971 resultados para 3D Printing


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O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi desenvolver duas escalas de silhuetas para crianças de ambos os sexos entre quatro e seis anos de idade, para avaliação da percepção e insatisfação com o tamanho corporal. O estudo foi composto por duas etapas. A primeira etapa envolveu a construção de uma escala de silhuetas bidimensional e uma escala de silhuetas tridimensional, a partir das fotos de 18 crianças voluntárias, divididas em nove crianças de cada sexo, sendo uma representante para cada intervalo de IMC estabelecido para a construção das escalas. Para garantir as qualidades psicométricas dos instrumentos, estabeleceram-se os valores médios de IMC correspondentes para cada figura com incremento constante de 1,9 Kg/m². Foram fotografadas crianças com Índice de Massa Corporal correspondente às médias dos intervalos estabelecidos para as figuras da sequência das escalas. Estas fotos foram transformadas por um designer gráfico em um arquivo para impressão 3D e um arquivo 2D frontal de silhuetas infantis. A segunda etapa contemplou a análise das qualidades psicométricas dos instrumentos. A coleta de dados ocorreu em quatro escolas particulares em diferentes cidades. Participaram do estudo 193 crianças de quatro a seis anos de idade, sendo 102 do sexo feminino e 91 do sexo masculino. As escalas foram apresentadas para cada criança em ordem ascendente ou aleatória, perguntando-se Qual figura representa seu corpo atual? e Qual figura representa o corpo que você gostaria de ter?, sendo a discrepância entre a figura que representa o IMC Atual e a que representa o IMC Desejado, caracterizada como Insatisfação com o tamanho corporal, e a discrepância entre a figura que representa o IMC Real e a que representa o IMC Atual caracterizada como Inacurácia da percepção do tamanho corporal. A escala bidimensional é apresentada na forma de nove cartões plastificados para cada gênero, com 12,5cm de altura por 6,5cm de largura, com a figura centralizada. A escala tridimensional é composta de nove bonecos para cada gênero impressos através da tecnologia de impressão 3D, com 12cm de altura. A Escala de Silhuetas Bidimensional mostrou valores de fidedignidade satisfatórios para Acurácia e Satisfação para crianças de seis anos, podendo ser um indicativo da influência do ambiente e do desenvolvimento em crianças menores. A Escala de Silhuetas Tridimensional apresentou-se mais adequada para a avaliação da Insatisfação com o tamanho corporal em relação a Bidimensional, mostrando que detalhes mais reais permitem um melhor julgamento por parte das crianças, seja do corpo como um todo, seja de partes dele. Este estudo sugere que as escalas de silhuetas podem ser usadas em crianças, e que pré-escolares já conseguem cumprir a tarefa de selecionar a figura que representa seu corpo nesta faixa etária. A construção e desenvolvimento das escalas mostraram-se ser válidas e permitem a investigação mais acurada de fatores relacionados as dimensões perceptivas da imagem corporal em pré-escolares, porém, parecem refletir também outras fontes de variância e influência que precisam ser investigadas.


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A utilização de tecnologias de prototipagem em objetos e estruturas do dia-a-dia é cada vez maior. Porém, os componentes que é possível fabricar estão em geral associados a protótipos demonstrativos não funcionais. Para ultrapassar estas limitações têm vindo a ser desenvolvidos novos materiais, procurando a melhoria das suas características mecânicas. A presente dissertação insere-se no projeto Firend®, que se tem vindo a desenvolver numa parceria entre a Academia Militar e outras instituições como o Instituto Superior Técnico e procura avaliar a viabilidade da utilização da técnica de deposição de resina fotopolimerizável por ultra-violeta no fabrico de projéteis para o transporte especial de agentes extintores, procurando caracterizar o desempenho deste material em condições operativas simulativas do disparo real. A pesquisa bibliográfica da presente dissertação baseou-se numa breve introdução aos materiais poliméricos. O trabalho teórico consistiu na modelação numérica através do método dos elementos finitos do ensaio de compressão utilizando o programa Deform® e na respetiva validação do modelo através de comparação dos resultados das simulações com dados experimentais existentes na literatura da especialidade. O trabalho experimental fundamentou-se no fabrico e preparação de provetes através da tecnologia de impressão 3D, na descrição das ferramentas utilizadas e do plano experimental. No final verificou-se a fratura de todos os provetes ensaiados e uma grande dispersão dos resultados, conseguindo-se apenas retirar uma tensão de segurança que não deve ser ultrapassada. De acordo com o estudo realizado o material ensaiado demonstrou-se não ser apropriado para a aplicação pretendida e recomenda-se a avaliação de outros materiais igualmente utilizados pelas técnicas de prototipagem rápida, tais como uma mistura de uma resina polimérica com um outro material com características mecânicas mais adequadas.


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La sostituzione totale di caviglia o artroplastica totale di caviglia (Total Ankle Replacement - TAR) è un'operazione eseguita per sostituire le superfici di contatto delle ossa di tibia e astragalo mediante componenti protesiche e sta diventando una comune procedura chirurgica per il trattamento dell’ultimo stadio di osteoartrite di caviglia. La morfologia articolare della caviglia e la relativa cinematica sono molto complesse. Gli attuali dispositivi per TAR soffrono ancora di alti tassi di insoddisfazione e fallimento, probabilmente a causa dei relativi disegni protesici non pienamente rispettosi della normale morfologia di caviglia e del normale trasferimento dei carichi articolari. Recentemente, è stato proposto un nuovo disegno basato su un originale postulato che approssima la superficie articolare talare in modo maggiormente fisiologico, come un tronco di cono a sella con apice diretto lateralmente. L'obiettivo di questa tesi di laurea è di valutare sperimentalmente, mediante il supporto del navigatore chirurgico, il comportamento cinematico derivante dall’impianto del dispositivo TAR basato sul nuovo postulato e di confrontarlo con la cinematica derivante dalla caviglia intatta e derivante da modelli protesici basati sui disegni più comunemente utilizzati. Dieci arti inferiori da cadavere con caviglie intatte e normali, sono state scansionati via CT. Le immagini di caviglia sono state poi segmentate per la produzione dei modelli virtuali articolari. Questi sono stati prodotti sia basandosi sul nuovo postulato sia su quelli standard, e successivamente stampati in materiale plastico via 3D-printing. I risultati ottenuti a seguito di elaborazioni confermano che il nuovo dispositivo sembra riprodurre meglio rispetto agli altri, il fisiologico comportamento funzionale della caviglia, presentando valori prossimi a quelli della caviglia naturale.


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"3d printing April, 1946."


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Burn injuries in the United States account for over one million hospital admissions per year, with treatment estimated at four billion dollars. Of severe burn patients, 30-90% will develop hypertrophic scars (HSc). Current burn therapies rely upon the use of bioengineered skin equivalents (BSEs), which assist in wound healing but do not prevent HSc. HSc contraction occurs of 6-18 months and results in the formation of a fixed, inelastic skin deformity, with 60% of cases occurring across a joint. HSc contraction is characterized by abnormally high presence of contractile myofibroblasts which normally apoptose at the completion of the proliferative phase of wound healing. Additionally, clinical observation suggests that the likelihood of HSc is increased in injuries with a prolonged immune response. Given the pathogenesis of HSc, we hypothesize that BSEs should be designed with two key anti-scarring characterizes: (1) 3D architecture and surface chemistry to mitigate the inflammatory microenvironment and decrease myofibroblast transition; and (2) using materials which persist in the wound bed throughout the remodeling phase of repair. We employed electrospinning and 3D printing to generate scaffolds with well-controlled degradation rate, surface coatings, and 3D architecture to explore our hypothesis through four aims.

In the first aim, we evaluate the impact of elastomeric, randomly-oriented biostable polyurethane (PU) scaffold on HSc-related outcomes. In unwounded skin, native collagen is arranged randomly, elastin fibers are abundant, and myofibroblasts are absent. Conversely, in scar contractures, collagen is arranged in linear arrays and elastin fibers are few, while myofibroblast density is high. Randomly oriented collagen fibers native to the uninjured dermis encourage random cell alignment through contact guidance and do not transmit as much force as aligned collagen fibers. However, the linear ECM serves as a system for mechanotransduction between cells in a feed-forward mechanism, which perpetuates ECM remodeling and myofibroblast contraction. The electrospinning process allowed us to create scaffolds with randomly-oriented fibers that promote random collagen deposition and decrease myofibroblast formation. Compared to an in vitro HSc contraction model, fibroblast-seeded PU scaffolds significantly decreased matrix and myofibroblast formation. In a murine HSc model, collagen coated PU (ccPU) scaffolds significantly reduced HSc contraction as compared to untreated control wounds and wounds treated with the clinical standard of care. The data from this study suggest that electrospun ccPU scaffolds meet the requirements to mitigate HSc contraction including: reduction of in vitro HSc related outcomes, diminished scar stiffness, and reduced scar contraction. While clinical dogma suggests treating severe burn patients with rapidly biodegrading skin equivalents, these data suggest that a more long-term scaffold may possess merit in reducing HSc.

In the second aim, we further investigate the impact of scaffold longevity on HSc contraction by studying a degradable, elastomeric, randomly oriented, electrospun micro-fibrous scaffold fabricated from the copolymer poly(l-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) (PLCL). PLCL scaffolds displayed appropriate elastomeric and tensile characteristics for implantation beneath a human skin graft. In vitro analysis using normal human dermal fibroblasts (NHDF) demonstrated that PLCL scaffolds decreased myofibroblast formation as compared to an in vitro HSc contraction model. Using our murine HSc contraction model, we found that HSc contraction was significantly greater in animals treated with standard of care, Integra, as compared to those treated with collagen coated-PLCL (ccPLCL) scaffolds at d 56 following implantation. Finally, wounds treated with ccPLCL were significantly less stiff than control wounds at d 56 in vivo. Together, these data further solidify our hypothesis that scaffolds which persist throughout the remodeling phase of repair represent a clinically translatable method to prevent HSc contraction.

In the third aim, we attempt to optimize cell-scaffold interactions by employing an anti-inflammatory coating on electrospun PLCL scaffolds. The anti-inflammatory sub-epidermal glycosaminoglycan, hyaluronic acid (HA) was used as a coating material for PLCL scaffolds to encourage a regenerative healing phenotype. To minimize local inflammation, an anti-TNFα monoclonal antibody (mAB) was conjugated to the HA backbone prior to PLCL coating. ELISA analysis confirmed mAB activity following conjugation to HA (HA+mAB), and following adsorption of HA+mAB to the PLCL backbone [(HA+mAB)PLCL]. Alican blue staining demonstrated thorough HA coating of PLCL scaffolds using pressure-driven adsorption. In vitro studies demonstrated that treatment with (HA+mAB)PLCL prevented downstream inflammatory events in mouse macrophages treated with soluble TNFα. In vivo studies using our murine HSc contraction model suggested positive impact of HA coating, which was partiall impeded by the inclusion of the TNFα mAB. Further characterization of the inflammatory microenvironment of our murine model is required prior to conclusions regarding the potential for anti-TNFα therapeutics for HSc. Together, our data demonstrate the development of a complex anti-inflammatory coating for PLCL scaffolds, and the potential impact of altering the ECM coating material on HSc contraction.

In the fourth aim, we investigate how scaffold design, specifically pore dimensions, can influence myofibroblast interactions and subsequent formation of OB-cadherin positive adherens junctions in vitro. We collaborated with Wake Forest University to produce 3D printed (3DP) scaffolds with well-controlled pore sizes we hypothesized that decreasing pore size would mitigate intra-cellular communication via OB-cadherin-positive adherens junctions. PU was 3D printed via pressure extrusion in basket-weave design with feature diameter of ~70 µm and pore sizes of 50, 100, or 150 µm. Tensile elastic moduli of 3DP scaffolds were similar to Integra; however, flexural moduli of 3DP were significantly greater than Integra. 3DP scaffolds demonstrated ~50% porosity. 24 h and 5 d western blot data demonstrated significant increases in OB-cadherin expression in 100 µm pores relative to 50 µm pores, suggesting that pore size may play a role in regulating cell-cell communication. To analyze the impact of pore size in these scaffolds on scarring in vivo, scaffolds were implanted beneath skin graft in a murine HSc model. While flexural stiffness resulted in graft necrosis by d 14, cellular and blood vessel integration into scaffolds was evident, suggesting potential for this design if employed in a less stiff material. In this study, we demonstrate for the first time that pore size alone impacts OB-cadherin protein expression in vitro, suggesting that pore size may play a role on adherens junction formation affiliated with the fibroblast-to-myofibroblast transition. Overall, this work introduces a new bioengineered scaffold design to both study the mechanism behind HSc and prevent the clinical burden of this contractile disease.

Together, these studies inform the field of critical design parameters in scaffold design for the prevention of HSc contraction. We propose that scaffold 3D architectural design, surface chemistry, and longevity can be employed as key design parameters during the development of next generation, low-cost scaffolds to mitigate post-burn hypertrophic scar contraction. The lessening of post-burn scarring and scar contraction would improve clinical practice by reducing medical expenditures, increasing patient survival, and dramatically improving quality of life for millions of patients worldwide.


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With applications ranging from aerospace to biomedicine, additive manufacturing (AM) has been revolutionizing the manufacturing industry. The ability of additive techniques, such as selective laser melting (SLM), to create fully functional, geometrically complex, and unique parts out of high strength materials is of great interest. Unfortunately, despite numerous advantages afforded by this technology, its widespread adoption is hindered by a lack of on-line, real time feedback control and quality assurance techniques. In this thesis, inline coherent imaging (ICI), a broadband, spatially coherent imaging technique, is used to observe the SLM process in 15 - 45 $\mu m$ 316L stainless steel. Imaging of both single and multilayer builds is performed at a rate of 200 $kHz$, with a resolution of tens of microns, and a high dynamic range rendering it impervious to blinding from the process beam. This allows imaging before, during, and after laser processing to observe changes in the morphology and stability of the melt. Galvanometer-based scanning of the imaging beam relative to the process beam during the creation of single tracks is used to gain a unique perspective of the SLM process that has been so far unobservable by other monitoring techniques. Single track processing is also used to investigate the possibility of a preliminary feedback control parameter based on the process beam power, through imaging with both coaxial and 100 $\mu m$ offset alignment with respect to the process beam. The 100 $\mu m$ offset improved imaging by increasing the number of bright A-lines (i.e. with signal greater than the 10 $dB$ noise floor) by 300\%. The overlap between adjacent tracks in a single layer is imaged to detect characteristic fault signatures. Full multilayer builds are carried out and the resultant ICI images are used to detect defects in the finished part and improve upon the initial design of the build system. Damage to the recoater blade is assessed using powder layer scans acquired during a 3D build. The ability of ICI to monitor SLM processes at such high rates with high resolution offers extraordinary potential for future advances in on-line feedback control of additive manufacturing.


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Three-dimensional printing (“3DP”) is an additive manufacturing technology that starts with a virtual 3D model of the object to be printed, the so-called Computer-Aided-Design (“CAD”) file. This file, when sent to the printer, gives instructions to the device on how to build the object layer-by-layer. This paper explores whether design protection is available under the current European regulatory framework for designs that are computer-created by means of CAD software, and, if so, under what circumstances. The key point is whether the appearance of a product, embedded in a CAD file, could be regarded as a protectable element under existing legislation. To this end, it begins with an inquiry into the concepts of “design” and “product”, set forth in Article 3 of the Community Design Regulation No. 6/2002 (“CDR”). Then, it considers the EUIPO’s practice of accepting 3D digital representations of designs. The enquiry goes on to illustrate the implications that the making of a CAD file available online might have. It suggests that the act of uploading a CAD file onto a 3D printing platform may be tantamount to a disclosure for the purposes of triggering unregistered design protection, and for appraising the state of the prior art. It also argues that, when measuring the individual character requirement, the notion of “informed user” and “the designer’s degree of freedom” may need to be reconsidered in the future. The following part touches on the exceptions to design protection, with a special focus on the repairs clause set forth in Article 110 CDR. The concluding part explores different measures that may be implemented to prohibit the unauthorised creation and sharing of CAD files embedding design-protected products.


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This presentation was both an illustrated lecture and a published paper presented at the IMPACT 9 Conference Printmaking in the Post-Print Age, Hangzhou China 2015. It was an extension of the exhibition catalogue essay for the Bluecoat Gallery Exhibition of the same name. In 2014 I curated an exhibition The Negligent Eye at the Bluecoat Gallery in Liverpool as the result of longstanding interest in scanning and 3D printing and the role of these in changing the field of Print within Fine Art Practice. In the aftermath of curatingshow I have continued to reflect on this material with reference to the writings of Vilém Flusser and Hito Steyerl. The work in the exhibition came from a wide range of artists of all generations most of whom are not explicitly located within Printmaking. Whilst some work did not use any scanning technology at all, a shared fascination with the particular translating device of the systematizing ‘eye’ of a scanning digital video camera, flatbed or medical scanner was expressed by all the work in the show. Through writing this paper I aim to extend my own understanding of questions, which arose from the juxtapositions of work and the production of the accompanying catalogue. The show developed in dialogue with curators Bryan Biggs and Sarah-Jane Parsons of the Bluecoat Gallery who sent a series of questions about scanning to participating artists. In reflecting upon their answers I will extend the discussions begun in the process of this research. A kind of created attention deficit disorder seems to operate on us all today to make and distribute images and information at speed. What value do ways of making which require slow looking or intensive material explorations have in this accelerated system? What model of the world is being constructed by the drive to simulated realities toward ever-greater resolution, so called high definition? How are our perceptions of reality being altered by the world-view presented in the smooth colourful ever morphing simulations that surround us? The limitations of digital technology are often a starting point for artists to reflect on our relationship to real-world fragility. I will be looking at practices where tactility or dimensionality in a form of hard copy engages with these questions using examples from the exhibition. Artists included in the show were: Cory Arcangel, Christiane Baumgartner, Thomas Bewick, Jyll Bradley, Maurice Carlin, Helen Chadwick, Susan Collins, Conroy/Sanderson, Nicky Coutts, Elizabeth Gossling, Beatrice Haines, Juneau Projects, Laura Maloney, Bob Matthews, London Fieldworks (with the participation of Gustav Metzger), Marilène Oliver, Flora Parrott, South Atlantic Souvenirs, Imogen Stidworthy, Jo Stockham, Wolfgang Tillmans, Alessa Tinne, Michael Wegerer, Rachel Whiteread, Jane and Louise Wilson. Scanning, Art, Technology, Copy, Materiality.


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In the manufacturing industry the term Process Planning (PP) is concerned with determining the sequence of individual manufacturing operations needed to produce a given part or product with a certain machine. In this technical report we propose a preliminary analysis of scientific literature on the topic of process planning for Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies (i.e. 3D printing). We observe that the process planning for additive manufacturing processes consists of a small set of standard operations (repairing, orientation, supports, slicing and toolpath generation). We analyze each of them in order to emphasize the most critical aspects of the current pipeline as well as highlight the future challenges for this emerging manufacturing technology.


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A oportunidade de produção de biomassa microalgal tem despertado interesse pelos diversos destinos que a mesma pode ter, seja na produção de bioenergia, como fonte de alimento ou servindo como produto da biofixação de dióxido de carbono. Em geral, a produção em larga escala de cianobactérias e microalgas é feita com acompanhamento através de análises físicoquímicas offline. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi monitorar a concentração celular em fotobiorreator raceway para produção de biomassa microalgal usando técnicas de aquisição digital de dados e controle de processos, pela aquisição de dados inline de iluminância, concentração de biomassa, temperatura e pH. Para tal fim foi necessário construir sensor baseado em software capaz de determinar a concentração de biomassa microalgal a partir de medidas ópticas de intensidade de radiação monocromática espalhada e desenvolver modelo matemático para a produção da biomassa microalgal no microcontrolador, utilizando algoritmo de computação natural no ajuste do modelo. Foi projetado, construído e testado durante cultivos de Spirulina sp. LEB 18, em escala piloto outdoor, um sistema autônomo de registro de informações advindas do cultivo. Foi testado um sensor de concentração de biomassa baseado na medição da radiação passante. Em uma segunda etapa foi concebido, construído e testado um sensor óptico de concentração de biomassa de Spirulina sp. LEB 18 baseado na medição da intensidade da radiação que sofre espalhamento pela suspensão da cianobactéria, em experimento no laboratório, sob condições controladas de luminosidade, temperatura e fluxo de suspensão de biomassa. A partir das medidas de espalhamento da radiação luminosa, foi construído um sistema de inferência neurofuzzy, que serve como um sensor por software da concentração de biomassa em cultivo. Por fim, a partir das concentrações de biomassa de cultivo, ao longo do tempo, foi prospectado o uso da plataforma Arduino na modelagem empírica da cinética de crescimento, usando a Equação de Verhulst. As medidas realizadas no sensor óptico baseado na medida da intensidade da radiação monocromática passante através da suspensão, usado em condições outdoor, apresentaram baixa correlação entre a concentração de biomassa e a radiação, mesmo para concentrações abaixo de 0,6 g/L. Quando da investigação do espalhamento óptico pela suspensão do cultivo, para os ângulos de 45º e 90º a radiação monocromática em 530 nm apresentou um comportamento linear crescente com a concentração, apresentando coeficiente de determinação, nos dois casos, 0,95. Foi possível construir um sensor de concentração de biomassa baseado em software, usando as informações combinadas de intensidade de radiação espalhada nos ângulos de 45º e 135º com coeficiente de determinação de 0,99. É factível realizar simultaneamente a determinação inline de variáveis do processo de cultivo de Spirulina e a modelagem cinética empírica do crescimento do micro-organismo através da equação de Verhulst, em microcontrolador Arduino.


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Part 10: Sustainability and Trust


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ASHRAE 34, based on ASTM E681, was improved by identifying and rectifying deficiencies in ASTM E681. An ASTM E681 apparatus and procedure was developed with gaseous refrigerant testing in mind. The plumbing was improved by ensuring that the pressure readings could be constantly monitored while decreasing leakage potential. An original electrical system was designed and constructed for the ignition system. Additionally, a control panel was constructed to isolate hazardous electrical elements, and facilitate the testing, while simultaneously organizing the critical plumbing and ignition components. 3D printing efficiently produced heat-resistant, nonreactive, and structurally stable lower electrode spacers, propellers, and propeller bars. The heating system was designed to ensure even temperature throughout the apparatus. The humidity system was designed to accurately condition the air. Recommendations to improve ASTM E681 are provided. The research can be built on to improve the accuracy and reproducibility of ASTM E681.


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Geometry has been a source of inspiration in the design of the manmade world for millennia; it also provides representational means enabling development of a concept into a built object. In the past three decades computing methodologies have provided the designer with unprecedented tools to explore highly complex forms, create digital models and fabricate them. This paper describes a computational methodology for the transition of forms from abstract geometric configurations to physical objects: a parametric design process assists from the initial ideation to the final prototyping with 3D printing technologies. The five regular polyhedra are used as a case study; this paper explores how parametric based procedures develop these geometric shapes into digital models of structures to be fabricated in different sizes and materials.


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Geometry is a source of inspiration in the design and making of the manmade world. Computing techniques provide tools to explore complex forms: the research question is how computational tool can be systemised to assist with the translation of geometric concepts into physical objects. The purpose is to describe computational/manufacturing methods for creating digital models and physical objects from regular geometric configurations. The methods are based on parametric design, assisting from ideation to the generation of digital models with material specifications – using the five regular convex polyhedra as a case study. The results are comprised of digital models used for prototyping with 3D printing technologies and hybrid fabrication processes: the products are built geometric shapes ranging from body ornaments to sculptures. These procedures can be extended to generate designs based on irregular geometric shapes. Parametric-based methods are recommended in the digital modeling and fabrication of any geometric form.