992 resultados para 54 - Química


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This study examines the physical and chemical composition and the pharmacological effects of brown seaweed FRF 0.8 Lobophora variegata. Fractionation of the crude extract was done with the concentration of 0.8 volumes of acetone, obtaining the FRF 0.8. The physicochemical characterization showed that it was a fucana sulfated. Anti-inflammatory activity was assessed by paw edema model by the high rates of inhibition of the edema and the best results were in the fourth hour after induction (100 ± 1.4% at the dose of 75 mg / kg) and by the strong inhibitory activity of the enzyme myeloperoxidase (91.45% at the dose of 25 mg / kg). The hepataproteção was demonstrated by measurements of enzymatic and metabolic parameters indicative of liver damage, such as bilirubin (reduction in 68.81%, 70.68% and 68.21% for bilirubin total, direct and indirect, respectively at a dose of 75 mg / kg), ALT, AST and γ-GT (decrease of 76.93%, 44.58% and 50% respectively at a dose of 75 mg / kg) by analysis of histological slides of liver tissue, confirming that hepatoprotective effect the polymers of carbohydrates, showing a reduction in tissue damage caused by CCl4 and the inhibition of the enzyme complex of cytochrome P 450 (increasing sleep time in 54.6% and reducing the latency time in 71.43%). The effectiveness of the FRF 0.8 angiogenesis was examined in chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of fertilized eggs, with the density of capillaries evaluated and scored, showing an effect proangigênico at all concentrations tested FRF (10 mg- 1000 mg). The FRF showed antioxidant activity on free radicals (by inhibiting Superoxide Radical in 55.62 ± 2.10%, Lipid Peroxidation in 100.15 ± 0.01%, Hydroxyl Radical in 41.84 ± 0.001% and 71.47 Peroxide in ± 2.69% at concentration of 0.62 mg / mL). The anticoagulant activity was observed with prolongation of activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) at 50 mg (> 240 s), showing that its action occurs in the intrinsic pathway of the coagulation cascade. Thus, our results indicate that these sulfated polysaccharides are an important pharmacological target


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The ground pods of mesquite (GPM) was submitted to different thermal treatments for two hours after wanted temperature stabilization, for making of the treatments: A = ground pods of mesquite without heat treatment (approximately 30 degrees C); B = The ground pods of mesquite treated at 60 degrees C; C = The ground pods of mesquite treated at 80 degrees C; D = The ground pods of mesquite treated at 100 degrees C and E = The ground pods of mesquite treated at 120 degrees C. Soon after, samples were collected for accomplishment for chemical analyses and in vitro digestibility. A completely randomized design with three replications was utilized. The DM, CP, NFE, CF, ADF, celluloses, lignin, ash and CE values, did not were affected (P>0.05) by temperature. It was observed a quadratic effect (P<0.01) on the contents of EE, decreasing linear effect (P<0.01) on the CC and increasing linear effect on the NDF (P<0.01) and Hemicellulose (P<0.05) contents. The in vitro dry matter digestibility and the in vitro organic matter digestibility were not affected (P>0.05) by temperature. on the other hand the in vitro protein digestibility level, showed a quadratic effect (P<0.05), decreasing after 54 degrees C.


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Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as concepções de licenciandos em Química e em Física sobre a prática profissional e as marcas deixadas pelas disciplinas pedagógicas na sua formação, assim como identificar sinais de mudanças em suas concepções durante a realização do curso de Licenciatura. Para tanto, textos foram produzidos por 54 alunos matriculados em cursos de Licenciatura de duas universidades públicas do estado de São Paulo, nos quais os licenciandos expressaram suas experiências de formação e apontaram elementos que consideram que terão alguma influência em sua atuação profissional. Os textos revelaram que as ideias que os licenciandos carregam são consistentes com muitas das visões e objetivos apresentados em cursos de formação de professores. Nas produções dos estudantes faz-se presente o desejo de compartilhar e promover em seus futuros alunos o interesse pela Química e a Física. Os seus comentários refletiram visões de professores que tiveram no passado, os quais gostariam de imitar, e de outros que não gostariam de ser. Os comentários também tornaram evidente a vontade dos licenciandos em se estabelecerem como professores que se preocupam com seus alunos. Os textos foram analisados segundo a Análise do Discurso de linha francesa, como tem sido divulgada por Eni Orlandi, especialmente a noção de formação discursiva.


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Seventy beef males of three breeding systems (BS), straightbreds Charolais (Ch) and Nellore (Ne), G1 crossbreds: 1/2 Ch + 1/2 Ne (1/2 Ch) and 1/2 Ne + 1/2 Ch (1/2 Ne) and G2 crossbreds: 3/4 Ch + 1/4 Ne (3/4 Ch) and 3/4 Ne + 1/4 Ch (3/4 Ne) were used. The number of animals by genetic group was, respectively, 15, 12,8, 12,14 and 9. Thirty-five males were castrated (C) at seven months and 35 were kept intact (1). The animals were feedlot finished from 20 to 24 months. The longissimus dorsi muscle was used for the meat evaluation. No significant interaction was observed between genetic composition and sexual condition, for the variables studied. The I males displayed meat with darker color (3.05 vs. 3.78 points) with less amount of marbling (4.26 vs. 5.75 points) and less amount of ether extract (1.73 vs. 2.88%). However they presented larger (66.03 vs. 60.50 cm(2)) longissimus dorsi area and meat with better palatability, juiciness and tenderness. Ch animals had larger longissimus dorsi than the Ne. In the G I group, the 1/2 Ch meat showed larger amount of marbling and ether extract and less cooking losses than the 1/2 Ne meat. Between G2 animals, the 3/4 Ne showed meat with larger thawing losses and larger amount of ether extract. In G1 animals meat, the heterosis level reached 18.54% for longissimus dorsiarea, 28.10% for ether extract and 64.01% for amount of marbling. In G2, the heterosis was -17.30% for lean texture and 10.40% for longissimus dorsi area.


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The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effect of the chemical (urea, sodium benzoate, and sodium hydroxide) and microbiological (Propionibacterium acidipropionici + Lactobacillus plantarum, and Lactobacillus buchneri) additives on the sugarcane nutritive value, ensiled crude or after burned, using a factorial scheme 2 (burned or crude sugar cane) x 6 (five additives urea, sodium benzoate, sodium hydroxide, Propionibacterium acidipropionici + Lactobacillus plantarum, and Lactobacillus buchneri plus control). It was evaluated the sugar cane chemical composition, before and after ensilage. The sugar cane NDF contents increased (51.3%, before ensilage) to 67.8% after fermentation period. The highest true digestible dry matter recovery values, 83.6 and 79.8% were observed on the burned sugar cane silage treated with NaOH or L. buchneri, respectively. The NaOH, and L. buchneri showed more efficiency in reducing nutritive looses during the fermentation phase of the crude or burned sugar cane silage.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A porção meridional do Cinturão de Dobramentos Ribeira é constituída por um imenso pacote de rochas metavulcanossedimentares que encerram numerosas ocorrências de rochas ígneas básicas. Uma dessas ocorrências merece destaque pelas suas dimensões, composição, situação geológica e idade. Trata-se do metagabro de Apiaí. O presente estudo caracteriza a litogeoquímica dessa rocha como proveniente de basalto oceânico, de caráter toleítico, sub alcalino. Análises petrográficas mostram serem constituídas por piroxênios (augita e hiperstênio), Mg hornblenda e plagioclésio (labradorita). Também foram encontrados actinolita e clorita, formados durante o metamorfismo de baixo grau que afetou essa rocha. Esses minerais foram analisados por microssonda eletrônica e determinadas suas composições químicas. Os dados de piroxênio e plagioclásio, resultantes dessas análises, revelam temperaturas de cristalização do metagabro entre 924 e 1241oC. Temperaturas menores foram obtidas pela Mg-hornblenda e situam-se entre 776 e 927oC. A pressão de cristalização foi calculada e está em torno de 3,2 a 4,5 kbar. Os parâmetros metamórficos, obtidos em função da presença de actinolita e clorita, indicam temperaturas entre 420 e 484oC.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ


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Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Materiais - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)