992 resultados para 860-3.09
Analizar la situación profesional y la problemática del licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación por la Universitat de Valencia, de manera que contribuya a la recuperación y potenciación de la labor y la figura del pedagogo en la sociedad actual. Se obtuvo enviando un cuestionario por correo a los 1940 licenciados en Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Valencia, desde la primera promoción (1963-1968), hasta la catorce (1976-1981), contestando 522 licenciados -el 28,66 por ciento. Tras elaborar un censo de licenciados entre los años mencionados, se envía un cuestionario por correo con el fin de averiguar: edad, estado civil, ubicación geográfica, especialidades cursadas, y otros estudios, dificultades en encontrar trabajo, número de licenciados que cumplen o no objetivos profesionales, realización o no de las metas profesionales que se trazaron en la carrera, movilidad en el empleo, etc. Se toma como variable el sexo. Elaboración del censo de licenciados. Cuestionario de 20 ítems con preguntas abiertas y cerradas, enviadas por correo. Relación de licenciados en pedagogía que han realizado tesis de licenciatura y tesis doctoral. Tabla de objetivos profesionales.. Análisis comparativo de los porcentajes obtenidos. Representaciones gráficas; diagramas de barras, circulares. Existe un incremento del número de licenciados en la primera mitad de los 70, y un descenso escalonado a partir de 1976-77, disminuyendo el interés de la pedagogía como prefesión. Los licenciados residentes en el País Valenciano son las cuatro quintas partes de la muestra. El número de licenciados de las provincias de Valencia y Alicante no guardan proporción con el número de habitantes. Existen tendencias, dependiendo del sexo, en cuanto a las especialidades cursadas. Los varones se decantan hacia orientación escolar y organización escolar y las mujeres hacia orientación escolar y educación especial. El tiempo para encontrar empleo se ha alargado y tiene, además, carácter estructural, siendo el desempleo de un 15,90 por ciento. Sólo el 24,52 por ciento desempeñan funciones que por su nivel y titulación le corresponde. La mayor fuente de empleo para los que no cumplen objetivos profesionales es la docencia sobre todo en EGB. Sólo el 11,64 por ciento han hecho la tesina y el 3,09 por ciento la tesis doctoral. Un 60 por ciento opina que deben mejorar las prácticas y existir una mayor relación de los estudios con la realidad escolar. El pedagogo no es un mero enseñante, y debe dedicarse más a las ciencias de la educación en su fundamentación y en sus ramas. Para que la pedagogía como carrera tenga futuro hay que modernizar su currículum, con un sentido prospectivo y práctico, ajustándolo a las necesidades y demandas de la sociedad.
1) Encuadrar el estado de la nación en España durante la época de los llamados políticos moderados (1844-1854). 2) Contestar a la pregunta ¿cómo estaban escolarizados los Reinos de Aragón, Provincia Marítima de Baleares, Reino de Murcia, Reino de Valencia, hacia mitad del siglo XIX?. Estudio histórico-estadístico sobre el estado de la nación en España durante la época moderada (1844-1854). Para ello se ha extraído un extenso número de datos de los 16 volúmenes del Diccionario Madoz, en su tercera edición, así como de otras publicaciones de la época. Después de recogidos los datos se ha realizado un estudio comparativo, estadístico y gráfico, con el fin de reconocer la realidad educativa de esa época. Con el estudio de esas gráficas podemos observar la gran diferencia entre la realidad educativa de aquella época y la realidad de la legislación vigente. Estos datos son la continuación de un estudio hecho en 1982 sobre la situación escolar en Castilla y León a mediados del s.XIX. Los datos recogidos que pudieran explicar la realidad educativa han sido los siguientes: número de casas, número de vecinos, número de almas, número de escuelas, fondo educativo (riqueza con que se sostiene la escuela y el maestro), número de alumnos, número de maestros y presupuesto municipal. Los pueblos han sido ordenados dentro de cada Reino por provincias, siguiendo el orden alfabético . 1)Observando las provincias del Reino de Aragón se observa que la instrucción educativa, donde muestra un mejor nivel es en la provincia de Zaragoza, y donde muestra un peor nivel es en la provincia de Huesca, aún teniendo más pueblos esta provincia, cuenta con un menor número de escuelas y de alumnos que las otras dos provincias del Reino. 2) En la provincia marítima de Baleares el partido judicial que mejor nivel educativo tienes es Palma de Mallorca. Hay que señalar que no se han encontrado datos sobre el partido de Ibiza, y también faltan datos de algunos aspectos en otros partidos, lo que hace este análisis comparativo más pobre. 3) La provincia de Valencia muestra un elevado nivel educativo, con respecto a las otras dos provincias del reino y a muchas regiones españolas. 4) En las tres provincias Valencianas se paga el fondo educativo en un tanto por ciento bastante elevado y cuenta pues este reino con buenos recursos económicos para mantener su buen nivel educativo. 5) El valor máximo de escuelas por pueblo le corresponde a Murcia con 3.09; y el mínimo a Huesca con 0.45, cuando esta provincia es la que tiene mayor número de pueblos (567), lo cual demuestra su precaria situación educativa, la peor de las nueve provincias estudiadas. 6) El estudio se ubica durante el reinado de Isabel II en su mayoría de edad (1843-1868), pues durante estos años coincide la publicación de la tercera edición del Diccionario geográfico-Estadístico-Histórico de España y sus posesiones de Ultramar publicado de 1846-1850 en Madrid. Son años de restauración económica y de cambios políticos y sociales.
The Streaked Horned Lark (Eremophila alpestris strigata) is listed as endangered by the State of Washington, USA and by Canada under the Species at Risk Act and is also classified as a federal candidate for listing under the Endangered Species Act in the USA. A substantial portion of Streaked Horned Lark habitat has been lost or degraded, and range contraction has occurred in Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. We estimate the vital rates (fecundity, adult and juvenile survival) and population growth rate (λ) for Streaked Horned Larks breeding in Washington, USA and conduct a Life-Stage Simulation Analysis (LSA) to evaluate which vital rate has the greatest influence on λ. We simulated changes in the three vital rates to examine how much they would need to be adjusted either independently or in concert to achieve a stable Streaked Horned Lark population (λ = 1). We also evaluated which fecundity component (the number of fledglings per egg laid or renesting interval) had the greatest impact on λ. The estimate of population growth suggests that Streaked Horned Larks in Washington are declining rapidly (λ = 0.62 ± 0.10) and that local breeding sites are not sustainable without immigration. The LSA results indicate that adult survival had the greatest influence on λ, followed by juvenile survival and fecundity. However, increases in vital rates led to λ = 1 only when adult survival was raised from 0.47 to 0.85, juvenile survival from 0.17 to 0.58, and fecundity from 0.91 to 3.09. Increases in breeding success and decreases in the renesting interval influenced λ similarly; however, λ did not reach 1 even when breeding success was raised to 100% or renesting intervals were reduced to 1 day. Only when all three vital rates were increased simultaneously did λ approach 1 without requiring highly unrealistic increases in each vital rate. We conclude that conservation activities need to target all or multiple vital rates to be successful. The baseline data presented here and subsequent efforts to manage Streaked Horned Larks will provide valuable information for management of other declining Horned Lark subspecies and other grassland songbirds across North America.
The objectives were to compare the chemical composition, nutritive value, feed intake, milk production and composition, and presence in milk of transgenic DNA and the encoded protein Cry1Ab when corn silages containing 2 transgenes (2GM: herbicide tolerance: mepsps and insect resistance: cry1Ab) were fed as part of a standard total mixed ration (TMR) compared with a near isogenic corn silage ( C) to 8 multiparous lactating Holstein dairy cows in a single reversal design study. Cows were fed a TMR ration ad libitum and milked twice daily. Diets contained [ dry matter (DM) basis] 45% corn silage, 10% alfalfa hay, and 45% concentrate (1.66 Mcal of net energy for lactation/kg of DM, 15.8% crude protein, 35% neutral detergent fiber, and 4.1% fat). Each period was 28-d long. During the last 4 d of each period, feed intake and milk production data were recorded and milk samples taken for compositional analysis, including the presence of transgenic DNA and Cry1Ab protein. There was no significant difference in the chemical composition between C and 2GM silages, and both were within the expected range (37.6% DM, 1.51 Mcal of net energy for lactation/kg, 8.6% crude protein, 40% neutral detergent fiber, 19.6% acid detergent fiber, pH 3.76, and 62% in vitro DM digestibility). Cows fed the 2GM silage produced milk with slightly higher protein (3.09 vs. 3.00%), lactose ( 4.83 vs. 4.72%) and solids-not-fat (8.60 vs. 8.40%) compared with C. However, the yield (kg/d) of milk (36.5), 3.5% fat-corrected milk (34.4), fat (1.151), protein (1.106), lactose (1.738), and solids-not-fat ( 3.094), somatic cell count (log(10): 2.11), change in body weight (+ 7.8 kg), and condition score (+ 0.09) were not affected by type of silage, indicating no overall production difference. All milk samples were negative for the presence of transgenic DNA from either trait or the Cry1Ab protein. Results indicate that the 2GM silage modified with 2 transgenes did not affect nutrient composition of the silages and had no effect on animal performance and milk composition. No transgenic DNA and Cry1Ab protein were detected in milk.
March 2012 brought the first solar and geomagnetic disturbances of any note during solar cycle 24. But perhaps what was most remarkable about these events was how unremarkable they were compared to others during the space-age, attracting attention only because solar activity had been so quiet. This follows an exceptionally low and long-lived solar cycle minimum, and so the current cycle looks likely to extend a long-term decline in solar activity that started around 1985 and that could even lead to conditions similar to the Maunder minimum within 40 years from now, with implications for solar-terrestrial science and the mitigation of space weather hazards and maybe even for climate in certain regions and seasons.
Neste trabalho foi estudada a viabilidade da transposição direta de reações de oxidação efetuadas em meio homogêneo ou meio bifásico aquoso para meio bifásico onde líquidos iônicos são empregados como agentes imobilizadores dos catalisadores utilizados. A oxidação de álcoois secundários (ciclopentanol) e de álcoois primários ativados (álcool benzílico) mostrou-se mais efetiva quando 1 mol% de RuCl3 imobilizados no líquido iônico tetrafluoroborato de 1-n-butil-3-metilimidazólio (BMI.BF4), 100 °C de temperatura, 7 atm de oxigênio e 24 horas de reação foram empregados, levando a 61% de conversão, 100% de seletividade em ciclopentanona e freqüência de rotação 2,54 h-1 (com peneira molecular no solvente) e 86% de conversão, 95% de seletividade em benzaldeído e freqüência de rotação 3,58 h-1. Estes resultados são superiores aos obtidos em condições homogêneas. Quando o líquido iônico BMI.BF4 foi substituído por líquidos iônicos fluorados, tais como BMI.OOCCF3 e o novo líquido iônico BMI.OOC(CF2)6CF3 a conversão dobrou e a seletividade se manteve em 100%, nas condições estudadas. A oxidação de olefinas (1-deceno) catalisada por PdCl2/CuCl2/O2 apresentou melhores resultados quando 2 mol% de PdCl2 e 4 mol% de CuCl2 foram imobilizados no líquido iônico BMI.BF4 a 80 °C de temperatura, 6 atm de oxigênio e 16 horas de reação foram empregados, levando a 99% de conversão, 53% de seletividade em 2-decanona e freqüência de rotação 3,09 h-1. Quando o sistema catalítico foi reutilizado a conversão foi de 88% e a seletividade 60%.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A importância do estudo do sangue do cordão umbilical (SCU) tem sido verificada pela presença de células-tronco hematopoéticas no SCU humano. O modelo experimental em cão tem propiciado informações importantes nos transplantes em humanos. Entretanto, apesar da importância do SCU e do modelo experimental em cães, não existem estudos sobre a eletroforese de proteínas séricas do cordão umbilical canino. No presente protocolo experimental, foi feita a colheita de SCU de 20 neonatos caninos, o qual foi utilizado para o fracionamento eletroforético de suas proteínas. Os valores médios absolutos obtidos para proteínas séricas totais, albumina, alfa, beta e gamaglobulinas no sangue do cordão umbilical de cães ao nascimento foram 3,09±0,59; 1,51±0,38; 0,87±0,17; 0,68±0,12 e 0,03±0,01, respectivamente. Todos os resultados apresentaram-se abaixo dos níveis reportados para animais adultos, devido à passagem das proteínas e suas frações ocorrerem principalmente através do colostro e pela imaturidade hepática. em todos os traçados eletroforéticos do SCU de cães, foi observada uma pequena curva entre alfaglobulina 2 e betaglobulina 1, não relatada no soro de cães adultos. Portanto, neste experimento, foram observadas diferenças quantitativas no traçado eletroforético das proteínas séricas do SCU de cães, ao nascimento, diferindo-os, neste particular, de cães em diferentes fases da vida pós-colostral.
The stimulation of motor learning is an important component to a rehabilitation and type of practice used is de basic importance to Physiotherapy. The motor skills are the types more basic of behavior that subjects must acquire throughout its lives and observational learning one of forms for its acquisition. Objective: This study aimed to compare performance of patients post- stroke on test of recognition of activities of day life using self-controlled and externally determined practice. Intervention: Forty subjects had been evaluated, 20 stroke patients (the mean age was 57,9?}6,7 years, schooling 6,7?}3,09 years and time of injury 23,4?}17,2 months) and 20 health subjects (the mean age 55,4?}5,9 years and schooling 8?}3,7 years). All was evaluated about independence functional (FIM) and cognitive state (MMSE), and patients were also evaluated about neurologic state (NIHSS). Later, all realized a recognition of activities of day life test (drink water and speak to telephone) on self-controlled (PAUTO and CAUTO) and externally determined (P20 and C20) frequency. The stroke subjects also were examined for a three-dimensional system of kinematic analysis, when they have drink water. The statistic analysis was realized for chi-square and t Student tests. Results: This was not difference, about number of rightness, between groups of self-controlled and externally determined practice (p0,005), and also not between patients and control groups (p0,005). Patients mean velocity (PAUTO: 141,1mm/sec and P20: 141,6mm/sec) and peak velocity (PAUTO: 652,1mm/sec and P20: 598,6mm/sec) were reduced, as well as the angles reached for elbow (PAUTO: 66,60 and 124,40; P20: 66,30 and 128,50 extension e flexion respectively) regarding literature. Conclusions: The performance on recognition of activities of day life test was similar between on self-controlled and externally determined frequency, showing both technique may be used to stimulate motor learning on chronic patients after stroke
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Statement of problem. When clinical fractures of the ceramic veneer on metal-ceramic prostheses can be repaired, the need for remake may be eliminated or postponed. Many different ceramic repair materials are available, and bond strength data are necessary for predicting the success of a given repair system.Purpose. This study evaluated the shear bond strength of different repair systems for metal-ceramic restorations applied on metal and porcelain.Material and methods. Fifty cylindrical specimens (9 X 3 mm) were fabricated in a nickel-chromium alloy (Vera Bond 11) and 50 in feldspathic porcelain (Noritakc). Metal (M) and porcelain (P) specimens were embedded in a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) ring and received I of the following bonding and resin composite repair systems (n=10): Clearfil SE Bond/Clearfil AP-X (CL), Bistite II DC/Palfique (BT), Cojet Sand/Z100 (Q), Scotchbond Multipurpose Plus/Z100 (SB) (control group), or Cojet Sand plus Scotchbond Multipurpose Plus/Z100 (CJSB). The specimens were stored in distilled water for 24 hours at 37 degrees C, thermal cycled (1000 cycles at 5 degrees C to 55 degrees C), and stored at 37 degrees C for 8 days. Shear bond tests between the metal or ceramic specimens and repair systems were performed in a mechanical testing machine with a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. Mean shear bond strength values (MPa) were submitted to 1-way ANOVA and Tukey honestly significant difference tests (alpha=.05). Each specimen was examined under a stereoscopic lens with X 30 magnification, and mode of failure was classified as adhesive, cohesive, or a combination.Results. on metal, the mean shear bond strength values for the groups were as follows: MCL, 18.40 +/- 2.88(b); MBT, 8.57 +/- 1.00(d); MCJ, 25.24 +/- 3.46(a); MSB, 16.26 +/- 3.09(bc); and MCJSB, 13.11 +/- 1.24(c). on porcelain, the mean shear bond strength values ofeach group were as follows: PCL, 16.91 +/- 2.22(b); PBT, 18.04 +/- 3.2(ab); PCJ, 19.54 +/- 3.77(ab); PSB, 21.05 +/- 3.22(a); and PCJSB, 16.18 +/- 1.71(b). Within each substrate, identical superscript letters denote no significant differences among groups.Conclusions. The bond strength for the metal substrate was significantly higher using the Q system. For porcelain, SB, Q, and BT systems showed the highest shear bond strength values, and only SB was significantly different compared to CL and CJSB (P <.05).
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Photo luminescence: A probe for short, medium and long-range self-organization order in ZrTiO4 oxide
Photoluminescent disordered ZrTiO4 powders were obtained by the polymeric precursor soft-chemical method. This oxide system (ordered and disordered) was characterized by photoluminescence, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry and UV vis absorption experiments. The UV absorption tail formation in the disordered oxides was related to the diminution of optical band gap. In the disordered phase, this oxide displayed broad band photoluminescence caused by change in coordination number of titanium and zirconium with oxygen atoms. The gap decreased from 3.09 eV in crystalline oxide to 2.16 eV in disordered oxide. The crystalline oxide presented an orthorhombic alpha-PbO2-type structure in which Zr4+ and Ti4+ were randomly distributed in octahedral coordination polyhedra with oxygen atoms. The amorphous-crystalline transition occurred at almost 700 degrees C, at which point the photoluminescence vanished. The Raman peak at close to 80-200 cm(-1) indicated the presence of locally ordered Ti-O-n and Zr-O-n polyhedra in disordered photoluminescent oxides. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The structural and electronic properties of ZnO (10 (1) over bar0) and (11 (2) over bar0) surfaces were investigated by means of density functional theory applied to periodic calculations at B3LYP level. The stability and relaxation effects for both surfaces were analyzed. The electronic and energy band properties were discussed on the basis of band structure as well as density of states. There is a significant relaxation in the (10 (1) over bar0) as compared to the (11 (2) over bar0) terminated surfaces. The calculated direct gap is 3.09, 2.85, and 3.09 eV for bulk, (10 (1) over bar0), and (11 (2) over bar0) surfaces, respectively. The band structures for both surfaces are very similar.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)