995 resultados para 686
En aquest treball s'explica el concepte de Web Semàntica, junt amb la seva estructura i els diferents termes relacionats amb aquesta idea. A més, es fa especial atenció al paper dels sistemes gestors de bases de dades en aquest camp, tenint en compte sobretot el nivell de compatibilitat que ofereixen aquests per a tracta dades en notació RDF, basada en el llenguatge XML.
Ce texte a pour ambition de revenir sur une procédure d'expérimentation destinée à tester l'impact du vote par approbation ainsi que du vote par note sur l'ampleur de ce qu'on a coutume d'appeler le vote utile. Les résultats de ces expériences, menées lors des élections présidentielles françaises de 2007 et de 2012, ont fait l'objet de deux articles publiés dans la Revue économique. Notre objectif est ici d'attirer l'attention du lecteur sur la conception implicite qui sous-tend ces expériences : le vote comme outil de dévoilement des préférences individuelles. Une telle orientation se fait au détriment d'une conception stratégique du vote, c'est-à-dire le vote comme processus de coordination. Or, il nous semble que le propre du vote utile est précisément de s'inscrire dans une dimension stratégique du vote, dimension que la procédure expérimentale mise en place tend à gommer en ne fournissant pas aux votants de repères informationnels relatifs aux choix des autres votants. On parlera à cet effet d'isolation informationnelle. This text has the ambition to return to an experimental procedure designed to test the impact of approval voting as well as evaluating voting on the scope of what is called in French vote utile (strategic voting). The results of these experiences, held during the 2007 and 2012 French presidential elections, have been the object of two papers published in the Revue économique. Our aim is to catch the attention of readers on the implicit conception inherent to these experiences: voting as a means to reveal individual preferences. Such a direction is taken at the cost of a strategic conception of voting, i.e. voting as a coordination process. Yet, it seems to us that the main characteristic of strategic voting is precisely to be strategic. The design of the experimental procedure tends to erase this dimension, by depriving the voters of information on other voter's choices. This is what we call informational isolation.
The aim of this study was to search for plasmid-encoded quinolone resistance determinants QnrA and QnrS in fluoroquinolone-resistant and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing enterobacterial isolates recovered in Sydney, Australia, in 2002. Twenty-three fluoroquinolone-resistant, of which 16 were also ESBL-positive, enterobacterial and nonrelated isolates were studied. PCR with primers specific for qnrA and qnrS genes and primers specific for a series of ESBL genes were used. A qnrA gene was identified in two ESBL-positive isolates, whereas no qnrS-positive strain was found. The QnrA1 determinant was identified in an Enterobacter cloacae isolate and in a carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae isolate, both of which expressed the same ESBL SHV- 12. Whereas no plasmid was identified in the E. cloacae isolate, K. pneumoniae K149 possessed two conjugative plasmids, one that harbored the qnrA and bla (SHV)-12 genes whereas the other expressed the carbapenemase gene bla (IMP-4). The qnrA gene, was located in both cases downstream of the orf513 recombinase gene and upstream of the qnrA1 gene, a structure identical to that found in sul1-type integron In36 and qnrA-positive strains from Shanghai, China. However, the gene cassettes of the sul1-type integrons were different. This study identified the first plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance determinant in Enterobacteriaceae in Australia.
Compositional random vectors are fundamental tools in the Bayesian analysis of categorical data.Many of the issues that are discussed with reference to the statistical analysis of compositionaldata have a natural counterpart in the construction of a Bayesian statistical model for categoricaldata.This note builds on the idea of cross-fertilization of the two areas recommended by Aitchison (1986)in his seminal book on compositional data. Particular emphasis is put on the problem of whatparameterization to use
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57329
City Audit Report
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57353
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57332
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57303
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57294
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57341
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57292
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57344
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57336