroscopy, MS and hyphenated NMR/MS for elucidating the complex metabolic profile of human hepatic bile. This will be useful baseline information in ongoing studies of liver excretory function and organ transplantation.


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What was it like to be a teenager in medieval England? Despite the fact that medieval society often singled young apprentices and workers out for comment, their study has been largely neglected in medieval archaeology. The skeletal remains of 4940 adolescents (6.6-25 years) from 151 sites in medieval England was compiled from a combination of primary data collection and secondary data from published and unpublished skeletal reports and on-line databases. The aim was to explore whether apprentices could be identified in the archaeological record and if so, at what age they started work and what impact occupation had on their health. The data were divided into urban and rural groups, dating from before and after the Black Death of AD 1348-9, and before the Industrial Revolution. A shift in the demographic pattern of urban and rural adolescents was identified after the Black Death, with a greater number of young females residing in the urban contexts after 14 years. The average age of males increased from 12 years to 14 years after the plague years, contrary to what we might expect from the documentary sources. There were higher rates of spinal and joint disease in the urban adolescents and their injuries were more widespread than their rural counterparts. Domestic service was the potential cause of the greater strain on the knees and backs of the urban females, with interpersonal violence evident in the young urban males. Overall, it was the urban females that carried the burden of respiratory and infectious diseases suggesting they may have been the most vulnerable group. This study has demonstrated the value of adolescent skeletal remains in revealing information about their health and working life, before and after the Black Death.


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We investigate the dielectric dispersion of water, specially in the low-frequency range, by using the impedance spectroscopy technique. The frequency dependencies of the real R and imaginary Z parts of the impedance Could not be explained by means of the Usual description of the dielectric properties of the water as all insulating liquid containing ions. This is due to the incomplete knowledge of the parameters entering in the fundamental equations describing the evolution of the system, and oil the mechanisms regulating the exchange of charge of the cell with the external circuit. We propose a simple description of our experimental data based on the model of Debye, by invoking a dc conductivity of the cell, related to the nonblocking character of the electrodes. A discussion on the electric Circuits able to simulate the cell under investigation, based oil bulk and Surface elements, is also reported. We find that the simple circuit formed by a series of two parallels of resistance and capacitance is able to reproduce the experimental data concerning the real and imaginary part of the electrical impedance of the cell for frequency larger than 1 Hz. According to this description, one of the parallels takes into account the electrical properties of interface between the electrode and water, and the other of the bulk. For frequency lower than 1 Hz, a good agreement with the experimental data is obtained by simulating the electrical properties of the interface by means of the constant phase element.


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We report observations of the microstructure of 7 pulsars at 102 MHz with a time resolution of up to 1 μs. We have detected fine pulse structure with a μs time-scale for all seven pulsars. We observe that interstellar scattering does not broaden the μs time-scale pulsar microstructure, and find structure of a time-scale much shorter than the interstellar scatter broadening. In addition to the previously known structure with time-scale τμ of tens of μs, we have detected structures with characteristic time-scale of a few μs, nearly equal to the reciprocal of the analysis bandwidth. This suggests that even shorter micropulses may exist.
Micropulses usually cluster in groups, each of duration tens to hundreds of μs, which may be identified as microstructure observed previously with smaller time resolution.
In addition to the previously known quasi-periodicity of hundreds of milliseconds, we reveal a structures with characteristic period of tens of μs. We observe structures with short quasi-periodicity to have a limited bandwidth. The characteristic period Pμ of these structures in PSR B0950+08 does not have a common value for different frequency regions in the same single pulse.
Scattering was revealed as a train of quasi-periodic micropulses with an exponentially damped envelope. The scatter-broadening and decorrelation bandwidth were measured. We report two time-scales of decorrelation bandwidth of pulsar PSR B0950+08 and propose two branches of Δνd(ν) dependence.
The dispersion measure of PSR B0950+08 as DM= 2.9686 ± 0.0001 pc cm−3 has been determined.