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Current therapies that target vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) have become a mainstream therapy for the management of diabetic macular oedema. The treatment involves monthly repeated intravitreal injections of VEGF inhibitors. VEGF is an important growth factor for many retinal cells, including different types of neurons. In this study, we investigated the adverse effect of multiple intravitreal anti-VEGF injections (200 ng/μl/eye anti-mouse VEGF164, once every 2 weeks totalling 5-6 injections) to retinal neurons in Ins2(Akita) diabetic mice. Funduscopic examination revealed the development of cotton wool spot-like lesions in anti-VEGF treated Ins2(Akita) mice after 5 injections. Histological investigation showed focal swellings of retinal nerve fibres with neurofilament disruption. Furthermore, anti-VEGF-treated Ins2(Akita) mice exhibited impaired electroretinographic responses, characterized by reduced scotopic a- and b-wave and oscillatory potentials. Immunofluorescent staining revealed impairment of photoreceptors, disruptions of synaptic structures and loss of amacrine and retinal ganglion cells in anti-VEGF treated Ins2(Akita) mice. Anti-VEGF-treated WT mice also presented mild amacrine and ganglion cell death, but no overt abnormalities in photoreceptors and synaptic structures. At the vascular level, exacerbated albumin leakage was observed in anti-VEGF injected diabetic mice. Our results suggest that sustained intraocular VEGF neutralization induces retinal neurodegeneration and vascular damage in the diabetic eye.


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Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization of H2 <sup>+sup> exposed to elliptically polarized VUV laser pulses is investigated. Differential cross sections for nuclei and electron are obtained using numerical solutions of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. In this work in progress, we explore the dependence of the dissociative ionization observables with the polarization of the light.


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Modeling the spectral emission of low-charge iron group ions enables the diagnostic determination of the local physical conditions of many cool plasma environments such as those found in H II regions, planetary nebulae, active galactic nuclei etc. Electron-impact excitation drives the population of the emitting levels and, hence, their emissivities. By carrying-out Breit-Pauli and intermediate coupling frame transformation (ICFT) R-matrix calculations for the electron-impact excitation of Fe$^{2+}$ which both use the exact same atomic structure and the same close-coupling expansion, we demonstrate the validity of the application of the powerful ICFT method to low-charge iron group ions. This is in contradiction to the finding of Bautista et al. [Ap.J.Lett, 718, L189, (2010)] who carried-out ICFT and Dirac R-matrix calculations for the same ion. We discuss possible reasons.


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We have carried out a 129 close-coupling level Dirac-Coulomb R-matrix calculation for the electron-impact excitation of Ni-like Xe. We have utilized this data to generate the spectral signature of Xe26+ in terms of feature photon-emissivity coefficients (F-PεCs). We have compared these F-PεCs with those generated using semi-relativistic plane-wave Born excitation data, which forms the heavy species baseline for the Atomic Data and Analysis Structure (ADAS), We find that the Born-based F-PεCs give a reasonable qualitative description of the spectral signature but that, quantitatively, the R-matrix-based F-PεCs differ by up to a factor of 2. The spectral signature of heavy species is key to diagnosing hot plasmas such as will be found in the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor.


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Effective collision strengths for electron-impact excitation of the N-like ion S x are calculated in the close-coupling approximation using the multichannel R-matrix method. Specific attention is given to the 10 astrophysically important fine-structure forbidden transitions among the <sup>4sup>S<sup>Osup>, <sup>2sup>D<sup>osup> and <sup>2sup>P<sup>osup> levels in the 2s<sup>2sup>2p<sup>3sup> ground configuration. The total (e<sup>-sup> + ion) wavefunction is expanded in terms of the 11 lowest LS eigenstates of S x, and each eigenstate is represented by extensive configuration-interaction wavefunctions. The collision strengths obtained are thermally averaged over a Maxwellian distribution of velocities, for all 10 fine-structure transitions, over the range of electron temperatures log T(K) = 4.6-6.7 (the range appropriate for astrophysical applications). The present effective collision strengths are the only results currently available for these fine-structure transition rates.


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The multichannel R-matrix method is used to compute electron impact excitation collision strengths in Ar IV for all fine-structure transitions among the <sup>4sup>S°, <sup>2sup>D° and <sup>2sup>P° levels in the 3s <sup>2sup>3p <sup>3sup> ground configuration. Included in the expansion of the total wavefunction are the lowest 13 LS target eigenstates of Ar iv formed from the 3s <sup>2sup>3p <sup>3sup>, 3s3p <sup>4sup> and 3s <sup>2sup>3p <sup>2sup>3d configurations. The effective collision strengths, obtained by averaging the electron collision strengths over a Maxwellian distribution of electron velocities, are presented for all 10 fine-structure transitions over a wide range of electron temperatures of astrophysical interest (T e = 2000-100 000 K). Comparisons are made with an earlier 7-state close-coupling calculation by Zeippen, Butler & Le Bourlot, and significant differences are found to occur for many of the forbidden transitions considered, in particular those involving the <sup>4sup>S° ground state, where discrepancies of up to a factor of 3 are found in the low-temperature region. © 1997 RAS.


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Background: Nicotinamide riboside (NR) is a recently discovered NAD+ precursor vitamin with a unique biosynthetic pathway. Although the presence of NR in cow milk has been known for more than a decade, the concentration of NR with respect to the other NAD+ precursors was unknown.

Objective: We aimed to determine NAD+ precursor vitamin concentration in raw samples of milk from individual cows and from commercially available cow milk.

Methods: LC tandem mass spectrometry and isotope dilution technologies were used to quantify NAD+ precursor vitamin concentration and to measure NR stability in raw and commercial milk. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to test for NR binding to substances in milk.

Results: Cow milk typically contained ∼12 μmol NAD+ precursor vitamins/L, of which 60% was present as nicotinamide and 40% was present as NR. Nicotinic acid and other NAD+ metabolites were below the limits of detection. Milk from samples testing positive for Staphylococcus aureus contained lower concentrations of NR (Spearman ρ = −0.58, P = 0.014), and NR was degraded by S. aureus. Conventional milk contained more NR than milk sold as organic. Nonetheless, NR was stable in organic milk and exhibited an NMR spectrum consistent with association with a protein fraction in skim milk.

Conclusions: NR is a major NAD+ precursor vitamin in cow milk. Control of S. aureus may be important to preserve the NAD+ precursor vitamin concentration of milk.


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Seasonal influenza virus infection is a leading cause of illness and mortality in young children and the elderly each year. Current influenza vaccines generate protective antibody responses; however, these must be given annually to provide protection against serologically distinct viruses. By contrast, CD8.sup.+ T cells are capable of recognizing conserved antigenic determinants within the influenza virion and, as such, may provide protection against a number of variant strains of the virus. CD8.sup.+ T cells play a critical key role in controlling and resolving influenza virus infections via the production of cytokines and cytolytic mediators. This article focuses on the induction of the influenza-specific CD8.sup.+ T-cell response and how these cells acquire and maintain effector function after induction. Moreover, we discuss how cytotoxic T-lymphocyte function correlates with protection following vaccination.


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A discussão atual sobre a emissão de carbono associada ao uso agropecuário da terra em prejuízo de florestas se ressente de uma visão sistêmica, no que se refere aos fluxos econômicos propriamente, e suas interações, no que tange ao ambiente institucional que os garante. Dado que os esquemas de compensação implicam a entrada e saída de recursos em contextos econômicos amplos e sistêmicos, fundamental é discutir qual o resultado final desses fluxos sobre as condições gerais de reprodução das economias locais. As questões básicas são: a) como tais políticas poderão, a partir dos setores rurais, afetar a demanda final efetiva e, por essa via, o valor da produção e as variáveis de valor adicionado de toda a economia e b) como as variações na economia afetam as formas de uso da base natural e, portanto, o desmatamento. No que se refere às instituições, o artigo dá especial ênfase às que definem o mercado de terras, porque nele encontra o cerne de questões vitais para o que se discute. O artigo utiliza um modelo ascendente de geração de matrizes de insumo-produto para a economia local do Sudeste Paraense, incorpora nela um balanço de carbono dos setores da produção rural, encontra os multiplicadores e simula quatro situações de politica de contenção de desmatamento e redução das emissões de gases poluentes. A conclusão principal do artigo é que se faz necessário pensar políticas de contenção de desmatamento ligadas indissociavelmente a políticas de produção – a serem operadas por mecanismos que façam convergir as decisões dos agentes com perspectivas macro de desenvolvimento: local, endógeno e sustentável.


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Este artigo apresenta uma aplicação do método para determinação espectrofotométrica simultânea dos íons divalentes de cobre, manganês e zinco à análise de medicamento polivitamínico/polimineral. O método usa 4-(2-piridilazo) resorcinol (PAR), calibração multivariada e técnicas de seleção de variáveis e foi otimizado o empregando-se o algoritmo das projeções sucessivas (APS) e o algoritmo genético (AG), para escolha dos comprimentos de onda mais informativos para a análise. Com essas técnicas, foi possível construir modelos de calibração por regressão linear múltipla (RLM-APS e RLM-AG). Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com modelos de regressão em componentes principais (PCR) e nos mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS). Demonstra-se a partir do erro médio quadrático de previsão (RMSEP) que os modelos apresentam desempenhos semelhantes ao prever as concentrações dos três analitos no medicamento. Todavia os modelos RLM são mais simples pois requerem um número muito menor de comprimentos de onda e são mais fáceis de interpretar que os baseados em variáveis latentes.