986 resultados para 396


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A comunidade de mamíferos terrestres foi amostrada em três localidades (1-Mateiros, TO; 2- Rio da Conceição, TO e 3- Formosa do Rio Preto, BA) no interior da Estação Ecológica Serra Geral do Tocantins. Para o registro dos marsupiais e pequenos roedores foram utilizadas armadilhas convencionais (5.396 armadilhas.noite) e armadilhas de queda (5.300 pitfalls.noite) nas diferentes fitofisionomias encontradas, entre elas: campo úmido, campo limpo, campo sujo, campo cerrado, cerrado sensu stricto, cerrado com afloramentos rochosos, mata de galeria e mata de galeria úmida. No caso dos mamíferos de médio e grande porte, foram obtidos registros casuais através de observação direta e evidências indiretas (rastros, fezes, crânios e carcaças de animais encontrados mortos). Foram amostradas 24 espécies de pequenos mamíferos e 17 espécies de mamíferos de médio e grande porte, totalizando 41 espécies para a região. Considerando-se os pequenos mamíferos, a comunidade foi representada por várias espécies raras e de abundância intermediária, e poucas espécies muito abundantes. Os roedores cricetídeos dominaram tanto em número de espécies (14) quanto em abundância (50% da comunidade). As espécies se distribuíram, basicamente, em dois tipos de fisionomias: um grupo esteve restrito aos ambientes florestais, e outro às formações abertas, demonstrando a grande seletividade de hábitats e a importância de se amostrar o mosaico de hábitats presente na região para uma melhor caracterização da diversidade deste grupo de mamíferos. Em termos biogeográficos, a fauna de pequenos mamíferos amostrada apresentou certa sobreposição com a fauna da Caatinga e da Amazônia, evidenciando a importância destes domínios para a composição de espécies das comunidades que habitam a porção norte do Cerrado, além da presença de espécies endêmicas e de distribuição geográfica restrita ao norte do domínio, caracterizando uma comunidade distinta de outras regiões do Cerrado. Em relação aos mamíferos de médio e grande porte, a presença de um elevado número de espécies ameaçadas de extinção (10) também ressalta a importância da preservação desta região.


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A particularidade da secreção láctea caprina, do tipo apócrina, diferente da secreção merócrina da vaca, leva a erros de interpretação durante a realização de técnicas de avaliação da celularidade do leite de fêmeas desta espécie. Portanto, o presente trabalho teve o objetivo de determinar a contagem de células somáticas pelo método indireto California Mastitis Test (CMT), e por métodos diretos, incluindo a contagem por citometria de fluxo e a contagem microscópica direta, através da coloração de verde de metil e pironina-Y, além de comparar os métodos de contagem celular. Foram analisadas 102 amostras de 51 fêmeas caprinas, das raças Saanen, Parda Alpina e Toggenburg, criadas no Estado de São Paulo. Os animais foram categorizados segundo a fase da lactação, exame físico da glândula mamária e exame do leite. As amostras foram colhidas, após a realização do exame Califórnia Mastitis Test, em duas alíquotas, uma destinada à contagem celular automática e a outra, a contagem microscópica direta, utilizando-se o corante verde de metil e pironina- Y. De acordo com os diferentes escores do CMT, observou- se 74,5% de amostras negativas, 8,8% de amostras com escore traços, 8,8% de amostras ligeiramente positivas (+), 6,8% de amostras fracamente positivas (++) e 0,9% de amostras fortemente positivas (+++). Os valores medianos das contagens de células somáticas presentes no leite de cabras, avaliadas através de contador automático e microscopia direta, e analisadas de acordo com os diferentes escores do CMT, foram, respectivamente, 181.000, 578.000, 628.000, 1.421.500 e 5.542.000 células/mL de leite e 74.991, 271.396, 71.420, 640.995 e 5.049.394 células/ mL de leite, nos escores negativo, traços, +, ++ e +++. Os valores medianos obtidos através da contagem de células somáticas pelo método automático e microscópico direto, de acordo com as fases de lactação foram de 159.500, 508.000 e 277.500 células/mL de leite, e 62.493, 89.275 e 146.411. A correlação obtida entre a contagem celular automática e microscópica direta foi de 88%. A partir dos resultados observados pode-se concluir que existe diferença na contagem celular determinada através do método automático e microscópico sendo este último o mais adequado para a determinação da celularidade no leite de cabras.


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The study was done to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a national rotavirus vaccination programme in Brazilian children from the healthcare system perspective. A hypothetical annual birth-cohort was followed for a five-year period. Published and national administrative data were incorporated into a model to quantify the consequences of vaccination versus no vaccination. Main outcome measures included the reduction in disease burden, lives saved, and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) averted. A rotavirus vaccination programme in Brazil would prevent an estimated 1,804 deaths associated with gastroenteritis due to rotavirus, 91,127 hospitalizations, and 550,198 outpatient visits. Vaccination is likely to reduce 76% of the overall healthcare burden of rotavirus-associated gastroenteritis in Brazil. At a vaccine price of US$ 7-8 per dose, the cost-effectiveness ratio would be US$ 643 per DALY averted. Rotavirus vaccination can reduce the burden of gastroenteritis due to rotavirus at a reasonable cost-effectiveness ratio.


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The analysis of interviews with open-ended questions is a common practice amongst researchers in the field of Management. The difficulty therein is to convert the linguistic data into categories or quantitative values for subsequent statistical treatment. Proposals made to this end generally entail counting lexical occurrences which, since they are founded on previously established meanings, fail to include semantic associations made by interviews. This article aims to present an analysis tool comprising a set of techniques apt to generate linguistic units that can be statistically described, compared, modeled and inferred: the Quantitative Propositional Analysis (QPA), Its main difference from other such methods lies in the choice of a proposition - and not the lexical unit - as analysis unit. We present the application of this method through a study about the international expansion of retail firms.


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Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a human disease characterized by progressive and irreversible skeletal muscle degeneration caused by mutations in genes coding for important muscle proteins. Unfortunately, there is no efficient treatment for this disease; it causes progressive loss of motor and muscular ability until death. The canine model (golden retriever muscular dystrophy) is similar to DMD, showing similar clinical signs. Fifteen dogs were followed from birth and closely observed for clinical signs. Dogs had their disease status confirmed by polymerase chain reaction analysis and genotyping. Clinical observations of musculoskeletal, morphological, gastrointestinal, respiratory, cardiovascular, and renal features allowed us to identify three distinguishable phenotypes in dystrophic dogs: mild (grade I), moderate (grade II) and severe (grade III). These three groups showed no difference in dystrophic alterations of muscle morphology and creatine kinase levels. This information will be useful for therapeutic trials, because DMD also shows significant, inter- and intra-familiar clinical variability. Additionally, being aware of phenotypic differences in this animal model is essential for correct interpretation and understanding of results obtained in pre-clinical trials.


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PURPOSE: Walking training is considered as the first treatment option for patients with peripheral arterial disease and intermittent claudication (IC). Walking exercise has been prescribed for these patients by relative intensity of peak oxygen uptake (VO(2)peak), ranging from 40% to 70% VO(2)peak, or pain threshold (PT). However, the relationship between these methods and anaerobic threshold (AT), which is considered one of the best metabolic markers for establishing training intensity, has not been analyzed. Thus, the aim of this study was to compare, in IC patients, the physiological responses at exercise intensities usually prescribed for training (% VO(2) peak or % PT) with the ones observed at AT. METHODS: Thirty-three IC patients performed maximal graded cardiopulmonary treadmill test to assess exercise tolerance. During the test, heart rate (HR), VO(2), and systolic blood pressure were measured and responses were analyzed at the following: 40% of VO(2)peak; 70% of VO(2)peak; AT; and PT. RESULTS: Heart rate and VO(2) at 40% and 70% of VO(2)peak were lower than those at AT (HR: -13 +/- 9% and -3 +/- 8%, P < .01, respectively; VO(2): -52 +/- 12% and -13 +/- 15%, P < .01, respectively). Conversely, HR and VO(2) at PT were slightly higher than those at AT (HR: +3 +/- 8%, P < .01; VO(2): + 6 +/- 15%, P = .04). None of the patients achieved the respiratory compensation point. CONCLUSION: Prescribing exercise for IC patients between 40% and 70% of VO(2)peak will induce a lower stimulus than that at AT, whereas prescribing exercise at PT will result in a stimulus above AT. Thus, prescribing exercise training for IC patients on the basis of PT will probably produce a greater metabolic stimulus, promoting better cardiovascular benefits.


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Biology of predator mite Euseius alatus DeLeon (Acari: Phytoseiidae) under different temperatures. Euseius alatus DeLeon (Acari: Phytoseiidae) is one of the most common predators of tropical fruit trees in Brazil, feeding of pollen, mites and other small arthropods. This predator presents wide distribution, occurring from Rio Grande do Sul to Ceara. This work had as objective to evaluate the effect of temperature oil the development and reproduction of E. alatus, in addition to determining their thermal requirements. The study was accomplished at temperatures of 18, 21, 24, 27, 30 and 33 degrees C; relative humidity of 70 +/- 5%; and 12-h photophase. At these temperatures, the egg-adult period lasted 14.0; 8.1; 5.5; 4.9; 3.8 and 3.1 days, respectively. The egg, larva, protonymph and deutonymph stages and the egg-adult period presented thermal thresholds of 12.52; 13.85; 14.86; 14.86 and 13.31 degrees C,and thermal constants of 22.32; 14.23; 16.23; 17.3 and 70.16 degrees days. The values for the parameters of the fertility life table, analyzed ill conjunction With the values of the different variables of development at different temperatures, showed that the temperature of 30 degrees C is the Most suitable for development and reproduction of E. alatus in the laboratory. Therefore, is it apparent that the best temperature conditions for the development of L alatus are found in the warmer regions of Brazil, such as those observed in northeastern Brazil.


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Literature has documented beneficial effects of seed priming on speed, synchronization and uniformity of germination. often leading to improved stand establishment. However. doubts still persist about the possible reversal effects, after drying and during storage of primed seeds that could overcome, partial or totally, the improved performance. The objectives of this research were to identify drying and storage procedures that would maintain the physiological performance achieved after seed priming, without negative effects on storability. First. hydroprimed cauliflower Seeds cv. Sharon and cv. Teresopolis Gigante, each represented by three seed lots were submitted to fast drying, slow drying, and treatments of pre-drying incubation (exposure to 35 degrees C, to a polyethylene glycol 6000 solution or a heat shock) followed by fast drying. In the second phase of this study, hydroprimed seed samples were submitted to fast drying (30-35 degrees C and 40-50% R.H.) and stored under laboratory conditions or in a chamber at 20 degrees C and 50% relative humidity for six months. Seed physiological potential was evaluated after 60-day intervals for germination (speed and percentage), Seedling emergence and saturated salt accelerated aging tests. All drying treatments efficiently preserved the favourable priming effects, except for the incubation at 35 degrees C for 96-144 hours. The beneficial priming effects followed by fast drying persisted for four months under controlled conditions (20 degrees C and 50% relative humidity).


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Several epidemiological and research studies suggest that a high intake of foods rich in natural antioxidants increases the antioxidant capacity of the plasma and reduces the risk of some kinds of cancers, heart diseases, and stroke. These health benefits are attributed to a variety of constituents, including vitamins, minerals, fiber, and numerous phytochemicals, such as flavonoids. Thus, in addition to measuring the composition of the usual macronutrients and micronutrients, it seems important to also measure the antioxidant capacity of foods. For this purpose, 28 foods including fruits, vegetables and commercially-frozen fruit pulps were analyzed for antioxidant capacity. The antioxidant capacity of the foods varied from 0.73 to 19.8 mu mol BHT equiv/g. The highest values were observed for wild mulberries (19.8 mu mol BHT equiv/g), acai fruit pulp (18.2 mu mol BHT equiv/g) and watercress (9.6 mu mol BHT equiv/g). The antioxidant capacities are only indicative of the potential of the bioactive compounds; however, these data are important to explore and understand the role of fruit, vegetables and other foods in health promotion. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A three-phase LPME (liquid-phase microextraction) method for the enantioselective analysis of venlafaxine (VF) metabolites (O-desmethylvenlafaxine (ODV) and N-desmethylvenlafaxine (NDV) in microsomal preparations is described for the first time. The assay involves the chiral HPLC separation of drug and metabolites using a Chiralpak AD column under normal-phase mode of elution and detection at 230 nm. The LPME procedure was optimized using multifactorial experiments and the following optimal condition was established: sample agitation at 1,750 rpm, 20 min of extraction, acetic acid 0.1 mol/L as acceptor phase, 1-octanol as organic phase and donor phase pH adjustment to 10.0. Under these conditions, the mean recoveries were 41% and 42% for (-)-(R)-ODV and (+)-(S)-ODV, respectively, and 47% and 48% for (-)-( R)-NDV and (+)-( S)-NDV, respectively. The method presented quantification limits of 200 ng/mL and it was linear over the concentration range of 200-5,000 ng/mL for all analytes. The validated method was employed to study the in vitro biotransformation of VF using rat liver microsomal fraction. The results demonstrated the enantioselective biotransformation of VF.


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Drugs known to inhibit the metabolism of cyclosporine are administered concomitantly to those who undergo cardiothoracic transplantation. The aim of this study was to examine in quantitative terms the relationship between cyclosporine oral dose rate and the trough concentration (Css(trough)) at steady state in patients who undergo cardiothoracic transplantation and are administered cyclosporine alone or in combination with drugs known to inhibit its metabolism. Dose and whole blood cyclosporine Css(tough) observations measured using the enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique (EMIT) (396 observations) or the TDx assay (435 observations) were collected as part of routine blood concentration monitoring from 182 patients who underwent cardiothoracic transplantation. Data were analyzed using a linear mixed-effects modeling approach to examine the effect of metabolic inhibitors on dose-rate-Css(trough) ratio. The mean (and 95% confidence interval) dose-rate-Css(trough) ratio for cyclosporine generated from concentrations measured using EMIT was 94 (82.5-105.5) Lh(-1) for patients administered cyclosporine alone, 66.7 (58.1-75.3) Lh(-1) for patients administered concomitant diltiazem, 47.9 (15.4 -80.4) Lh(-1) for patients administered concomitant itraconazole, 21.7 (14.8-28.5) Lh(-1) for patients administered concomitant ketoconazole, and 14.9 (11.8-18.1) Lh(-1) for patients concomitantly administered diltiazem and ketoconazole. For patients administered concomitant cyclosporine, ketoconazole, and diltiazem, the dosage of cyclosporine, if it is administered alone, should be 20% to achieve the same blood concentrations. This will allow safer drug concentration targeting of cyclosporine after cardiothoracic transplantation.


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The title compound, C(8)H(14)N(2)O(5)S 2(H(2)O), 2-amino-3-(N-oxipiridin-4-ilsulfanil)-propionic acid dihydrate, is obtained by the reaction of cysteine and 4-nitropyridine N-oxide in dimethylformamide, removing the NO(2) group from the benzene ring and releasing nitrous acid into the solution. The molecule exists as a Zwitterion. Hydrogen bond interactions involving the title molecule and water molecules allow the formation of R(5)(5)(23) edge fused rings parallel to (010). Water molecules are connected independently, forming infinite chains (wires), in square wave form, along the b-axis. The chirality of the cysteine molecule used in the synthesis is retained in the title molecule. A density functional theory (DFT) optimized structure at the B3LYP/6-311G(3df,2p) level allows comparison of calculated and experimental IR spectra.


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Background Statins reduce the incidence of cardiovascular events in patients at high cardiovascular risk. However, a benefit of statins in such patients who are undergoing hemodialysis has not been proved. Methods We conducted an international, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, prospective trial involving 2776 patients, 50 to 80 years of age, who were undergoing maintenance hemodialysis. We randomly assigned patients to receive rosuvastatin, 10 mg daily, or placebo. The combined primary end point was death from cardiovascular causes, nonfatal myocardial infarction, or nonfatal stroke. Secondary end points included death from all causes and individual cardiac and vascular events. Results After 3 months, the mean reduction in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels was 43% in patients receiving rosuvastatin, from a mean baseline level of 100 mg per deciliter (2.6 mmol per liter). During a median follow-up period of 3.8 years, 396 patients in the rosuvastatin group and 408 patients in the placebo group reached the primary end point (9.2 and 9.5 events per 100 patient-years, respectively; hazard ratio for the combined end point in the rosuvastatin group vs. the placebo group, 0.96; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.84 to 1.11; P = 0.59). Rosuvastatin had no effect on individual components of the primary end point. There was also no significant effect on all-cause mortality (13.5 vs. 14.0 events per 100 patient-years; hazard ratio, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.86 to 1.07; P = 0.51). Conclusions In patients undergoing hemodialysis, the initiation of treatment with rosuvastatin lowered the LDL cholesterol level but had no significant effect on the composite primary end point of death from cardiovascular causes, nonfatal myocardial infarction, or nonfatal stroke. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00240331.)


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Lichen planus (LP) is the most prevalent dermatological disorder with oral manifestation. Oral lesions comprise a broad spectrum of clinical presentations. We report the case of a 56-year-old woman who presented erosive LP on the buccal and lower lip mucosae. Besides typical erosions, small white keratotic papules on an erythematosus background on the lower lip mucosa were observed. Biopsy of lower lip lesions showed an unusual histopathological presentation consisting of a lichenoid inflammation targeted to salivary gland ducts. This is probably a salivary gland analog of lichen planopilaris and lichen planoporitis.


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Intrapleural instillation of talc has been used in the treatment of recurrent pleural effusions but can, in rare instances, result in respiratory failure. Side-effects seem to be related to composition, size and inflammatory power of talc particles. The aim of this study was to evaluate the inflammatory response to intrapleural injection of talc containing small particles (ST) or talc containing particles of mixed size (MT). 100 rabbits received intrapleural talc, 50 with ST (median 6.41 mu m) and 50 with MT median 21.15 mu m); the control group was composed of 35 rabbits. Cells, lactate dehydrogenase, C-reactive protein (CRIP), interleukin (IL)-8 and vascular endothelial growth factor were evaluated in serum and bronchoalveolar lavage at 6, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h. Lung histology and the presence of talc were also analysed. Statistics were performed using ANOVA and an unpaired t-test. Most of the parameters showed greater levels in the animals injected with talc than in the controls, suggesting a systemic and pulmonary response. Higher serum levels of CRP and IL-8 were observed in the animals injected with ST. Talc particles were observed in both lungs with no differences between groups. Lung cell infiltrate was more evident in the ST group. In conclusion, talc with larger particles should be the preferred choice in clinical practice in order to induce safer pleurodesis.