815 resultados para 812


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Searching for a suitable breeding site is an important decision in the life of most animals. The decisions where to settle and how far to travel before doing so depend on many factors. Individual differences in dispersal distance could result from different strategies (e.g. specialists versus generalists), which might result in similar reproductive success in different habitats, or different competitive abilities to acquire a territory close to the natal site. The barn owl is polymorphic in melanic coloration, which is associated with many physiological and behavioural traits such as habitat choice, stress response and docility, raising the possibility that the coloration is also related to dispersal. We studied natal dispersal (from rearing site to site of first breeding attempt) and breeding dispersal (from one breeding site to the next) in barn owls using a long-term data set. Darker reddish individuals moved further than paler individuals during natal dispersal, but not during breeding dispersal. A cross-fostering experiment showed that the colour of the biological and foster parents had no influence on dispersal distance. The distance dispersed by parents and same-sex offspring was correlated, whereas natal and breeding dispersal were not repeatable within individuals, indicating that they are two different processes. Given that the distance travelled in natal dispersal appears to be heritable, the underlying genes might be coupled to those related to coloration. We discuss hypotheses to explain the potential adaptive function of the link between coloration and natal dispersal.


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Allergy to radiographic contrast media Hypersensitivity reactions to radio-contrast media are common in the daily practice. These products are responsible for immediate (< or = 1 hour after administration) and non immediate (> 1 hour after administration) hypersensitivity reactions. A diagnostic work-up by an allergologist with skin tests and in some cases provocation tests is of value in reducing the risk of recurrent hypersensitivity reactions to iodinated contrast media. A careful selection of the patients is required because the incidence of breakthrough reactions is still concerning, even with proper premedication. Practical recommendations are presented in this article. For gadolinium-based contrast agents, data in the literature is not sufficient for suggesting guidelines.


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An open prospective study was conducted among the patients visiting an urban medical policlinic for the first time without an appointment to assess whether the immigrants (who represent more than half of our patients) are aware of the health effects of smoking, whether the level of acculturation influences knowledge, and whether doctors give similar advice to Swiss and foreign smokers. 226 smokers, 105 Swiss (46.5%), and 121 foreign-born (53.5%), participated in the study. 32.2% (95% CI [24.4%; 41.1%]) of migrants and 9.6% [5.3%; 16.8%] of Swiss patients were not aware of negative effects of smoking. After adjustment for age, the multivariate model showed that the estimated odds of "ignorance of health effects of smoking" was higher for people lacking mastery of the local language compared with those mastering it (odds ratio (OR) = 7.5 [3.6; 15.8], p < 0.001), and higher for men (OR = 4.3 [1.9; 10.0], p < 0.001). Advice to stop smoking was given with similar frequency to immigrants (31.9% [24.2%; 40.8%] and Swiss patients (29.0% [21.0%; 38.5%]). Nonintegrated patients did not appear to receive less counselling than integrated patients (OR = 1.1 [0.6; 2.1], p = 0.812). We conclude that the level of knowledge among male immigrants not integrated or unable to speak the local language is lower than among integrated foreign-born and Swiss patients. Smoking cessation counselling by a doctor was only given to a minority of patients, but such counselling seemed irrespective of nationality.


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The paper estimates agglomeration-effects for France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK. Estimation takes into account endogeneity of the spatial distribution ofemployment and spatial fixed-effects. Empirical resultssuggest that agglomeration-effects in these Europeancountries are only slightly smaller than agglomeration-effects in the US: the estimated elasticity of average-labor-productivity with respect to employment-density is 4.5 percent compared to 5 percent in the US.


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This paper describes a simulation package designed to estimate the annual income taxes paid by respondents of the Swiss Household Panel (SHP). In Switzerland, the 26 cantons have their own tax system. Additionally, tax levels vary between the over 2000 municipalities and over time. The simulation package takes account of this complexity by building on existing tables on tax levels which are provided by the Swiss Federal Tax Administration Office. Because these are limited to a few types of households and only 812 municipalities, they have to be extended to cover all households and municipalities. A further drawback of these tables is that they neglect several deductions. The tax simulation package fills this gap by taking additionally account of deductions for children, double-earner couples, third pillar and support for dependent persons according to cantonal legislation. The resulting variable on direct taxes not only serves to calculate household income net of taxes, but can also be a variable for analysis by its own account.


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Kirje 22.4.1974


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Foram estudadas correlações lineares simples entre os parâmetros erosividade da chuva e da enxurrada e as perdas de solo provocadas por chuvas erosivas num solo Bruno Não-Cálcico Vértico. Os dados correspondentes aos anos de 1986-1990 foram obtidos na estação experimental de Sumé (PB), pertencente à Universidade Federal da Paraíba-UFPB. Os parâmetros erosividade da chuva e da enxurrada estudados foram: (a) altura total da chuva (P), em mm; (b) intensidades máximas (In), ocorridas nos tempos de 5; 10; 15; 20; 25; 30; 35; 40; 45; 50; 55; 60 e 120 minutos, respectivamente, em mm h-1; (c) energia cinética total, pelo método de Wischmeier e Smith (Ec) e pelo método de Wagner e Massambani (EcW), em MJ ha-1; (d) somatório da energia cinética de intensidades superior a 10 mm h-1 (Ec > 10 e EcW > 10) em MJ ha-1; (e) somatório da energia cinética de intensidades superior a 25 mm h-1 (Ec > 25 e EcW > 25), em MJ ha-1; (f) produtos da energia cinética total pelas intensidades máximas de chuva em intervalos crescentes de tempo (EIn), ou seja: EI5; EI10; EI15; EI20; EI25; EI30; EIW30; EI35; EI40; EI45; EI50; EI55; EI60 e EI120, em MJ mm ha-1 h-1; (g) produtos da altura total da chuva pelas intensidades máximas das chuvas em intervalos crescentes de tempo (PIn), ou seja: PI5; PI10; PI15; PI20; PI25; PI30; PI35; PI40; PI45; PI50; PI55; PI60 e PI120, em mm² h-1, e (h) volume de enxurrada (Vu), em m³. O parâmetro volume de enxurrada (Vu) foi o que melhor estimou (r = 0,812) as perdas de solo em Sumé (PB). Dentre os parâmetros erosividade da chuva, o que melhor se correlacionou com as perdas de solo foi o parâmetro PI25 (r = 0,753). As equações de Wischmeier & Smith e de Wagner & Massambani, utilizadas no cálculo da energia cinética total da chuva, apresentaram o mesmo grau de precisão na estimativa das perdas de solo.


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Se presenta análisis de ictioplancton y volúmenes de zooplancton de Paita a Bahía Independencia en primavera 2004. Engraulis ringens, especie dominante y más frecuente, varió entre 3 y 16.812 huevos/m2 y entre 3 y 3.108 larvas/m2, el 53,3% representó a huevos y el 72,2% a larvas. Vinciguerria lucetia (28,3%) y Diogenichthys laternatus (39,8%) fueron importantes por frecuencia pero con bajas abundancias. El índice de diversidad (H) del zooplancton fluctuó entre 0,004 y 1,582 bits, Equidad (J) entre 0,003 y 1 y Riqueza de especies (d) entre 0,102 y 1,588. Diversidad y equidad estuvieron directamente relacionadas con abundancia de huevos y larvas de anchoveta. Los volúmenes estuvieron comprendidos entre 0,4 y 45,0 mL/muestra, con un promedio de 11,08 mL/muestra, los mayores volúmenes se registraron en la zona norte independientemente de la distancia a la costa


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Foram separadas 812 chuvas individuais consideradas erosivas de uma série contínua de 19 anos de registros de dados pluviográficos. As chuvas selecionadas foram cotadas, digitalizadas e, posteriormente, analisadas pelo programa desenvolvido por Cataneo et al. (1982). O fator erosividade da chuva, expresso pelo parâmetro EI30 médio anual calculado, foi de 7.172 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 ano-1, fator esperado no local pelo menos uma vez a cada 2,33 anos, com uma probabilidade de ocorrência de 42,9 %. Os valores anuais de erosividade de Teodoro Sampaio, esperados nos períodos de retorno de 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 e 100 anos, foram, respectivamente, de 6.831, 8.666, 9.877, 11.046, 12.546 e 13.675 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 ano-1. No semestre de outubro a março, ocorreu 74,0 % da erosividade anual, sendo 45,7 % de dezembro a fevereiro. Observou-se elevada correlação entre o parâmetro EI30 médio mensal e o coeficiente de chuva (P²/P). Portanto, a equação de regressão determinada permite que seja estimado, com boa margem de segurança, o fator R para outros locais que não disponham de dados pluviográficos, mas que, entretanto, tenham dados pluviométricos e condições climáticas semelhantes às de Teodoro Sampaio (SP).


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Identification and relative quantification of hundreds to thousands of proteins within complex biological samples have become realistic with the emergence of stable isotope labeling in combination with high throughput mass spectrometry. However, all current chemical approaches target a single amino acid functionality (most often lysine or cysteine) despite the fact that addressing two or more amino acid side chains would drastically increase quantifiable information as shown by in silico analysis in this study. Although the combination of existing approaches, e.g. ICAT with isotope-coded protein labeling, is analytically feasible, it implies high costs, and the combined application of two different chemistries (kits) may not be straightforward. Therefore, we describe here the development and validation of a new stable isotope-based quantitative proteomics approach, termed aniline benzoic acid labeling (ANIBAL), using a twin chemistry approach targeting two frequent amino acid functionalities, the carboxylic and amino groups. Two simple and inexpensive reagents, aniline and benzoic acid, in their (12)C and (13)C form with convenient mass peak spacing (6 Da) and without chromatographic discrimination or modification in fragmentation behavior, are used to modify carboxylic and amino groups at the protein level, resulting in an identical peptide bond-linked benzoyl modification for both reactions. The ANIBAL chemistry is simple and straightforward and is the first method that uses a (13)C-reagent for a general stable isotope labeling approach of carboxylic groups. In silico as well as in vitro analyses clearly revealed the increase in available quantifiable information using such a twin approach. ANIBAL was validated by means of model peptides and proteins with regard to the quality of the chemistry as well as the ionization behavior of the derivatized peptides. A milk fraction was used for dynamic range assessment of protein quantification, and a bacterial lysate was used for the evaluation of relative protein quantification in a complex sample in two different biological states


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TNF is well characterized as a mediator of inflammatory responses. TNF also facilitates organization of secondary lymphoid organs, particularly B cell follicles and germinal centers, a hallmark of T-dependent Ab responses. TNF also mediates defense against tumors. We examined the role of TNF in the development of inflammatory autoimmune disorders resembling systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjögren's syndrome induced by excess B cell-activating factor belonging to the TNF family (BAFF), by generating BAFF-transgenic (Tg) mice lacking TNF. TNF(-/-) BAFF-Tg mice resembled TNF(-/-) mice, in that they lacked B cell follicles, follicular dendritic cells, and germinal centers, and have impaired responses to T-dependent Ags. Nevertheless, TNF(-/-) BAFF-Tg mice developed autoimmune disorders similar to that of BAFF-Tg mice. Disease in TNF(-/-) BAFF-Tg mice correlates with the expansion of transitional type 2 and marginal zone B cell populations and enhanced T-independent immune responses. TNF deficiency in BAFF-Tg mice also led to a surprisingly high incidence of B cell lymphomas (&gt;35%), which most likely resulted from the combined effects of BAFF promotion of neoplastic B cell survival, coupled with lack of protective antitumor defense by TNF. Thus, TNF appears to be dispensable for BAFF-mediated autoimmune disorders and may, in fact, counter any proneoplastic effects of high levels of BAFF in diseases such as Sjögren's syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, and rheumatoid arthritis.


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A cultura da cana-de-açúcar é de extrema importância no cenário agrícola nacional. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre a estruturação das comunidades microbianas associadas aos solos e às rizosferas de tais plantas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a estrutura e diversidade das comunidades de bactérias associadas ao solo e à rizosfera de seis variedades de cana-de-açúcar cultivadas no Estado de São Paulo (Brasil). As análises foram realizadas com base em métodos independentes de cultivo, em que a técnica de PCR-DGGE revelou alterações na rizosfera para os grupos de bactérias totais e também para os grupos de Alphaproteobacteria e Betaproteobacteria. Após essa análise, quatro amostras (três de rizosfera e uma de solo) foram usadas para o sequenciamento da região V6 do gene 16S DNAr na plataforma Ion Torrent TM. Essa análise gerou um total de 95.812 sequências, dentro das quais houve a predominância das afiliadas aos filos Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria e Acidobateria . Os resultados revelaram que as comunidades bacterianas na rizosfera são distintas daquelas encontradas no solo. Foi possível ainda observar efeito diferencial de plantas das variedades. Alguns grupos bacterianos apresentaram menor frequência na rizosfera (Acidobacteria ), enquanto outros se mostraram fortemente estimulados pela presença das raízes, comumente para todas as variedades (Betaproteobacteria , Nitrospora e Chloroflexi ), ou em respostas variedade-específicas (Bacilli e Sphingobacteria ).


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PURPOSE: We report our clinical experience with anterior pelvic osteotomy in 16 patients who underwent surgery for bladder exstrophy. The technique and its difficulties are discussed. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Anterior pelvic osteotomy of the superior ramus of the public bone is a simple and efficient method to facilitate symphyseal approximation and abdominal wall closure without or with low tension on the suture lines in neonates who undergo surgery for bladder exstrophy. Older children in whom surgery has been delayed can also benefit from this method. Compared to other methods of osteotomy in exstrophy surgery it does not require additional incisions, nor does the patient need to be repositioned on the operating table. A successful operation does not depend on any particular orthopedic skills and it can easily be done by the pediatric urologist. RESULTS: Immediate postoperative results regarding abdominal wall closure were excellent in all 16 patients. However, major postoperative complications developed in 2 patients. Despite antibiotic prophylaxis a severe soft tissue infection developed in 1 child, resulting in complete bladder dehiscence. In another patient an obturator nerve injury resulted in transient palsy, which resolved completely. While the first complication was not related to osteotomy, the second was osteotomy related. CONCLUSIONS: Bilateral superior ramotomy of the pubic bones is a new alternative, easily performed technique to optimize bladder exstrophy surgery in children.