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A atividade turística, enquanto uma atividade sócio-econômica e espacial, tem a possibilidade de criar e recriar espaços de acordo com interesses de agentes envolvidos nesse processo. Na esteira desse movimento, o Estado, entendido enquanto um agente fomentador do turismo cria mecanismos de controle e gerenciamento da atividade a fim de potencializá-la com o intuito de promover sua expansão econômica pelos espaços. Nesse sentido, um dos resultados dessa intervenção espacial se constitui na formulação de políticas públicas setoriais que objetivam, assim, a reestruturação espacial. Tais políticas refletem o jogo de interesses entre o Estado, agentes de mercado e agentes sociais de uma forma geral. A partir desse contexto, de acordo com uma perspectiva metodológica da análise de conteúdo, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as concepções e espacialidades veiculadas no Plano de Desenvolvimento de Turismo do Estado do Pará PDT-PA. Leva-se em conta, ainda que o produto das políticas públicas tem como pretensão a geração de desenvolvimento, o que retoma, de uma forma mais complexa, a relação entre os agentes envolvidos na turistificação dos espaços.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The purpose of this work was to study the effects of oral administration of lactoferrin (Lf) in rats subjected to atrophy of the small intestine induced by a diet based on soy protein concentrate as the main protein source. We used 24 male Wistar rats aged 40 days, kept in individual cages under appropriate conditions of temperature, light and humidity. The animals were divided into four groups (n = 6); 1) group SL received soy-based food and, once a day, a supplement of 200mg/kg of Lf administered by gavage; 2) group Si received the soy feed without supplement of Lf; 3) group CL received a diet based on casein plus Lf; 4) group Ci received the casein diet without supplement of Lf. At the end of fifteen days, a 10 mm segment of the initial portion of the small intestine was sectioned and subjected to morphometry of the intestinal crypts and villi and assessment of the number and size of myofibroblasts. Comparison between groups showed that the length of the villi was similar in groups Ci and CL and higher in CL than in SL; SL than in Si, in Ci than in SL, and in Ci than in Si to Ci. The crypt depth was similar in SL and CL, SL and Ci and Ci and CL and was higher in Si than in Ci and in Si than in SL. The number of myofibroblasts was higher in SL than in CL, in SL than in Si, in CL than in Ci, and in SL than in and Ci; between Ci and Si there was no difference. The area of myofibroblasts was similar between the groups SL and CL and Si and Ci and higher in SL than in Si, and in Cl than in and Ci, and in SL than in Ci. All statistical analysis assumed significance when p < 0.05. From these results, we conclude that lactoferrin increases the number and size of the pericrypt myofibroblasts and stimulates rapidly the regeneration of atrophied villi.
Background: Recent researches involving fatigue and Parkinson’s disease (PD) sought to verify its incidence and the impacts of fatigue on quality life of patients with PD. Despite the importance of regular physical activity practice, there are only few studies that verified the influence of the levels of physical activity on fatigue in patients with PD. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare perception of fatigue between individuals with PD and neurologically healthy individuals (control group), considering the physical activity levels; and to verify the relation between physical activity levels and fatigue dimensions for individuals with PD and control group. Methods: Eighty individuals (40 patients with PD and 40 control individuals) participated in this study. Physical activity levels were evaluated through Modified Baecke Questionnaire for Older Adults. Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI) was used in order to evaluate fatigue dimensions (general, physical and mental fatigue, reduced motivation and activity). MANOVA two-way and Pearson linear correlation test were performed to analyze the data. Results: Patients with PD presented higher levels of fatigue, in all dimensions evaluated by MFI, comparing to control individuals. There was no association between physical activity levels and perception of fatigue for patients with PD and control individuals. Conclusion: Patients with PD showed increased perception of fatigue when compared to control individuals, due to PD characteristics. In addition, the perception of fatigue’s symptom was not influenced and had no relation by the level of physical activity.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Serous Background: There are few studies assessing the clinical manifestations of sleep breathing disorders and polysomnograms in several pediatric age ranges. This studied aimed to assess polysomnography results such as apnea-hypopnea index, mean oxygen saturation and sleep efficiency in children presenting with airway obstruction and adenotonsillar hypertrophy complaints, and to establish whether they are correlated to age and sex. Methods: A retrospective study with children of both sexes, aged between 2 and 12 years, with clinically suspected obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and adenotonsillar hypertrophy, who underwent polysomnography before surgery. The children were allocated to groups according to their age range (Group I: 2 to 4 years old; Group II: 5 to 8 years old; Group III: 9 to 12 years old). Apnea-hypopnea index, mean oxygen saturation and sleep efficiency data were compared between sexes and among the three groups (Student’s t test, p < 0.05). Results: Of 167 children studied by polysomnography, 76.6% were of school age and 67% were male. For all studied age ranges, there was no difference between sexes for the investigated parameters (body mass index, apnea-hypopnea index, mean oxygen saturation and sleep efficiency). As regards mean oxygen saturation, Group I showed the lowest value (89.9 ± 6.2). Apnea-hypopnea indexes were higher in male children aged between 2 and 4 years (9.9 ± 5.2). Group III had the lowest sleep efficiency (84.1 ± 9.2). Conclusion: There was a predilection of more severe cases of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome for children younger than four years, shown by higher apnea-hypopnea index per hour and lower mean oxygen saturation in this age range.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Che cos’è il riferimento? La risposta che difendo è che il riferimento è un atto che coinvolge un parlante, un’espressione linguistica e uno specifico oggetto, in una data occasione d’uso. Nel primo capitolo, inquadro storicamente il dibattito sul riferimento opponendo il modello soddisfazionale à la Russell a quello referenziale à la Donnellan. Introduco la teoria russelliana su nomi propri e descrizioni definite e difendo la tesi che gli usi referenziali siano caratterizzati da una direzione di adattamento inversa rispetto al modello soddisfazionale. Nel secondo capitolo, sostengo che il riferimento è un’azione che può essere felice o infelice, a seconda che il parlante ne rispetti i vincoli o meno. Analizzo due condizioni necessarie del riferimento: che vi sia un legame causale tra parlante, espressione e referente, e che le parole siano usate convenzionalmente. Normalmente, si parla di fallimento referenziale solo quando il presunto referente non esiste, mentre io propongo di usare l’espressione per i riferimenti infelici. Secondo e terzo capitolo equiparano più tipi di espressioni in merito al riferimento. Insisto sulla dipendenza contestuale di nomi propri e descrizioni definite (sia usate referenzialmente che attributivamente). Due degli argomenti usati sono basati sui nomi omofoni e omografi e sulle descrizioni definite incomplete. Infine sintetizzo i punti precedenti in una proposta originale. L’atto referenziale, di cui ho difeso la possibilità che fallisca, è dipendente anche dall’essere teso verso la comunicazione. Per illustrare il punto confronto il processo di istituzione di una convenzione con l’uso di una convenzione già istituita. Il progetto è di dare un resoconto del riferimento bilanciato tra l’uso del linguaggio incentrato sul soggetto e i suoi legami con il mondo, da una parte, e le espressioni linguistiche, strumenti per ottenere risultati all’interno di una data comunità, dall’altra parte. L’atto referenziale, sostengo, ha diverse gradazioni di efficacia dipendenti da tutti questi elementi.
La tesis aristotélica acerca de la eternidad del mundo y su prolongación averroísta incide en el pensamiento escolástico con anterioridad al estallido del conflicto en la Universidad de París. Ambos maestros de teología, el dominico y el franciscano, toman partido por la tesis contraria; en el caso de Alberto Magno hay una inclinación hacia la imposibilidad de presentar desde la filosofía argumentos que sostengan su posición, como así también argumentos que avalen la posición contraria. La razón aducida por Alberto es que no se trata de un tema propio de la física, sino perteneciente al orden sobrenatural. Buenaventura en cambio propone una serie de argumentos que desarrolla a partir de los mismos términos empleados por Aristóteles para fundamentar su tesis, pero indicando las contradicciones que surgen de los mismos. El presente trabajo confronta las diversas posiciones de ambos maestros sobre el tema, analizando aproximaciones y divergencias en función de la base común ejemplarista, para arribar a una posible solución en el marco de la teoría de los trascendentales.
These studies were performed from September 10 to 29, 2007 in the Kara Sea in transects westward of the Yamal Peninsula, near the St. Anna Trough, in the Ob River estuary (Obskay Guba), and on the adjacent shelf. Concentration of chlorophyll a in the euphotic layer varied from 0.02 to 4.37 µg/l, aver. 0.76 µg/l. Primary production in the water column varied from 10.9 to 148.0 mg C/m**2/day (aver. 56.9 mg C/m**2/day). It was shown that frontal zones divided the Kara Sea into distinct areas with different productivities. Maximum levels of primary production were measured in the deep part of the Yamal transect (132.4 mg C/m**2/day) and the shallow Kara Sea shelf near the Ob River estuary (74.9 mg C/m**2/day). Characteristics of these regions were low salinity of the surface water layer (19-25 psu) and elevated silicon concentration (12.8-28.1 µg-atom/l). It is explainable by river runoff. Frontal zones of the Yamal current within the Yamal and Ob transects showed high assimilation numbers reached to 2.32 and 1.49 mg C/mg Chl/hr, respectively; they were maximal for studied areas.
A. Honneth diagnostica que tanto la filosofía social como la sociología luego de Nietzsche han expresado de diferentes formas particulares ("desencantamiento del mundo", "tragedia de la cultura", "anomia", etc.) el nihilismo presente en las sociedades modernas. Así y todo, el autor establece a la solidaridad que se da en el seno de la "comunidad de valores" compartidos en una sociedad (además del amor y el derecho) una instancia fundamental para que se produzca el reconocimiento intersubjetivo entre los individuos. A su vez, en la teoría desarrollada por Honneth aparece expresado un avance de las comunidades postradicionales en el marco de las sociedades modernas, las cuales posibilitarían un momento en donde el reconocimiento se daría con menos potencialidad de dolor y más relajamiento para el individuo en comparación con las sociedades estamentales tradicionales. De estas dos cuestiones: (1) "comunidad de valores" a pesar del nihilismo diagnosticado y (2) pasaje a las comunidades postradicionales como sustento de las sociedades modernas con su característica apertura radical del horizonte de valores, es necesario preguntarse: ¿Cómo es reconciliable el nivel ontológico del "vivir juntos" de la "comunidad de valores", en el marco de una sociedad moderna nihilista, la cual permite el aumento exponencial de las posibilidades de los grupos o individuos de generar nuevas formas de encontrar su necesario reconocimiento de manera facilitada, sabiendo que esto puede llegar a derivar en formaciones sociales con valores contrarios a los valores propios de la comunidad de valores?