991 resultados para 070.4495


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Die vorliegende Arbeit beleuchtet die Möglichkeiten des Web 2.0 als Instrument der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, mit speziellem Fokus auf die entsprechenden Potenziale von Facebook. Es wird untersucht, wie drei ausgewählte Zoos diese Palette an Möglichkeiten nutzen und sich den Nutzern präsentieren: Spiegeln sie die vier Hauptaufgaben eines Zoos – Erholung/Unterhaltung, Bildung, Natur- und Artenschutz sowie Forschung – inhaltlich auf dem sozialen Netzwerk wider? Und letztlich wird die Frage geklärt, ob Facebook für die PR eines Zoos ein Muss ist oder es besser heißen sollte: zurück zur althergebrachten Pressearbeit.


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Eberhard Fechner gehörte zu den "45ern", die im Laufe der 60er Jahre erstmalig eine zeitkritische Berichterstattung durchsetzten. Sein dokumentarisches Erstlingswerk "Nachrede auf Klara Heydebreck" enttarnt und spiegelt gesamtgesellschaftliche Verhältnisse und bricht mit der jahrhundertelang praktizierten Trennung von Privatheit und Öffentlichkeit.


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Die Masterarbeit untersucht, wie sich die Parteien CDU,SPD, Grüne, Linke und AfD während des Europawahlkampfs selbst in dem sozialen Netzwerk Facebook dargestellt bzw. inszeniert haben. Um detaillierte Aussagen darüber treffen zu können, wurde ein Mix aus quantitativen und qualitativen Untersuchungsmethoden angewendet.


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El Treball Final de Carrera investiga l’evolució de la ràdio a Espanya durant la dictadura franquista, entre els anys 1939 i 1975. El seguit de qüestions polítiques i socials que es viuen al país durant la postguerra fan que el mitjà radiofònic es desenvolupi notablement durant la primera etapa del franquisme, però no només com una arma de propaganda o d’informació oficial del règim, sinó també com entreteniment per als oients. Serien les emissores privades les que impulsarien de manera més important l’aparició de nous espais dedicats a la societat popular i també, les que potenciarien la difusió de la cultura. Posteriorment, Radio Nacional de España, l’emissora pública, també acompanyaria a les privades en l’emissió de magazins i programes de varietats. En el treball acadèmic també es destaca l’evident diferència entre les restriccions a la ràdio al principi del mandat i al final. Els primers anys de la dictadura es caracteritzen per una forta censura pel que fa a la informació i a la difusió de programes. No obstant, l’obertura del règim als voltants dels 60 permetrà a les emissores ser més arriscades en la seva programació.


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The aim of this paper is to identify the factors that affect the market penetration of pay television by studying the competition that exists between three types of technology (satellite, cable and ADSL). We distinguish three groups of factors: the level of market competition, the level of competition in the industry and the quality of the product being offered. Our results seem to indicate that as market concentration increases, the television service can achieve greater penetration. This relationship is specifically captured by the level of intra- and inter-platform competition. We also examine the relationship between free television channels and pay television and find that as the amount of time dedicated to the broadcasting of advertising by the former increases, the number of subscribers to pay TV rises. Finally, we examine product quality by introducing the effect of holding the rights to broadcast Professional Football League matches and an HBO or Showtime produced series. Our results suggest that these variables are critical for the penetration of pay television.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per una alumna d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. El tema d’aquest treball de recerca és la premsa satírica a Catalunya durant la Segona República, centrat en l’anàlisi del setmanari 'El Be Negre’, i, a través d’aquesta publicació, l’objectiu és conèixer i veure com va tractar la premsa satírica determinats esdeveniments d’aquest període. La motivació de la recerca ve donada per l’interés en el periodisme i la història. El treball es divideix en dues grans parts; la primera d’aproximació al marc històric, i la segona, d’anàlisi de la revista. La primera part, consta d’un resum històric del període de la Segona República tan a nivell espanyol com català, d’un breu resum de les principals publicacions de l’època, tan diaris catalans com castellans i d’ideologies molt diverses, d’una breu història de la premsa satírica de Catalunya, des de mitjan segle XIX fins a la II República, i, finalment, una extensa documentació sobre el Be Negre (origen i influencies, redactors i ninotaires, seccions, funcionament, relació del setmanari amb diferents forces polítiques i sindicals). La segona part del treball, el cos central, es basa en l’anàlisi de la revista el Be Negre, a partir dels seus articles i acudits, que tracten alguns dels esdeveniments més rellevants de la Segona República.


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The prevalence of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) and its risk factors are well known in Western countries but few data are available from low- and middle- income countries. We are not aware of systematically collected population- based data on AAA in the African region. We evaluated the prevalence of AAA in a population- based cardiovascular survey conducted in the Republic of Seychelles in 2004 (Indian Ocean, African region). Among the 353 participants aged 50 to 64 years and screened with ultrasound, the prevalence of AAA was 0.3% (95% CI: 0- 0.9) and the prevalence of ectatic dilatations of the abdominal aorta was 1.5% (95% CI: 0.2- 2.8). The prevalence of AAA in the general population seemed lower in Seychelles than in Western countries, despite a high prevalence in Seychelles of risk factors of AAA, such as smoking (in men), high blood pressure and hypercholesterolaemia.


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Giardia duodenalis cysts obtained from fresh fecal samples, fecal samples kept under refrigeration and fecal samples treated with formalin were studied as to their floatability on sucrose solutions with the following specific gravities: 1,040 kg/m3; 1,050 kg/m3; 1,060 kg/m3; 1,070 kg/m3; 1,080 kg/m3; 1,090 kg/m3; 1,100 kgm3; 1,150 kg/m3; 1,200 kg/m3; and 1,250 kg/m3, contained within counting-chambers 0.17 mm high. Cysts that floated on and those settled down as sediments were counted, and had their percentages estimated. Sucrose solutions of 1,200 kg/m3 specific gravity (the average specific gravity of diluting liquids employed in floatation techniques) caused to float 77.7%, 78.4% and 6.6% of the G. duodenalis cysts obtained, respectively, from fresh fecal samples, fecal samples kept under refrigeration, and fecal samples treated with formalin. Cysts obtained both from fresh fecal samples and fecal samples kept under refrigeration presented similar results concerning floatability. It was observed, however, that the treatment of feces with formalin diminished the cysts floatability under the various specific gravities studied. This results should influence, the recommendations for transport and storage of fecal samples used for parasitological coproscopy.


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The objective of this study is to determine the extent of the problem of poly-drug (multiple-drug) use among patients receiving methadone. The study investigated levels and patterns of cocaine and cannabis use in opiate dependent patients receiving methadone treatment. This research also examines risks associated with injecting cocaine. A total number of 851 methadone patients receiving treatment for opiate related problems participated in the survey from a total number of 1082 patients receiving treatment in these clinics. This figure accounts for 80.1%. Participants reported the frequency and intensity of cocaine and cannabis use. Data collected showed that 42% of the methadone patients are using cannabis on a daily basis and that 77.47% had a history of cocaine use. The figure of cocaine use is an important indicator of the level and extent of cocaine use. It is valuable from a public health perspective to assess needs, and to plan and evaluate services. The survey concluded that cocaine abuse is emerging as a problem in the Irish drug sceneThis resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Previous studies reported on the association of left ventricular mass index (LVMI) with urinary sodium or with circulating or urinary aldosterone. We investigated the independent associations of LVMI with the urinary excretion of both sodium and aldosterone. We randomly recruited 317 untreated subjects from a white population (45.1% women; mean age 48.2 years). Measurements included echocardiographic left ventricular (LV) properties, the 24-hour urinary excretion of sodium and aldosterone, plasma renin activity (PRA), and proximal (RNa(prox)) and distal (RNa(dist)) renal sodium reabsorption, assessed from the endogenous lithium clearance. In multivariable-adjusted models, we expressed changes in LVMI per 1-SD increase in the explanatory variables, while accounting for sex, age, systolic blood pressure, and the waist-to-hip ratio. LVMI increased independently with the urinary excretion of both sodium (+2.48 g/m(2); P=0.005) and aldosterone (+2.63 g/m(2); P=0.004). Higher sodium excretion was associated with increased mean wall thickness (MWT: +0.126 mm, P=0.054), but with no change in LV end-diastolic diameter (LVID: +0.12 mm, P=0.64). In contrast, higher aldosterone excretion was associated with higher LVID (+0.54 mm; P=0.017), but with no change in MWT (+0.070 mm; P=0.28). Higher RNa(dist) was associated with lower relative wall thickness (-0.81x10(-2), P=0.017), because of opposite trends in LVID (+0.33 mm; P=0.13) and MWT (-0.130 mm; P=0.040). LVMI was not associated with PRA or RNa(prox.) In conclusion, LVMI independently increased with both urinary sodium and aldosterone excretion. Increased MWT explained the association of LVMI with urinary sodium and increased LVID the association of LVMI with urinary aldosterone.


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Purpose: To determine the evolution of fear of falling, and its relationship with gait performance after a 10-week gait and balance training program. Population and methods: Participants (N=50) were community-dwelling elderly persons enrolled voluntarily in a 10-week, low intensity, gait and balance training program. At baseline, fear of falling was assessed using a previously validated version of Tinetti's Fall Efficacy Scale (FES, range 0-120, higher score indicating higher confidence), that assesses one's confidence in performing 12 activities of daily life without falling. Gait parameters were measured over a 20m walk at preferred gait speed, using the Physilog system (Aminian K, et al., J Biomechanics, 2002). This system uses 4 kinematics sensors attached to the lower limbs and a data logger carried by the subject. Follow-up data on fear of falling and gait were collected one week after completion of the program. Results: Overall, 43 (86%) of the participants completed the program. Mean age was 78.1 years, 79% were women. At baseline, mean FES score was 98.8 (range 58-120) and mean gait speed was 0.92 m/sec (range 0.43-1.47). At follow-up, participants modestly improved their FES score (98.8±17.0 vs 103.2±16.0, P=.04) and gait speed (0.92±0.27 vs 0.99±0.26 m/sec, P<.01). In secondary analyses stratified by subject's baseline FES, those with lower than average confidence (N=21) improved significantly both FES score (84.4±11.8 vs 94.5±17.9, P<.01) and gait speed (0.79±0.26 vs 0.90±0.28 m/sec, P<.01), while no similar improvement was observed in subjects (N=22) with higher baseline confidence (112.5±6.6 vs 111.5±7.5, P=.56 and 1.03±0.22 vs 1.07±0.21 m/sec, P=.41). After adjustment for age, gender and baseline gait speed, subjects with lower baseline confidence had higher odds than the others to improve their confidence (AdjOR=10.8, 95%CI 1.8- 64.8 P=.01) and gait speed (AdjOR=3.3, 95%CI 0.6-19.7, P=.19) at follow-up. Conclusions: This pilot program of low intensity exercise modestly improved participants' fear of falling and gait speed. Interestingly, subjects with higher baseline fear of falling seemed more likely to benefit. Despite methodological limitations (pre-post comparisons, small sample), these results suggest that measuring fear of falling might be useful to better target subjects most likely to benefit from similar programs.


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Aproximació diagnòstica quantitativa-qualitativa per conèixer els termes sobre Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació més usats per dos diaris en la seva versió en línia i estudiar com són concebuts i expressats en el discurs mediàtic. En els mitjans la majoria dels termes tecnològics usats tenen una significació discordant causa de la concepció imprecisa d'Internet per Web, concepció que no obeeix a una sinonímia sinó al generalitzat enteniment d'Internet com a mitjà de comunicació i no com a infraestructura, noció que reprèn i legitima l'ús merament instrumental de les Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació a la societat.