878 resultados para 3D interfaces
O desenvolvimento de personagens digitais tridimensionais1 na área da animação, a constante procura por soluções tecnológicas convincentes, aliado a uma estética própria, tem contribuído para o sucesso e afirmação da animação tridimensional, na indústria do entretenimento. Contudo, toda a obra que procura ou explora a vertente digital/3D, torna-se ‘vitima’ das limitações do render2 aplicado a uma sequência de imagens, devido ao aumento dos custos financeiros e humanos, assim como da influência e dificuldade implicadas no cumprimento dos objectivos e prazos. O tempo real tem assumido, cada vez mais, um papel predominante na indústria da animação interactiva. Com a evolução da tecnologia surgiu a necessidade de procurar a metodologia apropriada que sirva de alavanca para o desenvolvimento de animações 3D em tempo real, através de softwares open-source ou de baixo orçamento, para a redução de custos, que possibilite simultaneamente descartar qualquer dependência do render na animação 3D. O desenvolvimento de personagens em tempo real, possibilita o surgimento de uma nova abordagem: a interactividade na arte de animar. Esta possibilita a introdução de um vasto leque de novas aplicações e consequentemente, contribui para o aumento do interesse e curiosidade por parte do espectador. No entanto, a inserção, implementação e (ab)uso da tecnologia na área da animação, levanta questões atuais sobre qual o papel do animador. Esta dissertação procura analisar estes aspectos, dando apoio ao projecto de animação 3D em tempo real, denominado ‘PALCO’.
Pectus Carinatum (PC) is a chest deformity consisting on the anterior protrusion of the sternum and adjacent costal cartilages. Non-operative corrections, such as the orthotic compression brace, require previous information of the patient chest surface, to improve the overall brace fit. This paper focuses on the validation of the Kinect scanner for the modelling of an orthotic compression brace for the correction of Pectus Carinatum. To this extent, a phantom chest wall surface was acquired using two scanner systems – Kinect and Polhemus FastSCAN – and compared through CT. The results show a RMS error of 3.25mm between the CT data and the surface mesh from the Kinect sensor and 1.5mm from the FastSCAN sensor.
This paper presents Palco, a prototype system specifically designed for the production of 3D cartoon animations. The system addresses the specific problems of producing cartoon animations, where the main obj ective is not to reproduce realistic movements, but rather animate cartoon characters with predefined and characteristic body movements and facial expressions. The techniques employed in Palco are simple and easy to use, not requiring any invasive or complicated motion capture system, as both body motion and facial expression of actors are captured simultaneously, using an infrared motion detection sensor, a regular camera and a pair of electronically instrumented gloves. The animation process is completely actor-driven, with the actor controlling the character movements, gestures, facial expression and voice, all in realtime. The actor controlled cartoonification of the captured facial and body motion is a key functionality of Palco, and one that makes it specifically suited for the production of cartoon animations.
One of the current frontiers in the clinical management of Pectus Excavatum (PE) patients is the prediction of the surgical outcome prior to the intervention. This can be done through computerized simulation of the Nuss procedure, which requires an anatomically correct representation of the costal cartilage. To this end, we take advantage of the costal cartilage tubular structure to detect it through multi-scale vesselness filtering. This information is then used in an interactive 2D initialization procedure which uses anatomical maximum intensity projections of 3D vesselness feature images to efficiently initialize the 3D segmentation process. We identify the cartilage tissue centerlines in these projected 2D images using a livewire approach. We finally refine the 3D cartilage surface through region-based sparse field level-sets. We have tested the proposed algorithm in 6 noncontrast CT datasets from PE patients. A good segmentation performance was found against reference manual contouring, with an average Dice coefficient of 0.75±0.04 and an average mean surface distance of 1.69±0.30mm. The proposed method requires roughly 1 minute for the interactive initialization step, which can positively contribute to an extended use of this tool in clinical practice, since current manual delineation of the costal cartilage can take up to an hour.
Introduction and Objectives. Laparoscopic surgery has undeniable advantages, such as reduced postoperative pain, smaller incisions, and faster recovery. However, to improve surgeons’ performance, ergonomic adaptations of the laparoscopic instruments and introduction of robotic technology are needed. The aim of this study was to ascertain the influence of a new hand-held robotic device for laparoscopy (HHRDL) and 3D vision on laparoscopic skills performance of 2 different groups, naïve and expert. Materials and Methods. Each participant performed 3 laparoscopic tasks—Peg transfer, Wire chaser, Knot—in 4 different ways. With random sequencing we assigned the execution order of the tasks based on the first type of visualization and laparoscopic instrument. Time to complete each laparoscopic task was recorded and analyzed with one-way analysis of variance. Results. Eleven experts and 15 naïve participants were included. Three-dimensional video helps the naïve group to get better performance in Peg transfer, Wire chaser 2 hands, and Knot; the new device improved the execution of all laparoscopic tasks (P < .05). For expert group, the 3D video system benefited them in Peg transfer and Wire chaser 1 hand, and the robotic device in Peg transfer, Wire chaser 1 hand, and Wire chaser 2 hands (P < .05). Conclusion. The HHRDL helps the execution of difficult laparoscopic tasks, such as Knot, in the naïve group. Three-dimensional vision makes the laparoscopic performance of the participants without laparoscopic experience easier, unlike those with experience in laparoscopic procedures.
O atual contexto de transformação e instabilidade social e econômica implica profundas reestruturações nos hospitais. Tendo em vista as mudanças observadas nessas organizações e a ocupação de cargos gerenciais por enfermeiras, este estudo de natureza qualitativa buscou: caracterizar as principais mudanças em hospitais privados de médio e grande porte de Belo Horizonte; identificar os determinantes internos e externos à organização que influenciam os modelos de gestão; e conhecer os principais fatores que interferem no cotidiano das gerentes. Foram estudados 19 hospitais e entrevistadas 29 enfermeiras em cargos gerenciais. Os resultados indicam mudanças estruturais, estratégicas, culturais, tecnológicas, humanas e políticas. Os modos de gestão foram influenciados pela dinâmica organizacional, pela formação profissional das gerentes e pelas especificidades da função gerencial. O Sistema Único de Saúde foi apontado como o principal fator externo que interfere na organização. O cotidiano das gerentes foi influenciado por fatores organizacionais e fatores profissionais.
O artigo aborda temas em torno da dimensão urbana na antropologia, explorando diálogos de fronteira entre tal disciplina e a sociologia em três momentos específicos: o primeiro sobre as décadas iniciais da Escola de Chicago, época de definição de uma pauta de pesquisas etnográficas sobre a cidade e a cultura urbana, com investigações pioneiras sobre a segregação socioespacial, com ênfase no conceito de gueto; no segundo, analisam-se interfaces entre a antropologia e a sociologia urbanas em São Paulo, nas décadas de 1970 e 1980, em torno do tema da periferia, com a produção de pesquisas marcadas pela polarização entre os conceitos de cultura e ideologia; finalmente, enfocam-se desafios contemporâneos à antropologia urbana, buscando-se retomar tópicos de um diálogo disciplinar que ocorre apenas implicitamente, bem como reaver o tema da periferia, tendo em vista fenômenos recentes que implicam tomá-la simultaneamente como espacialidade, processo e conjunto polifônico de representações nativas.
Mestrado em Engenharia Informática
Thin films consisting of 3 or 4 Sb and Ge alternating layers are irradiated with single nanosecond laser pulses (12 ns, 193 nm). Real time reflectivity (RTR) measurements are performed during irradiation, and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) is used to obtain the concentration depth profiles before and after irradiation. Interdiffusion of the elements takes place at the layer interfaces within the liquid phase. The reflectivity transients allow to determine the laser energy thresholds both to induce and to saturate the process being both thresholds dependent on the multilayer configuration. It is found that the energy threshold to initiate the process is lower when Sb is at the surface while the saturation is reached at lower energy densities in those configurations with thinner layers.
In this work, we present a neural network (NN) based method designed for 3D rigid-body registration of FMRI time series, which relies on a limited number of Fourier coefficients of the images to be aligned. These coefficients, which are comprised in a small cubic neighborhood located at the first octant of a 3D Fourier space (including the DC component), are then fed into six NN during the learning stage. Each NN yields the estimates of a registration parameter. The proposed method was assessed for 3D rigid-body transformations, using DC neighborhoods of different sizes. The mean absolute registration errors are of approximately 0.030 mm in translations and 0.030 deg in rotations, for the typical motion amplitudes encountered in FMRI studies. The construction of the training set and the learning stage are fast requiring, respectively, 90 s and 1 to 12 s, depending on the number of input and hidden units of the NN. We believe that NN-based approaches to the problem of FMRI registration can be of great interest in the future. For instance, NN relying on limited K-space data (possibly in navigation echoes) can be a valid solution to the problem of prospective (in frame) FMRI registration.
We propose a 3D-2D image registration method that relates image features of 2D projection images to the transformation parameters of the 3D image by nonlinear regression. The method is compared with a conventional registration method based on iterative optimization. For evaluation, simulated X-ray images (DRRs) were generated from coronary artery tree models derived from 3D CTA scans. Registration of nine vessel trees was performed, and the alignment quality was measured by the mean target registration error (mTRE). The regression approach was shown to be slightly less accurate, but much more robust than the method based on an iterative optimization approach.
Mestrado em Engenharia Informática. Sistemas Gráficos e Multimédia.