971 resultados para 30 kDa protein


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Els organismes responen a la temperatura i a molts altres estressos sintetitzant un grup de proteïnes anomenat proteïnes de xoc de calor (HSPs). En plantes les sHsps, d'entre 15 i 30 kDa formen el grup més abundant i divers, classificat en funció de la seva localització subcel.lular i homologia en: mitocondrials, cloroplàstiques, de reticle endoplasmàtic i citoplàsmiques de classe I i II. Les sHsps-CI s'ha descrit que s'indueixen per estrès tèrmic, hídric i oxidatiu (peròxid d'hidrògen, llum UV, ozó) i en resposta a algunes hormones. També s'expressen durant el desenvolupament, per exemple durant l'embriogènesi, on es creu que podrien tenir un paper protector de l'embrió enfront la dessecació. Tot i que hi ha abundants treballs que correlacionen la resistència a l'estrès i l'acumulació de sHsps-CI, els mecanismes moleculars d'aquesta activitat són poc conguts. Tot i això, per diverses sHsps-CI ha estat descrita una activitat xaperona in vitro i, més recentment, que la seva sobreexpressió augmenta la viabilitat de cèl.lules d'E.coli en condicions d'estrès tèrmic. L'estudi de l'acumulació de sHsps-CI en surera (Quercus suber) mitjançant immunodetecció en electroforesi bidimensional mostra uns patrons d'acumulació complexos i formats per dos grups d'espècies proteiques principals, a l'entorn dels 10 i 17 kDa respectivament, que mostren una inducció diferencial en funció del teixit i l'estrès. Mentre que les espècies proteiques de 17 kDa s'indueixen per temperatura però no per estrès oxidatiu, les de ca. 10 kDa ho fan per estrès oxidatiu i no per temperatura. Ambdós grups d'espècies proteiques s'acumulen conjuntament en fel.lema. Assajos de PCR i RT-PCR han permès clonar parcialment tres noves sHsps-CI en surera: Qshsp10-CI, QshspC-CI i QshspD-CI. Aquest fet confirma la multigeneïcitat de les sHsps-CI en surera que apuntava el patró bidimensional. Dels nous clons obtinguts destaca especialment Qshsp10-CI, un gen que presenta un codó stop enmig del domini -cristal.lí que fa que a la proteïna que se'n dedueix li manqui un 55% del domini -cristal.lí i tota l'extensió C-terminal. Es tractaria de la sHsp més petita i més truncada descrita fins al moment. L'anàlisi de l'expressió de Qshsp10-CI mitjançant RT-PCR mostra expressió en plantes tractades amb H2O2 però no en les que han estat sotmeses a un xoc de calor. Aprofitant l'oportunitat que oferia aquesta sHsp-CI de ser utilitzada com a model per l'estudi de la importància del domini -cristal.lí i l'extensió C-terminal en l'activitat protectora enfront l'estrès, es va voler determinar la capacitat que tenia d'augmentar la viabilitat de cèl.lules d'E. coli en condicions d'estrès tèrmic i oxidatiu. Els resultats mostren que la proteïna recombinant QsHsp10-CI, tot i la important truncació que té, és capaç de protegir cèl.lules d'E. coli en condicions d'estrès tèrmic i, remarcablement, en condicions d'estrès oxidatiu. Tots aquests resultats indiquen que les espècies proteiques de ca. 10 kDa podrien correspondre a Qshsp10-CI i tenir un paper en les cèl.lules del fel.lema en la protecció enfront l'estrès oxidatiu. L'estrès oxidatiu provoca lesions al DNA que poden produir errors en la replicació, transcripció o traducció i generar proteïnes aberrants. Donades les condicions d'estrès oxidatiu a les quals es troben sotmeses les cèl.lules del fel.lema, s'ha volgut estudiar la variabilitat dels seus àcids nucleics. La determinació de la taxa de mutació de la regió codificant del gen Qshsp17.4-CI en mRNA i DNA de fel.lema i àpex radicular, un teixit jove i en creixement actiu va mostrar unes taxes sorprenentment elevades en l'mRNA (1/1784 pb) i el DNA genòmic (1/1520 pb) del fel.lema. Aquestes taxes són les més altes descrites en un genoma nuclear eucariota i són similars a les dels virus d'RNA d'evolució ràpida com el virus de l'Hepatitis C. Amb aquestes taxes de mutació, un terç dels mRNAs del fel.lema de la surera contindrien missatges aberrants i la supervivència de les cel.lules es veuria compromesa. Això implica que el fel.lema hauria de ser considerat com un mosaic de cèl.lules genèticament heterogènies i, per tant, una sola seqüència no defineix en tota la seva amplitud un gen en aquest teixit. No es va detectar cap mutació en àpex de rel. Amb l'objectiu d'aprofundir en el coneixement de les mutacions que es donen en aquests dos teixits i per tal de poder fer una anàlisi qualitativa més completa que permetés especular sobre el seu origen, es va aplicar un mètode de selecció de seqüències mutants en base a la utilització d'enzims de restricció. Les mutacions detectades en fel.lema es corresponen amb les relacionades, en altres sistemes no nuclears (plasmidis, fags i DNA bacterià), amb l'estrès oxidatiu. En conseqüència, l'estrès oxidatiu al qual estan sotmeses les cèl.lules del fel.lema podria ser el causant de l'elevada taxa de mutació detectada. D'acord amb això, el tipus majoritari de productes d'oxidació de les bases del DNA que s'acumulen en brots de plàntules de surera en resposta al peròxid d'hidrògen produeixen el mateix tipus de mutacions detectades en l'mRNA del fel.lema de la surera. La major sensibilitat d'aquest nou mètode ha permès, a més, detectar mutacions en molècules d'mRNA de rel, un teixit en el qual no s'havia trobat cap mutació utilitzant el mètode de clonatge i seqüenciació directa. Tot i això, el tipus de mutacions predominants no estan relacionades amb l'estrès oxidatiu sinó amb erros en la reparació dels àcids nucleics.


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Dystrophin is expressed only in muscle and brain, but is absent from all tissues of the adult mdx mouse, a mutant with a single base substitution in the dystrophin gene. The brains of both normal and mdx mice contain a protein of approximately 230 kDa that is recognised by anti-dystrophin antibodies raised to the N-terminal region of the rod-like domain. Although the N-terminal and central rod regions of dystrophin share structural homologies with spectrin, the 230-kDa protein represents neither of the presently described forms of brain spectrin by a variety of criteria (molecular weight, cerebellar localisation, and developmental regulation) and is distinct from the product of the dystrophin gene. Studies of mdx and normal mouse brain show different postnatal developmental regulation of the 230-kDa dystrophin-immunoreactive protein.


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Endogenous oxidative stress is a likely cause of cardiac myocyte death in vivo. We examined the early (0-2 h) changes in the proteome of isolated cardiac myocytes from neonatal rats exposed to H2O2 (0.1 mM), focussing on proteins with apparent molecular masses of between 20 and 30 kDa. Proteins were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DGE), located by silver-staining and identified by mass spectrometry. Incorporation of [35S]methionine or 32Pi was also studied. For selected proteins, transcript abundance was examined by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. Of the 38 protein spots in the region, 23 were identified. Two families showed changes in 2DGE migration or abundance with H2O2 treatment: the peroxiredoxins and two small heat shock protein (Hsp) family members: heat shock 27 kDa protein 1 (Hsp25) and alphaB-crystallin. Peroxiredoxins shifted to lower pI values and this was probably attributable to 'over-oxidation' of active site Cys-residues. Hsp25 also shifted to lower pI values but this was attributable to phosphorylation. alphaB-crystallin migration was unchanged but its abundance decreased. Transcripts encoding peroxiredoxins 2 and 5 increased significantly. In addition, 10 further proteins were identified. For two (glutathione S-transferase pi, translationally-controlled tumour protein), we could not find any previous references indicating their occurrence in cardiac myocytes. We conclude that exposure of cardiac myocytes to oxidative stress causes post-translational modification in two protein families involved in cytoprotection. These changes may be potentially useful diagnostically. In the short term, oxidative stress causes few detectable changes in global protein abundance as assessed by silver-staining.


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We have previously demonstrated that PAS-1, a 200 kDa protein from Ascaris suum, has a potent immunomodulatory effect on humoral and cell-mediated responses induced by APAS-3 (an allergenic protein from A. suum) or unrelated antigens. In this study, we investigated the mechanisms by which PAS-1 is able to induce this effect on an allergic airway inflammation induced by OVA in mice. C57BL/6 mice were adoptively transferred on day 0 with seven different PAS-1-primed cell populations: PAS-1-primed CD19(+) or B220(+) or CD3(+) or CD4(+) or CD8(+) or CD4(+) CD25) or CD4(+) CD25(+) lymphocytes. These mice were immunized twice with OVA and alum by intraperitoneal route (days 0 and 7) and challenged twice by intranasal route (days 14 and 21). Two days after the last challenge, the airway inflammation was evaluated by antibody levels, cellular migration, eosinophil peroxidase levels, cytokine and eotaxin production, and pulmonary mechanical parameters. Among the adoptively transferred primed lymphocytes, only CD4(+) CD25(+), CD8(+) or the combination of both T cells impaired the production of total IgE and OVA-specific IgE and IgG1 antibodies, eosinophilic airway inflammation, Th2-type cytokines (IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13), eotaxin release and airway hyperreactivity. Moreover, airway recruited cells from CD4(+) CD25(+) and CD8(+) T-cell recipient secreted more IL-10/TGF-beta and IFN-gamma, respectively. Moreover, we found that PAS-1 expands significantly the number of CD4(+) CD25(+) FoxP3(+) and CD8(+) gamma delta TCR(+) cells. In conclusion, these findings demonstrate that the immunomodulatory effect of PAS-1 is mediated by these T-cell subsets.


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The META cluster of Leishmania amazonensis contains both META1 and META2 genes, which are upregulated in metacyclic promastigotes and encode proteins containing the META domain. Previous studies defined META2 as a 48.0-kDa protein, which is conserved in other Leishmania species and in Trypanosoma brucei. In this work, we demonstrate that META2 protein expression is regulated during the Leishmania life cycle but constitutive in T. brucei. META2 protein is present in the cytoplasm and flagellum of L amazonensis promastigotes. Leishmania META2-null replacement mutants are more sensitive to oxidative stress and, upon heat shock, assume rounded morphology with shortened flagella. The increased susceptibility of null parasites to heat shock is reversed by extra-chromosomal expression of the META2 gene. Defective Leishmania promastigotes exhibit decreased ability to survive in macrophages. By contrast, META2 expression is decreased by 80% in RNAi-induced T. brucei bloodstream forms with no measurable effect on survival or resistance to heat shock. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Citrus sudden death (CSD) is a disease of unknown etiology that greatly affects sweet oranges grafted on Rangpur lime rootstock, the most important rootstock in Brazilian citriculture. We performed a proteomic analysis to generate information related to this plant pathogen interaction. Protein profiles from healthy, CSD-affected and CSD-tolerant stem barks, were generated using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The protein spots were well distributed over a pI range of 3.26 to 9.97 and a molecular weight (MW) range from 7.1 to 120 kDa. The patterns of expressed proteins on 2-DE gels made it possible to distinguish healthy barks from CSD-affected barks. Protein spots with MW around 30 kDa and pI values ranging from 4.5 to 5.2 were down-regulated in the CSD-affected rootstock bark. This set of protein spots was identified as chitinases. Another set of proteins, ranging in pI from 6.1 to 9.6 with an MW of about 20 kDa, were also suppressed in CSD-affected rootstock bark; these were identified as miraculin-like proteins, potential trypsin inhibitors. Downregulation of chitinases and proteinase inhibitors in CSD-affected plants is relevant since chitinases are well-known pathogenesis-related protein, and their activity against plant pathogens is largely accepted.


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The venom of Crotalus durissus terrificus snakes presents various substances, including a serine protease with thrombin-like activity, called gyroxin, that clots plasmatic fibrinogen and promote the fibrin formation. The aim of this study was to purify and structurally characterize the gyroxin enzyme from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom. For isolation and purification, the following methods were employed: gel filtration on Sephadex G75 column and affinity chromatography on benzamidine Sepharose 6B; 12% SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions; N-terminal sequence analysis; cDNA cloning and expression through RT-PCR and crystallization tests. Theoretical molecular modeling was performed using bioinformatics tools based on comparative analysis of other serine proteases deposited in the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) database. Protein N-terminal sequencing produced a single chain with a molecular mass of similar to 30 kDa while its full-length cDNA had 714 bp which encoded a mature protein containing 238 amino acids. Crystals were obtained from the solutions 2 and 5 of the Crystal Screen Kit (R), two and one respectively, that reveal the protein constitution of the sample. For multiple sequence alignments of gyroxin-like B2.1 with six other serine proteases obtained from snake venoms (SVSPs), the preservation of cysteine residues and their main structural elements (alpha-helices, beta-barrel and loops) was indicated. The localization of the catalytic triad in His57, Asp102 and Ser198 as well as S1 and S2 specific activity sites in Thr193 and Gli215 amino acids was pointed. The area of recognition and cleavage of fibrinogen in SVSPs for modeling gyroxin B2.1 sequence was located at Arg60, Arg72, Gln75, Arg81, Arg82, Lis85, Glu86 and Lis87 residues. Theoretical modeling of gyroxin fraction generated a classical structure consisting of two alpha-helices, two beta-barrel structures, five disulfide bridges and loops in positions 37, 60, 70, 99, 148, 174 and 218. These results provided information about the functional structure of gyroxin allowing its application in the design of new drugs.


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Aiming to evaluate the puerperal influence on the proteinogram of Saanen goats, 108 samples of blood serum from 12 goats were collected, and the results were presented at nine times: just after parturition, 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 21 and 30 days after parturition. Total amount of serum proteins were determined by the biuret technique, and the sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was used to the protein fractionation. In this last method, 17 protein bands were observed, from which molecular weights varied between 25 KDa and 275 KDa. In addition, it was possible to identify the following protein fractions: immunoglobulin A (180 KDa), ceruloplasmin (115 KDa), transferrin (79 KDa), albumin (65 KDa), heavy-chain immunoglobulin G (58 KDa), haptoglobin (45 KDa), acid glycoprotein (37 KDa) and light-chain immunoglobulin G (28 KDa). Another 9 nonidentified protein fractions presented, each molecular weights equal to 275 KDa, 140 KDa, 125 KDa, 103 KDa, 95 KDa, 41 KDa, 35 KDa, 30 Kda and 25 KDa. The results allow us to conclude that by the first week of puerperium, an improvement of acid glycoprotein occurs, whereas those others protein fractions do not suffer any puerperal influence.


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The aim of the study was to determine the percentage of crude protein, crude fiber and crude fat (ether extract) of 25 genotypes of kale from the Germplasm Bank of Instituto Agronomico de Campinas and of one genotype grown in the region of Jaboticabal-SP. The plants were cultivated in the field, and the leaves after collection were pre-dried in a convection oven at 65 degrees C for 72 h. Afterward, the leaves were analyzed for crude protein, crude fiber and crude fat (ether-soluble materials). Significant differences were detected among the different genotypes for all the characteristics examined. of the genotypes studied, six showed more than 30% crude protein: HS-20 (32.56%), Comum (31.70%), Couve de Arthur Nogueira 2 (31.16%), Pires 2 de Campinas (30.63%), Manteiga 1-916 (30.36%), and Manteiga de Ribeirao Pires I-2446 (30.03%). In relation to crude fiber, the highest percentage was seen in the genotype Manteiga de Mococa (10.92%), differing significantly from the other genotypes studied. With regard to crude fat, the highest percentage was found in the genotype HS-20 (3.72%), and Pires 1 de Campinas (3.34%). of the genotypes tested, HS-20 stood out among the others, showing both the highest percentage of protein and fat.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A germinação das sementes de grão-de-bico foi acompanhada por um período de 6 dias, no qual pequenas variações nos teores de nitrogênio e globulina total foram registradas. A globulina majoritária (tipo 11 S) apresentou maiores variações após o quarto dia de germinação. A natureza e distribuição da fração globulina majoritária isolada na cromatografia em Sepharose CL-6B mostrou pequenas modificações ao final do período de germinação. A eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida com dodecilssulfato de sódio do pico eluído na cromatografia em Sepharose CL-6B demonstra modificações nas bandas de proteínas entre os pesos moleculares de 20 e 30 kDa e acima de 60 kDa, indicando degradação protéica durante o período. Atividade proteolítica foi detectada na fração albumina da semente que aumentou até o quarto dia, seguido de queda até o sexto dia de germinação, quando da utilização de globulina total isolada da semente e caseína como substratos. Farinha de grão-de-bico, frações albumina e globulina total isoladas não apresentaram aumento na digestibilidade in vitro; entretanto, a fração globulina majoritária isolada foi mais suscetível à hidrólise após germinação.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Em lavouras de feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris) da cultivar Carioca Comum, no município de Londrina, Estado do Paraná, foram encontradas plantas com sintomas de necrose da haste, mosaico clorótico leve e porte reduzido, semelhantes aos sintomas causados por infecção viral. Exames de microscopia eletrônica revelaram a presença de partículas isométricas. em testes de imunodifusão dupla em gel de ágar os extratos foliares de plantas infetadas reagiram positivamente com anti-soro específico para o Southern bean mosaic virus (SBMV). O vírus foi purificado e a massa molecular de sua proteína capsidial foi estimada em 30 kDa, valor esperado para proteínas do capsídeo de vírus do gênero Sobemovirus. A gama de hospedeiras do SBMV isolado no Paraná foi restrita ao feijoeiro e a algumas cultivares de soja (Glycine max). A separação de dois vírus isométricos comuns em infecções mistas no feijoeiro foi possível através da reação de imunidade ao SBMV apresentada por Crotalaria sp, Chenopodium quinoa e Mucuna deeringiana, e da reação de susceptibilidade dessas mesmas hospedeiras ao Bean rugose mosaic virus (BRMV).


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Um isolado do Southern bean mosaic virus (SBMV), gênero Sobemovirus, encontrado em feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris) no Estado de São Paulo, foi purificado e algumas de suas propriedades moleculares determinadas. As partículas virais apresentam diâmetro de 28-30 nm e proteína capsidial com massa molecular estimada em 30 kDa. Das partículas virais foi extraído RNA de vários tamanhos (4,2 Kb, 3,1 Kb, 2,65 Kb, 2,15 Kb, 1,64 Kb, 1,36 Kb e 1,0 Kb) sendo aquele de 4,2 Kb o RNA genômico e o de 1,0 Kb supostamente um subgenômico que codifica para a proteína capsidial. Ácidos ribonucleicos de mesmo tamanho foram também detectados in vivo, indicando estar associados à replicação viral. Na análise do RNA de fita dupla (dsRNA), somente duas espécies foram detectadas (4,2 Kpb e 1,0 Kpb) correspondendo às formas replicativas do RNA genômico e do subgenômico para proteína capsidial. Os resultados indicam que somente estes dois RNA são replicados por meio de formas replicativas (RFs), enquanto os demais devem ser formados talvez por iniciação interna da fita negativa do RNA genômico. O SBMV-B SP apresentou propriedades moleculares análogas àquelas do SBMV descrito na América do Norte.