998 resultados para 11-CH-06D


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Infantile spasms (IS) is the most severe and common form of epilepsy occurring in the first year of life. At least half of IS cases are idiopathic in origin, with others presumed to arise because of brain insult or malformation. Here, we identify a locus for IS by high-resolution mapping of 7q11.23-q21.1 interstitial deletions in patients. The breakpoints delineate a 500 kb interval within the MAGI2 gene (1.4 Mb in size) that is hemizygously disrupted in 15 of 16 participants with IS or childhood epilepsy, but remains intact in 11 of 12 participants with no seizure history. MAGI2 encodes the synaptic scaffolding protein membrane-associated guanylate kinase inverted-2 that interacts with Stargazin, a protein also associated with epilepsy in the stargazer mouse.


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OBJECTIVE: As part of the WHO ICD-11 development initiative, the Topic Advisory Group on Quality and Safety explores meta-features of morbidity data sets, such as the optimal number of secondary diagnosis fields. DESIGN: The Health Care Quality Indicators Project of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development collected Patient Safety Indicator (PSI) information from administrative hospital data of 19-20 countries in 2009 and 2011. We investigated whether three countries that expanded their data systems to include more secondary diagnosis fields showed increased PSI rates compared with six countries that did not. Furthermore, administrative hospital data from six of these countries and two American states, California (2011) and Florida (2010), were analysed for distributions of coded patient safety events across diagnosis fields. RESULTS: Among the participating countries, increasing the number of diagnosis fields was not associated with any overall increase in PSI rates. However, high proportions of PSI-related diagnoses appeared beyond the sixth secondary diagnosis field. The distribution of three PSI-related ICD codes was similar in California and Florida: 89-90% of central venous catheter infections and 97-99% of retained foreign bodies and accidental punctures or lacerations were captured within 15 secondary diagnosis fields. CONCLUSIONS: Six to nine secondary diagnosis fields are inadequate for comparing complication rates using hospital administrative data; at least 15 (and perhaps more with ICD-11) are recommended to fully characterize clinical outcomes. Increasing the number of fields should improve the international and intra-national comparability of data for epidemiologic and health services research, utilization analyses and quality of care assessment.


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Introduction : L'HSA d'origine anévrismale est une pathologie au pronostic sombre, tout retard diagnostique exposant le patient à un risque élevé de récidives hémorragiques potentiellement fatales. La sensibilité du CT scanner étant jugée insuffisante dans cette indication, la majorité des recommandations actuelles préconisent la réalisation systématique d'une ponction lombaire après toute imagerie cérébrale négative. L'analyse spectrophotométrique du LCR permet en effet de différencier un saignement récent dans l'espace sous-arachnoïdien d'une ponction lombaire traumatique par détection de bilirubine. Or, le caractère invasif de cet examen et son manque de spécificité posent des difficultés en pratique. De plus, l'excellente sensibilité des CT de dernières générations, du moins dans les premières heures suivant la survenue de l'HSA, remet en question le dogme d'une PL systématique dans l'algorithme diagnostique d'une céphalée suspecte. Objectif : Evaluer le rendement diagnostique de la spectrophotométrie du LCR dans le cadre d'une suspicion d'HSA après une imagerie normale, afin d'en préciser les indications. Méthode : Étude monocentrique et rétrospective au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois de Lausanne du 1er janvier 2005 au 18 novembre 2010. Extraction de toutes les spectrophotométries positives et analyse approfondie des dossiers concernés. Dans un second temps, et durant la même période, revue de tous les séjours hospitaliers comportant le diagnostic d'HSA , afin d'extraire en particulier les HSA dont le diagnostic a été établi par spectrophotométrie en raison d'une imagerie initiale négative ou non conclusive. Résultats : 869 PL du 1er janvier 2005 au 18 novembre 2010. 36 (4.1%) examens positifs (concentration de bilirubine dans le LCR > 0.3 μmol/l), dont 14 (38.9%) dans un contexte d'HSA (valeur prédictive positive de 38.9%). Sur les 14 cas positifs, 3 ont été diagnostiqués exclusivement par la PL, mais aucune dans un cadre d'HSA anévrismale. Dans la même périodepériode, 235 HSA diagnostiquées, dont 7 (2.9%) avec une imagerie cérébrale initiale négative. Sur ces 7 cas, seuls 2 ont été diagnostiqués comme une HSA d'origine anévrismale. La sensibilité du CT dans notre recherche atteint donc 99.15%. Discussion : Sur les 36 spectrophotométries positives, 22 se sont révélées a posteriori faussement positives, confirmant dès lors la faible spécificité et la faible valeur prédictive positive de l'analyse spectrophotométrique du LCR . Ces faux positifs entraînent la réalisation d'examens invasifs (angiographie cérébrale conventionnelle), dont les complications sont bien décrites. Bien que les résultats ne nous permettent pas de chiffrer le nombre potentiel d'HSA manquées faute d'un examen du LCR, aucun cas d'HSA d'origine anévrismale n'a été diagnostiqué sur la base exclusive de la PL durant la période étudiée. Cette faible spécificité appuie l'idée de développer un score clinique prédictif afin de ne réserver la PL qu'aux patients jugés à haut risque d'HSA. La PL garde néanmoins un rôle dans la détection des HSA d'origine non anévrismales. Conclusions : Lors d'une suspicion clinique d'HSA, le rendement diagnostique de l'analyse du LCR après un angio- CT cérébral normal est faible, tout comme son impact sur la prise en charge, au prix d'un nombre important de faux positifs. La PL reste certainement indiquée face à des céphalées suspectes évoluant depuis plus de 24 heures. Toutefois, au vu de l'excellente valeur prédictive négative d'un CT cérébral réalisé précocement et interprété par un neuroradiologue, cet examen ne devrait être réservé qu'aux situations à haut risque d'HSA. A cet égard, le développement d'un score prédictif validé permettrait de mieux sélectionner les candidats à une PL.


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Cutaneous Leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania guyanensis parasites is endemic in the North-East South America. There is, however, little information available concerning L. guyanensis infectivity and the immune response associated with different stages of the disease. In the following chapter we discuss the results obtained in human research with regard to the involvement of different types of immune cells and their roles during the development of infection with L. guyanensis parasites. We also provide a résumé on the status of animal models of L. guyanensis infection and emphasize how essential these models are so as to increase our knowledge of immunopathogenesis in the host and, thus, provide an indispensable tool to test new therapeutic strategies.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) The volume is presented to Professor C.H.W. Brekelmans in celebration of his 75th birthday. The editors were of the opinion that there could be no better way to honour Chris Brekelmans than with a collection of articles treating the "Deuteronomic" traditions found in the Book of Deuteronomy as well as in the so-called Tertrateuch, and Deuteronomistic History. In the past years, a renewed impetus has been given to the development of Deuteronomic Studies. The present Festschrift aims at contributing to the current debate which has a special interest in methodological questions regarding the identification and characterization of "Deuteronomistic" texts in the aforementioned complexes of Old Testament writings. The volume is divided into four sections. The first section offers a collection of articles which focus on the Book of Deuteronomy itself. The second section contains contributions dealing with Deuteronomic History. The third section is devoted to the relationship between the Deuteronomic - in the largest sense of the word - traditions and the Tetrateuch. The fourth and final section presents a collection of articles on a number of important issues, each of which offers its own direct or indirect contribution to the study of the Deuteronomi(sti)c literature and its relationship to the remaining texts of the Old Testament.


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The enzyme 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11β-HSD2) is selectively expressed in aldosterone target tissues, conferring aldosterone selectivity for the mineralocorticoid receptor. A diminished activity causes salt-sensitive hypertension. The mechanism of the variable and distinct 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 gene (HSD11B2) expression in the cortical collecting duct is poorly understood. Here, we analyzed for the first time whether the 11β-HSD2 expression is modulated by microRNAs (miRNAs). In silico analysis revealed 53 and 27 miRNAs with potential binding sites on human or rat HSD11B2 3'-untranslated region. A reporter assay demonstrated 3'-untranslated region-dependent regulation of human and rodent HSD11B2. miRNAs were profiled from cortical collecting ducts and proximal convoluted tubules. Bioinformatic analyses showed a distinct clustering for cortical collecting ducts and proximal convoluted tubules with 53 of 375 miRNAs, where 13 were predicted to bind to the rat HSD11B2 3'-untranslated region. To gain insight into potentially relevant miRNAs in vivo, we investigated 2 models with differential 11β-HSD2 activity linked with salt-sensitive hypertension. (1) Comparing Sprague-Dawley with low and Wistar rats with high 11β-HSD2 activity revealed rno-miR-20a-5p, rno-miR-19b-3p, and rno-miR-190a-5p to be differentially expressed. (2) Uninephrectomy lowered 11β-HSD2 activity in the residual kidney with differentially expressed rno-miR-19b-3p, rno-miR-29b-3p, and rno-miR-26-5p. In conclusion, miRNA-dependent mechanisms seem to modulate 11β-HSD2 dosage in health and disease states.


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Purpose: The genetics events occurring in the development of mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the conjunctiva have not been extensively investigated. A t(11;19)(q21;p13) translocation has been reported in more than 50% of mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the salivary glands. This translocation induces a chimeric MECT1-MAML2 protein that act as a transcription activation factor in CREB and Notch pathways. Sustained expression of MECT1-MALM2 in RKE3 cells was tumorigenic in a mouse model. The presence of this translocation has been correlated with a better prognosis in mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the salivary glands. The purpose of this study was to identify the presence or absence of this translocation in mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the conjunctiva.Methods: We retrospectively reviewed all conjunctival mucoepidermoid carcinoma cases from the pathological files of Jules Gonin Eye Hospital from 1960-2010. The relevant clinico-pathological data was obtained. The presence of the t(11;19)(q21;p13) translocation was investigated by FISH using a dual color break apart probe. 100 nuclei were evaluated in each case. Normal conjunctiva was included as a control.Results: Material for FISH analysis was available in 9 patients (11 tumors). There were 2 females and 7 males. The mean age was years 71, 4 years old. Tumors were involving the bulbar conjunctiva in 6 cases and the tarsal conjunctiva in 5 cases. In a young patient of 30 years old, mucoepidermoid carcinoma was developed in the context of Xeroderma Pigmentosum. Hybridization could successfully be performed in 8 patients (9 tumors). No disruption of the dual color fusion signal was observed in all the cases, suggesting an absence of t(11;19)(q21;p13) translocation in mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the conjunctiva.Conclusions: Although our study encompasses only a limited number of cases due to the rarity of mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the conjunctiva, it demonstrates that a translocation commonly found in this tumor at other locations is not identified in the conjunctiva, suggesting that different mechanisms occur in the development of these tumors.