995 resultados para 17ß-estradiol
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA
Background: Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed in men; however its etiology remains unknown. Previous studies have shown that environmental adverse factors, such as maternal nutritional status during pregnancy, can influence fetal development and predispose people to diseases in adult life. The feeding of low-protein diets to pregnant rats result in fetal growth disturbance, androgen/estrogen unbalance and changes in the expression and sensibility of hormone receptors in male offspring. These alterations can promote permanent changes in androgen dependent organs, such as in the prostate. In this sense, we hypothesized that the hormonal unbalance that occurs during aging can lead to an increase in the susceptibility to prostatic disorders. Aim: To evaluate our hypothesis, malnourished male rat offspring were submitted to simultaneous estrogen and testosterone exposure in adulthood, to drive lesions in the rat ventral prostate gland (VP). Methods: 17 week-old Wistar rats (n=48) that received in utero normal protein diet (NP group, AIN93G=17% protein) or low protein diet (RP group, AIN93G modified=6% protein) were given implants with 17β-estradiol plus testosterone administration (NPH and RPH groups) for 17 weeks. The animals were killed at the age of 34 weeks and the VP were excised, weighted and processed for histopathological, immunohistochemical (Ki67, AR, p63, e-caderin, laminin, c-myc and GSTP), biochemical and ultrastructural analysis. Results: Both absolute and relative VP weight from NPH animals were about 30% higher than RPH. Serological data showed that estradiol levels were similar in both groups, but testosterone levels were lower in the RPH male offspring. The steroid hormone exposure in adult life promoted prostate lesions in both RPH and NPH offspring associated with reactive stroma. VP from RPH group exhibited heightened susceptibility to prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (mainly cribriform and signet ring-cell patterns) and increased the incidence and aggressiveness of prostatitis. In this group, a higher proportion of basal cells, increased proliferation index, lower expression ofthe androgen receptor and increased focus of collagenous micronodules closely associated to epithelial neoplasias were also observed. Conclusion:These observations suggest that maternal protein restriction alters adult prostate response to androgen/estrogen handling and increases susceptibility to prostate diseases. Ethical protocol:CEEA,476/2013 IBB-UNESP; Funding Support: 2009/50204-6 and 2013/09649-0.
In the aquatic environment, biotransformation enzymes are established biomarkers for assessing PAH exposure in fish, but little is known about the effect of 17β-estradiol (E2) on these enzymes during exposure to benzo(a)pyrene (BaP). In this study, Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) were exposed for 3, 5, and 10 days to BaP (300 μg L(-1)) and E2 (5 μg L(-1)). These substances were applied isolated or mixed. In the mixture experiment, fish were analyzed pre- and postexposure in order to better understand whether preexposure to the hormone masks the responses activated by PAH or vice versa. Phase I enzymes ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD), pentoxyresorufin-O-depenthylase (PROD), and benzyloxyresorufin-O-debenzylase (BROD) activities as well as the phase II enzyme glutathione S-transferase (GST) were analyzed. Isolated E2 treatment decreased EROD activity after 3 days, but this enzyme activity returned to control values after 5 and 10 days of exposure. Isolated BaP treatment significantly induced EROD activity after 3 and 5 days, and the activity returned to control levels after ten exposure days. Combined treatment (E2 + Bap) significantly increased EROD activity, both in the pre- and postexposure. This increase was even higher than in the isolated BaP treatment, suggesting a synergism between these two compounds. When E2 and BaP were used singly, they did not change BROD and PROD activities. However, combined treatment (E2 + Bap) significantly increased PROD activity. Isolated BaP treatment increased GST activity after 10 days. However, this response was not observed in the mixture treatment, suggesting that E2 suppressed the GST induction modulated by BaP. The results put together indicated that E2 altered the biotransformation pathway regarding enzymes activated by BaP in Nile tilapia.
No ciclo estral de cadelas a fase luteínica, denominada diestro, compreende um período que varia de 60 a 100 dias em animais não-prenhes, caracterizado pela elevação plasmática de progesterona nos primeiros 20 dias pós ovulação (p.o). A adiponectina é a mais abundante proteína secretada pelo tecido adiposo, porém sua concentração plasmática diminui significativamente em alterações metabólicas como resistência insulínica e Diabetes mellitus tipo2, alterações descritas como relacionadas em algumas cadelas com o período de diestro. O objetivo do estudo foi determinar a expressão e imunolocalização do sistema adiponectina (adiponectina e seus receptores, adipoR1 e adipoR2) no corpo lúteo de cadelas ao longo do diestro, correlacionando-o ao perfil hormonal de 17β-estradiol e progesterona, assim como à expressão de um dos genes alvo do sistema, o PPAR-γ. Para realização do estudo foram coletados corpos lúteos de 28 cadelas durante ovariosalpingohisterectomia de eleição nos dias 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 e 70 pós ovulação (o dia zero da ovulação foi considerado aquele no qual a concentração plasmática de progesterona atingiu 5ng/mL). Os corpos lúteos foram avaliados por imunohistoquímica para adiponectina e seus receptores e a expressão do RNAm do PPAR-γ por PCR em tempo real. A análise estatística da avaliação gênica foi realizada com o teste ANOVA, seguido por comparação múltipla Newman-Keuls. O sinal da adiponectina apresentou-se mais intenso até os primeiros 20 dias p.o, momento de regência da progesterona; houve queda gradativa após este período, coincidindo com a ascensão do 17β-estradiol, cujo pico foi notado próximo do dia 40 p.o. A queda marcante da adiponectina ocorreu após 50 dias p.o. O sinal do adipoR1 mostrou-se bem evidente até os 40 dias p.o e o do adipoR2 até os 50 dias p. o, decaindo posteriormente. Foi observada maior expressão do gene PPAR-γ aos 10, 30 e 70 dias p.o. Estes resultados mostram que a expressão protéica da adiponectina e de seus receptores se altera ao longo do diestro e que estas alterações podem estar relacionados às alterações hormonais e expressão do PPAR- γ, participando do mecanismo fisiológico de desenvolvimento, manutenção, atividade e regressão luteínica em cadelas.
Aims: The renin–angiotensin system (RAS) plays a major role in cardiovascular diseases in postmenopausal women, but little is known about its importance to lower urinary tract symptoms. In this study we have used the model of ovariectomized (OVX) estrogen-deficient rats to investigate the role of RAS in functional and molecular alterations in the urethra and bladder. Main methods: Responses to contractile and relaxant agents in isolated urethra and bladder, as well as cystometry were evaluated in 4-month OVX Sprague–Dawley rats. Angiotensin-converting enzyme activity and Western blotting for AT1/AT2 receptors were examined. Key findings: Cystometric evaluations in OVX rats showed increases in basal pressure, capacity and micturition frequency, as well as decreased voiding pressure. Angiotensin II and phenylephrine produced greater urethral contractions in OVX compared with Sham group. Carbachol-induced bladder contractions were significantly reduced in OVX group. Relaxations of urethra and bladder to sodium nitroprusside and BAY 41-2272 were unaffected by OVX. Angiotensin-converting enzyme activity was 2.6-fold greater (p < 0.05) in urethral tissue of OVX group,whereas enzyme activity in plasma and bladder remained unchanged. Expressions of AT1 and AT2 receptors in the urethra were markedly higher in OVX group. In bladder, AT1 receptors were not detected, whereas AT2 receptor expression was unchanged between groups. 17β-Estradiol replacement (0.1 mg/kg, weekly) or losartan (30 mg/kg/day) largely attenuated most of the alterations seen in OVX group. Significance: Prolonged estrogen deprivation leads to voiding dysfunction and urethral hypercontractility that are associated with increased ACE activity and up-regulation of angiotensin AT1/AT2 receptor in the urethral tissue.
Industrial and domestic sewage effluents have been found to cause reproductive disorders in wild fish, often as a result of the interference of compounds in the effluents with the endocrine system. This thesis describes laboratory-based exposure experiments and a field survey that were conducted with juveniles of the three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus. This small teleost is a common fish in Swedish coastal waters and was chosen as an alternative to non-native test species commonly used in endocrine disruption studies, which allows the comparison of field data with results from laboratory experiments. The aim of this thesis was to elucidate 1) if genetic sex determination and differentiation can be disturbed by natural and synthetic steroid hormones and 2) whether this provides an endpoint for the detection of endocrine disruption, 3) to evaluate the applicability of specific estrogen- and androgen-inducible marker proteins in juvenile three-spined sticklebacks, 4) to investigate whether estrogenic and/or androgenic endocrine disrupting activity can be detected in effluents from Swedish pulp mills and domestic sewage treatment plants and 5) whether such activity can be detected in coastal waters receiving these effluents. Laboratory exposure experiments found juvenile three-spined sticklebacks to be sensitive to water-borne estrogenic and androgenic steroid substances. Intersex – the co-occurrence of ovarian and testicular tissue in gonads – was induced by 17β-estradiol (E2), 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2), 17α-methyltestosterone (MT) and 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The first two weeks after hatching was the phase of highest sensitivity. MT was ambivalent by simultaneously eliciting masculinizing and feminizing effects. When applying a DNA-based method for genetic sex identification, it was found that application of MT only during the first two weeks after hatching caused total and apparently irreversible development of testis in genetic females. E2 caused gonad type reversal from male to female. E2 and EE2 induced vitellogenin - the estrogen-responsive yolk precursor protein, while DHT and MT induced spiggin – the androgen-responsive glue protein of the stickleback. None of the effluents from two pulp mills and two domestic sewage treatment plants had any estrogenic or androgenic activity. Juvenile three-spined sticklebacks were collected during four subsequent summers at the Swedish Baltic Sea coast in recipients of effluents from pulp mills and a domestic sewage treatment plant as well as remote reference sites. No sings of endocrine disruption were observed at any site, when studying gonad development or marker proteins, except for a deviation of sex ratios at a reference site. The three-spined stickleback – with focus on the juvenile stage – was found to be a sensitive species suitable for the study of estrogenic and androgenic endocrine disruption.
Transcription is controlled by promoter-selective transcriptional factors (TFs), which bind to cis-regulatory enhancers elements, termed hormone response elements (HREs), in a specific subset of genes. Regulation by these factors involves either the recruitment of coactivators or corepressors and direct interaction with the basal transcriptional machinery (1). Hormone-activated nuclear receptors (NRs) are well characterized transcriptional factors (2) that bind to the promoters of their target genes and recruit primary and secondary coactivator proteins which possess many enzymatic activities required for gene expression (1,3,4). In the present study, using single-cell high-resolution fluorescent microscopy and high throughput microscopy (HTM) coupled to computational imaging analysis, we investigated transcriptional regulation controlled by the estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha), in terms of large scale chromatin remodeling and interaction with the associated coactivator SRC-3 (Steroid Receptor Coactivator-3), a member of p160 family (28) primary coactivators. ERalpha is a steroid-dependent transcriptional factor (16) that belongs to the NRs superfamily (2,3) and, in response to the hormone 17-ß estradiol (E2), regulates transcription of distinct target genes involved in development, puberty, and homeostasis (8,16). ERalpha spends most of its lifetime in the nucleus and undergoes a rapid (within minutes) intranuclear redistribution following the addition of either agonist or antagonist (17,18,19). We designed a HeLa cell line (PRL-HeLa), engineered with a chromosomeintegrated reporter gene array (PRL-array) containing multicopy hormone response-binding elements for ERalpha that are derived from the physiological enhancer/promoter region of the prolactin gene. Following GFP-ER transfection of PRL-HeLa cells, we were able to observe in situ ligand dependent (i) recruitment to the array of the receptor and associated coregulators, (ii) chromatin remodeling, and (iii) direct transcriptional readout of the reporter gene. Addition of E2 causes a visible opening (decondensation) of the PRL-array, colocalization of RNA Polymerase II, and transcriptional readout of the reporter gene, detected by mRNA FISH. On the contrary, when cells were treated with an ERalpha antagonist (Tamoxifen or ICI), a dramatic condensation of the PRL-array was observed, displacement of RNA Polymerase II, and complete decreasing in the transcriptional FISH signal. All p160 family coactivators (28) colocalize with ERalpha at the PRL-array. Steroid Receptor Coactivator-3 (SRC-3/AIB1/ACTR/pCIP/RAC3/TRAM1) is a p160 family member and a known oncogenic protein (4,34). SRC-3 is regulated by a variety of posttranslational modifications, including methylation, phosphorylation, acetylation, ubiquitination and sumoylation (4,35). These events have been shown to be important for its interaction with other coactivator proteins and NRs and for its oncogenic potential (37,39). A number of extracellular signaling molecules, like steroid hormones, growth factors and cytokines, induce SRC-3 phosphorylation (40). These actions are mediated by a wide range of kinases, including extracellular-regulated kinase 1 and 2 (ERK1-2), c-Jun N-terminal kinase, p38 MAPK, and IkB kinases (IKKs) (41,42,43). Here, we report SRC-3 to be a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein, whose cellular localization is regulated by phosphorylation and interaction with ERalpha. Using a combination of high throughput and fluorescence microscopy, we show that both chemical inhibition (with U0126) and siRNA downregulation of the MAP/ERK1/2 kinase (MEK1/2) pathway induce a cytoplasmic shift in SRC-3 localization, whereas stimulation by EGF signaling enhances its nuclear localization by inducing phosphorylation at T24, S857, and S860, known partecipants in the regulation of SRC-3 activity (39). Accordingly, the cytoplasmic localization of a non-phosphorylatable SRC-3 mutant further supports these results. In the presence of ERalpha, U0126 also dramatically reduces: hormone-dependent colocalization of ERalpha and SRC-3 in the nucleus; formation of ER-SRC-3 coimmunoprecipitation complex in cell lysates; localization of SRC-3 at the ER-targeted prolactin promoter array (PRL-array) and transcriptional activity. Finally, we show that SRC-3 can also function as a cotransporter, facilitating the nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling of estrogen receptor. While a wealth of studies have revealed the molecular functions of NRs and coregulators, there is a paucity of data on how these functions are spatiotemporally organized in the cellular context. Technically and conceptually, our findings have a new impact upon evaluating gene transcriptional control and mechanisms of action of gene regulators.
Caveolin-1 (Cav-1), the essential structural constituent of caveolae, which are flask-shaped invaginations of the plasma membrane, has been found to play a key role in the modulation of cell proliferation and cancer development. It seems to act as an oncosuppressor or a promoter of growth, depending on the histotype, stage and grade of each tumour. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of Caveolin-1 gene silencing on the proliferation of human lung cancer and osteosarcoma in vitro. Our data show that Cav-1 silencing blocks the growth in both metastatic lung cancer cell lines analyzed, suggesting a proliferation promoting action of the protein in these cells. A marked decrease of phospho-Akt, phospho-ERK, STAT3, cyclin D1, CDK4 and consequently of phospho-Rb expression was evident in the cells treated with Cav-1 siRNA. With regards to osteosarcoma, we demonstrated that the suppression of Cav-1 results in the blocking of MG-63 and in the slowing down of HOS proliferation, suggesting a role for Cav-1 as a promoter of tumour growth in these cell lines. A marked decrease of phospho-Akt, cyclin E, CDK2 and phospho-Rb and an increase of p21 expression levels were evident in the cells treated with Cav-1 siRNA. Our results suggest two new cell cycle inhibiting pathways, mediated by Cav-1 knock-down, and provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the tumour-promoting role of Cav-1 in lung cancer and osteosarcoma. In this work we also investigated the role of estrogens in lung cancer and the functional cross-talk between Cav-1 and estrogens/estrogen receptors in it. Our results show that 17β-estradiol induces proliferation either in RAL or in SCLC-R1 cells and that both cell lines are sensitive to 4-OHT antiproliferative effect. The sensitivity to estrogen stimulation seems to be gender- and/or histological type-independent in metastatic lung cancer in vitro.
The interest of the scientific community towards organic pollutants in freshwater streams is fairly recent. During the past 50 years, thousands of chemicals have been synthesized and released into the general environment. Nowadays their occurrence and effects on several organism, invertebrates, fish, birds, reptiles and also humans are well documented. Because of their action, some of these chemicals have been defined as Endocrine Disrupters Compounds (EDCs) and the public health implications of these EDCs have been the subject of scientific debate. Most interestingly, among those that were noticed to have some influence and effects on the endocrine system were the estrone, the 17β-estradiol, the 17α-estradiol, the estriol, the 17α-ethinylestradiol, the testosterone and the progesterone. This project focused its attention on the 17β-estradiol. Estradiol, or more precisely, 17β-estradiol (also commonly referred to as E2) is a human sex hormone. It belongs to the class of steroid hormones. In spite of the effort to remove these substances from the effluents, the actual wastewater treatment plants are not able to degrade or inactivate these organic compounds that are continually poured in the ecosystem. Through this work a new system for the wastewater treatment was tested, to assess the decrease of the estradiol in the water. It involved the action of Chlorella vulgaris, a fresh water green microalga belonging to the family of the Chlorellaceae. This microorganism was selected for its adaptability and for its photosynthetic efficiency. To detect the decrease of the target compound in the water a CALUX bioassay analysis was chosen. Three different experiments were carried on to pursue the aim of the project. By analysing their results several aspects emerged. It was assessed the presence of EDCs inside the water used to prepare the culture media. C. vulgaris, under controlled conditions, could be efficient for this purpose, although further researches are essential to deepen the knowledge of this complex phenomenon. Ultimately by assessing the toxicity of the effluent against C. vulgaris, it was clear that at determined concentrations, it could affect the normal growth rate of this microorganism.
The decreased incidence of cardiovascular disease in premenopausal women has been attributed, at least partially, to protective effects of estrogens. However, premenopausal women with diabetes mellitus are no longer selectively protected. High-glucose (HG) conditions have previously been shown to abolish the antimitogenic effects of 17β-estradiol (E(2)) in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs).
KCNMA1 encodes the α-subunit of the large conductance, voltage and Ca(2+)-activated (BK) potassium channel and has been reported as a target gene of genomic amplification at 10q22 in prostate cancer. To investigate the prevalence of the amplification in other human cancers, the copy number of KCNMA1 was analyzed by fluorescence-in-situ-hybridization (FISH) in 2,445 tumors across 118 different tumor types. Amplification of KCNMA1 was restricted to a small but distinct fraction of breast, ovarian and endometrial cancer with the highest prevalence in invasive ductal breast cancers and serous carcinoma of ovary and endometrium (3-7%). We performed an extensive analysis on breast cancer tissue microarrays (TMA) of 1,200 tumors linked to prognosis. KCNMA1 amplification was significantly associated with high tumor stage, high grade, high tumor cell proliferation, and poor prognosis. Immunofluorescence revealed moderate or strong KCNMA1 protein expression in 8 out of 9 human breast cancers and in the breast cancer cell line MFM223. KCNMA1-function in breast cancer cell lines was confirmed by whole-cell patch clamp recordings and proliferation assays, using siRNA-knockdown, BK channel activators such as 17ß-estradiol and the BK-channel blocker paxilline. Our findings revealed that enhanced expression of KCNMA1 correlates with and contributes to high proliferation rate and malignancy of breast cancer.
The aim of the present study was to examine the molecular and organism reaction of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, to the combined impact of two environmental stressors. The two stressors were the myxozoan parasite, Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, which is the etiological agent of proliferative kidney disease (PKD) and a natural stressor to salmonid populations, and 17β-estradiol (E2) as prototype of estrogen-active chemical stressors in the aquatic environment. Both stressors, the parasite and estrogenic contaminants, co-exist in Swiss rivers and are discussed as factors contributing to the decline of Swiss brown trout populations over the last decades. Using a microarray approach contrasting parasite-infected and non-infected rainbow trout at low or high estrogen levels, it was observed that molecular response patterns under joint exposure differed from those to the single stressors. More specifically, three major response patterns were present: (i) expression responses of gene transcripts to one stressor are weakened by the presence of the second stressor; (ii) expression responses of gene transcripts to one stressor are enhanced by the presence of the second stressor; (iii) expression responses of gene transcripts at joint treatment are dominated by one of the two stressors. Organism-level responses to concurrent E2 and parasite treatment - assessed through measuring parasite loads in the fish host and cumulative mortalities of trout - were dominated by the pathogen, with no modulating influence of E2. The findings reveal function- and level-specific responses of rainbow trout to stressor combinations, which are only partly predictable from the response to the single stressors.
Research on endocrine disruption in fish has been dominated by studies on estrogen-active compounds which act as mimics of the natural estrogen, 17β-estradiol (E2), and generally exert their biological actions by binding to and activation of estrogen receptors (ERs). Estrogens play central roles in reproductive physiology and regulate (female) sexual differentiation. In line with this, most adverse effects reported for fish exposed to environmental estrogens relate to sexual differentiation and reproduction. E2, however, utilizes a variety of signaling mechanisms, has multifaceted functions and targets, and therefore the toxicological and ecological effects of environmental estrogens in fish will extend beyond those associated with the reproduction. This review first describes the diversity of estrogen receptor signaling in fish, including both genomic and non-genomic mechanisms, and receptor crosstalk. It then considers the range of non-reproductive physiological processes in fish that are known to be responsive to estrogens, including sensory systems, the brain, the immune system, growth, specifically through the growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor system, and osmoregulation. The diversity in estrogen responses between fish species is then addressed, framed within evolutionary and ecological contexts, and we make assessments on their relevance for toxicological sensitivity as well as ecological vulnerability. The diversity of estrogen actions raises questions whether current risk assessment strategies, which focus on reproductive endpoints, and a few model fish species only, are protective of the wider potential health effects of estrogens. Available - although limited - evidence nevertheless suggests that quantitative environmental threshold concentrations for environmental protection derived from reproductive tests with model fish species are protective for non-reproductive effects as well. The diversity of actions of estrogens across divergent physiological systems, however, may lead to and underestimation of impacts on fish populations as their effects are generally considered on one functional process only and this may underrepresent the impact on the different physiological processes collectively.
Previous studies have shown that Estrogen Receptor alpha (ERα) is an important indicator for diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of breast cancers. However, the question remains as to the role of ERα in the cell in the presence versus absence of 17-β estradiol In this dissertation the role of ERα in both its unliganded and liganded state, with respect to the cell cycle will be explored. The cell line models used in this project are ER-positive MCF-7 cells with and without siRNA to ERα and ER-positive MDA-MB-231 cells that have been engineered to express ERα. Cells were synchronized and the cell cycle progression was monitored by flow cytometric analysis. Using these methods, two specific questions were addressed: Does ERα modulate the cell cycle differently under liganded versus unliganded conditions? And, does the presence of ERα regulate cell cycle phase transitions? The results show for the first time that ERα is cell cycle regulated and modulates the progression of cells through S and G2/M phases of the cell cycle. Ligand bound ERα increases progression through S and G2/M phases, whereas unliganded ERα acts as an inhibitor of cell cycle progression. To further investigate the cell cycle regulated effects of liganded ERα, a luciferase assay was performed and showed that the transcription of target genes such as Progestrone Receptor (PgR) and Trefoil protein (pS2) increased duing S and G2/M phases when ERα is bound to ligand. Additionally, complex formation between cyclin B and ER α was shown by immunoprecipitation and led to the discovery that anaphase promoting complex (APC) is the E3 ligase for both cyclin B and ERα at the termination of M phase. Our findings suggest that unliganded ERα has an inhibitory effect on the progression of the cell cycle. Therefore, it is reasonable to speculate that the combination of drugs that lower estrogen level (such as aromatase inhibitors) and preserves ERα from degradation would provide better outcome for breast cancer treatment. We have shown that APC functions as the E3 ligase for ERα and thus might provide a target to design a specific inhibitor of ERα degradation.