979 resultados para 3D direct-write
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A implementação convencional do método de migração por diferenças finitas 3D, usa a técnica de splitting inline e crossline para melhorar a eficiência computacional deste algoritmo. Esta abordagem torna o algoritmo eficiente computacionalmente, porém cria anisotropia numérica. Esta anisotropia numérica por sua vez, pode levar a falsos posicionamentos de refletores inclinados, especialmente refletores com grandes ângulos de mergulho. Neste trabalho, como objetivo de evitar o surgimento da anisotropia numérica, implementamos o operador de extrapolação do campo de onda para baixo sem usar a técnica splitting inline e crossline no domínio frequência-espaço via método de diferenças finitas implícito, usando a aproximação de Padé complexa. Comparamos a performance do algoritmo iterativo Bi-gradiente conjugado estabilizado (Bi-CGSTAB) com o multifrontal massively parallel solver (MUMPS) para resolver o sistema linear oriundo do método de migração por diferenças finitas. Verifica-se que usando a expansão de Padé complexa ao invés da expansão de Padé real, o algoritmo iterativo Bi-CGSTAB fica mais eficientes computacionalmente, ou seja, a expansão de Padé complexa atua como um precondicionador para este algoritmo iterativo. Como consequência, o algoritmo iterativo Bi-CGSTAB é bem mais eficiente computacionalmente que o MUMPS para resolver o sistema linear quando usado apenas um termo da expansão de Padé complexa. Para aproximações de grandes ângulos, métodos diretos são necessários. Para validar e avaliar as propriedades desses algoritmos de migração, usamos o modelo de sal SEG/EAGE para calcular a sua resposta ao impulso.
Implementações dos métodos de migração diferença finita e Fourier (FFD) usam fatoração direcional para acelerar a performance e economizar custo computacional. Entretanto essa técnica introduz anisotropia numérica que podem erroneamente posicionar os refletores em mergulho ao longo das direções em que o não foi aplicado a fatoração no operador de migração. Implementamos a migração FFD 3D, sem usar a técnica do fatoração direcional, no domínio da frequência usando aproximação de Padé complexa. Essa aproximação elimina a anisotropia numérica ao preço de maior custo computacional buscando a solução do campo de onda para um sistema linear de banda larga. Experimentos numéricos, tanto no modelo homogêneo e heterogêneo, mostram que a técnica da fatoração direcional produz notáveis erros de posicionamento dos refletores em meios com forte variação lateral de velocidade. Comparamos a performance de resolução do algoritmo de FFD usando o método iterativo gradiente biconjugado estabilizado (BICGSTAB) e o multifrontal massively parallel direct solver (MUMPS). Mostrando que a aproximação de Padé complexa é um eficiente precondicionador para o BICGSTAB, reduzindo o número de iterações em relação a aproximação de Padé real. O método iterativo BICGSTAB é mais eficiente que o método direto MUMPS, quando usamos apenas um termo da expansão de Padé complexa. Para maior ângulo de abertura do operador, mais termos da série são requeridos no operador de migração, e neste caso, a performance do método direto é mais eficiente. A validação do algoritmo e as propriedades da evolução computacional foram avaliadas para a resposta ao impulso do modelo de sal SEG/EAGE.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The photosensitivity of GeSx binary glasses in response to irradiation to femtosecond pulses at 800 nm is investigated. Samples with three different molecular compositions were irradiated under different exposure conditions. The material response to laser exposure was characterized by both refractometry and micro-Raman spectroscopy. It is shown that the relative content of sulfur in the glass matrix influences the photo-induced refractive index modification. At low sulfur content, both positive and negative index changes can be obtained while at high sulfur content, only a positive index change can be reached. These changes were correlated with variations in the Raman response of exposed glass which were interpreted in terms of structural modifications of the glass network. Under optimized exposure conditions, waveguides with positive index changes of up to 7.8x10−3 and a controllable diameter from 14 to 25 μm can be obtained. Direct inscription of low insertion losses (IL = 3.1 – 3.9 dB) waveguides is demonstrated in a sample characterized by a S/Ge ratio of 4. The current results open a pathway towards the use of Ge-S binary glasses for the fabrication of integrated mid-infrared photonic components.
Nowadays, there is a great interest in the economic success of direct ethanol fuel cells; however, our atomistic understanding of the designing of stable and low-cost catalysts for the steam reforming of ethanol is still far from satisfactory, in particular due to the large number of undesirable intermediates. In this study, we will report a first-principles investigation of the adsorption properties of ethanol and water at low coverage on close-packed transition-metal (TM) surfaces, namely, Fe(110), Co(0001), Ni(111), Cu(111), Ru(0001), Rh(111), Pd(111), Ag(111), Os(0001), Ir(111), Pt(111), and Au(111), employing density functional theory (DFT) calculations. We employed the generalized gradient approximation with the formulation proposed by Perdew, Burke, and Erzenholf (PBE) to the exchange correlation functional and the empirical correction proposed by S. Grimme (DFT+D3) for the van der Waals correction. We found that both adsorbates binds preferentially near or on the on top sites of the TM surfaces through the 0 atoms. The PBE adsorption energies of ethanol and water decreases almost linearly with the increased occupation of the 4d and 5d d-band, while there is a deviation for the 3d systems. The van der Waals correction affects the linear behavior and increases the adsorption energy for both adsorbates, which is expected as the van der Waals energy due to the correlation effects is strongly underestimated by DFT-PBE for weak interacting systems. The geometric parameters for water/TM are not affected by the van der Waals correction, i.e., both DFT and DFT+D3 yield an almost parallel orientation for water on the TM surfaces; however, DFT+D3 changes drastically the ethanol orientation. For example, DFT yields an almost perpendicular orientation of the C-C bond to the TM surface, while the C-C bond is almost parallel to the surface using DFT +D3 for all systems, except for ethanol/Fe(110). Thus, the van der Waals correction decreases the distance of the C atoms to the TM surfaces, which might contribute to break the C-C bond. The work function decreases upon the adsorption of ethanol and water, and both follow the same trends, however, with different magnitude (larger for ethanol/TM) due to the weak binding of water to the surface. The electron density increases mainly in the region between the topmost layer and the adsorbates, which explains the reduction of the substrate work function.
Realisierung einer 3D-Kreuzkorrelationsanlage zur Untersuchung von Struktur und Dynamik hochkonzentrierter Kolloide Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird eine neuartige 3D-Kreuzkorrelationsanlage zur mehrfachstreufreien Untersuchung des diffusiven Verhaltens hochkonzentrierter kolloidaler Suspensionen vorgestellt. Hierzu werden zwei Lichtstreuexperimente gleichzeitig am gleichen Streuvolumen und mit dem gleichen Streuvektor durchgeführt. Aus der so gewonnenen Kreuzkorrelationsfunktion kann das dynamische Verhalten der Kolloide bestimmt werden. Für die Diffusion der Partikel spielen neben der direkten Wechselwirkung elektroviskoser Effekt und die hydrodynamische Wechselwirkung eine entscheidende Rolle. Insbesondere bei hohen Konzentrationen kann keiner der drei Effekte vernachlässigt werden. Die zu messenden Unterschiede in den Diffusionskoeffizienten sind sehr klein. Daher wurde der experimentelle Aufbau detailliert charakterisiert. Hierbei konnten theoretische Überlegungen hinsichtlich des Nachpulsens und der Totzeit der verwendeten Si-Avalanche-Photodioden überprüft werden. Der Kurzzeitselbstdiffusionskoeffizient hochkonzentrierter geladener kolloidaler Suspensionen wurde gemessen. Um die Daten bei hohen Konzentrationen korrekt zu normieren, wurde der elektroviskose Effekt bei geringen Konzentrationen ausführlich untersucht. Hierbei zeigte sich, dass der elektroviskose Einzelteilcheneffekt zu einer monotonen Abnahme des Diffusionskoeffizienten bei abnehmender Ionenstärke führt. Anhand der volumenbruchabhängigen Daten des Kurzzeitselbstdiffusionskoeffizienten konnte zum ersten Mal gezeigt werden, dass die hydrodynamische Wechselwirkung einen geringeren Einfluss auf die Diffusion hat, falls das direkte Wechselwirkungspotential ein Coulomb-Potential anstelle eines Harte-Kugel-Potentials ist.
3D video-fluoroscopy is an accurate but cumbersome technique to estimate natural or prosthetic human joint kinematics. This dissertation proposes innovative methodologies to improve the 3D fluoroscopic analysis reliability and usability. Being based on direct radiographic imaging of the joint, and avoiding soft tissue artefact that limits the accuracy of skin marker based techniques, the fluoroscopic analysis has a potential accuracy of the order of mm/deg or better. It can provide fundamental informations for clinical and methodological applications, but, notwithstanding the number of methodological protocols proposed in the literature, time consuming user interaction is exploited to obtain consistent results. The user-dependency prevented a reliable quantification of the actual accuracy and precision of the methods, and, consequently, slowed down the translation to the clinical practice. The objective of the present work was to speed up this process introducing methodological improvements in the analysis. In the thesis, the fluoroscopic analysis was characterized in depth, in order to evaluate its pros and cons, and to provide reliable solutions to overcome its limitations. To this aim, an analytical approach was followed. The major sources of error were isolated with in-silico preliminary studies as: (a) geometric distortion and calibration errors, (b) 2D images and 3D models resolutions, (c) incorrect contour extraction, (d) bone model symmetries, (e) optimization algorithm limitations, (f) user errors. The effect of each criticality was quantified, and verified with an in-vivo preliminary study on the elbow joint. The dominant source of error was identified in the limited extent of the convergence domain for the local optimization algorithms, which forced the user to manually specify the starting pose for the estimating process. To solve this problem, two different approaches were followed: to increase the optimal pose convergence basin, the local approach used sequential alignments of the 6 degrees of freedom in order of sensitivity, or a geometrical feature-based estimation of the initial conditions for the optimization; the global approach used an unsupervised memetic algorithm to optimally explore the search domain. The performances of the technique were evaluated with a series of in-silico studies and validated in-vitro with a phantom based comparison with a radiostereometric gold-standard. The accuracy of the method is joint-dependent, and for the intact knee joint, the new unsupervised algorithm guaranteed a maximum error lower than 0.5 mm for in-plane translations, 10 mm for out-of-plane translation, and of 3 deg for rotations in a mono-planar setup; and lower than 0.5 mm for translations and 1 deg for rotations in a bi-planar setups. The bi-planar setup is best suited when accurate results are needed, such as for methodological research studies. The mono-planar analysis may be enough for clinical application when the analysis time and cost may be an issue. A further reduction of the user interaction was obtained for prosthetic joints kinematics. A mixed region-growing and level-set segmentation method was proposed and halved the analysis time, delegating the computational burden to the machine. In-silico and in-vivo studies demonstrated that the reliability of the new semiautomatic method was comparable to a user defined manual gold-standard. The improved fluoroscopic analysis was finally applied to a first in-vivo methodological study on the foot kinematics. Preliminary evaluations showed that the presented methodology represents a feasible gold-standard for the validation of skin marker based foot kinematics protocols.
Supercritical Emulsion Extraction technology (SEE-C) was proposed for the production of poly-lactic-co-glycolic acid microcarriers. SEE-C operating parameters as pressure, temperature and flow rate ratios were analyzed and the process performance was optimized in terms of size distribution and encapsulation efficiency. Microdevices loaded with bovine serum insulin were produced with different sizes (2 and 3 µm) or insulin charges (3 and 6 mg/g) and with an encapsulation efficiency of 60%. The microcarriers were characterized in terms of insulin release profile in two different media (PBS and DMEM) and the diffusion and degradation constants were also estimated by using a mathematical model. PLGA microdevices were also used in a cultivation of embryonic ventricular myoblasts (cell line H9c2 obtained from rat) in a FBS serum free medium to monitor cell viability and growth in dependence of insulin released. Good cell viability and growth were observed on 3 µm microdevices loaded with 3 mg/g of insulin. PLGA microspheres loaded with growth factors (GFs) were charged into alginate scaffold with human Mesenchimal Steam Cells (hMSC) for bone tissue engineering with the aim of monitoring the effect of the local release of these signals on cells differentiation. These “living” 3D scaffolds were incubated in a direct perfusion tubular bioreactor to enhance nutrient transport and exposing the cells to a given shear stress. Different GFs such as, h-VEGF, h-BMP2 and a mix of two (ratio 1:1) were loaded and alginate beads were recovered from dynamic (tubular perfusion system bioreactor) and static culture at different time points (1st, 7th, 21st days) for the analytical assays such as, live/dead; alkaline phosphatase; osteocalcin; osteopontin and Van Kossa Immunoassay. The immunoassay confirmed always a better cells differentiation in the bioreactor with respect to the static culture and revealed a great influence of the BMP-2 released in the scaffold on cell differentiation.
This work illustrates a soil-tunnel-structure interaction study performed by an integrated,geotechnical and structural,approach based on 3D finite element analyses and validated against experimental observations.The study aims at analysing the response of reinforced concrete framed buildings on discrete foundations in interaction with metro lines.It refers to the case of the twin tunnels of the Milan (Italy) metro line 5,recently built in coarse grained materials using EPB machines,for which subsidence measurements collected along ground and building sections during tunnelling were available.Settlements measured under freefield conditions are firstly back interpreted using Gaussian empirical predictions. Then,the in situ measurements’ analysis is extended to include the evolving response of a 9 storey reinforced concrete building while being undercrossed by the metro line.In the finite element study,the soil mechanical behaviour is described using an advanced constitutive model. This latter,when combined with a proper simulation of the excavation process, proves to realistically reproduce the subsidence profiles under free field conditions and to capture the interaction phenomena occurring between the twin tunnels during the excavation. Furthermore, when the numerical model is extended to include the building, schematised in a detailed manner, the results are in good agreement with the monitoring data for different stages of the twin tunnelling. Thus, they indirectly confirm the satisfactory performance of the adopted numerical approach which also allows a direct evaluation of the structural response as an outcome of the analysis. Further analyses are also carried out modelling the building with different levels of detail. The results highlight that, in this case, the simplified approach based on the equivalent plate schematisation is inadequate to capture the real tunnelling induced displacement field. The overall behaviour of the system proves to be mainly influenced by the buried portion of the building which plays an essential role in the interaction mechanism, due to its high stiffness.
Purpose Accurate three-dimensional (3D) models of lumbar vertebrae can enable image-based 3D kinematic analysis. The common approach to derive 3D models is by direct segmentation of CT or MRI datasets. However, these have the disadvantages that they are expensive, timeconsuming and/or induce high-radiation doses to the patient. In this study, we present a technique to automatically reconstruct a scaled 3D lumbar vertebral model from a single two-dimensional (2D) lateral fluoroscopic image. Methods Our technique is based on a hybrid 2D/3D deformable registration strategy combining a landmark-to-ray registration with a statistical shape model-based 2D/3D reconstruction scheme. Fig. 1 shows different stages of the reconstruction process. Four cadaveric lumbar spine segments (total twelve lumbar vertebrae) were used to validate the technique. To evaluate the reconstruction accuracy, the surface models reconstructed from the lateral fluoroscopic images were compared to the associated ground truth data derived from a 3D CT-scan reconstruction technique. For each case, a surface-based matching was first used to recover the scale and the rigid transformation between the reconstructed surface model Results Our technique could successfully reconstruct 3D surface models of all twelve vertebrae. After recovering the scale and the rigid transformation between the reconstructed surface models and the ground truth models, the average error of the 2D/3D surface model reconstruction over the twelve lumbar vertebrae was found to be 1.0 mm. The errors of reconstructing surface models of all twelve vertebrae are shown in Fig. 2. It was found that the mean errors of the reconstructed surface models in comparison to their associated ground truths after iterative scaled rigid registrations ranged from 0.7 mm to 1.3 mm and the rootmean squared (RMS) errors ranged from 1.0 mm to 1.7 mm. The average mean reconstruction error was found to be 1.0 mm. Conclusion An accurate, scaled 3D reconstruction of the lumbar vertebra can be obtained from a single lateral fluoroscopic image using a statistical shape model based 2D/3D reconstruction technique. Future work will focus on applying the reconstructed model for 3D kinematic analysis of lumbar vertebrae, an extension of our previously-reported imagebased kinematic analysis. The developed method also has potential applications in surgical planning and navigation.
Stereological tools are the gold standard for accurate (i.e., unbiased) and precise quantification of any microscopic sample. The past decades have provided a broad spectrum of tools to estimate a variety of parameters such as volumes, surfaces, lengths, and numbers. Some of them require pairs of parallel sections that can be produced by either physical or optical sectioning, with optical sectioning being much more efficient when applicable. Unfortunately, transmission electron microscopy could not fully profit from these riches, mainly because of the large depth of field. Hence, optical sectioning was a long-time desire for electron microscopists. This desire was fulfilled with the development of electron tomography that yield stacks of slices from electron microscopic sections. Now, parallel optical slices of a previously unimagined small thickness (2-5 nm axial resolution) can be produced. These optical slices minimize problems related to overprojection effects, and allow for direct stereological analysis, e.g., volume estimation with the Cavalieri principle and number estimation with the optical disector method. Here, we demonstrate that the symbiosis of stereology and electron tomography is an easy and efficient way for quantitative analysis at the electron microscopic level. We call this approach quantitative 3D electron microscopy.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study is to implement augmented reality in real-time image-guided interstitial brachytherapy to allow an intuitive real-time intraoperative orientation. METHODS AND MATERIALS: The developed system consists of a common video projector, two high-resolution charge coupled device cameras, and an off-the-shelf notebook. The projector was used as a scanning device by projecting coded-light patterns to register the patient and superimpose the operating field with planning data and additional information in arbitrary colors. Subsequent movements of the nonfixed patient were detected by means of stereoscopically tracking passive markers attached to the patient. RESULTS: In a first clinical study, we evaluated the whole process chain from image acquisition to data projection and determined overall accuracy with 10 patients undergoing implantation. The described method enabled the surgeon to visualize planning data on top of any preoperatively segmented and triangulated surface (skin) with direct line of sight during the operation. Furthermore, the tracking system allowed dynamic adjustment of the data to the patient's current position and therefore eliminated the need for rigid fixation. Because of soft-part displacement, we obtained an average deviation of 1.1 mm by moving the patient, whereas changing the projector's position resulted in an average deviation of 0.9 mm. Mean deviation of all needles of an implant was 1.4 mm (range, 0.3-2.7 mm). CONCLUSIONS: The developed low-cost augmented-reality system proved to be accurate and feasible in interstitial brachytherapy. The system meets clinical demands and enables intuitive real-time intraoperative orientation and monitoring of needle implantation.
Stereological tools are the gold standard for accurate (i.e., unbiased) and precise quantification of any microscopic sample. The past decades have provided a broad spectrum of tools to estimate a variety of parameters such as volumes, surfaces, lengths, and numbers. Some of them require pairs of parallel sections that can be produced by either physical or optical sectioning, with optical sectioning being much more efficient when applicable. Unfortunately, transmission electron microscopy could not fully profit from these riches, mainly because of the large depth of field. Hence, optical sectioning was a long-time desire for electron microscopists. This desire was fulfilled with the development of electron tomography that yield stacks of slices from electron microscopic sections. Now, parallel optical slices of a previously unimagined small thickness (2-5nm axial resolution) can be produced. These optical slices minimize problems related to overprojection effects, and allow for direct stereological analysis, e.g., volume estimation with the Cavalieri principle and number estimation with the optical disector method. Here, we demonstrate that the symbiosis of stereology and electron tomography is an easy and efficient way for quantitative analysis at the electron microscopic level. We call this approach quantitative 3D electron microscopy.