1000 resultados para 02292053 Live_tow-17
Estudaram-se os efeitos da aplicação de reguladores de crescimento no peso da matéria seca, conteúdo de água, carboidratos solúveis e açúcares redutores em plantas de algodoeiro. Para se verificar a ação dos fitoreguladores, sementes de algodoeiro foram imersas durante 22 horas em soluções aquosas de cloreto (2-cloroetil) trimetilamônio (CCC) na concentração de 2000 ppm, ácido succínico -2,2-dimetilhidrazida (SADH) 4000 ppm, ácido giberélico (GA) 100 ppm, ácido indolilacético (IAA) 100 ppm e água como controle. CCC 2000 ppm reduziu o peso da matéria seca e aumentou o conteúdo de água nas folhas das plântulas de algodoeiro. Este retardador de crescimento reduziu o teor de carboidratos solúveis totais nas folhas das plantas tratadas. Ácido giberélico 100 ppm promoveu aumentos nos níveis de açúcares redutores totais nas plantas e o IAA 100 ppm reduziu o teor de açúcares redutores. carboidratos solúveis totais nas folhas das plantas tratadas. Ácido giberelico 100 ppm promoveu aumentos nos níveis de açúcares redutores totais nas plantas e o IAA 100 ppm reduziu o teor de açúcares redutores.
Verificaram-se os efeitos da aplicação de reguladores de crescimento na porcentagem de materia seca, aminoácidos livres totais e compostos fenólicos nas folhas de algodoeiro 'lAC-l7'. Para se estudar a ação dos fitoreguladores, sementes de algodoeiro foram imersas durante 22 horas em soluções aquosas de cloreto (2-cloroetil) trimetilamônio (CCC) na concentração de 2000 ppm, ácido succínico-2,2-dimetilhidrazida 4000 ppm, ácido giberélico 100 ppm, ácido indolilacético (IAA) 100 ppm e água como controle. Plântulas com 33 dias de idade foram coletadas, sendo em seguida realizada a amostragem de folhas em laboratório, para efetuar-se a extração dos compostos. Observou-se que CCC 2000 ppm promoveu aumento no peso seco das folhas de algodoeiro. Esse retardador de crescimento aumentou o conteúdo de aminoácidos livres totais nas folhas estudadas. IAA 100 ppm reduziu a concentração de aminoácidos, nas plantas tratadas. O teor de fenóis totais nas folhas de Gossypium hirsutum foi aumentado por efeito do CCC com relação ao controle.
Magdeburg, Univ., Med. Fak., Diss., 2015
herausgegeben von Ralf Regener
Total urinary neutral 17-steroids were determined in normal and in castrated horses. One liter of a 15-26 hours urine collection was hydrolysed by refluxing with 10% HC1 (v/v) for ten minutes and extracted with peroxyde-free ethyl ether. The extract was purified by washing with saturated NaHCO³ and KOH solutions. One half of the crude neutral fraction was fractionated with Girard's "T" reagent . The Zimmermann reaction was performed both in the ketonic and in the crude neutral extracts, using alcoholic 2.5N KOH and a 60 minutes period for the colour development in the dark. Optical density measuments were made in a grating Coleman Universal Spectrophotometer at 420 mµ and 520mµ; for the crude neutral fraction a colour correction equation was applied. The aliquot fraction used for colorimety was adjusted for keeping optical density measurements within the range 0.2 to 0.7. Androsterone (mp. 184-184.5°C) with an absorption maximum at 290.5 mµ (Beckman Model DU Spectrophotometer) was used as a reference standard. Table I, ilustrates the results obtained. At the 0.05 probability level there is a significant difference among castrated and normal group means (Fischer's "t" test.) when were used the data obtained from the ketonic fractions; in spite of the use of a colour correction applied for inespecific chromogens, the same results could not be obtained with the crude neutral fractions, Since Girard's reagent fractionation is generaly accepted as the best method for correcting the inespecific chromogen interference in the determination of the 17-ketosteroids by the Zimmermann reaction, we emphasize the value of the results obtained with the ketonic fractions. From these results it appears, as occurs in others mammals, that castrated horses show a lower level of urinary 17-ketosteroids excretion than the normal horses. The significance of the horse testis contribution for the neutral urinary steroid metabolites is discussed. Since horse urine has a low androgenic activity, the fractionation of the neutral 17-ketosteroids must be studied more accurately.
There are two forms of orosomucoid (ORM) in the sera of most individuals. They are encoded by two separate but closely linked loci, ORM1 and ORM2. A number of variants have been identified in various populations. Duplication and nonexpression are also observed in some populations. Thus, the ORM system is very complicated and its nomenclature is very confusing. In order to propose a new nomenclature, ORM variants detected by several laboratories have been compared and characterized by isoelectric focusing (IEF) followed by immunoprinting. A total of 57 different alleles including 17 new ones were identified. The 27 alleles were assigned to the ORM1 locus, and the others to the ORM2 locus. The designations ORM*F1, ORM1*F2, ORM1*S and ORM2*M were adopted for the four common alleles instead of ORM1*1, ORM1*3, ORM1*2 and ORM2*1 (ORM2*A), respectively. The variants were designated alpha numerically according to their relative mobilities after IEF in a pH gradient of 4.5-5.4 with Triton X-100 and glycerol. For the duplicated genes a prefix is added to a combined name of two alleles, e.g. ORM1*dB9S. Silent alleles were named ORM1*Q0 and ORM2*Q0 conventionally. In addition, the effects of diseases to ORM band patterns after IEF are also discussed.