944 resultados para 576 Genetica ed evoluzione
Dopo una breve introduzione storiografica analizzo alcuni percorsi di studio dedicati alle metodologie di detezione dei pianeti extra-solari ed approfondisco alcuni aspetti teorici legati ai fenomeni di interazione dinamica tra pianeti e stelle nel corso delle loro fasi evolutive.
Il diagramma H-R: - la definizione e la costruzione del diagramma H-R; - le classi principali di stelle nel diagramma H-R; - massa e raggio delle stelle nel diagramma H-R; - diagramma H-R ed evoluzione stellare; - il diagramma osservativo (magnitudine-colore); - diagramma CM di ammassi stellari; - le sequenze evolutive nel diagramma CM; - le reazioni termonucleari connesse a ciascuna fase evolutiva.
The proximal femur is a high-diversity region of the human skeleton, especially at the anterior junction between head and neck, where various bony morphologies have been recognized since mid nineteenth century. Classical literature on this topic is chaotic and contradictory, making almost impossible the comparison of data from different researches. Starting from an extensive bibliographic review, the first standardized method to score these traits has been created. This method allows representing both the anatomical diversity of the region already described in literature and a part of variability not considered before, giving few and univocal definitions and allowing to collect comparable data. The method has been applied to three identified and five archaeological European skeletal collections, with the aim of investigating the distribution of these features by sex, age and side, in different places and time periods. It has also been applied to 3D digital reconstructions of femurs from CT scan files of coxo-femoral joints from fresh cadavers. In addition to the osseous traits described in the standardized method, the presence and frequency of some features known as herniation pits have been scored both on bones and on CT scans. The various osseous traits of the proximal femur are present at similar frequencies in skeletal samples from different countries and different historical periods, even if with clear local differentiation. Some of the features examined show significant trends related to their distribution by gender and age. Some hypotheses are proposed about the etiology of these morphologies and their possible implication with the acquisition of bipedalism in Humans. It is therefore highlighted the possible relation of some of these traits with the development of disorders of the hip joint. Moreover, it is not recommended the use of any of these features as a specific activity-related marker.
The Mediterranean Sea is expected to react faster to global change compared to the ocean and is already showing more pronounced warming and acidification rates. A study performed along the Italian western coast showed that porosity of the skeleton increases with temperature in the zooxanthellate (i.e. symbiotic with unicellular algae named zooxanthellae) solitary scleractinian Balanophyllia europaea while it does not vary with temperature in the solitary non-zooxanthellate Leptopsammia pruvoti. These results were confirmed by another study that indicated that the increase in porosity was accompanied by an increase of the fraction of the largest pores in the pore-space, perhaps due to an inhibition of the photosynthetic process at elevated temperatures, causing an attenuation of calcification. B. europaea, L. pruvoti and the colonial non-zooxanthellate Astroides calycularis, transplanted along a natural pH gradient, showed that high temperature exacerbated the negative effect of lowered pH on their mortality rates. The growth of the zooxanthellate species did not react to reduced pH, while the growth of the two non-zooxanthellate species was negatively affected. Reduced abundance of naturally occurring B. europaea, a mollusk, a calcifying and a non-calcifying macroalgae were observed along the gradient while no variation was seen in the abundance of a calcifying green alga. With decreasing pH, the mineralogy of the coral and mollusk did not change, while the two calcifying algae decreased the content of aragonite in favor of the less soluble calcium sulphates and whewellite (calcium oxalate), possibly as a mechanism of phenotypic plasticity. Increased values of porosity and macroporosity with CO2 were observed in B. europaea specimens, indicating reduces the resistance of its skeletons to mechanical stresses with increasing acidity. These findings, added to the negative effect of temperature on various biological parameters, generate concern on the sensitivity of this zooxanthellate species to the envisaged global climate change scenarios.
This work is about the role that environment plays in the production of evolutionary significant variations. It starts with an historical introduction about the concept of variation and the role of environment in its production. Then, I show how a lack of attention to these topics may lead to serious mistakes in data interpretation. A statistical re-analysis of published data on the effects of malnutrition on dental eruption, shows that what has been interpreted as an increase in the mean value, is actually linked to increase of variability. In Chapter 3 I present the topic of development as a link between variability and environmental influence, giving a review of the possible mechanisms by which development influences evolutionary dynamics. Chapter 4 is the core chapter of the thesis; I investigated the role of environment in the development of dental morphology. I used dental hypoplasia as a marker of stress, characterizing two groups. Comparing the morphology of upper molars in the two groups, three major results came out: (i) there is a significant effect of environmental stressors on the overall morphology of upper molars; (ii) the developmental response increases morphological variability of the stressed population; (iii) increase of variability is directional: stressed individuals have increased cusps dimensions and number. I also hypothesized the molecular mechanisms that could be responsible of the observed effects. In Chapter 5, I present future perspectives for developing this research. The direction of dental development response is the same direction of the trend in mammalian dental evolution. Since malnutrition triggers the developmental response, and this particular kind of stressor must have been very common in our class evolutionary history, I propose the possibility that environmental stress actively influenced mammals evolution. Moreover, I discuss the possibility of reconsidering the role of natural selection in the evolution of dental morphology.
Despite extensive studies focus mainly on sexual reproductive characteristics in tropical scleractinian species, there is limited knowledge on temperate regions. The Mediterranean is a biodiversity hotspot under intense pressure from anthropogenic impacts. Climatic models further predict that the Mediterranean basin will be one of the most impacted regions by the ongoing warming trend. This makes it a potential model of more global patterns to occur in the world’s marine biota, and a natural focus of interest for research on climate. The present research contributed to increase data on reproductive modes and sexuality of temperate scleractinian corals, highlighting their developmental plasticity, showing different forms of propagation and different responses to environmental change. For the first time, sexuality and reproductive mode in Caryophyllia inornata were determined. An unusual embryogenesis without a clear seasonal pattern was observed, suggesting the possibility of an asexual origin. Sexual reproduction of Astroides calycularis was governed by annual changes in seawater temperature, as observed for other Mediterranean dendrophylliids. Defining the reproductive biology of these species is the starting point for studying their potential response to variations of environmental parameters, on a global climate change context. The results on the influence of temperature on reproductive output of the zooxanthellate (symbiosis with unicellular algae) Balanophyllia europaea and the non-zooxanthellate Leptopsammia pruvoti suggest that the latter may be quite tolerant to temperature increase, since the zooxanthellate species resulted less efficient at warm temperatures. A possible explanation could be related to their different trophic system. In B. europaea thermal tolerance is primarily governed by the symbiotic algae, making it more sensitive to temperature changes. On the contrary, the absence of symbionts in L. pruvoti might make it more resistant to temperature. In a progressively warming Mediterranean, the efficiency on scleractinian reproduction could be influenced in different ways, reflecting their extraordinary adaptability.
Genetic differences among human groups can be ascribed both to the broad-scale extents of pre-historical and historical migrations and to the fine-scale impacts of socio-cultural and geographic heterogeneity. In this thesis, the genetic information provided by uniparental markers were exploited to address different aspects of the Italian population history, by combining macro- and micro-geographic investigations at different spatial and temporal scales. To firstly assess the overall Italian variability, Y-chromosome and mtDNA markers were deeply typed in ~900 individuals from continental Italy, Sicily and Sardinia. Sex-biased patterns and contrasting demographic histories were observed for males and females. Differential European and Mediterranean contributions were invoked to explain the paternal genetic sub-structure observed in peninsular Italy, compared to the homogeneous maternal genetic landscape. If Neolithic showed to be one principal determinant of the detected paternal structure, local insights into specific Italian regional contexts highlighted the importance of Post-Neolithic contributions. Among them, migrations from the Balkans (particularly Greece) during late Metal Ages, played a relevant role in the cultural and genetic transitions occurred in Sicily and Southern Italy. On a finer geographic and temporal perspective, the more recent layers of Italian genetic history and some aspects of the gene-culture interaction were assessed by exploring the genetic variability within two “marginal populations”: Arbereshe of Southern Italy and Partecipanza in Northern Italy. The Arbereshe are Albanian-speaking communities settled in Sicily and Calabria since the end of Middle Ages. Despite sharing common genetic and cultural backgrounds, these groups revealed diverging micro-evolutionary histories, implying different founding events and different patterns of cultural isolation and local admixture. Partecipanza is an idiosyncratic institution of Medieval origin aimed at sharing and devolving collective lands. This case-study exemplified that socio-economic stratification within the same population may induce sex-biased genetic structuring and the maintenance of otherwise hidden historical genetic traces.
In recent years the advances in genomics allowed to understand the importance of Transposable Elements (TE) in the evolution of eukaryotic genomes. In this thesis I face two aspects of the TE impact on the in the animal kingdom. The first part is a comparison of the dynamics of the TE dynamics in three species of stick-insects of the Genus Bacillus. I produced three random genomic libraries of 200 Kbps for the three parental species of the taxon: a gonochoric population of Bacillus rossius (facultative parthenogenetic), Bacillus grandii (gonochoric) and Bacillus atticus (obligate parthenogenetic). The unisexual taxon Bacillus atticus does not shows dramatic differences in TE total content and activity with respect to Bacillus grandii and Bacillus rossius. This datum does not confirm the trend observed in other animal models in which unisexual taxa tend to repress the activity of TE to escape the extinction by accumulation of harmful mutations. In the second part I tried to add a contribute to the debate initiated in recent years about the possibility that a high TE content is linked to a high rate of speciation. I designed an evolutionary framework to establish the different rate of speciation among two or more taxa, then I compared TE dynamics considering the different rates of speciation. The species dataset comprises: 29 mammals, four birds, two fish and two insects. On the whole the majority of comparisons confirms the expected trend. In particular the amount of species analyzed in Mammalia allowed me to get a statistical support (p<0,05) of the fact that the TE activity of recently mobilized elements is positively related with the rate of speciation.
Although ability to digest lactose generally declines after weaning in all mammals, in some human populations it persists also in adult individuals, a condition named lactase persistence (LP). Studies on the prevalence of the LP phenotype in worldwide human populations have shown that the frequency of this trait is highly variable in different ethnic groups, appearing to be positively correlated with the importance of milk in the diet. In particular, several single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the proximity of the LCT gene have been proved to be associated with LP. Nevertheless, few studies have till now analyzed genetic variation underlying LP in a wide set of Eurasian populations and, especially, in the Italian one. In the present study, we thus typed 40 SNPs surrounding the LCT gene in more than 1,000 samples from Italian and Arabic peninsulas to investigate patterns of LP-related genetic diversity in two regions which have played a pivotal role in the recent human evolutionary history according to their geographical position and historical/archaeological records. Our results underline a high and complex variability of the explored genomic region in both studied populations. In particular, a clear diversification of Northern Italian groups from the rest of the peninsula, was observed, with the formers being genetically more similar to Northern European populations than to Southern Italians. These observation are consistent with known decreasing pattern of LP from Northern to Southern Italy and suggest the possibility of an independent evolution of LP-associated genotypes in Northern Italy. A similar scenario was observed in the Arabian peninsula, with Dhofari Arabs from Southern Oman and Yemeni clustering together with respect to Arabs from Northern Oman and the subgroup of Omanis of Asian origin which appeared instead to be genetically closer to Europeans than to the rest of Arabic groups.
L’intelligenza artificiale, ovvero lo studio e la progettazione di sistemi intelligenti, mira a riprodurre alcuni aspetti dell’intelligenza umana, come il linguaggio e il ragionamento deduttivo, nei computer. La robotica, invece, cerca spesso di ricreare nei robot comportamenti adattativi, come l’abilità di manipolare oggetti o camminare, mediante l’utilizzo di algoritmi in grado di generare comportamenti desiderati. Una volta realizzato uno di questi algoritmi specificamente per una certa abilità, si auspica che tale algoritmo possa essere riutilizzato per generare comportamenti più complessi fino a che il comportamento adattativo del robot non si mostri ad un osservatore esterno come intelligente; purtroppo questo non risulta sempre possibile e talvolta per generare comportamenti di maggiore complessità è necessario riscrivere totalmente gli algoritmi. Appare quindi evidente come nel campo della robotica l’attenzione sia incentrata sul comportamento, perché le azioni di un robot generano nuove stimolazioni sensoriali, che a loro volta influiscono sulle sue azioni future. Questo tipo di intelligenza artificiale (chiamata propriamente embodied cognition) differisce da quella propriamente detta per il fatto che l’intelligenza non emerge dall’introspezione ma dalle interazioni via via più complesse che la macchina ha con l’ambiente circostante. Gli esseri viventi presenti in natura mostrano, infatti, alcuni fenomeni che non sono programmati a priori nei geni, bensì frutto dell’interazione che l’organismo ha con l’ambiente durante le varie fasi del suo sviluppo. Volendo creare una macchina che sia al contempo autonoma e adattativa, si devono affrontare due problemi: il primo è relativo alla difficoltà della progettazione di macchine autonome, il secondo agli ingenti costi di sviluppo dei robot. Alla fine degli anni ’80 nasce la robotica evolutiva che, traendo ispirazione dall’evoluzione biologica, si basa sull’utilizzo di software in grado di rappresentare popolazioni di robot virtuali e la capacità di farli evolvere all’interno di un simulatore, in grado di rappresentare le interazioni tra mente e corpo del robot e l’ambiente, per poi realizzare fisicamente solo i migliori. Si utilizzano algoritmi evolutivi per generare robot che si adattano, anche dal punto di vista della forma fisica, all’ambiente in cui sono immersi. Nel primo capitolo si tratterà di vita ed evoluzione artificiali, concetti che verranno ripresi nel secondo capitolo, dedicato alle motivazioni che hanno portato alla nascita della robotica evolutiva, agli strumenti dei quali si avvale e al rapporto che ha con la robotica tradizionale e le sue declinazioni. Nel terzo capitolo si presenteranno i tre formalismi mediante i quali si sta cercando di fornire un fondamento teorico a questa disciplina. Infine, nel quarto capitolo saranno mostrati i problemi che ancora oggi non hanno trovato soluzione e le sfide che si devono affrontare trattando di robotica evolutiva.
Because of the potentially irreversible impact of groundwater quality deterioration in the Ferrara coastal aquifer, answers concerning the assessment of the extent of the salinization problem, the understanding of the mechanisms governing salinization processes, and the sustainability of the current water resources management are urgent. In this light, the present thesis aims to achieve the following objectives: Characterization of the lowland coastal aquifer of Ferrara: hydrology, hydrochemistry and evolution of the system The importance of data acquisition techniques in saltwater intrusion monitoring Predicting salinization trends in the lowland coastal aquifer Ammonium occurrence in a salinized lowland coastal aquifer Trace elements mobility in a saline coastal aquifer
Coral reefs are the most biodiverse ecosystems of the ocean and they provide notable ecosystem services. Nowadays, they are facing a number of local anthropogenic threats and environmental change is threatening their survivorship on a global scale. Large-scale monitoring is necessary to understand environmental changes and to perform useful conservation measurements. Governmental agencies are often underfunded and are not able of sustain the necessary spatial and temporal large-scale monitoring. To overcome the economic constrains, in some cases scientists can engage volunteers in environmental monitoring. Citizen Science enables the collection and analysis of scientific data at larger spatial and temporal scales than otherwise possible, addressing issues that are otherwise logistically or financially unfeasible. “STE: Scuba Tourism for the Environment” was a volunteer-based Red Sea coral reef biodiversity monitoring program. SCUBA divers and snorkelers were involved in the collection of data for 72 taxa, by completing survey questionnaires after their dives. In my thesis, I evaluated the reliability of the data collected by volunteers, comparing their questionnaires with those completed by professional scientists. Validation trials showed a sufficient level of reliability, indicating that non-specialists performed similarly to conservation volunteer divers on accurate transects. Using the data collected by volunteers, I developed a biodiversity index that revealed spatial trends across surveyed areas. The project results provided important feedbacks to the local authorities on the current health status of Red Sea coral reefs and on the effectiveness of the environmental management. I also analysed the spatial and temporal distribution of each surveyed taxa, identifying abundance trends related with anthropogenic impacts. Finally, I evaluated the effectiveness of the project to increase the environmental education of volunteers and showed that the participation in STEproject significantly increased both the knowledge on coral reef biology and ecology and the awareness of human behavioural impacts on the environment.
Epigenetic variability is a new mechanism for the study of human microevolution, because it creates both phenotypic diversity within an individual and within population. This mechanism constitutes an important reservoir for adaptation in response to new stimuli and recent studies have demonstrated that selective pressures shape not only the genetic code but also DNA methylation profiles. The aim of this thesis is the study of the role of DNA methylation changes in human adaptive processes, considering the Italian peninsula and macro-geographical areas. A whole-genome analysis of DNA methylation profile across the Italian penisula identified some genes whose methylation levels differ between individuals of different Italian districts (South, Centre and North of Italy). These genes are involved in nitrogen compound metabolism and genes involved in pathogens response. Considering individuals with different macro-geographical origins (individuals of Asians, European and African ancestry) more significant DMRs (differentially methylated regions) were identified and are located in genes involved in glucoronidation, in immune response as well as in cell comunication processes. A "profile" of each ancestry (African, Asian and European) was described. Moreover a deepen analysis of three candidate genes (KRTCAP3, MAD1L and BRSK2) in a cohort of individuals of different countries (Morocco, Nigeria, China and Philippines) living in Bologna, was performed in order to explore genetic and epigenetic diversity. Moreover this thesis have paved the way for the application of DNA methylation for the study of hystorical remains and in particular for the age-estimation of individuals starting from biological samples (such as teeth or blood). Noteworthy, a mathematical model that considered methylation values of DNA extracted from cementum and pulp of living individuals can estimate chronological age with high accuracy (median absolute difference between age estimated from DNA methylation and chronological age was 1.2 years).
Many bivalve species possess two distinct mtDNA lineages, called F and M, respectively inherited maternally and paternally: this system is called doubly uniparental inheritance (DUI). The main experimental project of my PhD was the quantification of the two mtDNAs during the development of the DUI species Ruditapes philippinarum, from early embryos to sub-adults, using Real-Time qPCR. I identified the time interval in which M mtDNA is lost from female individuals, while it is retained in males (which are heteroplasmic through all of their life cycle). The results also suggested absence of mtDNA replication during early embryogenesis, a process constituting a bottleneck that highly reduces the copy number of mtDNA molecules in cells of developing larvae. In males this bottleneck may produce cells homoplasmic for M mtDNA, and could be considered as a first step of the segregation of M in the male germ line. Another finding was the characterization, in young clams approaching the first reproductive season, of a significant boost in copy number of F mtDNA in females and of M in males. Given the age of animals in which this mtDNA-specific growth was observed, the finding could probably be the outcome of the first round of gonads and gametes production. Other lines of research included the characterization of the unassigned regions in mt genomes of DUI bivalves. These regions can harbor signals involved in the control of replication and/or transcription of the mtDNA molecule, as well as additional open reading frames (ORFs) not related to oxidative phosphorylation. These features in DUI species could be associated to the maintenance of separate inheritance routes for the two mtDNAs. Additional ORFs are also found in other animal mt genomes: I summarized the presence of gene duplications as a co-author in a review focusing on animal mt genomes with unusual gene content.
An appropriate management of fisheries resources can only be achieved with the continuous supply of information on the structure and biology of populations, in order to predict the temporal fluctuations. This study supports the importance of investigating the bio-ecology of increasingly exploited and poorly known species, such as gurnards (Osteichthyes, Triglidae) from Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean), to quantify their ecological role into marine community. It also focuses on investigate inter and intra-specific structuring factor of Adriatic population. These objectives were achieved by: 1) investigating aspects of the population dynamics; 2) studying the feeding biology through the examination of stomach contents; 3) using sagittal otoliths as potential marker of species life cycle; 4) getting preliminary data on mDNA phylogeny. Gurnards showed a specie-specific “critical size” coinciding with the start of sexual maturity, the tendency to migrate to greater depths, a change of diet from crustaceans to fish and an increase of variety of food items eaten. Distribution of prey items, predator size range and depth distribution were the main dimensions that influence the breadth of trophic niche and the relative difference amongst Adriatic gurnards. Several feeding preferences were individuated and a possible impact among bigger-size gurnards and other commercial fishes (anchovy, gadoids) and Crustacea (such as mantis prawn and shrimps) were to be necessary considered. Otolith studies showed that gurnard species have a very fast growth despite other results in other areas; intra-specific differences and the increase in the variability of otolith shape, sulcus acusticus shape, S:O ratios, sulcus acusticus external crystals arrangement were shown between juveniles and adults and were linked to growth (individual genetic factors) and to environmental conditions (e.g. depth and trophic niche distribution). In order to facilitate correct biological interpretation of data, molecular data were obtained for comparing morphological distance to genetic ones.