998 resultados para 665


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Size-dependent elastic properties of Ni nanofilms are investigated by molecular dynamics ( MD) simulations with embedded atom method (EAM). The surface effects are considered by calculating the surface relaxation, surface energy, and surface stress. The Young's modulus and yield stress are obtained as functions of thickness and crystallographic orientation. It is shown that the surface relaxation has important effects on the the elastic properties at nanoscale. When the surface relaxation is outward, the Young's modulus decreases with the film thickness decreasing, and vice versa. The results also show that the yield stresses of the films increase with the films becoming thinner. With the thickness of the nanofilms decreasing, the surface effects on the elastic properties become dominant.


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El presente trabajo de investigación se estableció en la comunidad Dulce Nombre de Jesús en la época de postrera entre los meses de agosto y noviembre del 2009. Esta comunidad está ubicada a 40 km de la ciudad de Matagalpa y a 90 km de Managua en las coordenadas geográficas 12º 43 ́ de latitud norte y 86º 07 ́ de longitud oeste a una altitud de 433 metros. El objetivo fue evaluar el crecimiento y rendimiento del cultivo de maíz ( Zea mays L.) bajo dos innovaciones tecnológicas las cuales fueron: tres fuentes de nutrientes (compost, mungo y fertilizante sintético) y tres variedades, dos mejoradas (NB-6, NB-S) y una criolla. Se estableció un arreglo bifactorial en diseño de parcelas divididas en bloques completos al azar con cuatro repeticiones. La dimensión total del ensayo fue de 880 m 2 (40 m * 22 m), siendo el área de la parcela grande de 60 m 2 (12 m * 5 m) con una parcela útil de 9.6 m 2 . Las variables evaluadas fueron altura de planta, diámetro del tallo, número, ancho y longitud de hoja, área foliar, altura de mazorca, peso, longitud y diámetro de mazorca, número de hileras por mazorca, número de granos por hileras, peso de mil granos y rendimiento. Los datos fueron analizados con el programa estadístico SAS. Los resultados muestran que hubo diferencia significativa para algunas variables de crecimiento y rendimiento. El mayor rendimiento se registro con el tratamiento A 3 con 873.57 kg ha -1 , seguido del tratamiento A 2 con 774.87 kg ha - 1 y el tratamiento A 1 con 665.14 kg ha -1 ; este ultimo presentó mayor rentabilidad económica al presentar una tasa de retorno marginal de 113 %.


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本文研究从上面加热的液桥中不同 pr 数流体的热表面张力驱动对流。在 Ma 数相同的条件下,不同 pr 数流体液桥中的温度分布和流场结构定性相似,但定量结果不同。小pr数(pr<<1)流体液桥中的粘性边界层远小于热边界层,最大流函数所在位置向冷端偏移,有较大的流动速度。结果表明,Ma 数是描述这种流动的敏感参数。


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XVIII - Direito Internacional Público, Relações Internacionais.


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A HIGHER-ORDER asymptotic analysis of a stationary crack in an elastic power-law hardening material has been carried out for plane strain, Mode 1. The extent to which elasticity affects the near-tip fields is determined by the strain hardening exponent n. Five terms in the asymptotic series for the stresses have been derived for n = 3. However, only three amplitudes can be independently prescribed. These are K1, K2 and K5 corresponding to amplitudes of the first-, second- and fifth-order terms. Four terms in the asymptotic series have been obtained for n = 5, 7 and 10; in these cases, the independent amplitudes are K1, K2 and K4. It is found that appropriate choices of K2 and K4 can reproduce near-tip fields representative of a broad range of crack tip constraints in moderate and low hardening materials. Indeed, fields characterized by distinctly different stress triaxiality levels (established by finite element analysis) have been matched by the asymptotic series. The zone of dominance of the asymptotic series extends over distances of about 10 crack openings ahead of the crack tip encompassing length scales that are microstructurally significant. Furthermore, the higher-order terms collectively describe a spatially uniform hydrostatic stress field (of adjustable magnitude) ahead of the crack. Our results lend support to a suggestion that J and a measure of near-tip stress triaxiality can describe the full range of near-tip states.


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Size-dependent elastic properties of Ni nanofilms are investigated by molecular dynamics ( MD) simulations with embedded atom method (EAM). The surface effects are considered by calculating the surface relaxation, surface energy, and surface stress. The Young's modulus and yield stress are obtained as functions of thickness and crystallographic orientation. It is shown that the surface relaxation has important effects on the the elastic properties at nanoscale. When the surface relaxation is outward, the Young's modulus decreases with the film thickness decreasing, and vice versa. The results also show that the yield stresses of the films increase with the films becoming thinner. With the thickness of the nanofilms decreasing, the surface effects on the elastic properties become dominant.


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重力是体位改变过程中最基本的生物力学刺激因素.血流压力是表征心血管功能状态的一个基本指标.目前,体位改 变影响心血管系统的确切内部机制尚不清楚.为此,采用在流体和固体方程中分别引入体力项的方法,建立一个基于血流动 力学概念的三维流固耦合数学模型,用以研究体位改变,确切量化重力对血流压力的影响.通过数值计算,得到以下结果. 水平卧位条件下:a.单一血管中血流压力由无重力影响的轴对称二维分布变为重力影响下的三维不对称分布;b.随着进出 口压差由小变大,重力对压力分布和极值的影响由大变小,当压差值分别达到10 665.6 Pa(80 mmHg)和2 666.4 Pa(20 mmHg) 时,重力的影响就不再随进出口压差增大而变化;对三维单一流体,重力影响的总体趋势类似.对正、倒直立位,压力均为 二维轴对称分布,其重力影响强度约为水平卧位的2 倍以上.结果表明:基于血流动力学概念,引入体力项,建立三维流固 耦合模型为研究体位改变提供了一种新思路,重力对单一血管中血流压力分布和大小的影响因体位不同而不同,并与进出口 压差密切相关,提示,若血管进出口压差较小,忽略重力影响,不考虑体位改变,以二维轴对称模型来研究血管中血流状 态,须谨慎解释所得结果.


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An assessment is given of the post-harvest losses in the Lake Kainji fisheries of Nigeria. The study focussed on quantifiable information on post-harvest technology and post-harvest losses from fisherfolk, fish processors and fish traders operating within the Kainji Lake basin. The information was obtained from questionnaires sent to a total of 665 respondents, comprising 317 fishermen, 115 fish processors, 125 fish buyers, and 111 fish sellers in 45 fishing villages and collection centres within the lake basin. Considering the total catch from gillnets, longlines, traps and cast nets estimated at 14,000 in 1995 about 1,000 t of fish was either discarded or lost value due to spoilage during handling by fisherfolk. Assuming an average prices of 80 Naira/kg of fish, the loss to the economy amounted to 80 million Naira annually. Appropriate recommendations are made to significantly reduce post-harvest losses in the Kainji Lake fishery. (PDF contains 91 pages)