1000 resultados para 107-652A
When mixing asphalt in thin film and at high temperatures, as in the production of asphalt concrete, it has been shown that asphalt will harden due essentially to two factors: (1) losses of volatiles and (2) oxidation. The degree of hardening as expressed by percent loss in penetration varied from as low as 7% to about 57% depending on mixing temperatures, aggregate types, gradation, asphalt content, penetration and other characteristics of asphalts used. Methods used to predict hardening during mixing include loss on heat and thin film oven tests, with the latter showing better correlation with the field findings. However, information on other physical and chemical changes that may occur as a result of mixing in the production of hot-mix asphaltic concrete is limited, The purpose of this research project was to ascertain the changes of asphalt cement properties, both physical and chemical, during mixing operation and to determine whether one or more of the several tests of asphalt cements were critical enough to indicate these changes.
PURPOSE: Small cell carcinomas of the bladder (SCCB) account for fewer than 1% of all urinary bladder tumors. There is no consensus regarding the optimal treatment for SCCB. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Fifteen academic Rare Cancer Network medical centers contributed SCCB cases. The eligibility criteria were as follows: pure or mixed SCC; local, locoregional, and metastatic stages; and age ≥18 years. The overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) were calculated from the date of diagnosis according to the Kaplan-Meier method. The log-rank and Wilcoxon tests were used to analyze survival as functions of clinical and therapeutic factors. RESULTS: The study included 107 patients (mean [±standard deviation, SD] age, 69.6 [±10.6] years; mean follow-up time, 4.4 years) with primary bladder SCC, with 66% of these patients having pure SCC. Seventy-two percent and 12% of the patients presented with T2-4N0M0 and T2-4N1-3M0 stages, respectively, and 16% presented with synchronous metastases. The most frequent curative treatments were radical surgery and chemotherapy, sequential chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and radical surgery alone. The median (interquartile range, IQR) OS and DFS times were 12.9 months (IQR, 7-32 months) and 9 months (IQR, 5-23 months), respectively. The metastatic, T2-4N0M0, and T2-4N1-3M0 groups differed significantly (P=.001) in terms of median OS and DFS. In a multivariate analysis, impaired creatinine clearance (OS and DFS), clinical stage (OS and DFS), a Karnofsky performance status <80 (OS), and pure SCC histology (OS) were independent and significant adverse prognostic factors. In the patients with nonmetastatic disease, the type of treatment (ie radical surgery with or without adjuvant chemotherapy vs conservative treatment) did not significantly influence OS or DFS (P=.7). CONCLUSIONS: The prognosis for SCCB remains poor. The finding that radical cystectomy did not influence DFS or OS in the patients with nonmetastatic disease suggests that conservative treatment is appropriate in this situation.
Taltioitu radioidusta esityksestä 13.12.1953.
Foram avaliados retrospectivamente 107 pacientes com metástases cervicais de tumor primário oculto, atendidos entre 1977 e 1995 no Hospital Heliópolis. Considerou-se a influência de fatores epidemiológicos e características clínicas na recorrência da doença e sobrevida. O carcinoma epidermóide foi o tipo histológico mais freqüente, acometendo predominantemente as cadeias júgulo-carotídeas alta e média (níveis II e III). Noventa e três por cento dos pacientes apresentavam doença avançada (estadiamento N2 ou N3). A sobrevida livre de doença (SLD) aos 5 anos foi de 24%, sendo 40% para os pacientes com 55 anos ou menos e 8% para aqueles com mais de 55 anos (p = 0,01). Todos os pacientes com doença na cadeia júgulo-carotídea baixa (nível IV) apresentaram recidiva nos primeiros 12 meses após o tratamento. Os tumores indiferenciados apresentaram recidiva mais precocemente. Na análise multivariada os fatores idade, tipo de tratamento e estadiamento foram significativos (p<0,05).
OBJETIVO: analisar nossa experiência após 107 hepatectomias videolaparoscópicas e discutir a evolução técnica da hepatectomia laparoscópica nos últimos cinco anos. MÉTODOS: entre abril de 2007 e abril de 2012 foram realizadas 107 hepatectomias laparoscópicas em 105 pacientes. A média de idade foi 53,9 anos (17 a 85). Cinquenta e três pacientes eram do sexo masculino. Todas as intervenções foram realizadas pelos autores do trabalho. RESULTADOS: do total de 107 operações, houve necessidade de conversão para a técnica aberta em três casos (2,8%). Dezesseis pacientes (14,9%) apresentaram complicações. Dois pacientes foram a óbito, mortalidade de 1,87%. Um óbito foi decorrente de infarto maciço do miocárdio, sem relação com a hepatectomia laparoscópica, que transcorreu sem intercorrências e não apresentou conversão nem sangramento. O outro óbito foi decorrente de falha do grampeador. Vinte pacientes (18,7%) necessitaram de transfusão sanguínea. O tipo de hepatectomia mais frequente foi a bissegmentectomia, segmentos 2-3, (33 casos), seguida de hepatectomia direita (22 casos). Setenta e duas cirurgias (67,3%) foram realizadas por meio da técnica de acesso Glissoniano. CONCLUSÃO: a divulgação dos resultados é de extrema importância. As dificuldades técnicas, complicações e mesmo mortalidade, inerentes a este complexo tipo de cirurgia, necessitam ser divulgados com clareza. Este procedimento deve ser realizado em centro especializado e por equipe capacitada. A técnica de acesso Glissoniano por via laparoscópica, descrita pela nossa equipe, facilita a realização de hepatectomias anatômicas.
kuv., 11 x 30 cm
Luettelo Kansalliskirjastossa olevan Heikki Klemetin arkiston sisällöstä
Alcohol is part of the history of humanity, seemingly as a result of countless factors including the easy production of alcoholic beverages in practically all regions of the world. The authors studied aspects of the use of and the dependence on alcohol in Brazil, through a household survey conducted by Centro Brasileiro de Informações sobre Drogas Psicotrópicas (CEBRID). A total of 8,589 interviews were held in 107 of the largest cities in Brazil, all of them with more than 200 thousand inhabitants. The study was planned to gather information within the household environment about a stratified probabilistic sample obtained in three selection phases: 1) the censitaire sectors for each municipality, 2) a systematic randomized sampling, and 3) drafting a respondent by lot in each household to provide information. Approximately 11.2% of the subjects were concerned with their own consumption of alcohol. The signs/symptoms of the syndrome of dependence evident in a greater percentage were the desire to stop or reduce the use of alcohol and to stop or reduce resorting to alcoholic beverages more often than desired, as reported by 14.5 and 9.4% of the respondents, respectively. The regions in Brazil with the highest percentage of dependents were the North (16.3%) and the Northeast (19.9%). According to the estimates obtained in the survey, 5.2% of the teenagers were concerned about the use of alcohol. The estimates obtained in this survey reveal a need to implant specific preventive programs for the problem of alcohol, especially for the very young.
Collection : Théâtre contemporain illustré ; 106e et 107e livraisons
Collection : Théâtre contemporain illustré ; 106e et 107e livraisons
Collection : Théâtre contemporain illustré ; 106e et 107e livraisons