962 resultados para 109-1


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Plantea el estudio de algunos temas clásicos de Psicología dando importancia prioritaria a las experiencias personales. El libro es fundamentalmente una herramienta de trabajo, por lo que hace falta completarlo con aspectos teóricos. Cada tema comienza con una página-guía en la que consta el índice, el léxico y el esquema conceptual del tema, especificando los posibles aspectos teóricos que se podrían tratar. A continuación, en el desarrrollo, destaca principalmente la parte práctica, con gran número de actividades para las clases de iniciación a la Psicología.


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Five lactating dairy cows with a permanent cannula in the rumen were given ( kg DM/d) a normal diet (7.8 concentrates, 5.1 hay) or a low-roughage (LR) diet (11.5 concentrates, 1.2 hay) in two meals daily in a two-period crossover design. Milk fat (g/kg) was severely reduced on diet LR. To measure rates of production of individual volatile fatty acids (VFA) in the rumen, 0.5 mCi 1-C-14-acetic acid, 2-C-14-propionic acid, or 1-C-14-n-butyric acid were infused into the rumen for 22 h at intervals of 2 to 6 d; rumen samples were taken over the last 12 h. To measure rumen volume, we infused Cr-EDTA into the rumen continuously, and polyethylene glycol was injected 2 h before the morning feed. Results were very variable, so volumes measured by rumen emptying were used instead. Net production of propionic acid more than doubled on LR, but acetate and butyrate production was only numerically lower. Net production rates pooled across both diets were significantly related to concentrations for each VFA. Molar proportions of net production were only slightly higher than molar proportions of concentrations for acetate and propionate but were lower for butyrate. The net energy value (MJ/d) of production of the three VFA increased from 89.5 on normal to 109.1 on LR, equivalent to 55 and 64% of digestible energy, respectively. Fully interchanging, three-pool models of VFA C fluxes are presented. It is concluded that net production rates of VFA can be measured in non-steady states without the need to measure rumen volumes.


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A number of Au/TiO2 catalysts have been prepared by a variety of methods in order to assess the affect of catalysts preparation methods on performance, catalyst contamination and the interplay between them. Their activity was studied in a pulse flow microreactor and it was found that preparation methods designed to eliminate impurities lead to more active samples. The effect of chlorine is often cited to be detrimental in the literature, but we have quantified it using XPS. It was found that the activity decreased in a nearly linear fashion with an increasing amount of this element at the surface. It is generally considered that catalysts prepared by the incipient wetness (IW) technique are ineffective for CO oxidation, but we show here that, by appropriate preparation methods, high activity IW catalysts can be made.


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Aims: To study the development of resistance responses in Campylobacter jejuni to High Hydrostatic Pressure (HHP) treatments after the exposure to different stressful conditions that may be encountered in food processing environments, such as acid pH, elevated temperatures and cold storage. Methods and Results: C. jejuni cells in exponential and stationary growth phase were exposed to different sublethal stresses (acid, heat and cold shocks) prior to evaluate the development of resistance responses to HHP. For exponential-phase cells, neither of the conditions tested increased nor decreased HHP resistance of C. jejuni. For stationary-phase cells, acid and heat adaptation sensitized C. jejuni cells to the subsequent pressure treatment. On the contrary, cold-adapted stationary-phase cells developed resistance to HHP. Conclusions: Whereas C. jejuni can be classified as a stress sensitive microorganism, our findings have demonstrated that it can develop resistance responses under different stressing conditions. The resistance of stationary phase C. jejuni to HHP was increased after cells were exposed to cold temperatures. Significance and Impact of the Study: The results of this study contribute to a better knowledge of the physiology of C. jejuni and its survival to food preservation agents. Results here presented may help in the design of combined processes for food preservation based on HHP technology.


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The interaction between the gut microbiota and their mammalian host is known to have far-reaching consequences with respect to metabolism and health. We investigated the effects of eight days of oral antibiotic exposure (penicillin and streptomycin sulfate) on gut microbial composition and host metabolic phenotype in male Han-Wistar rats (n = 6) compared to matched controls. Early recolonization was assessed in a third group exposed to antibiotics for four days followed by four days recovery (n = 6). Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of the intestinal contents collected at eight days showed a significant reduction in all bacterial groups measured (control, 1010.7 cells/g feces; antibiotic-treated, 108.4). Bacterial suppression reduced the excretion of mammalian-microbial urinary cometabolites including hippurate, phenylpropionic acid, phenylacetylglycine and indoxyl-sulfate whereas taurine, glycine, citrate, 2-oxoglutarate, and fumarate excretion was elevated. While total bacterial counts remained notably lower in the recolonized animals (109.1 cells/g faeces) compared to the controls, two cage-dependent subgroups emerged with Lactobacillus/Enterococcus probe counts dominant in one subgroup. This dichotomous profile manifested in the metabolic phenotypes with subgroup differences in tricarboxylic acid cycle metabolites and indoxyl-sulfate excretion. Fecal short chain fatty acids were diminished in all treated animals. Antibiotic treatment induced a profound effect on the microbiome structure, which was reflected in the metabotype. Moreover, the recolonization process was sensitive to the microenvironment, which may impact on understanding downstream consequences of antibiotic consumption in human populations.


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The effect of episodic drought on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) dynamics in peatlands has been the subject of considerable debate, as decomposition and DOC production is thought to increase under aerobic conditions, yet decreased DOC concentrations have been observed during drought periods. Decreased DOC solubility due to drought-induced acidification driven by sulphur (S) redox reactions has been proposed as a causal mechanism; however evidence is based on a limited number of studies carried out at a few sites. To test this hypothesis on a range of different peats, we carried out controlled drought simulation experiments on peat cores collected from six sites across Great Britain. Our data show a concurrent increase in sulphate (SO4) and a decrease in DOC across all sites during simulated water table draw-down, although the magnitude of the relationship between SO4 and DOC differed between sites. Instead, we found a consistent relationship across all sites between DOC decrease and acidification measured by the pore water acid neutralising capacity (ANC). ANC provided a more consistent measure of drought-induced acidification than SO4 alone because it accounts for differences in base cation and acid anions concentrations between sites. Rewetting resulted in rapid DOC increases without a concurrent increase in soil respiration, suggesting DOC changes were primarily controlled by soil acidity not soil biota. These results highlight the need for an integrated analysis of hydrologically driven chemical and biological processes in peatlands to improve our understanding and ability to predict the interaction between atmospheric pollution and changing climatic conditions from plot to regional and global scales.


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The effect of infestation by the aphid Metopolophium dirhodum on the concentration and mass partitioning of Cd and Zn was studied in wheat plants. Results show that infestation did not affect the concentration of either metal in the roots or shoots of wheat, but elevated concentrations in the ears. This appeared to result from the concentration of metal in the smaller ear mass of infested plants. Infestation did not significantly affect the mass partitioning of either metal in any part of the plant, some 10% of both metals being allocated to the roots. However, the two metals contrasted in their partitioning in the aerial parts of the plant, with ca. 60% of Cd mass partitioned in the shoots and ca. 67% of Zn mass partitioned in the ears. The possible effects of infestation on the transfer of Cd and Zn from the soil to cereal aphids are discussed.


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L’article porte sur les deux premiers romans de Faïza Guène : Kiffe kiffe demain (2004) et Du rêve pour les oufs (2006), ainsi que sur les traductions en langue suédoise Kiffe kiffe imorgon (2006) et Drömmar för dårar (2008). Nous nous intéressons aux mots et aux expressions qui sont porteurs de la culture maghrébine, pour voir comment ces termes sont traduits en suédois. Nous étudions aussi l’oralité et le registre argotique, qui sont des traits caractéristiques de la prose de Guène. Nous constatons que certains termes d’origine arabe du texte source sont traduits par des mots ayant une autre étymologie, ce qui rend la présence maghrébine un peu moins visible dans le texte cible. Nous constatons aussi que l’oralité du texte source est transférée dans le texte cible, mais par d’autres moyens – un procédé de compensation est souvent utilisé. Le registre argotique paraît un peu plus saillant dans les romans français que dans les versions traduites. L’exemple le plus frappant est le discours des personnages dans Du rêve pour les oufs, qui doit être traduit en « français standard » par le moyen de notes de bas de page, pour assurer la compréhension du lecteur implicite du texte original – phénomène qui n’a pas d’équivalent dans la traduction suédoise. Ce procédé de normalisation rend le texte cible plus neutre et, peut-être, un peu moins singulier que l’original.


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The objective of this study was to analyze, in triathletes, the possible influence of the exercise mode (running x cycling) on time to exhaustion (TTE) and oxygen uptake (VO2) response during exercise performed at the intensity associated with the achievement of maximal oxygen uptake (IVO2max). Eleven male triathletes (21.8 +/- 3.8 yr) performed the following tests on different days on a motorized treadmill and on a cycle ergometer: 1) incremental tests in order to determine VO2max and IVO2max and, 2) constant work rate tests to exhaustion at IVO2max to determine TTE and to describe VO2 response (time to achieve VO2max-TAVO(2max) and time maintained at VO2max-TMVO2max). No differences were found in VO2max, TTE and TMVO2max obtained on the treadmill tests (63.7 +/- 4.7 ml.kg(-1).min(-1); 324.6 +/- 109.1 s; 178.9 +/- 93.6 s) and cycle ergometer tests (61.4 +/- 4.5 ml.kg(-1).min(-1); 390.4 +/- 114.4 s; 213.5 +/- 102.4 s). However, TAVO(2max) was influenced by exercise mode (145.7 +/- 25.3 vs. 176.8 +/- 20.1 s; in treadmill and cycle ergometer, respectively; p = 0.006). It is concluded that exercise modality affects the TAVO(2max) without influencing TTE and TMVO2max during exercise at IVO2max in triathletes.


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Objective: To compare the system of forces acting on curvature and preactivated V-bends in titanium T-loop springs (TTLSs) made of 0.017- X 0.025-inch TMA (titanium molibdenium alloy) wire.Materials and Methods: Pictures of TTLSs preactivated by curvature and V-bends were inserted in the LOOP software program to design both TTLSs. Symmetry was assured using the program. Both TTLSs used the same amount (length) of wire and had the same angulation between their anterior and posterior extremities when passive. The loops were activated 7 mm, and forces and moments were registered after each 0.5 mm of deactivation. The brackets were at the same height, separated by 23 mm and angulated 0 degrees.Results: The preactivated curvature TTLS delivered horizontal forces ranging from 34 gF to 456 gF, while the TTLS preactivated by V-bends delivered forces ranging from 54 gF to 517 gF. The forces decreased more (30 gF vs 33 gF) with every 0.5 mm of activation on the preactivated V-bend TTLS than on the preactivated curvature TTLS. Vertical forces were low and clinically insignificant for both TTLSs. The moment to force (MF) ratios were systematically higher on the preactivated curvature than on the preactivated V-bend TTLS (from 5.8 mm to 38.8 mm vs 4.7 mm to 28.3 mm).Conclusions: Although both loops show symmetrical moments in their anterior and posterior extremities and can be used for group B anchorage, the curvature preactivated TTLS delivers lower horizontal forces and higher MF ratios than the acute preactivated V-bend TTLS.


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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Patients with penetrating eye injuries are a very heterogeneous group both medically and economically. Since 2009, treatment involving sutures for open eye injuries and cases requiring amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) were allocated to DRG C01B of the German diagnosis-related group system. However, given the significant clinical differences between these treatments, an inhomogeneity of costs to performance is postulated. This analysis describes case allocation problems within the G-DRG C01B category and presents solutions.


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Depuis l’accession du Cameroun à l’indépendance, les autorités du pays ont été conscientes de la nécessité pour elles d’attirer les investissements pour atteindre leurs objectifs de développement. Cette volonté de promouvoir l’investissement s’est traduite aussi bien par l’adoption de textes législatifs et réglementaires encourageant l’investissement , de même par l’adoption de politiques publiques en faveur des investisseurs. Ces différentes mesures ont produit le résultat que chacun de nous constate chaque jour que Dieu nous permet de vivre sur cette terre. Pourtant, tout n’est pas perdu. Le Cameroun possède en son sein les ressources ainsi que les instruments nécessaires à son salut. Ceux qui en parcourant les lignes qui précèdent auront l’impression que rien de nouveau n’a été fait aurons raison, car tout ce qu’il nous faut a toujours été entre nos mains. Il ne nous reste qu’à nous armer du courage pour les mettre en œuvre. Dans la dure bataille qui l’attend, le gouvernement du Cameroun doit faire de la théorie du droit qui au Cameroun, s’est donné pour mission de rechercher des solutions innovantes, voir inédites aux problèmes du Cameroun. C’est une alliée précieuse pour remporter la victoire dans la guerre contre la pauvreté et la souffrance dans le pays. Avant de terminer, nous allons avoir le dernier mot pour ceux qui bienpensant rejetterons ce papier comme inutile, l’intention de l’auteur n’était pas de poser de nouvelles règles pour l’encadrement de notre société, mais bien de considérer quelques chiffres : 21 millions, c’est le nombre estimé d’habitants du Cameroun en 2013, 43% ont moins de 15 ans Cela signifie à peu près 10 millions de personnes pour lesquelles il faudra tout inventer, tout créé, tout tenté. Puisse ces données produire en chaque camerounais le sursaut nécessaire pour faire comme le président de la république l’a indiqué dans son discours d’investiture en novembre 2011 : oser