930 resultados para 3-21
Cross-species painting (fluorescence in situ hybridization) with 23 human (Homo sapiens (HSA)) chromosome-specific painting probes (HSA 1-22 and the X) was used to delimit regions of homology on the chromosomes of the golden mole (Ghrysochloris asiaticus) and elephant-shrew (Elephantulus rupestris). A cladistic interpretation of our data provides evidence of two unique associations, HSA 1/19p and 5/21/3, that support Afrotheria. The recognition of HSA 5/3/21 expands on the 3/21 synteny originally designated as an ancestral state for all eutherians. We have identified one adjacent segment combination (HSA2/8p/4) that is supportive of Afroinsectiphillia (aardvark, golden mole, elephant-shrew). Two segmental combinations (HSA 10q/17 and HSA 3/20) unite the aardvark and elephant-shrews as sister taxa. The finding that segmental syntenies in evolutionarily distant taxa can improve phylogenetic resolution suggests that they may be useful for testing sequence-based phylogenies of the early eutherian mammals. They may even suggest clades that sequence trees are not recovering with any consistency and thus encourage the search for additional rare genomic changes among afrotheres.
Rich combustion of n-heptane, diesel oil, jet A-1 kerosene, and bio-diesel (rapeseed-oil methyl ester) were studied to produce hydrogen enriched gas, ready for the cleanup stages for fuel cell applications. n-heptane was successfully reformed up to an equivalence ratio of 3:1, reaching a conversion efficiency up to 83% for a packed bed of alumina bead burner. Diesel, kerosene and bio-diesel were reformed to synthesis gas with conversion efficiency up to 65%. At equivalence ratio of 2:1 and P=7 kw, stability, low HC formation, high conversion efficiency, and low soot emission were achieved. A common synthesis gas composition around this condition was 15 and 13% H2, 15 and 17% CO, and 4 and 4.5% CO2 for n-heptane and diesel, jet A-1 and bio-diesel, respectively, for burner A. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the 2010 Spring National Meeting (San Antonio, TX 3/21-25/2010).
FiSAT program was used to estimate population parameters of Rastrelliger kanagurta from length frequency data. Loc and K were found to be 27.4 em and 0.90 year1 respectively. The Wetherall plot provided an estimate of Loc and Z/K were 26.7 cm and 4.683 respectively. The annual rate of natural and fishing mortality were estimated as 1.71 and 3.21 respectively. The exploitation rate was 0.652. The selection pattern L50 was 18.09 cm. Recruitment pattern suggests two seasonal pulses one in March-May and another in September-October. Peak recruitment appeared in March-May. Maximum yield could be achieved by decreasing length at first capture to 13.0 em. The relationship between total length and body weight was found to be W = 0.01583 L8952. Yield and stock prediction analysis suggested that highest yield and price could be achieved by decreasing the fishing mortality to 2.0 coefficient rate.
目的 被尖吻蝮蛇(D ienag k istrod on acu tus) 咬伤会引起严重的出血, 对蛇毒出血毒素的研究有利 于治疗蛇伤出血药物筛选。方法 采用Sephadex G275, DEA E2Sephadex A 250, Sephadex G2200 和两次 PBE 聚焦层析纯化。SDS2PA GE 电泳和等电聚焦电泳测定纯化样品的纯度和等电点。氨基酸组成用自动氨 基酸分析仪测定。以小鼠背部皮下注射部位出血斑的面积来确定最小出血剂量和常规的方法测定酶活性。 结果 从尖吻蝮蛇毒中纯化到一个相对分子量为56 000 的出血毒素(DaHT23) , 经氨基酸组成测定计算, 它由487 个氨基酸残基组成。此成分在SDS2PA GE 上显示出一条均一的蛋白染色带, 其p I 为5150。该出 血成分的最小出血剂量是216Lg, 具有蛋白水解酶活力, 其活力为3168, 但没有精氨酯酶和磷脂酶A 2 活 力。当加入EDTA 螯合剂去除金属离子后, 它们的出血活力和蛋白水解酶活力均丧失。结论 这是从大 陆尖吻蝮蛇毒中获得的一个新的出血金属蛋白酶(DaHT 23)。
麻疹疫苗可引起小鼠骨髓微核细胞率、染色体畸变率以及精细胞微核细胞率 明显升高, 与接种剂量和接种后的时间有关; 生殖细胞染色体畸变和对照比无 显著性差异。图版2表3参21
2006年7月至2007年12月对大清河3个样点的浮游藻类组成及密度、浮游叶绿素a浓度等指标进行逐月监测。共观察到浮游藻类65个分类单元,计53个属。所有样点的平均藻类密度是1.23×108 ind.L-1,最高密度为1.39×109 ind.L-1,最低密度为3.21×105 ind.L-1。铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)为绝对优势种,监测期间其平均相对丰度为92.23%。随着离湖距离的增加,浮游藻类总密度、铜绿微囊藻的百分含量明显降低,而香农-威纳(Shannon-Wien
Innovation policies play an important role throughout the development process of emerging industries in China. Existing policy and industry studies view the emergence process as a black-box, and fail to understand the impacts of policy to the process along which it varies. This paper aims to develop a multi-dimensional roadmapping tool to better analyse the dynamics between policy and industrial growth for new industries in China. Through reviewing the emergence process of Chinese wind turbine industry, this paper elaborates how policy and other factors influence the emergence of this industry along this path. Further, this paper generalises some Chinese specifics for the policy-industry dynamics. As a practical output, this study proposes a roadmapping framework that generalises some patterns of policy-industry interactions for the emergence process of new industries in China. This paper will be of interest to policy makers, strategists, investors and industrial experts. Copyright © 2013 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
<正> 维生素C,又称丙种维生素,VitaminumC,抗坏血酸(Ascorbic acid),简称维C或Vc。维生素C是一种酸性己糖衍生物。化学名称为L—3—氧带苏己糖醛酸内酯。分子式为C_6H_8O_6,分子量为176.1。1维生素C的性状 外观为白色结晶粉末,有酸味,久置色渐变微黄色,易溶于水,水溶液呈酸性反应。稍溶于乙醇,微溶于甘油,不溶于乙醚和氯仿。熔点为190℃。抗坏血酸钠为白色或微黄色结晶粉末,略带酸味,只溶于水,基本上不溶于乙醇、乙醚等。在220℃时分解。 维生素C是动物的重要营养成分之一
<正> 一材料和方法本实验于1977年5月至1978年4月进行。实验用鱼取自武昌东湖水果湖区。用不同网目的刺网每月采样1~2次。全年共收集334尾标本(鲢、鳙各167尾)。用于食性分析的标本鲢68尾,体长18.0~42.0厘米,重118~1550克;鳙42尾,体长18.0~40.0厘米,重155~1,400克。经鉴定标本均属1~1~+龄鲢、鳙鱼,即1977年4月放湖。然后取出整条肠管。按鲤科鱼类肠管分段法,目测前、中、后肠的饱满度,并选取
1.草鱼、白鲢、花鲢的鱼苗和第2年鱼,以及草鱼的第3年鱼在夏季水温下的耗氧率,均经连续至少7小时以上的测定。 体重0.4-1.7克的鱼苗,在28.5-31.7℃的水温中,平均耗氧率篇0.325-0.632毫克/克/小时;体重38.9-172.3克的第2年鱼,在26.3-30.6℃的水温中,平均耗氧率为0.161-0.264毫克/克/小时;体重1103-1355克的第3年鱼(草鱼)在水温21-23.5℃时,平均耗氧率为0.139-0.151毫克/克/小时。 2.耗氧率随体重的增加而减低;同种之内,小鱼的耗氧