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非饱和土中溶质迁移参数反演问题可以归结为非线性算子方程的求解问题.将同伦方法引入该问题的求解,通过构造线性同伦将原问题转化为求解同伦函数最小值的无约束优化问题.同时在分析了同伦参数正则化效应的基础上,提出一种两段同伦参数修正方法.即在求解的初始阶段,根据拟Sigmoid函数调整同伦参数, 以追踪同伦路径,保证计算稳定地进行;在迭代的后期,采用与残差相关的同伦参数修正方法,以抵抗观测噪声对求解的影响.数值算例为求解带有平衡及非平衡吸附效应的一维非饱和土中溶质迁移模型参数反演问题, 计算结果表明了该方法的大范围收敛性及较强的抵抗观测噪声的能力.


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El ensayo fue establecido en la finca El Plantel, propiedad de la Universidad Nacional Agraria, kilómetro 42 ½ de la carretera Masaya – Tipitapa. C on el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de los abonos orgánicos y sintéticos sobr e el crecimiento y rendimiento del cultivo de soya. El material vegetal utilizado fue la variedad CEA-CH-86. Se utilizó un diseño experimental de parcelas apareadas, el cual cons iste en el establecimiento de dos tratamientos con cuatro sub repeticiones po r tratamiento, con un área de 84m 2 por subrepetición. La fertilización orgánica se realizó con compost, hum us de lombriz y biofertilizante en dosis de 10,000 kg ha -1 , 4,488 kg ha -1 y 4,762 l ha -1 , respectivamente, el fertilizante sintético aplicado fue completo (12-30-10) y ureá 46% en dosis de 382 y 119.04 kg ha -1 , respectivamente. Las variables de crecimiento evaluada s fueron, días a emergencia (%), altura de la planta (cm) y diámetro del tallo (mm). Al momento de la cos echa; altura de inserción de la primera vaina (cm), número de vainas por planta, número de granos por vainas, peso de mil granos (g), rendimiento del grano en kg ha -1 . Las variables evaluadas fueron sometidas a un análisis de varianza (ANDEVA) y análisis de correlación entre el rendimient o y sus componentes a través del programa estadístico JMP 7 y se realizó un aná lisis económico para ev aluar la rentabilidad de los tratamientos y de esta forma ofrecer alternativas económicas a pequeños y medianos productores. En base a los resultados obtenid os, se concluye que no existe diferencia significativa en cuanto a la ap licación de los tratamientos con fertilizantes orgánicos y sintéticos, sobre las variables evaluadas. El mayor rendimiento lo presentó el tratamiento orgánico con 1,816.61 kg ha -1 , seguido del tratamiento sintético con 1,318.38kg ha -1 sin ser estadísticamente diferentes. El análisis económic o indica que el tratamiento con fertilizantes sintéticos presenta el menor costo variable (C$ 9,021.8) y el mayor beneficio neto con (C$ 2,843.6)


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The concept of biosensor based on imaging ellipsometry was proposed ten years ago. Its principle and the methodology as well as some solutions to problems which have to be faced during the development are mentioned. Its properties of phase sensitive, high throughput and fast sampling, as well as label-free, sensitivity better than 1 ng/ml for Immunoglobulin G, and real-time analysis for protein interaction process, etc. provide a potential for applications in biomedicine field. The recent biosensing development with total internal reflection imaging ellipsometry is presented also. [GRAPHICS] An example of 48 protein arrays in matrix. (C) 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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In this paper, the effect of the surface tension is considered carefully in the study of non-propagating solitary waves. The parameter plane of the surface tension and the fluid depth is divided into three regions; in two of them a breather soliton can be produced. In literature the parameters of breather solitons are all in one of the parameter regions. The new region reported here has been confirmed by our experiments. In the third region, the theoretical solution is a kink soliton, but a kind of the non-propagating solitary wave similar to the breather soliton was found in our experiments besides the kink soliton.


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816 p.


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The magnitude evolution of ettringite and gypsum in hydrated Portland cement mortars due to sulfate attack was detected by X-ray powder diffraction. The influences of sulfate concentration and water-to-cement ratio on the evolution of ettringite and gypsum were investigated. Experimental results show that the magnitude of ettringite formation in sodium sulfate solution follows a three-stage process, namely, the 'penetration period', 'enhance period of strength', and 'macro-crack period'. The cracking of concrete materials is mainly attributed to the effect of ettringite. The gypsum formations occurred in two stages, the 'latent period' and the 'accelerated period'. The gypsum formation including ettringite formation was relative to the linear expansion of mortars to some extend. Both water-to-cement ratio and sulfate concentration play important roles in the evolution of ettringite and gypsum. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Morphometric measurements, meristic counts and comparative studies of Chrysicthys nigrodigitatus samples from Lagos, Lekki, and Badagry Lagoons was carried out to determine the amount of variation among the species from the different locations using seven meristic and two morphometric characters. Significant differences were observed only between the headlength (F==14.02; P<00.05), number of anal rays (F=19.9; P<0.05) and of gill raker counts (F=142.0, 160.94; P<0.05). The differences observed in the meristic characters could be attributed to environmental and climatic differences of the three isolated sites and therefore phenotypic rather than genetic. This study is valuable for the selection of quality strains of fish species for aquaculture production


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Theoretical analyses of x-ray diffraction phase contrast imaging and near field phase retrieval method are presented. A new variant of the near field intensity distribution is derived with the optimal phase imaging distance and spatial frequency of object taken into account. Numerical examples of phase retrieval using simulated data are also given. On the above basis, the influence of detecting distance and polychroism of radiation on the phase contrast image and the retrieved phase distribution are discussed. The present results should be useful in the practical application of in-line phase contrast imaging.


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Este estudo foi realizado para investigar os níveis de leptina no fluido de endometriomas ovarianos e comparar a expressão de leptina e seus receptores no tecido ovariano afetado por endometrioma de mulheres inférteis com a sua expressão no tecido ovariano normal de controles férteis sem endometriose. Neste estudo observacional, o tecido ovariano , amostras de sangue e fluido peritoneal foram obtidas de 20 mulheres (10 controles férteis sem endometriose ou qualquer doença ovariana, que foram submetidos à cirurgia de laqueadura tubária e 10 mulheres inférteis com endometriose grave endometrioma ovariano). O fluido contido no endometrioma ovariano foi aspirado, e biópsias de implantes peritoneais foram realizadas. Os tecidos removidos durante as cirurgias foram imediatamente congelados em nitrogênio líquido para determinação da expressão proteica por western blot e níveis de leptina pelo ELISA. A expressão do receptor de leptina foi maior no tecido do ovariano afetado por endometrioma que no tecido de ovariano normal (controle= 0,38 0,05, estudo= 0,60 0,09, p= 0,03), mas não houve diferença significativa nos níveis de leptina entre estes grupos (controle= 0,1 0,57, estudo= 0,1 0,35, p= 0,18). Foram observadas correlações positivas e significativas entre a leptina e seu receptor no endometrioma ovariano (r = 0,85, p = 0,004) e em implantes peritoneais (r= 0,87, p= 0,001). Os resultados do ELISA demonstraram uma maior concentração de leptina no fluido endometrioma em comparação com a leptina sérica e no fluido peritoneal (soro= 8,4 1,0, FP= 1,6 0,5, FE= 73,8 16,2, p= 0,0001), mas não houve correlação entre estas variáveis. Observou-se uma correlação positiva, significativa e forte entre os níveis de leptina no fluido peritoneal e a expressão de leptina e seu receptor em implantes peritoneais (leptina: r= 0,88, p= 0,0008; OBR: r= 0,96, p= 0,0001) e entre os níveis de leptina no fluido endometrioma e a expressão da leptina e seu receptor no endometrioma ovariano (leptina: r= 0,94, p= 0,001; OBR: r = 0,84, p= 0,02). Nossos resultados sugerem que a leptina pode desempenhar um papel importante na fisiopatologia do endometrioma ovariano por meio de uma interação moduladora com o seu receptor.


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