636 resultados para 888
Concern about premature joint sealant failures occurring in portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements gave impetus to initiating this research project. Eight sealants, including three silicone sealants, were evaluated and tested in the lab as well as incorporated in approximately 700 joints in the field and evaluated over a six-year period. The preliminary data show that among the silicone sealants, Dow Corning 888 rated the highest. However, this was rated third overall behind the W. R. Meadows cold-applied Sof Seal and Crafco #231 hot pour sealants. The W. R. Meadows and Crafco sealants cost approximately 30 percent and 50 percent less to furnish and place than the Dow Corning product. All joint sealants will continue to be evaluated.
Ionotropic Receptors (IRs) are a recently characterized family of olfactory receptors in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. IRs are not related to insect Odorant Receptors (ORs), but rather have evolved from ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs), a conserved family of synaptic ligand-gated ion channels. Here, we review the expression and function of IRs in Drosophila, highlighting similarities and differences with iGluRs. We also briefly describe the organization of the neuronal circuits in which IRs function, comparing and contrasting them with the sensory pathways expressing ORs. Finally, we summarize the bioinformatic identification and initial characterization of IRs in other species, which imply an evolutionarily conserved role for these receptors in chemosensation in insects and other protostomes.
Características fisico-químicas de jabuticabas 'sabará', provenientes de 10 diferentes regiões de cultivo localizadas no Estado de São Paulo, foram analisadas de agosto a setembro de 2001 para determinação de sua qualidade. De cada local de cultivo foram colhidos 3 kg de frutos. Diferenças significativas foram observadas em todas as características avaliadas. A média de peso por fruto variou de 3,56 a 7,40g, e os frutos oriundos de pomar situado na cidade de Casa Branca - SP foram os que apresentaram os maiores pesos. As médias do índice de formato e do fruto e do diâmetro oscilaram de 0,962 a 0,990 e de 2,45 a 1,73 cm, respectivamente. A coloração dos frutos foi mais roxa-escura do que roxa. A firmeza dos frutos variou de firme a mole, e os frutos colhidos em pomares situados nas regiões de Casa Branca - SP, Pedregulho - SP e Miguelópolis -SP apresentaram-se mais firmes, sugerindo um maior potencial de conservação pós-colheita. O teor de sólidos solúveis totais variou de 11,6 a 17,9, o pH de 2,91 a 3,70 sendo maiores em jabuticabas colhidas em pomares situados nas cidades de Guaíra-SP e Ituverava-SP. A acidez total titulável, expressa em g de ácido cítrico por 100g, variou de 0,888 a 1,625, os teores de vitamina C variaram de 14,86 a 24,67 mg de ácido ascórbico por 100g, e os de carboidrato solúvel de 0,91 a 11,39g de glicose por 100g, respectivamente. Os resultados levam a concluir que as jabuticabas provenientes de pomares situados na cidade de Casa Branca-SP apresentaram melhor qualidade, sendo adequadas tanto para a indústria como para o consumo de fruta fresca e com maior potencial de conservação pós-colheita.
IMPORTANCE: Associations between subclinical thyroid dysfunction and fractures are unclear and clinical trials are lacking. OBJECTIVE: To assess the association of subclinical thyroid dysfunction with hip, nonspine, spine, or any fractures. DATA SOURCES AND STUDY SELECTION: The databases of MEDLINE and EMBASE (inception to March 26, 2015) were searched without language restrictions for prospective cohort studies with thyroid function data and subsequent fractures. DATA EXTRACTION: Individual participant data were obtained from 13 prospective cohorts in the United States, Europe, Australia, and Japan. Levels of thyroid function were defined as euthyroidism (thyroid-stimulating hormone [TSH], 0.45-4.49 mIU/L), subclinical hyperthyroidism (TSH <0.45 mIU/L), and subclinical hypothyroidism (TSH ≥4.50-19.99 mIU/L) with normal thyroxine concentrations. MAIN OUTCOME AND MEASURES: The primary outcome was hip fracture. Any fractures, nonspine fractures, and clinical spine fractures were secondary outcomes. RESULTS: Among 70,298 participants, 4092 (5.8%) had subclinical hypothyroidism and 2219 (3.2%) had subclinical hyperthyroidism. During 762,401 person-years of follow-up, hip fracture occurred in 2975 participants (4.6%; 12 studies), any fracture in 2528 participants (9.0%; 8 studies), nonspine fracture in 2018 participants (8.4%; 8 studies), and spine fracture in 296 participants (1.3%; 6 studies). In age- and sex-adjusted analyses, the hazard ratio (HR) for subclinical hyperthyroidism vs euthyroidism was 1.36 for hip fracture (95% CI, 1.13-1.64; 146 events in 2082 participants vs 2534 in 56,471); for any fracture, HR was 1.28 (95% CI, 1.06-1.53; 121 events in 888 participants vs 2203 in 25,901); for nonspine fracture, HR was 1.16 (95% CI, 0.95-1.41; 107 events in 946 participants vs 1745 in 21,722); and for spine fracture, HR was 1.51 (95% CI, 0.93-2.45; 17 events in 732 participants vs 255 in 20,328). Lower TSH was associated with higher fracture rates: for TSH of less than 0.10 mIU/L, HR was 1.61 for hip fracture (95% CI, 1.21-2.15; 47 events in 510 participants); for any fracture, HR was 1.98 (95% CI, 1.41-2.78; 44 events in 212 participants); for nonspine fracture, HR was 1.61 (95% CI, 0.96-2.71; 32 events in 185 participants); and for spine fracture, HR was 3.57 (95% CI, 1.88-6.78; 8 events in 162 participants). Risks were similar after adjustment for other fracture risk factors. Endogenous subclinical hyperthyroidism (excluding thyroid medication users) was associated with HRs of 1.52 (95% CI, 1.19-1.93) for hip fracture, 1.42 (95% CI, 1.16-1.74) for any fracture, and 1.74 (95% CI, 1.01-2.99) for spine fracture. No association was found between subclinical hypothyroidism and fracture risk. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Subclinical hyperthyroidism was associated with an increased risk of hip and other fractures, particularly among those with TSH levels of less than 0.10 mIU/L and those with endogenous subclinical hyperthyroidism. Further study is needed to determine whether treating subclinical hyperthyroidism can prevent fractures.
The sublethal effect of extracts of Azadirachta indica on Ceratitis capitata was evaluated. Two pairs of flies were treated in plastic tubes with cotton placed in plastic cages. An artificial diet (hydrolyzed protein + sugar) was provided ad libitum. The extracts affected significantly the longevity of C. capitata. The pre-oviposition period were not significantly affected by the extracts. The A. indica branches extracted with dichloromethane (888 ppm) affected significantly the fecundity and fertility, reducing the number of eggs laid to approximately 80 % and the egg hatching by 30 % at the 8th day. Therefore, the neem branches extracted with dichloromethane affected the reproduction of C. capitata.
Campaigns raise public interest in politics and allow parties to convey their messages to voters. However, voters' exposure and attention during campaigns are biased towards parties and candidates they like. This hinders parties' ability to reach new voters. This paper theorises and empirically tests a simple way in which parties can break partisan selective attention: owning an issue. When parties own issues that are important for a voter, that voter is more likely to notice them. Using survey data collected prior to the 2009 Belgian regional elections it is shown that this effect exists independent of partisan preferences and while controlling for the absolute visibility of a party in the media. This indicates that issue ownership has an independent impact on voters' attention to campaigns. This finding shows that owning salient issues yields (potential) advantages for parties, since getting noticed is a prerequisite for conveying electoral messages and increasing electoral success.
Temperature is the main climate factor related to induction, maintenance and dormancy release in apple (Malus domestica Borkh.). The inadequate chilling exposure in apples causes budbreak problems, resulting in decrease in yield potential. Thus, the knowledge of physiological principles and environmental factors determining the dormancy phenomenon, especially winter temperature effects, it is necessary for the efficient selection of cultivars in a productive region. In addition, it is indispensable to adapt the orchard management aiming to decrease the problems caused by lack chilling during winter. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different thermal conditions during the dormancy period on budbreak of apple cultivars. One-year-old twigs of 'Castel Gala' and 'Royal Gala' cultivars, grafted on M7 rootstock, were submitted to temperatures of 5, 10 and 15ºC for different exposure periods (168; 336; 672; 1,008 and 1,344 hours). After treatments execution, the plants were kept in a greenhouse at 25ºC. Budbreak was quantified when accumulated 3,444; 6,888; 10,332; 13,776; 17,220 and 20,664 GDHºC after temperature treatments. The cultivars responded differently to temperature effect during the winter period. The temperature of 15ºC during winter shows a greater effectiveness on 'Castel Gala' apple budbreak while in the 'Royal Gala' apples the temperatures of 5 and 10ºC show better performance. 'Castel Gala' cultivar (low chilling requirement) may supply its physiological necessities, may be capable to budburst, even when subjected to higher temperatures in relation to 'Royal Gala' apples (high chilling requirement).
Os parâmetros dosimétricos de um feixe de raios X de pequeno diâmetro para um sistema de radiocirurgia comercial foram medidos em água com um detector de diodo de Si do tipo p. As razões tecido-máximo, o fator de espalhamento total e os perfis dos feixes a profundidades de 5 e 10 cm foram medidos para 17 feixes de diâmetros circulares de 5 mm a 50 mm, em incrementos de 2,5 mm. Os fatores de espalhamento totais caíram lentamente, de 0,947 para 0,888 entre os cones de 50 mm e 12,5 mm de diâmetro (variação de 7%); para os cones entre 10 mm e 5 mm de diâmetro, esta queda foi bem maior, de 0,854 para 0,666 (variação de 28%). Os valores obtidos para a relação tecido-máximo são consistentes com dados publicados. Os perfis dos feixes foram medidos nas direções x e y, e estão dentro de 0,2 mm para todos os cones entre as duas direções. A medida da largura à meia-altura se encontra dentro de 1 mm com o diâmetro nominal dos cones.
This editorial discusses the role of serial measurements of fecal calprotectin or fecal lactoferrin for the early detection of pouchitis in patients with ulcerative colitis having undergone procto-colectomy with ileo-pouch-anal anastomosis. Furthermore, the role of fecal calprotectin and fecal lactoferrin for the monitoring of pouchitis is highlighted.
microRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that regulate various biological processes. Cell-free miRNAs have been proposed as biomarkers of disease, including diagnosis, prognosis, and monitoring of treatment responses. These circulating miRNAs are highly stable in several body fluids, including plasma and serum; hence, in view of their potential use as novel, non-invasive biomarkers, the profiles of circulating miRNAs have been explored in the field of anti-doping. This chapter describes the enormous potential of circulating miRNAs as a new class of biomarkers for the detection of doping substances, and highlights the advantages of measuring these stable species over other methods that have already been implemented in anti-doping regimes. Incorporating longitudinal measurements of circulating miRNAs into the Athlete Biological Passport is proposed as an efficient strategy for the implementation of these new biomarkers. Furthermore, potential challenges related to the transition of measurements of circulating miRNAs from research settings to practical anti-doping applications are presented.
Aim Previous research on how climatic niches vary across species ranges has focused on a limited number of species, mostly invasive, and has not, to date, been very conclusive. Here we assess the degree of niche conservatism between distant populations of native alpine plant species that have been separated for thousands of years. Location European Alps and Fennoscandia. Methods Of the studied pool of 888 terrestrial vascular plant species occurring in both the Alps and Fennoscandia, we used two complementary approaches to test and quantify climatic-niche shifts for 31 species having strictly disjunct populations and 358 species having either a contiguous or a patchy distribution with distant populations. First, we used species distribution modelling to test for a region effect on each species' climatic niche. Second, we quantified niche overlap and shifts in niche width (i.e. ecological amplitude) and position (i.e. ecological optimum) within a bi-dimensional climatic space. Results Only one species (3%) of the 31 species with strictly disjunct populations and 58 species (16%) of the 358 species with distant populations showed a region effect on their climatic niche. Niche overlap was higher for species with strictly disjunct populations than for species with distant populations and highest for arctic-alpine species. Climatic niches were, on average, wider and located towards warmer and wetter conditions in the Alps. Main conclusion Climatic niches seem to be generally conserved between populations that are separated between the Alps and Fennoscandia and have probably been so for 10,000-15,000 years. Therefore, the basic assumption of species distribution models that a species' climatic niche is constant in space and time - at least on time scales 104 years or less - seems to be largely valid for arctic-alpine plants.
An oscillating overvoltage has become a common phenomenon at the motor terminal in inverter-fed variable-speed drives. The problem has emerged since modern insulated gate bipolar transistors have become the standard choice as the power switch component in lowvoltage frequency converter drives. Theovervoltage phenomenon is a consequence of the pulse shape of inverter output voltage and impedance mismatches between the inverter, motor cable, and motor. The overvoltages are harmful to the electric motor, and may cause, for instance, insulation failure in the motor. Several methods have been developed to mitigate the problem. However, most of them are based on filtering with lossy passive components, the drawbacks of which are typically their cost and size. In this doctoral dissertation, application of a new active du/dt filtering method based on a low-loss LC circuit and active control to eliminate the motor overvoltages is discussed. The main benefits of the method are the controllability of the output voltage du/dt within certain limits, considerably smaller inductances in the filter circuit resulting in a smaller physical component size, and excellent filtering performance when compared with typical traditional du/dt filtering solutions. Moreover, no additional components are required, since the active control of the filter circuit takes place in the process of the upper-level PWM modulation using the same power switches as the inverter output stage. Further, the active du/dt method will benefit from the development of semiconductor power switch modules, as new technologies and materials emerge, because the method requires additional switching in the output stage of the inverter and generation of narrow voltage pulses. Since additional switching is required in the output stage, additional losses are generated in the inverter as a result of the application of the method. Considerations on the application of the active du/dt filtering method in electric drives are presented together with experimental data in order to verify the potential of the method.
Arkit: 1 arkintunnukseton lehti, A4 B2.
Prostate cancer is generally a slowly developing disease. However, some cancers develop into an aggressive, metastasic and consequently life-threatening state. The mechanisms of prostate cancer spread are still mainly unidentified but hormones and growth factors are known to been involved. The forming of new blood vessels i.e. angiogenesis is crucial for tumor growth. Blood vessels and lymphatic vessels are also prominent routes for metastasis. Both angiogenic and lymphangiogenic factors are overexpressed in prostate cancer. We established an in vivo model to study the factors effecting human prostate cancer growth and metastasis. Tumors were produced by the orthotopic inoculation of PC-3 prostate cancer cells into the prostates of immunodeficient mice. Like human prostate tumors, these tumors metastasized to prostate-draining lymph nodes. Treatment of the mice with the bisphosphonate alendronate known to decrease prostate cancer cell invasion in vitro inhibited metastasis and decreased tumor growth. Decreased tumor growth was associated with decreased angiogenesis and increased apoptosis of tumor cells. To elucidate the role of angiogenesis in prostate cancer progression, we studied the growth of orthotopic PC-3 tumors overexpressing fibroblast growth factor b (FGF8b) known to be expressed in human prostate cancer. FGF8b increased tumor growth and angiogenesis, which were both associated with a characteristic gene expression pattern. To study the role of lymphangiogenesis, we produced orthotopic PC-3 tumors overexpressing vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C). Blocking of VEGF-C receptor (VEGFR3) completely inhibited lymph node metastasis whereas overexpression of VEGF-C increased tumor growth and angiogenesis. VEGF-C also increased lung metastases but, surprisingly, decreased spread to lymph nodes. This suggests that the expanded vascular network was primarily used as a route for tumor spreading. Finally, the functionality of the capillary network in subcutaneous FGF8b-overexpressing PC-3 tumors was compared to that of tumors overexpressing VEGF. Both tumors showed angiogenic morphology and grew faster than control tumors. However, FGF8b tumors were hypoxic and their perfusion and oxygenation was poor compared with VEGF tumors. This suggests that the growth advantage of FGF8b tumors is more likely due to stimulated proliferation than effective angiogenesis. In conclusion, these results show that orthotopic prostate tumors provide a useful model to explore the mechanisms of prostate cancer growth and metastasis.
Soitinnus: lauluääni, piano.