349 resultados para 1235


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The genetic diversity of populations, which contributes greatly to their adaptive potential, is negatively affected by anthropogenic habitat fragmentation and destruction. However, continental-scale losses of genetic diversity also resulted from the population expansions that followed the end of the last glaciation, an element that is rarely considered in a conservation context. We addressed this issue in a meta-analysis in which we compared the spatial patterns of vulnerability of 18 widespread European amphibians in light of phylogeographic histories (glacial refugia and postglacial routes) and anthropogenic disturbances. Conservation statuses significantly worsened with distances from refugia, particularly in the context of industrial agriculture; human population density also had a negative effect. These findings suggest that features associated with the loss of genetic diversity in post-glacial amphibian populations (such as enhanced fixation load or depressed adaptive potential) may increase their susceptibility to current threats (e.g., habitat fragmentation and pesticide use). We propose that the phylogeographic status of populations (i.e., refugial vs. post-glacial) should be considered in conservation assessments for regional and national red lists.


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Plusieurs études populationnelles ont montré l'existence d'une association entre des taux sanguins élevés de transferrine et le syndrome métabolique (SM). Bien que cette association soit bien établie, restent encore à être décrites les associations entre le SM et les autres marqueurs sanguins du métabolisme du fer, tels que le fer, la transferrine (Tsf), la capacité totale de fixation de la transferrine (CTF) ou la saturation de la transferrine (SaTsf) sanguins. Le but de notre étude a été d'identifier les associations entre les différents marqueurs du métabolisme du fer (fer, ferritine, Tsf, CTF et SaTsf) et le SM. Les données de l'étude CoLaus, récoltées entre 2003 et 2006, ont été utilisées. Le SM était défini selon les critères du National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Panel III. L'analyse statistique a été faite en stratifiant selon le genre ainsi que le status ménopausal chez les femmes. Des 6733 participants, 1235 (18%) ont été exclus de fait d'absence de données concernant les variables qui nous intéressaient, ou chez qui nous avons soupçonné une possible hémochromatose non diagnostiquée (SaTsf> 50%). Des 5498 participants restant (âge moyen ± écart-type: 53 ± 11 ans), 2596 étaient des hommes, 1285 des femmes pré- et 1617 des femmes postménopausées. La prévalence du SM était de 29,4% chez les hommes, 8,3% et 25,5% chez les femmes pré- et postménopausées, respectivement. Dans les trois groupes, la prévalence du SM était la plus haute dans les quartiles les plus élevés de ferritine, Tsf et CTF, ainsi que dans le quartile le plus bas de SaTsf. Après ajustement sur l'âge, l'indice de masse corporelle, la protéine C réactive, la consommation de tabac et/ou d'alcool, la prise de suppléments en fer et les marqueurs hépatiques, l'appartenance au quartile le plus élevé de ferritine, Tsf ou CTF était associée à un risque plus important de SM chez les hommes et les femmes postménopausées : Odds ratio (OR) et [intervalle de confiance à 95%] pour la ferritine 1.44 [1.07-1.94] et 1.47 [0.99-2.17]; pour la Tsf et la CTF, OR=1.43 [1.06-1.91] et 2.13 [1.44-3.15] pour les hommes et les femmes postménopausées, respectivement. Au contraire, l'appartenance au quartile le plus élevé de la SaTsf était associé à un risque moins important de SM: OR=0.77 [0.57-1.05] et 0.59 [0.39-0.90] pour les hommes et les femmes postménopausées, respectivement. Il n'y avait aucune association entre les marqueurs sanguins du métabolisme du fer et le SM chez les femmes préménopausées, ni entre le fer sanguin et le SM chez les trois groupes. En conclusion, la majorité des marqueurs sanguins du métabolisme du fer, mais pas le fer lui-même, sont associés de manière indépendante au SM chez les hommes et les femmes postménopausées. -- Context: Excessive iron storage has been associated with metabolic syndrome (MS). Objective: To assess the association between markers of iron metabolism and MS in a healthy population. Design: Cross-sectional study conducted between 2003 and 2006. Setting: Population-based study in Lausanne, Switzerland. Patients: 5,498 participants aged 35-75 years, stratified by sex and menopausal status. Participants with transferrin saturation (TSAT) >50% were excluded. Intervention: None. Main Outcome Measures: serum iron, ferritin, transferrin, total iron binding capacity (TIBC) and TSAT. MS was defined according to ATP-III criteria. Results: Prevalence of MS was 29.4% in men, 8.3% in premenopausal and 25.5% in postmenopausal women. On bivariate analysis, the highest prevalence of MS occurred in the highest quartiles of serum ferritin, transferrin and TIBC, and in the lowest quartile of TSAT. After multivariate adjustment for age, body mass index, C-reactive protein, smoking, alcohol, liver markers and iron supplementation, men and postmenopausal women in the highest quartile of serum ferritin, transferrin and TIBC had a higher risk of presenting with MS: for ferritin, Odds ratio and [95% CI]=1.44 [1.07-1.94] for men and 1.47 [0.99-2.17] for postmenopausal women; for transferrin and TIBC, OR=1.43 [1.06-1.91] and 2.13 [1.44-3.15], Participants in the highest quartile of TSAT had a lower risk of MS: OR=0.77 [0.57-1.05] for men and 0.59 [0.39-0.90] for postmenopausal women. No association was found between iron and MS and between markers of iron metabolism and MS in premenopausal women. Conclusion: Ferritin, transferrin, TIBC are positively and TSAT is negatively associated with MS in men and postmenopausal women.


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1904/01 (N1)-1904/07.


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Objectives: To determine the relative incidence of odontogenic cysts and to identify the main clinicopathological features among patients treated in the Oral Surgery Department of the Dental Clinic of the University of Barcelona (Spain). Study design: A retrospective observational study was made of 418 odontogenic cysts diagnosed in 380 patients included in the database of 1235 histopathological diagnoses. The subjects were treated in the Master degree program of Oral Surgery and Implantology of the University of Barcelona in the period 1997-2006. The following variables were recorded: gender, age, clinical characteristics of the lesions (size and location), radiological features, duration, treatment, complications and relapses. A descriptive analysis was made of the study variables, using the SPSS version 15.0. Results: The incidence of odontogenic cysts was 33.8%. The mean patient age at appearance of the lesion was 42 years (range 7-83). The cysts were slightly more prevalent in males (58.4%). The lesion size ranged from 2-60 mm, with a mean size of 18.4 mm. The most frequent diagnosis was radicular cyst (50.2%). The most common location of the odontogenic cysts was in the mandible (61.5%), particularly the lower third molar region (36.8%). Conclusions: The most frequently diagnosed lesion was the radicular cyst. Odontogenic cysts were seen to be slightly more prevalent in males, and showed a high mandibular incidence. Knowledge of the biological and histological behavior of odontogenic cysts and their frequency are key aspects for ensuring early detection and adequate treatment.


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Soitinnus: Piano.


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Soitinnus: Piano.


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Soitinnus: Piano.


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Soitinnus: Piano.


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Arkit: 1 arkintunnukseton lehti, A-B4 C3.


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1870/09/25 (Numéro 1235).


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Iron bioavailability was evaluated in three mixtures of cereals, seeds, and grains ("Human Ration"): light, regular, and homemade provided to rats. The animals received an iron depletion diet for 21 days, followed by a repletion diet containing 12 mg·kg-1 of iron for 14 days. The hemoglobin regeneration efficiency and the relative biological value did not differ between the light mixture and control group. The iron bioavailability of the light mixture of cereals, seeds, and grains and the control group were 99.99±27.62 and 80.02±36.63, respectively, while the regular and homemade mixtures of cereals, seeds, and grains showed lower iron bioavailability, 50.12±35.53 and 66.66±15.44, respectively; the iron content of the diet with light cereal mixture light was statistically similar to that of the control (ferrous sulfate 99.99±27.62). The high content of tannin (202.81±19.53 mg·100-1) in the diet with the regular cereal mixture may have contributed to its low iron bioavailability. The higher intake of soluble fiber by the animals fed the light mixture (21.15±0.92 g) was moderately correlated (r=0.5712, p=0.0018) with the concentration of propionate in the caecal bulk (65.49±11.08 µmol/g). The short chain fatty acids produced by soluble fiber fermentation, associated with the low-content of tannin may have improved iron solubility and absorption in the light cereal mixture diet. The iron bioavailability in the light mixture of cereals, seeds, and grains was similar to that of ferrous sulfate.


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1914/07/19 (Numéro 1235).