990 resultados para 155.3 Psicologia sessuale
A total of five sediment cores from three sites, the Arctic Ocean, the Fram Strait and the Greenland Sea, yielded evidence for geomagnetic reversal excursions and associated strong lows in relative palaeointensity during oxygen isotope stages 2 and 3. A general similarity of the obtained relative palaeointensity curves to reference data can be observed. However, in the very detail, results from this high-resolution study differ from published records in a way that the prominent Laschamp excursion is clearly characterized by a significant field recovery when reaching the steepest negative inclinations, whereas only the N-R and R-N transitions are associated with the lowest values. Two subsequent excursions also reach nearly reversed inclinations but without any field recovery at that state. A total of 41 accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C ages appeared to allow a better age determination of these three directional excursions and related relative palaeointensity variations. However, although the three sites yielded more or less consistent chronological as well as palaeomagnetic results a comparison to another site, PS2644 in the Iceland Sea, revealed significant divergences in the ages of the geomagnetic field excursions of up to 4 ka even on basis of uncalibrated AMS 14C ages. This shift to older 14C ages cannot be explained by a time-transgressive character of the excursions, because the distance between the sites is small when compared with the size of and the distance to the geodynamo in the Earth's outer core. The most likely explanation is a difference of reservoir ages and/or mixing with old 14C-depleted CO2 from glacier ice expelled from Greenland at site PS2644.
Juniperus navicularis Gand. is a dioecious endemic conifer that constitutes the understory of seaside pine forests in Portugal, areas currently threatened by increasing urban expansion. The aim of this study is to assess the conservation status of previously known populations of this species located on its core area of distribution. The study was performed in south-west coast of Portugal. Three populations varying in size and pine density were analyzed. Number of individuals, population density, spatial distribution and individual characteristics of junipers were estimated. Female cone, seed characteristics and seed viability were also evaluated. Results suggest that J. navicularis populations are vulnerable because seminal recruitment is scarce, what may lead to a reduction of genetic variability due solely to vegetative propagation. This vulnerability seems to be strongly determined by climatic constraints toward increasing aridity. Ratio between male and female shrubs did not differ from 1:1 in any population. Deviations from 1:1 between mature and non-mature plants were found in all populations, denoting population ageing. Very low seed viability was observed. A major part of described Juniperus navicularis populations have disappeared through direct habitat loss to urban development, loss of fitness in drier and warmer locations and low seed viability. This study is the first to address J. navicularis conservation, and represents a valuable first step toward this species preservation.
PURPOSE: To analyze the outcomes of intracorneal ring segment (ICRS) implantation for the treatment of keratoconus based on preoperative visual impairment. DESIGN: Multicenter, retrospective, nonrandomized study. METHODS: A total of 611 eyes of 361 keratoconic patients were evaluated. Subjects were classified according to their preoperative corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) into 5 different groups: grade I, CDVA of 0.90 or better; grade II, CDVA equal to or better than 0.60 and worse than 0.90; grade III, CDVA equal to or better than 0.40 and worse than 0.60; grade IV, CDVA equal to or better than 0.20 and worse than 0.40; and grade plus, CDVA worse than 0.20. Success and failure indices were defined based on visual, refractive, corneal topographic, and aberrometric data and evaluated in each group 6 months after ICRS implantation. RESULTS: Significant improvement after the procedure was observed regarding uncorrected distance visual acuity in all grades (P < .05). CDVA significantly decreased in grade I (P < .01) but significantly increased in all other grades (P < .05). A total of 37.9% of patients with preoperative CDVA 0.6 or better gained 1 or more lines of CDVA, whereas 82.8% of patients with preoperative CDVA 0.4 or worse gained 1 or more lines of CDVA (P < .01). Spherical equivalent and keratometry readings showed a significant reduction in all grades (P ≤ .02). Corneal higher-order aberrations did not change after the procedure (P ≥ .05). CONCLUSIONS: Based on preoperative visual impairment, ICRS implantation provides significantly better results in patients with a severe form of the disease. A notable loss of CDVA lines can be expected in patients with a milder form of keratoconus.
Nel presente articolo verrà presa in considerazione una forma di abuso che ha colto l’attenzione degli operatori da non molti anni: la patologia delle cure. Saranno trattate le tre forme di patologia nella somministrazione delle cure che la costituiscono, soffermandoci principalmente sull’incuria e su una forma di ipercura quale la Sindrome di Munchausen per procura, sindrome rara e difficile da riconoscere. Assistiamo ad un paradosso, da un lato l’incuria: bambini abbandonati, denutriti, trascurati fisicamente e psicologicamente; e il suo contrario l’eccessiva cura, che porta in casi estremi ad “un’eccessiva medicalizzazione”. Quantificare il fenomeno del maltrattamento in ogni sua forma è difficile e lo è ancora di più quantificare quello di una forma di abuso piuttosto recente, ma riconoscere il fenomeno è il primo passo per preparare il terreno alla prevenzione.
All’interno di separazioni altamente conflittuali, non è infrequente che si presentino situazioni in cui un figlio rifiuta, in maniera ingiustificata, un genitore. Esclusi i casi in cui sono presenti abusi, trascuratezza o condizioni reali di paura per cui il rifiuto è motivato, come mai un figlio può arrivare a rifiutare in maniera totale e permanente di incontrare un genitore? Può capitare che durante la separazione tra i coniugi siano presenti e persistano conflitti esasperanti, che in alcuni casi evolvono in dinamiche relazionali disfunzionali. Capita anche che a volte, all’interno di queste dinamiche, un genitore metta in atto una sorta di “alienazione” nei confronti dell’altro genitore, a cui corrisponde un rifiuto da parte del figlio del genitore cosiddetto “alienato”. Il minore, coinvolto in maniera attiva in queste dinamiche, si trova quindi in una condizione di rischio. Al di là del “dibattito” scientifico in merito alla definizione del fenomeno, ciò che risulta fondamentale è non disconoscerlo.
INTRODUCCIÓN. La distrofia muscular de Duchenne es una enfermedad neuromuscular con una herencia recesiva ligada al X que afecta a 1 de cada 3500 niños nacidos vivos. Se produce por mutaciones en el gen DMD que codifica para la distrofina. Se caracteriza por manifestaciones clínicas variables típicas de una distrofia muscular proximal progresiva. OBJETIVO. Realizar el primer registro en Colombia de los pacientes identificados con distrofinopatías, teniendo en cuenta características clínicas y paraclínicas, así como las mutaciones causales de esta patología. METODOLOGÍA Es un estudio descriptivo, transversal, de la revisión de historias clínicas de los pacientes con diagnóstico de DMD atendidos en la consulta de Genética de la Universidad del Rosario durante los años 2006 a 2015. RESULTADOS Se identificaron 99 pacientes, de los cuales 56 (56,56%) corresponden al fenotipo Duchenne y 12 (12,12%) al Becker. No fue posible clasificar a 31 pacientes (31,3%) por falta de datos clínicos. La edad de inicio de los síntomas fue en promedio de 4,41 años. Las mutaciones más frecuentes fueron las deleciones (69%), seguidas por las mutaciones puntuales(14%), las duplicaciones (11%) y por otras mutaciones (4%). CONCLUSIONES Este registro de distrofinopatías es el primero reportado en Colombia y el punto de partida para conocer la incidencia de la enfermedad, caracterización clínica y molecular de los pacientes, garantizando así el acceso oportuno a los nuevos tratamientos de medicina de precisión que permitan mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes y sus familias.