993 resultados para 55-433B
Collection : Les archives de la Révolution française ; 3.1
Árvores, arbustos, subarbustos ou lianas, raramente ervas, glabros ou com pêlos simples. Folhas alternas, raramente opostas, simples, geralmente pecioladas; limbo inteiro, dentado, serrado ou trenado, peninérveo ou com 3-5 nervuras desde a base; estípulas em regra presentes, algumas vezes espinescentes, f caducas. Inflorescências axilares, mais raramente terminais, com as flores em cimeiras, racemos ou fascículos, por vezes, unifloras. Flores brancas, esverdeadas ou amareladas, actinomórficas, periginicas ou epigínicas, bissexuadas raramente unissexuadas. Receptáculo de cónico a obcónico. Sépalas (4) 5, valvadas. Pétalas (4) 5, por vezes nulas, com frequência unguiculadas, muitas vezes cuculadas cobrindo parcial ou totalmente os estames, alternadas com as sépalas e geralmente menores que estas. Disco nectarífero em regra presente e bem desenvolvido, geralmente soldado ao hipanto, intrastaminal, livre ou unido ao ovario, muito variável na forma. Estames (4) 5, epipétalos; filetes livres, soldados à base das pétalas; anteras (1) 2-tecas, introrsas, longitudinalmente deiscentes. Ovário sincárpico, séssil, livre e súpero ou imerso no disco e ínfero ou semi-ínfero, (1) 2-3 (5)-locular; lóculos 1-ovulados com placentacão basilar; óvulos erectos, anatrópicos; estilete 2-4lobado ou 2-3-fido. Fruto urna drupa, cápsula septicida ou esquizocarpo, por vezes alado. Sementes em regra com albúmen pouco abundante, por vezes nulo; embrião grande, direito. Familia com cerca de 55 géneros e 900 espécies, distribuidas pelas regiões tropicais e subtropicais de África, América, Ásia e Austrália.
We present a electroluminescence (EL) study of the Si-rich silicon oxide (SRSO) LEDs with and without Er3+ ions under different polarization schemes: direct current (DC) and pulsed voltage (PV). The power efficiency of the devices and their main optical limitations are presented. We show that under PV polarization scheme, the devices achieve one order of magnitude superior performance in comparison with DC. Time-resolved measurements have shown that this enhancement is met only for active layers in which annealing temperature is high enough (>1000 ◦C) for silicon nanocrystal (Si-nc) formation. Modeling of the system with rate equations has been done and excitation cross-sections for both Si-nc and Er3+ ions have been extracted.
Bureau of Nutrition and Health Promotion part of the Iowa Department of Public Health produces of weekly newsletter about the Iowa WIC Program for the State of Iowa citizen.
The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of malignant lymphomas in patients with long-standing primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS). We retrospectively studied a cohort of 55 patients with pSS over a mean follow-up period of 12 years. Five patients (9%) developed malignant lymphoma. The interval between the diagnoses of SS and lymphoma ranged from four to 12 years (mean = 6.5 years). The lymphoma arose in the lymph nodes in two cases, the parotid gland in one case, the lacrimal gland in one case, and the lung in one case. All five cases were B-cell low-grade lymphomas. Among our SS patients, those with extraglandular manifestations and/or a mixed cryoglobulin were at increased risk for lymphoma development. Secondary lymphoma carried a poor prognosis in our study. Three of the six SS patients who died during the follow-up period had lymphoma.
During the selection of monoclonal antibodies (MAb) raised against purified carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), two MAbs were identified which immunoprecipitated a glycoprotein of 95 kD present both in perchloric acid extracts of normal lung and on the surface of normal granulocytes. This antigen was distinct from the previously reported normal glycoprotein crossreacting with CEA (NCA) which had a molecular weight of 55 kD. The difference between the smaller and the larger crossreacting antigens termed NCA-55 and NCA-95, respectively, was demonstrated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, by elution from Sephadex-G200 and by selective binding to a series of anti-CEA MAb. Out of six MAb which all bound CEA purified from colon carcinoma, three did not react with these two crossreacting antigens, one bound only NCA-95, one reacted only with NCA-55 and one reacted with both NCA-55 and NCA-95. Immunoadsorbent purified preparations of 125I labelled NCA-95 and NCA-55 were found useful for the screening of new anti-CEA MAb. In addition, when tested on frozen sections of colon carcinoma, normal spleen, normal lung and pancreas, each type of MAb gave a clearly different pattern of reactivity. The three anti-CEA MAb which did not bind any of the crossreacting antigens stained only the colon carcinoma cells; the MAb binding to either one of the two types of NCA gave a similar pattern of reactivity both on colon carcinoma cells and on granulocytes. However, on normal lung and pancreas, the MAb binding NCA-55 stained granulocytes as well as bronchiolar and alveolar epithelial cells in lung and inter- and intra-lobular duct epithelial cells in pancreas, whereas the MAb binding only NCA-95 stained only the granulocytes. Thus, the newly identified NCA-95 appears to differ from NCA-55 not only in terms of molecular size and antigenicity but also by the fact that in normal lung and pancreas it is found in granulocytes but not in epithelial cells.
A snapshot of water resource trends prepared by the Iowa DNR in collaboration with the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, the U.S. Geological Survey, and The Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department.
A road safety audit was conducted for a seven-mile section of County Road W-55 in Washington County, Iowa. In 2006, the average annual daily traffic on this roadway was found to be 1,290 vehicles per day. Using crash data from 2001 to 2007, the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) has identified this roadway as being in the top 5% of Iowa secondary rural roads with the highest density of serious (fatal and major injury) crashes for single-vehicle run-off-road incidents. Considering these safety data, the Washington County Engineer requested that a road safety audit be conducted to identify areas with safety concerns and to recommend low-cost mitigation to address those concerns. Staff and officials from the Iowa DOT, Iowa State Patrol, Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, Institute for Transportation, and local law enforcement and transportation agencies met to review crash data and discuss potential safety improvements to this segment of W-55. This report outlines the findings and recommendations of the road safety audit team to address the safety concerns on this W-55 corridor and explain several selected mitigation strategies.