958 resultados para 802.15.4


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The resolution of the digital signal path has a crucial impact on the design, performance and the power dissipation of the radio receiver data path, downstream from the ADC. The ADC quantization noise has been traditionally included with the Front End receiver noise in calculating the SNR as well as BER for the receiver. Using the IEEE 802.15.4 as an example, we show that this approach leads to an over-design for the ADC and the digital signal path, resulting in larger power. More accurate specifications for the front-end design can be obtained by making SNRreg a function of signal resolutions. We show that lower resolution signals provide adequate performance and quantization noise alone does not produce any bit-error. We find that a tight bandpass filter preceding the ADC can relax the resolution requirement and a 1-bit ADC degrades SNR by only 1.35 dB compared to 8-bit ADC. Signal resolution has a larger impact on the synchronization and a 1-bit ADC costs about 5 dB in SNR to maintain the same level of performance as a 8-bit ADC.


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A low-power frequency multiplication technique, developed for ZigBee (IEEE 802.15.4) like applications is presented. We have provided an estimate for the power consumption for a given output voltage swing using our technique. The advantages and disadvantages which determine the application areas of the technique are discussed. The issues related to design, layout and process variation are also addressed. Finally, a design is presented for operation in 2.405-2.485-GHz band of ZigBee receiver. SpectreRF simulations show 30% improvement in efficiency for our circuit with regard to conversion of DC bias current to output amplitude, against a LC-VCO. To establish the low-power credentials, we have compared our circuit with an existing technique; our circuit performs better with just 1/3 of total current from supply, and uses one inductor as against three in the latter case. A test chip was implemented in UMC 0.13-mum RF process with spiral on-chip inductors and MIM (metal-insulator-metal) capacitor option.


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In this paper we present the design of ``e-SURAKSHAK,'' a novel cyber-physical health care management system of Wireless Embedded Internet Devices (WEIDs) that sense vital health parameters. The system is capable of sensing body temperature, heart rate, oxygen saturation level and also allows noninvasive blood pressure (NIBP) measurement. End to end internet connectivity is provided by using 6LoWPAN based wireless network that uses the 802.15.4 radio. A service oriented architecture (SOA) 1] is implemented to extract meaningful information and present it in an easy-to-understand form to the end-user instead of raw data made available by sensors. A central electronic database and health care management software are developed. Vital health parameters are measured and stored periodically in the database. Further, support for real-time measurement of health parameters is provided through a web based GUI. The system has been implemented completely and demonstrated with multiple users and multiple WEIDs.


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In this paper, we study a problem of designing a multi-hop wireless network for interconnecting sensors (hereafter called source nodes) to a Base Station (BS), by deploying a minimum number of relay nodes at a subset of given potential locations, while meeting a quality of service (QoS) objective specified as a hop count bound for paths from the sources to the BS. The hop count bound suffices to ensure a certain probability of the data being delivered to the BS within a given maximum delay under a light traffic model. We observe that the problem is NP-Hard. For this problem, we propose a polynomial time approximation algorithm based on iteratively constructing shortest path trees and heuristically pruning away the relay nodes used until the hop count bound is violated. Results show that the algorithm performs efficiently in various randomly generated network scenarios; in over 90% of the tested scenarios, it gave solutions that were either optimal or were worse than optimal by just one relay. We then use random graph techniques to obtain, under a certain stochastic setting, an upper bound on the average case approximation ratio of a class of algorithms (including the proposed algorithm) for this problem as a function of the number of source nodes, and the hop count bound. To the best of our knowledge, the average case analysis is the first of its kind in the relay placement literature. Since the design is based on a light traffic model, we also provide simulation results (using models for the IEEE 802.15.4 physical layer and medium access control) to assess the traffic levels up to which the QoS objectives continue to be met. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) which utilise IEEE 802.15.4 technology offer the potential for low cost deployment and maintenance compared with conventional wired sensor networks, enabling effective and efficient condition monitoring of aged civil engineering infrastructure. We will address wireless propagation for a below to above ground scenario where one of the wireless nodes is located in a below ground fire hydrant chamber to permit monitoring of the local water distribution network. Frequency Diversity (FD) is one method that can be used to combat the damaging effects of multipath fading and so improve the reliability of radio links. However, no quantitative investigation concerning the potential performance gains from the use of FD at 2.4GHz is available for the outlined scenario. In this paper, we try to answer this question by performing accurate propagation measurements using modified and calibrated off-the-shelf 802.15.4 based sensor nodes. These measurement results are also compared with those obtained from simulations that employ our Modified 2D Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) approach. ©2009 IEEE.


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This work considers the effect of hardware constraints that typically arise in practical power-aware wireless sensor network systems. A rigorous methodology is presented that quantifies the effect of output power limit and quantization constraints on bit error rate performance. The approach uses a novel, intuitively appealing means of addressing the output power constraint, wherein the attendant saturation block is mapped from the output of the plant to its input and compensation is then achieved using a robust anti-windup scheme. A priori levels of system performance are attained using a quantitative feedback theory approach on the initial, linear stage of the design paradigm. This hybrid design is assessed experimentally using a fully compliant 802.15.4 testbed where mobility is introduced through the use of autonomous robots. A benchmark comparison between the new approach and a number of existing strategies is also presented.


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Embedded wireless sensor network (WSN) systems have been developed and used in a wide variety of applications such as local automatic environmental monitoring; medical applications analysing aspects of fitness and health energy metering and management in the built environment as well as traffic pattern analysis and control applications. While the purpose and functions of embedded wireless sensor networks have a myriad of applications and possibilities in the future, a particular implementation of these ambient sensors is in the area of wearable electronics incorporated into body area networks and everyday garments. Some of these systems will incorporate inertial sensing devices and other physical and physiological sensors with a particular focus on the application areas of athlete performance monitoring and e-health. Some of the important physical requirements for wearable antennas are that they are light-weight, small and robust and should also use materials that are compatible with a standard manufacturing process such as flexible polyimide or fr4 material where low cost consumer market oriented products are being produced. The substrate material is required to be low loss and flexible and often necessitates the use of thin dielectric and metallization layers. This paper describes the development of such a wearable, flexible antenna system for ISM band wearable wireless sensor networks. The material selected for the development of the wearable system in question is DE104i characterized by a dielectric constant of 3.8 and a loss tangent of 0.02. The antenna feed line is a 50 Ohm microstrip topology suitable for use with standard, high-performance and low-cost SMA-type RF connector technologies, widely used for these types of applications. The desired centre frequency is aimed at the 2.4GHz ISM band to be compatible with IEEE 802.15.4 Zigbee communication protocols and the Bluetooth standard which operate in this band.


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This work presents the design and evaluation of the REAM (Remote Electricity Actuation and Monitoring) node based around the modular Tyndall Mote platform. The REAM node enables the user to remotely actuate power to a mains power extension board while sampling the current, voltage, power and power factor of the attached load. The node contains a current transformer interfaced to an Energy Metering IC which continuously samples current and voltage. These values are periodically read from the part by a PIC24 microcontroller, which calculates the RMS current and voltage, power factor and overall power. The resultant values can then be queried wirelessly employing the Tyndall 802.15.4 compliant wireless module.


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Body Sensor Network (BSN) technology is seeing a rapid emergence in application areas such as health, fitness and sports monitoring. Current BSN wireless sensors typically operate on a single frequency band (e.g. utilizing the IEEE 802.15.4 standard that operates at 2.45GHz) employing a single radio transceiver for wireless communications. This allows a simple wireless architecture to be realized with low cost and power consumption. However, network congestion/failure can create potential issues in terms of reliability of data transfer, quality-of-service (QOS) and data throughput for the sensor. These issues can be especially critical in healthcare monitoring applications where data availability and integrity is crucial. The addition of more than one radio has the potential to address some of the above issues. For example, multi-radio implementations can allow access to more than one network, providing increased coverage and data processing as well as improved interoperability between networks. A small number of multi-radio wireless sensor solutions exist at present but require the use of more than one radio transceiver devices to achieve multi-band operation. This paper presents the design of a novel prototype multi-radio hardware platform that uses a single radio transceiver. The proposed design allows multi-band operation in the 433/868MHz ISM bands and this, together with its low complexity and small form factor, make it suitable for a wide range of BSN applications.


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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) emerge as underlying infrastructures for new classes of large-scale networked embedded systems. However, WSNs system designers must fulfill the quality-of-service (QoS) requirements imposed by the applications (and users). Very harsh and dynamic physical environments and extremely limited energy/computing/memory/communication node resources are major obstacles for satisfying QoS metrics such as reliability, timeliness, and system lifetime. The limited communication range of WSN nodes, link asymmetry, and the characteristics of the physical environment lead to a major source of QoS degradation in WSNs-the ldquohidden node problem.rdquo In wireless contention-based medium access control (MAC) protocols, when two nodes that are not visible to each other transmit to a third node that is visible to the former, there will be a collision-called hidden-node or blind collision. This problem greatly impacts network throughput, energy-efficiency and message transfer delays, and the problem dramatically increases with the number of nodes. This paper proposes H-NAMe, a very simple yet extremely efficient hidden-node avoidance mechanism for WSNs. H-NAMe relies on a grouping strategy that splits each cluster of a WSN into disjoint groups of non-hidden nodes that scales to multiple clusters via a cluster grouping strategy that guarantees no interference between overlapping clusters. Importantly, H-NAMe is instantiated in IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee, which currently are the most widespread communication technologies for WSNs, with only minor add-ons and ensuring backward compatibility with their protocols standards. H-NAMe was implemented and exhaustively tested using an experimental test-bed based on ldquooff-the-shelfrdquo technology, showing that it increases network throughput and transmission success probability up to twice the values obtained without H-NAMe. H-NAMe effectiveness was also demonstrated in a target tracking application with mobile robots - over a WSN deployment.


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Modelling the fundamental performance limits of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is of paramount importance to understand the behaviour of WSN under worst case conditions and to make the appropriate design choices. In that direction, this paper contributes with a methodology for modelling cluster tree WSNs with a mobile sink. We propose closed form recurrent expressions for computing the worst case end to end delays, buffering and bandwidth requirements across any source-destination path in the cluster tree assuming error free channel. We show how to apply our theoretical results to the specific case of IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee WSNs. Finally, we demonstrate the validity and analyze the accuracy of our methodology through a comprehensive experimental study, therefore validating the theoretical results through experimentation.


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Time-sensitive Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications require finite delay bounds in critical situations. This paper provides a methodology for the modeling and the worst-case dimensioning of cluster-tree WSNs. We provide a fine model of the worst-case cluster-tree topology characterized by its depth, the maximum number of child routers and the maximum number of child nodes for each parent router. Using Network Calculus, we derive “plug-and-play” expressions for the endto- end delay bounds, buffering and bandwidth requirements as a function of the WSN cluster-tree characteristics and traffic specifications. The cluster-tree topology has been adopted by many cluster-based solutions for WSNs. We demonstrate how to apply our general results for dimensioning IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee cluster-tree WSNs. We believe that this paper shows the fundamental performance limits of cluster-tree wireless sensor networks by the provision of a simple and effective methodology for the design of such WSNs.


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Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is the most convenient, cost-effective, accurate, and non-invasive technology for e-health monitoring. The performance of WBAN may be disturbed when coexisting with other wireless networks. Accordingly, this paper provides a comprehensive study and in-depth analysis of coexistence issues and interference mitigation solutions in WBAN technologies. A thorough survey of state-of-the art research in WBAN coexistence issues is conducted. The survey classified, discussed, and compared the studies according to the parameters used to analyze the coexistence problem. Solutions suggested by the studies are then classified according to the followed techniques and concomitant shortcomings are identified. Moreover, the coexistence problem in WBAN technologies is mathematically analyzed and formulas are derived for the probability of successful channel access for different wireless technologies with the coexistence of an interfering network. Finally, extensive simulations are conducted using OPNET with several real-life scenarios to evaluate the impact of coexistence interference on different WBAN technologies. In particular, three main WBAN wireless technologies are considered: IEEE 802.15.6, IEEE 802.15.4, and low-power WiFi. The mathematical analysis and the simulation results are discussed and the impact of interfering network on the different wireless technologies is compared and analyzed. The results show that an interfering network (e.g., standard WiFi) has an impact on the performance of WBAN and may disrupt its operation. In addition, using low-power WiFi for WBANs is investigated and proved to be a feasible option compared to other wireless technologies.


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Extending IPv6 to IEEE 802.15.4-based Low power Wireless Personal Area Networks requires efficient header compression mechanisms to adapt to their limited bandwidth, memory and energy constraints. This paper presents an experimental evaluation of an improved header compression scheme which provides better compression of IPv6 multicast addresses and UDP port numbers compared to existing mechanisms. This scheme outperforms the existing compression mechanism in terms of data throughput of the network and energy consumption of nodes. It enhances throughput by up to 8% and reduces transmission energy of nodes by about 5%.


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I dag går utvecklingen av trådlösa nätverk snabbt framåt. Zigbee är en helt ny teknik som bygger på IEEE 802-15-4 standarden. Zigbee utvecklades av the Zigbee Alliance som består av en rad stora elektronikföretag. Zigbee är en teknik som inriktar sig på låg energiförbrukning och låg kostnad. Tekniken är tänkt att användas för att ställa in och läsa av sensorer av olika slag. Denna rapport är ett resultat av ett examensarbete som går ut på att utreda om Zigbee tekniken kan användas för lite längre avstånd. Arbetet resulterade i två demoapplikationer för ett enkel zigbee system, och färdigskriven kod för en möjlighet att använda Zigbee för länge avstånd.