960 resultados para 2,2 dimethyl 2h 1 chromene 6 carboxylic acid


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An electron microscopy study shows that the administration of a single dose (500 mg/kg, p.o.) of 2-amino-5-(1-methyl-5-nitro-2-imidazolyl)-1, 3, 4-thiadiazole induces in mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi results in degenerative lesions of the intracellular stages. Ultrastructural alterations are detected as early as 6 hours after the drug administration and destruction of the parasites occurs within 18 - 36 hours. Trypomastigotes are cleared from the bloodstream 4 to 6 hours after treatment. The combined effect on both developmental stages is apparently responsible for the in vivo ejfects of this drug which is the most active drug ever tested in our laboratory in experimental Chagas' disease.


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RESUMO: As células dendríticas (CDs) são fundamentais na imunomodulação e iniciação de respostas imunes adaptativas, enquanto os ácidos siálicos (Sias) são potenciais imunomoduladores. Estas células expressam níveis elevados da sialiltransferase ST6Gal-1, que transfere Sias para a posição terminal de oligossacáridos. De facto, a maturação de CDs está associada a uma diminuição da sialilação na sua superfície celular. Apesar de ter função biológica desconhecida, a forma solúvel, extracelular de ST6Gal-1 aumenta em cancros e inflamação. Ainda assim, esta foi recentemente identificada como moduladora da hematopoiese. Considerando o importante papel das CDs na iniciação de respostas anticancerígenas, uma ligação entre a sialilação extrínseca induzida por ST6Gal-1 extracelular e o seu papel na modulação de CDs deve ser identificada. Neste trabalho hipotetizou-se que a sialilação α2,6 extrínseca de CDs diminui o seu perfil de maturação mediante ativação por lipopolissacarídeo (LPS). O objetivo principal foi sialilar extrinsecamente em α2,6 CDs da medula óssea de murganhos, avaliando os seus perfis de maturação e de libertação de citocinas, após estimulação com LPS (por Citometria de Fluxo e ELISA, respetivamente). Ao contrário da hipótese, o perfil celular não foi modulado, usando várias abordagens. Por outro lado, a consequência da falta de α2,6 Sias na maturação de CDs foi avaliada analisando: 1) CDs da medula óssea de murganhos tratadas com sialidase, 2) CDs da medula óssea e 3) CDs das vias aéreas, ambas de murganhos deficientes em ST6Gal-1, comparando com a estirpe selvagem. Estes resultados sugerem que a perta total de α2,6 Sias se relaciona com o aumento da expressão do complexo de histocompatibilidade principal de classe II. Apesar de controverso, é provável existirem mecanismos inerentes à ativação por LPS, reduzindo a eficácia de ST6Gal-1 extracelular. Por outro lado, a modificação no perfil de CDs de murganhos deficientes em ST6Gal-1 poderá relacionar-se com uma predisposição para um estado inflamatório severo. Com isto, o trabalho desenvolvido abriu futuras linhas de investigação, nomeadamente explorar outros fatores envolvidos na (de)sialilação α2,6 de CDs, podendo ter impacto em imunoterapia com uso de CDs.--------------------------ABSTRACT: Dendritic cells (DCs) are vital for immunomodulation and the initiation of adaptive immune responses, whereas sialic acids (Sias) are potential immunomodulators. These cells express high levels of sialyltransferase ST6Gal-1, responsible for transferring Sias to the terminal position of oligosaccharide chains. Indeed, DCs’ maturation is associated with decreased cell surface sialylation. Although its biological significance is unknown, the soluble, extracellular form of ST6Gal-1 increases in cancers and inflammation. However, extracellular ST6Gal-1 was recently identified as modulator of hematopoiesis. Considering that DCs play a crucial role in the initiation of a productive anti-cancer immune response, a link between extrinsic sialylation by the extracellular ST6Gal-1 on DC function needs to be investigated. We hypothesize that extrinsic α2,6 sialylation of DCs diminishes their maturation features upon lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation. The main goal was to extrinsically α2,6 sialylate mice bone marrow derived DCs (BMDCs) and to evaluate their maturation and cytokine profiles upon LPS stimulation (by Flow Cytometry and ELISA, respectively). Unlike the hypothesis, we observed that BMDCs’ profile is not modulated, even using several approaches. In contrast, the consequence of lacking cell surface α2,6 Sias in DC maturation was assessed by analysing: 1) sialidase treated BMDCs, 2) BMDCs from mice lacking ST6Gal-1 and 3) DCs from mice airways, comparing wild type with ST6Gal-1 knockout mice. These results suggest that overall lack in α2,6 Sias is related with increased expression of major histocompatibility class II (MHC-II). Although appearing to be controversial findings, other intracellular mechanisms might be occurring upon LPS-induced BMDC activation, probably reducing extracellular ST6Gal-1 effect. In opposite, the modification observed in DC profile of ST6Gal-1 knockout mice might be related to its predisposition to a more severe inflammatory status. With this, the developed work opened future lines of investigation, namely exploring other factors involved in α2,6 (de)sialylation of DC, which might have influence in immunotherapy using DCs.


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Diffusion MRI is a well established imaging modality providing a powerful way to probe the structure of the white matter non-invasively. Despite its potential, the intrinsic long scan times of these sequences have hampered their use in clinical practice. For this reason, a large variety of methods have been recently proposed to shorten the acquisition times. Among them, spherical deconvolution approaches have gained a lot of interest for their ability to reliably recover the intra-voxel fiber configuration with a relatively small number of data samples. To overcome the intrinsic instabilities of deconvolution, these methods use regularization schemes generally based on the assumption that the fiber orientation distribution (FOD) to be recovered in each voxel is sparse. The well known Constrained Spherical Deconvolution (CSD) approach resorts to Tikhonov regularization, based on an T67;(2)-norm prior, which promotes a weak version of sparsity. Also, in the last few years compressed sensing has been advocated to further accelerate the acquisitions and T67;(1)-norm minimization is generally employed as a means to promote sparsity in the recovered FODs. In this paper, we provide evidence that the use of an T67;(1)-norm prior to regularize this class of problems is somewhat inconsistent with the fact that the fiber compartments all sum up to unity. To overcome this T67;(1) inconsistency while simultaneously exploiting sparsity more optimally than through an T67;(2) prior, we reformulate the reconstruction problem as a constrained formulation between a data term and a sparsity prior consisting in an explicit bound on the T67;(0)norm of the FOD, i.e. on the number of fibers. The method has been tested both on synthetic and real data. Experimental results show that the proposed T67;(0) formulation significantly reduces modeling errors compared to the state-of-the-art T67;(2) and T67;(1) regularization approaches.


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BACKGROUND: Brain α2- and ^6;-adrenoceptor alterations have been suggested in suicide and major depressive disorder. METHODS: The densities of α2-, ^6;1- and ^6;2-adrenoceptors in postmortem prefrontal cortex of 26 subjects with depression were compared with those of age-, gender- and postmortem delay-matched controls. The effect of antidepressant treatment on α2- and ^6;-adrenoceptor densities was also evaluated. α2- and ^6;-adrenoceptor densities were measured by saturation experiments with respective radioligands [(3)H]UK14304 and [(3)H]CGP12177. ^6;1- and ^6;2-adrenoceptor subtype densities were dissected by means of ^6;1-adrenoceptor selective antagonist CGP20712A. RESULTS: Both, α2- and ^6;1-adrenoceptors densities were higher in antidepressant-free depressed subjects (n=14) than those in matched controls ( 16;~24%, p=0.013 and 16;~20%, p=0.044, respectively). In antidepressant-treated subjects (n=12), α2-adrenoceptor density remained increased over that in controls ( 16;~20%), suggesting a resistance of α2-adrenoceptors to the down-regulatory effect of antidepressants. By contrast, ^6;1-adrenoceptor density in antidepressant-treated depressed subjects was not different from controls, suggesting a possible down-regulation by antidepressants. The down-regulation of ^6;1-adrenoceptor density in antidepressant-treated depressed subjects differs from the unaltered ^6;1-adrenoceptor density observed in citalopram-treated rats and in a group of non-depressed subjects also treated with antidepressants (n=6). ^6;2-adrenoceptor density was not altered in depressed subjects independently of treatment. LIMITATIONS: Antidepressant-treated subjects had been treated with a heterogeneous variety of antidepressant drugs. The results should be understood in the context of suicide victims with depression. CONCLUSIONS: These results show the up-regulation of brain α2- and ^6;1-adrenoceptors in depression and suggest that the regulation induced by chronic antidepressant treatment would be altered in these subjects.


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Inflammation is involved in cardiovascular diseases. Some studies have found that the Mediterranean diet (MD) can reduce serum concentrations of inflammation markers. However, none of these studies have analyzed the influence of genetic variability in such a response. Our objective was to study the effect of the -765G.C polymorphism in the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) gene and the -174G.C polymorphism in the interleukin-6 (IL-6) gene on serum concentrations of IL-6, C-reactive protein, intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 as well as their influence on the response toa nutritional interventionwithMD.An intervention study ina high cardiovascular riskMediterranean population (314 men and 407 women) was undertaken. Participants were randomly assigned to consume a low-fat control diet or a MD supplementedwith virgin olive oil ornuts.Measureswereobtained at baseline and after a 3-mointervention period.At baseline, the COX-2 -765G.C polymorphismwas associated with lower serum IL-6 (5.85 6 4.82 in GG vs. 4.74 6 4.14 ng/L in C-allele carriers; P ¼ 0.002) and ICAM-1 (265.8 6 114.8 in GG vs. 243.0 6 107.1 mg/L in C-carriers; P ¼ 0.018) concentrations. These differences remained significant aftermultivariate adjustment. The IL-6 -174G.C polymorphism was associatedwith higher (CC vs. G-carriers) serumICAM-1concentrations in bothmenandwomenandwithhigherserumIL-6 concentrations inmen.Following the dietary intervention, no significant gene x diet interactions were found. In conclusion, although COX-2 -765G.C and IL-6 -174G.C polymorphismswere associatedwith inflammation, consuming aMD(either supplemented with virgin olive oil or nuts) reduced the concentration of inflammation markers regardless of these polymorphisms.


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The pharmacological effects of 4-phenyl-2-trichloromethyl-3H-1,5-benzodiazepine hydrogen sulfate (PTMB), a novel synthetic benzodiazepine, were examined in mice. In the elevated plus-maze test of anxiety, 0.3-1 mg/kg diazepam ip (F(3,53) = 3.78; P<0.05) and 1-10 mg/kg PTMB ip increased (F(5,98) = 3.26; P<0.01), whereas 2 mg/kg picrotoxin ip decreased (F(3,59) = 8.32; P<0.001) the proportion of time spent in the open arms, consistent with an anxiolytic action of both benzodiazepines, and an anxiogenic role for picrotoxin. In the holeboard, 1.0 mg/kg diazepam ip increased (F(3,54) = 2.78; P<0.05) and 2 mg/kg picrotoxin ip decreased (F(3,59) = 4.69; P<0.01) locomotor activity. Rotarod assessment revealed that 1 mg/kg diazepam ip and 3, 10 and 30 mg/kg PTMB ip produced significant motor incoordination compared to vehicle control (F(4,70) = 7.6; P<0.001). These data suggest that the recently synthesized PTMB compound possesses anxiolytic activity and produces motor incoordination similar to those observed with diazepam.


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The expression of P53, Bcl-2, Bax, Bag-1, and Mcl-1 proteins in CD5/CD20-positive B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) cells from 30 typical CLL patients was evaluated before and after 48 h of incubation with 10-6 M fludarabine using multiparametric flow cytometric analysis. Protein expression was correlated with annexin V expression, Rai modified clinical staging, lymphocyte doubling time, and previous treatment. Our main goal was to determine the predictive value of these proteins in CLL cells in terms of disease evolution. Bcl-2 expression decreased from a median fluorescence index (MFI) of 331.71 ± 42.2 to 245.81 ± 52.2 (P < 0.001) after fludarabine treatment, but there was no difference between viable cells (331.57 ± 44.6 MFI) and apoptotic cells (331.71 ± 42.2 MFI) before incubation (P = 0.859). Bax expression was higher in viable cells (156.24 ± 32.2 MFI) than in apoptotic cells (133.56 ± 35.7 MFI) before incubation, probably reflecting defective apoptosis in CLL (P = 0.001). Mcl-1 expression was increased in fludarabine-resistant cells and seemed to be a remarkable protein for the inhibition of the apoptotic process in CLL (from 233.59 ± 29.8 to 252.04 ± 35.5; P = 0.033). After fludarabine treatment, Bag-1 expression was increased in fludarabine-resistant cells (from 425.55 ± 39.3 to 447.49 ± 34.5 MFI, P = 0.012), and interestingly, this higher expression occurred in patients who had a short lymphocyte doubling time (P = 0.022). Therefore, we could assume that Bag-1 expression in such situation might identify CLL patients who will need treatment earlier.


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The microwave dielectric properties of (I -x)CaTiO3-xSm(Mg1/2Tit,2)O3(0.1 <-x< 1.0) have been investigated. The system forms a solid solution throughout the entire compositional range. The dielectric constant decreases from 86 to 25 as x varies from 0.1 to 1.0. The Qxf varies non-linearly and increases for composition with x> 0.6. The nonmonotonic variation with composition x is more pronounced in Tt than in er. The microwave dielectric properties indicate the possibility of a phase transformation for x between 0.4 and 0.5


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Ejercicios de aritmética para los alumnos de la etapa clave 1. Cuaderno de trabajo centrado en el cálculo y escrito específicamente para estimular en los niños el pensamiento matemático a través de una amplia gama de actividades. Su enfoque está basado en los objetivos del proyecto nacional de cálculo .


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A new polymeric zinc(II) complex with thiophene-2-carboxylic acid (-tpc) of composition [Zn2(C20H12O8S4)]n was obtained and structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction, thermal analysis, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and infrared spectroscopies. Upfield shift in the 1H-NMR spectrum is explained by the crystalline structure, which shows the thiophene rings overlapping each other in parallel pairs. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group P21/c, with a = 9.7074(4) angstrom, b = 13.5227(3) angstrom, c = 18.9735(7) angstrom, = 95.797(10)degrees, and Z = 4. Three -tpc groups bridge between two Zn(II) ions through oxygens and the fourth one bridges between one of these ions and the third one, symmetry related by a twofold screw axis. This arrangement gives rise to infinite chains along the crystallographic a direction. The metal atoms display an approximate tetrahedral configuration. The complex is insoluble in water, ethanol, and acetone, but soluble in dimethyl sulfoxide.


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alpha-diamines, such as ethylendiamine and o-phenylendiamine, add to 3,4-aryl-disubstituted 1,2,5-thiadiazole 1,1-dioxides to give dihydropyrazines or quinoxalines, respectively and sulfamide. The new compound acenaphtho [5,6-b]-2,3-dihydropyrazine was synthesized and characterized. The addition of ethylendiamine to 3,4-diphenyl-1,2,5-thiadiazoline 1,1-dioxide gives 3,4-disubstituted thiadiazoildine 1,1-dioxide, dihydropyrazines, or pyrazines, depending on the reaction condition used. The reactions were followed by cyclic voltammetry and NMR spectroscopy which, in some cases, allowed the detection of the thiadiazolidine intermediate. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The accumulation voltammetry of mercury(II) was investigated at a carbon paste electrode chemically modified with silica gel functionalized with 2,5-dimercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazole (DTTPSG-CPE). The repetitive cyclic voltammogram of mercury(II) solution in the potential range -0.2 to +0.8 V (vs. Ag/AgCl), (0.02 mol L-1 KNO3; nu=20 mV s(-1)) show two peaks one at about 0.0 V and other at 0.31 V. However, the cathodic wave peak, around 0.0 V, is irregular and changes its form in each cycle. This peak at about 0.0 V is the reduction current for mercury(II) accumulated in the DTTPSG-CPE. The anodic wave peak at 0.31 V is well-defined and does not change during the cycles. The resultant material was characterized by cyclic and differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry performed with the electrode in differents supporting electrolytes. The mercury response was evaluated with respect to pH, electrode composition, preconcentration time, mercury concentration, cleaning solution, possible interferences and other variables. The precision for six determinations (n=6) of 0.05 and 0.20 mg (L)-(1) Hg(II) was 2.8 and 2.2% (relative standard deviation), respectively. The method was satisfactory and used to determine the concentration of mercury(II) in natural waters contaminated by this metal.


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A propagação do pessegueiro (Prunus persica) no Brasil é baseada na enxertia sobre porta-enxertos oriundos de sementes. Outros métodos de propagação de frutíferas poderiam ser utilizados para o pessegueiro visando obtenção de materiais de melhor qualidade. Neste trabalho objetivou-se avaliar o efeito do 2,6-di-hidroxiacetofenona aplicado previamente ao ácido indol-butírico em estacas semi-lenhosas de pessegueiro da cultivar Okinawa preparadas com diferentes tipos de corte basal. Foram coletados ramos do porta-enxerto Okinawa em dezembro de 2001 para o preparo das estacas sem folhas, com 12cm de comprimento, 7mm de diâmetro, quatro gemas e diferentes tipos de cortes basais (corte longitudinal, corte lateral e corte da casca) tratado-as na base com 0 e 300mg L-1 de 2,6-di-hidroxiacetofenona por 4h em aeração (oxigenação) e depois com 2500mg L-1 ácido indol-butírico por 5s. As estacas foram plantadas em bandejas de poliestireno expandido (72 células) com vermiculita fina e colocadas em casa de nebulização por 45 dias. A aplicação de 300mg L-1 de 2,6-DHAP e a realização de lesões nas bases das estacas foram eficientes para aumentar o enraizamento das estacas semi-lenhosas do pessegueiro Okinawa , demonstrando que estas técnicas podem ser utilizadas para a propagação de pessegueiro por estaquia.