995 resultados para 347.05


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We study diagonal estimates for the Bergman kernels of certain model domains in C-2 near boundary points that are of infinite type. To do so, we need a mild structural condition on the defining functions of interest that facilitates optimal upper and lower bounds. This is a mild condition; unlike earlier studies of this sort, we are able to make estimates for non-convex pseudoconvex domains as well. Thisn condition quantifies, in some sense, how flat a domain is at an infinite-type boundary point. In this scheme of quantification, the model domains considered below range-roughly speaking-from being mildly infinite-type'' to very flat at the infinite-type points.


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Mixed-species flocks of foraging birds have been documented from terrestrial habitats all over the world and are thought to form for either improved feeding efficiency or better protection from predators. Two kinds of flock participants are recognized: those that join other species ('followers') and are therefore likely to be the recipients of the benefits of flock participation and those that are joined ('leaders'). Through comparative analyses, using a large sample of flocks from around the world, we show that (1) 'followers' tend to be smaller, more insectivorous, and feed in higher strata than matched species that participate in flocks to a lesser extent and (2) 'leaders' tend to be cooperative breeders more often than matched species that are not known to lead flocks. Furthermore, meta-analyses of published results from across the world showed that bird species in terrestrial mixed-species flocks increase foraging rates and reduce vigilance compared to when they are solitary or in conspecific groups. Moreover, the increase in foraging rates is seen only with flock followers and not flock leaders. These findings suggest a role for predation in the evolution of mixed-species flocking. Species that are vulnerable to predation follow species whose vigilance they can exploit. By doing so, they are able to reduce their own vigilance and forage at higher rates. (C) 2009 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A theory and generalized synthesis procedure is advocated for the design of weir notches and orifice-notches having a base in any given shape, to a depth a, such that the discharge through it is proportional to any singular monotonically-increasing function of the depth of flow measured above a certain datum. The problem is reduced to finding an exact solution of a Volterra integral equation in Abel form. The maximization of the depth of the datum below the crest of the notch is investigated. Proof is given that for a weir notch made out of one continuous curve, and for a flow proportional to the mth power of the head, it is impossible to bring the datum lower than (2m − 1)a below the crest of the notch. A new concept of an orifice-notch, having discontinuity in the curve and a division of flow into two distinct portions, is presented. The division of flow is shown to have a beneficial effect in reducing the datum below (2m − 1)a from the crest of the weir and still maintaining the proportionality of the flow. Experimental proof with one such orifice-notch is found to have a constant coefficient of discharge of 0.625. The importance of this analysis in the design of grit chambers is emphasized.


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Many economic events involve initial observations that substantially deviate from long-run steady state. Initial conditions of this type have been found to impact diversely on the power of univariate unit root tests, whereas the impact on multivariate tests is largely unknown. This paper investigates the impact of the initial condition on tests for cointegration rank. We compare the local power of the widely used likelihood ratio (LR) test with the local power of a test based on the eigenvalues of the companion matrix. We find that the power of the LR test is increasing in the magnitude of the initial condition, whereas the power of the other test is decreasing. The behaviour of the tests is investigated in an application to price convergence.


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Toxoplasma gondii on kokkideihin kuuluva alkueläinloinen. Sen pääisäntiä ovat kissaeläimet, joissa tapahtuvan suvullisen lisääntymisen tuloksena tuotetaan ympäristöön ookystia. Väli-isäntiä voivat olla kaikki tasalämpöiset eläimet. Toksoplasma muodostaa isäntien kudoksiin infektiivisiä kudoskystia. Ihminen voi saada tartunnan syömällä kudoskystia tai ookystia, tai sikiö voi infektoitua jo kohdussa istukan kautta. Toxoplasma gondii voi aiheuttaa isäntänsä vakavan sairastumisen ja on siksi maailmanlaajuisesti merkittävä zoonoottinen loinen. Toksoplasman torjunnassa on oleellista tuntea alueen kissojen toksoplasmaseroprevalenssi ja arvioida ympäristön ookystakuormitusta: seropositiivisten kissojen voidaan olettaa joskus erittäneen ookystia. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin toksoplasman esiintymistä suomalaisissa kissoissa: suoralla agglutinaatiotestillä (ToxoScreen-DA) määritettiin IgG-vasta-aineiden esiintymistä seerumissa sekä vasta-ainetasoja (tiitteri). Flotac® - flotaatiomenetelmällä tutkittiin ookystien esiintymistä ulostenäytteissä. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kissojen toksoplasma-vasta-aineiden esiintymiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä: serologisessa tutkimuksessa oli mukana sekä löytöettä rotukissoja, ja lisäksi tutkittiin kissojen sukupuolen, iän, sekä rotukissoilla lihansyönnin vaikutusta vastaaineiden esiintymiseen seerumissa. Serologisessa tutkimuksessa 398 kissan aineistossa seroprevalenssiksi saatiin 48,2 %. Tutkituista 369 rotukissasta 49,9 % oli seropositiivisia, kun taas 27 tutkitusta löytökissasta seropositiivisia oli 25,9 % (P<0,05). Sukupuolella ei todettu olevan merkitystä kissan seropositiivisuuteen. Aikuiset kissat olivat nuoria kissoja useammin seropositiivisia (53,7 % vs. 23,5 %) (P<0,001), koska kerran tartunnan saaneen kissan seerumista voidaan todeta vasta-aineita, ja vanhemmat kissat ovat nuoria todennäköisemmin ehtineet törmätä loiseen elämänsä aikana ja saada tartunnan. Ruokavalio oli tiedossa 347 rotukissalta, ja näistä 270 (77,8 %) oli joskus saanut raakaa lihaa. Raakaa lihaa saaneista kissoista 151 (55,9 %) oli seropositiivisia; 77 kissasta, jotka eivät olleet saaneet raakaa lihaa sitä vastoin ainoastaan 26 (33,8 %) oli seropositiivisia (P<0,001). Ulostenäytteistä 131 kissan aineistosta 1,5 % eritti toksoplasman kaltaisia ookystia ulosteessaan tutkimushetkellä. Suomessa kissojen ravinnon ja toksoplasmaseropositiivisuuden välistä yhteyttä ei ole aikaisemmin tutkittu. Näiden uusien tulosten valossa olisi toksoplasman torjunnassa erityisen tärkeää kiinnittää huomiota loisen tartuntareitteihin kissan osalta. Kissoja ei tulisi ruokkia raa’alla lihalla: kissalle annettava liha olisi hyvä kuumentaa yli 67ºC:een tai pakastaa alle -12ºC:n lämpötilassa toksoplasmatartunnan ehkäisemiseksi.


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We report studies of magnetocaloric effect in lanthanum cobaltate doped with different Sr-concentrations, La1-xSrxCoO3 (0.05 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.4). The study has revealed that La0.6Sr0.4CoO3, which exhibits a moderately large value of maximum entropy change of about 1.45 J/kg/K in 1.5 T DC-fieid around its Curie temperature (of 235 K), can be used as an active magnetic refrigerant (AMR) material at similar to 2.35 K. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. Al rights reserved.


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Inelastic light scattering studies on a single crystal of electron-doped Ca(Fe0.95Co0.05)(2)As-2 superconductor, covering the tetragonal-to-orthorhombic structural transition as well as the magnetic transition at T-SM similar to 140 K and the superconducting transition temperature T-c similar to 23 K, reveal evidence for superconductivity-induced phonon renormalization. In particular, the phonon mode near 260 cm(-1) shows hardening below T-c, signaling its coupling with the superconducting gap. All three Raman active phonon modes show anomalous temperature dependence between room temperature and T-c, i.e. the phonon frequency decreases with lowering temperature. Further, the frequency of one of the modes shows a sudden change in temperature dependence at TSM. Using first-principles density functional theory based calculations, we show that the low temperature phase (T-c < T < T-SM) exhibits short-ranged stripe antiferromagnetic ordering, and estimate the spin-phonon couplings that are responsible for these phonon anomalies.


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A self-supported 40W Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) system has been developed and performance tested. The auxiliaries in the DMFC system comprise a methanol sensor, a liquid-level indicator, and fuel and air pumps that consume a total power of about 5W. The system has a 15-cell DMFC stack with active electrode-area of 45 cm(2). The self-supported DMFC system addresses issues related to water recovery from the cathode exhaust, and maintains a constant methanol-feed concentration with thermal management in the system. Pure methanol and water from cathode exhaust are pumped to the methanol-mixing tank where the liquid level is monitored and controlled with the help of a liquid-level indicator. During the operation, methanol concentration in the feed solution at the stack outlet is monitored using a methanol sensor, and pure methanol is added to restore the desired methanol concentration in the feed tank by adding the product water from the cathode exhaust. The feed-rate requirements of fuel and oxidant are designed for the stack capacity of 40W. The self-supported DMFC system is ideally suited for various defense and civil applications and, in particular, for charging the storage batteries.


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Hydrogen is a clean energy carrier and highest energy density fuel. Water gas shift (WGS) reaction is an important reaction to generate hydrogen from steam reforming of CO. A new WGS catalyst, Ce(1-x)Ru(x)O(2-delta) (0 <= x <= 0.1) was prepared by hydrothermal method using melamine as a complexing agent. The Catalyst does not require any pre-treatment. Among the several compositions prepared and tested, Ce(0.95)Ru(0.05)O(2-delta) (5% Ru(4+) ion substituted in CeO(2)) showed very high WGS activity in terms of high conversion rate (20.5 mu mol.g(-1).s(-1) at 275 degrees C) and low activation energy (12.1 kcal/mol). Over 99% conversion of CO to CO(2) by H(2)O is observed with 100% H(2) selectivity at >= 275 degrees C. In presence of externally fed CO(2) and H(2) also, complete conversion of CO to CO(2) was observed with 100% H(2) selectivity in the temperature range of 305-385 degrees C. Catalyst does not deactivate in long duration on/off WGS reaction cycle due to absence of surface carbon and carbonate formation and sintering of Ru. Due to highly acidic nature of Ru(4+) ion, surface carbonate formation is also inhibited. Sintering of noble metal (Ru) is avoided in this catalyst because Ru remains in Ru(4+) ionic state in the Ce(1-x)Ru(x)O(2-delta) catalyst.


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Niobium-modified lead zirconate stannate titanate antiferroelectric thin films with the chemical composition of (Pb0.99Nb0.02)(Zr0.57Sn0.38Ti0.05)0.98O3 were deposited by pulsed excimer laser ablation technique on Pt-coated Si substrates. Field-induced phase transition from antiferroelectric to ferroelectric properties was studied at different fields as a function of temperature. The field forced ferroelectric phase transition was elucidated by the presence of double-polarization hysteresis and double-butterfly characteristics from polarization versus applied electric field and capacitance and voltage measurements, respectively. The measured forward and reverse switching fields were 25 kV/cm and 77 kV/cm, respectively. The measured dielectric constant and dissipation factor were 540 and 0.001 at 100 kHz, respectively, at room temperature.


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Base metal substituted Sn(0.95)M(0.05)O(2-delta) (M = Cu, Fe, Mn, Co) catalysts were synthesized by the solution combustion method and characterized by XRD, XPS, TEM and BET surface area analysis. The catalytic activities of these materials were investigated by performing CO oxidation. The rates and the apparent activation energies of the reaction for CO oxidation were determined for each catalyst. All the substituted catalysts showed high rates and lower activation energies for the oxidation of CO as compared to unsubstituted SnO(2). The rate was found to be much higher over copper substituted SnO(2) as compared to other studied catalysts. 100% CO conversion was obtained below 225 degrees C over this catalyst. A bifunctional reaction mechanism was developed that accounts for CO adsorption on base metal and support ions and O(2) dissociation on the oxide ion vacancy. The kinetic parameters were determined by fitting the model to the experimental data. The high rates of the CO oxidation reactions at low temperatures were rationalized by the high dissociative chemisorption of adsorbed O(2) over these catalysts.


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Sr1-xMnxTiO3 (where x=0.03, 0.05, 0.07 and 0.09) was synthesized via different routes that include solid-state, oxalate precipitation and freeze drying. In oxalate precipitation technique, compositions corresponding to 3 and 5 mol% doping of Mn were monophasic whereas the higher compositions revealed the presence of the secondary phases such as MnO, Mn3O4 etc., as confirmed by high resolution X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies. The decomposition behavior of the precursors prepared using oxalate precipitation method corresponding to the above mentioned compositions was studied. Nanopowders of compositions pertaining to 5 to 9 mol% of Mn doping were obtained using freeze-drying technique. The average crystallite size of these nanopowders was found to be in the 35 to 65 nm range. The microstructural studies carried out on the sintered ceramics, fabricated using powders synthesized by different routes established the fine grained nature ( < 1 mu m) of the one obtained by freeze drying method. Raman scattering studies were carried out in order to complement the observations made from XRD regarding the phase purity. The dielectric properties of the ceramics obtained by different synthesis routes were studied in the 80-300 K temperature range at 100 kHz and the effect of grain size has been discussed. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The frequency-dependent dielectric relaxation of Pb0.94Sr0.06](Mn1/3Sb2/3)(0.05)(Zr0.52Ti0.48)(0.95)]O-3 ceramics, synthesized in pure perovskite phase by a solid-state reaction technique is investigated in the temperature range from 303 to 773 K by alternating-current impedance spectroscopy. Using Cole-Cole model, an analysis of the imaginary part of the dielectric permittivity with frequency is performed assuming a distribution of relaxation times. The scaling behavior of the imaginary part of the electric modulus suggests that the relaxation describes the same mechanism at various temperatures. The variation of dielectric constant with temperature is explained considering the space-charge polarization. The SEM indicates that the sample has single phase with an average grain size similar to 14.2 mu m. The material exhibits tetragonal structure. A detailed temperature dependent dielectric study at various frequencies has also been performed. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.