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Downcore oxygen and carbon stable isotope records of planktonic and benthic foraminifers and fine-fraction carbonate from the southern high latitudes provide critical paleohydrographic constraints on the evolution of the Southern Ocean climate. In particular, the potential effects of an intensified Antarctic Circumpolar Current on the thermal isolation and cooling of the southern high latitudes, production of cold deep waters, and, ultimately, accumulation of continental ice on Antarctica in the middle Miocene are matters of interest. Using sediment materials from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 189 Sites 1170 and 1172 off Tasmania, Ennyu and Arthur (2004, doi:10.1029/151GM13) established the surface- and deepwater stable isotope records in the Southern Ocean across the middle Miocene event of the east Antarctic ice sheet expansion and discussed the paleoclimate proxy records in terms of the thermal evolution of the southern high latitudes and its effect on deepwater circulation. This report provides data tables and other supporting information relevant to discussions presented in Ennyu and Arthur (2004, doi:10.1029/151GM13). Items included in this report are (1) the oxygen and carbon stable isotope data measured on the Miocene bulk fine-fraction (i.e., <63 µm, primarily polyspecific nannofossil assemblage) carbonate and planktonic and benthic foraminifers from Holes 1170A and 1172A and (2) the Miocene depth-age models for the two sites.


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The 'Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum' or PETM (~55 Ma) was associated with dramatic warming of the oceans and atmosphere, pronounced changes in ocean circulation and chemistry, and upheaval of the global carbon cycle. Many relatively complete PETM sequences have by now been reported from around the world, but most are from ancient low- to midlatitude sites. ODP Leg 189 in the Tasman Sea recovered sediments from this critical phase in Earth history at Sites 1171 and 1172, potentially representing the southernmost PETM successions ever encountered (at ~70° to 65° S paleolatitude). Downhole and core logging data, in combination with dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy, magneto-stratigraphy, and stable isotope geochemistry indicate that the sequences at both sites were deposited in a high accumulation-rate, organic rich, marginal marine setting. Furthermore, Site 1172 indeed contains a fairly complete P-E transition, whereas at Site 1171, only the lowermost Eocene is recovered. However, at Site 1172, the typical PETM-indicative acme of the dinocyst Apectodinium was not recorded. We conclude that unfortunately, the critical latest Paleocene and PETM intervals are missing at Site 1172. We relate the missing section to a sea level driven hiatus and/or condensed section and recovery problems. Nevertheless, our integrated records provide a first-ever portrait of the trend toward, and aftermath of, the PETM in a marginal marine, southern high-latitude setting.


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Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)-Quaternary summary biostratigraphies are presented for Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 189 Sites 1168 (West Tasmanian Margin), 1170 and 1171 (South Tasman Rise), and 1172 (East Tasman Plateau). The age models are calibrated to magnetostratigraphy and integrate both calcareous (planktonic foraminifers and nannofossils) and siliceous (diatoms and radiolarians) microfossil groups with organic walled microfossils (organic walled dinoflagellate cysts, or dinocysts). We also incorporate benthic oxygen isotope stratigraphies into the upper Quaternary parts of the age models for further control. The purpose of this paper is to provide a summary age-depth model for all deep-penetrating sites of Leg 189 incorporating updated shipboard biostratigraphic data with new information obtained during the 3 yr since the cruise. In this respect we provide a report of work to November 2003, not a final synthesis of the biomagnetostratigraphy of Leg 189, yet we present the most complete integrated age model for these sites at this time. Detailed information of the stratigraphy of individual fossil groups, paleomagnetism, and isotope data are presented elsewhere. Ongoing efforts aim toward further integration of age information for Leg 189 sites and will include an attempt to correlate zonation schemes for all the major microfossil groups and detailed correlation between all sites.


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