994 resultados para 71-513
Gestión del conocimiento
Front left team member John Corlett is currently (2008) Dean of the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
From Left to Right: Terry Neal, Doug Bowers, Art Wiebe, Gord Merrill, Dave Viney
1970-71 Brock curling team in action. From L to R: Rob Kelly, John Donald, and John Goodwin
1970-71 Brock Generals Hockey team. The members from left to right - Back row: Tom Kearney (trainer), Joel Finlay, Tony Grey, Gregg Carrigan, Craig Morrison, Pat Moroney, Rick Charron, Jim Swain, Bill Fuller, Barry Hopkins, Mike McNiven, Rick Sullivan, Ed Barszcz, Phil McCann, Randy Oiling (Manager), Al Kellogg (Coach). Front row: Wayne Butt, Ron Powell, Tim Goodman, Pat McCann, Arkell Farr, Dave Perrin, Gregg Law. Missing: Jeff Della Vedova.
Likely a photo of Jim Swain, Tony Grey, Ron Powell, Barry Hopkins, and Joel Finlay circa 1971. (From Left to Right) Second from the right remains unknown.
Likely a photo of Rick Charron, Wayne Butt, and Mike McNiven. (From Left to Right) circa 1971