920 resultados para 140213 Public Economics-Public Choice
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
OBJETIVO – O propósito de minha pesquisa é analisar os mecanismos que estruturam os governos de gabinete e as coalizões cíclicas no ultrapresidencialismo estadual do Amazonas. Em outras palavras, tenho como foco explicar a lógica do sucesso do governador, de sua coalizão legislativa e de seu gabinete na constituição de uma rede de superdominância nas arenas eleitoral, parlamentar e executiva. PERÍODO – Neste estudo de caso, analiso quatro administrações de três governadores do Amazonas: Gilberto Mestrinho (1991-1994), Amazonino Mendes (1995-1998 e 1999-2002) e Eduardo Braga (2003-2006); e quatro legislaturas da Assembleia Legislativa (ALEAM). TEORIA – Como orientação teórica, uso as contribuições da teoria da escolha pública e da análise institucional. Parto da premissa de que o governador joga tentando maximizar sua renda de utilidade dentro de uma dada estrutura institucional (permeada pela lógica do gubernatorial coattails) que incentiva a interação estratégica cooperativa e durável entre os principais jogadores (governador, deputados estaduais, secretários e cidadãos-eleitores) em múltiplas arenas decisórias. METODOLOGIA – Primeiramente, utilizo o banco de dados do Laboratório de Estudos Experimentais (LEEX) para montar um mapa da dinâmica eleitoral, partidária e parlamentar recente. Depois, trabalho com o banco de dados da Assembleia Legislativa do Amazonas para verificar a organização da produção legislativa (os projetos de lei ordinária aprovados) e a eficácia da coalizão partidário-parlamentar do governador. Finalmente, manuseio o meu próprio banco de dados sobre a rotatividade do secretariado e, por conseguinte, aplico e calculo o índice de coalescência para estimar os níveis de proporcionalidade dos governos de gabinetes ultrapresidenciais. CONCLUSÃO E RESULTADOS – Os governadores acumulam o monopólio do poder de agenda decisória do Executivo e controlam com muita eficiência a agenda do Legislativo; além do mais distribuem recursos de patronagem como incentivos seletivos para os seus aliados nos jogos em múltiplas arenas. Como consequência, cheguei à conclusão de que a formação de maiorias no contexto do ultrapresidencialismo estadual se realiza, por um lado, pelo surgimento de coalizões cíclicas de amplo apoio partidário na arena legislativa; e, por outro, pela edificação de governos de gabinete com a participação pendular de parlamentares, partidários e especialistas.
This article is to discuss the evaluative perspectives from which it is possible and convenient evaluate the Participatory Budgets (PBs) and the participatory institutions (PIs) that are being experienced in Brazil since the last two decades of the last century. It is proposed an integrated perspective of evaluation of PBs and PIs, in order to avoid partial and biased conclusions, especially those which are based solely or primarily on quantitative methodologies. This discussion is necessary since, in the past five years, the criticism of these experiments has been increasing. Through critical and creative reflection, in essay form, and based on the recent literature on the topic, it is concluded by the need to adopt, in the empirical evaluation, an integrated approach of evaluation of the PBs and the PIs, such as it is proposed in this article. It is conclude also which is fundamental for the theoretical advancement on the subject dedicate special attention to the desirability or not of adopting the criterion of popular participation in government decisions under representative democracy, since it is refuted by public choice and defended by neo-republicanism.
L’obiettivo del lavoro svolto nell’ambito del ciclo di dottorato è stato quello dell’applicazione della metodologia di analisi degli scenari, nell’ottica dello studio e applicazione di un metodo di analisi integrato e multidisciplinare che consenta individuare strategie di sviluppo sostenibile in relazione alla questione indagata. Lo studio sviluppato nel corso del dottorato è stato impostato su presupposti forniti dalla Regione Toscana (in entrambi i casi di studio trattati), che ha finanziato, attraverso la sua Agenzia Regionale per lo Sviluppo e Innovazione in ambito Agricolo (ARSIA), due Progetti di ricerca volti all’individuazione di strategie di sviluppo sostenibile concernenti due tematiche di particolare interesse in ambito regionale: lo sviluppo di coltivazioni non-food (biocarburanti, biomasse da energia, biopolimeri, biolubrificanti, fibre vegetali, coloranti naturali, fitofarmaci di origine vegetale) e la valutazione della possibilità di coesistenza tra colture convenzionali (non Geneticamente Modificate) e colture GM, in relazione alla Raccomandazione della Commissione 2003/556/CE che afferma che deve essere garantita la coesistenza tra colture transgeniche, convenzionali e biologiche, ovvero che devono essere presenti le condizioni per cui ciascun metodo di coltivazione possa poter essere adottato e praticato in UE. La sostenibilità delle situazioni studiate è stata valutata fornendo informazioni non solo per la situazioni attuali, ma anche per possibili evoluzioni future, così come richiesto dai principi dello sviluppo sostenibile. A tal proposito, occorre applicare metodologie di analisi che consentano di poter identificare obiettivi strategici in funzione dei cambiamenti che potrebbero essere registrati, in corrispondenza dell’evolversi delle diverse situazioni nel tempo. La metodologia di analisi in grado di soddisfare questi requisiti può essere identificata nell’analisi di scenario (scenario analysis), che si configura come uno strumento di analisi strategica in grado di riassumere numerose informazioni e dati riferiti agli attori, agli obiettivi, agli strumenti, alle cause ed agli effetti indotti da un cambiamento che potrebbe essere provocato da uno o più fattori contemplati nel corso dell’analisi. Questo metodo di analisi rappresenta un’importante strumento di ausilio alla definizione di politiche e strategie, che si rende particolarmente utile nel campo della public choice, come dimostrato dalle applicazioni presentate nel corso del lavoro.
The mean majority deficit in a two-tier voting system is a function of the partition of the population. We derive a new square-root rule: For odd-numbered population sizes and equipopulous units the mean majority deficit is maximal when the member size of the units in the partition is close to the square root of the population size. Furthermore, within the partitions into roughly equipopulous units, partitions with small even numbers of units or small even-sized units yield high mean majority deficits. We discuss the implications for the winner-takes-all system in the US Electoral College.
Inclui notas explicativas, bibliográficas e bibliografia
The Hungarian mixed-member electoral system, adopted in 1989, is one of the world’s most complicated electoral systems, and, as this paper demonstrates, it suffers from the "population paradox". In particular, the governing coalition may lose as many as 8 seats either by getting more votes or by the opposition obtaining fewer votes on each territorial list.
The most fundamental and challenging function of government is the effective and efficient delivery of services to local taxpayers and businesses. Counties, once known as the “dark continent” of American government, have recently become a major player in the provision of services. Population growth and suburbanization have increased service demands while the counties' role as service provider to incorporated residents has also expanded due to additional federal and state mandates. County governments are under unprecedented pressure and scrutiny to meet citizens' and elected officials' demands for high quality, and equitable delivery of services at the lowest possible cost while contending with anti-tax sentiments, greatly decreased state and federal support, and exceptionally costly and complex health and public safety problems. ^ This study tested the reform government theory proposition that reformed structures of county government positively correlate with efficient service delivery. A county government reformed index was developed for this dissertation comprised of form of government, home-rule status, method of election, number of government jurisdictions, and number of elected officials. The county government reform index and a measure of relative structural fragmentation were used to assess their impact on two measures of service output: mean county road pavement condition and county road maintenance expenditures. The study's multi-level design triangulated results from different data sources and methods of analysis. Data were collected from semi-structured interviews of county officials, secondary archival sources, and a survey of 544 elected and appointed officials from Florida's 67 counties. The results of the three sources of data converged in finding that reformed Florida counties are more likely than unreformed counties to provide better road service and to spend less on road expenditures. The same results were found for unfragmented Florida counties. Because both the county government reform index and the fragmentation variables were specified acknowledging the reform theory as well as elements from the public-choice model, the results help explain contradicting findings in the urban service research. ^ Therefore, as suggested by the corroborated findings of this dissertation, reformed as well as unfragmented counties are better providers of road maintenance service and do so in a less costly manner. These findings hold although the variables were specified to capture theoretical arguments from the consolidated as well as the public-choice theories suggesting a way to advance the debate from the consolidated-fragmented dichotomy of urban governance. ^
This dissertation analyzed and compared variables affecting interest rate and yield of certificates of participation, tax-exempt revenue bonds and tax-exempt general obligation bonds. The study employed qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. ^ Qualitative research methods included surveys, interviews and focus groups. The survey solicited debt load information from 67 Florida school districts (21 responded) and addressed the question which districts used certificates of participation and why. Eight individuals with experience dealing with all three debt instruments were interviewed. A follow-up focus group of six school district financial officers gathered additional data. Results from the qualitative methods revealed school districts used certificates of participation based on millage authority amount available relative to overall tax base. Also identified was the belief of a significant difference in certificates of participation costs and the other two debt instrument types. ^ The study's quantitative methods analyzed 1998 and 1999 initial issues of Moody's AAA rated certificates of participation, tax-exempt revenue bonds and tax-exempt general obligation bonds. Through an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), the study examined interest rates and yields while controlling for the covariates of credit enhancement, issue size, and maturity date. The analysis identified no significant difference between interest rates of certificates of participation and tax-exempt general obligation bonds (p < 0.05). There was a significant difference between interest rates of tax-exempt revenue bonds and tax-exempt general obligation bonds. This study discerned no significant difference between yield on certificates of participation and tax-exempt general obligation bonds. It identified a difference in yield between both certificates of participation and tax-exempt general obligation bonds compared with tax-exempt revenue bonds. ^ The study found COPs to have lesser overall costs than RV bonds. COPs also have a quicker entry into the market resulting in construction cost savings. The study found policy implications such as investment portfolio limitations and public choice issues about using COPs as a mechanism to grow government. ^
We analyze democratic equity in council voting games (CVGs). In a CVG, a voting body containing all members delegates decision-making to a (time-varying) subset of its members, as describes, e.g., the relationship between the United Nations General Assembly and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). We develop a theoretical framework for analyzing democratic equitability in CVGs at both the country and region levels, and for different assumptions regarding preference correlation. We apply the framework to evaluate the equitability of the UNSC, and the claims of those who seek to reform it. We find that the individual permanent members are overrepresented by between 21.3 times (United Kingdom) and 3.8 times (China) from a country-level perspective, while from a region perspective Eastern Europe is the most heavily overrepresented region with more than twice its equitable representation, and Africa the most heavily underrepresented. Our equity measures do not preclude some UNSC members from exercising veto rights, however.
Este libro ofrece un refrescante discernimiento sobre los aspectos relevantes de la economía del sector público y la hacienda pública, desarrollado en cada uno de los capítulos temas propios de las finanzas del Estado, el gasto público, los ingresos públicos, el presupuesto público, el intervencionismo de Estado; además, plantea la fecundidad y originalidad de la public choice, federalismo fiscal y presenta una convincente justificación sobre el tamaño de sector público.