983 resultados para -monoidal categories


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The effect of the first brand recalled compared to later brand name recall has been explored in this research. In category cued recall events, the first brand recalled has greater linkages to associations in memory, and is a brand to which consumers are disposed more positively. In addition, the first brand recalled does not inhibit recall of competing brands, but has a facilitating effect on the number, positiveness and uniqueness of associations to the brand name. This concept was explored across three product categories: that of a fast-moving consumer good, a service and a durable. In addition, the first brand recalled was related to the last brand purchased for the services category.<br />


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A method of determining inter-rater reliability when there are multiple raters, nominal rating categories and several cases is described and applied in the development of an instrument for auditing the ANZCMHN (1995) standards of practice for mental health nursing in New Zealand. Clinical statements (n=41) from the O&rsquo;Brien et al (2002a, 2003) study, which reflected nursing behaviours contributing to the achievement of the standards of practice, were used to audit consumer files. During two Phases, the clinical indicator statements were refined and rules for judging the achievement of each statement from case note documentation were established. The resultant statements have adequate inter-rater reliability for the assessment of nursing practice with respect to the ANZCMHN (1995) standards of practice.<br />


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Cancer Survival in Australia 1992-1997 is the first national analysis of how cancer survival varies by socioeconomic status and geographic region. It presents an analysis of five-year relative survival proportions by geographic category and socioeconomic status for persons diagnosed with cancer during the years 1992-1997.This analysis is presented by age and sex for all cancers (Excluding non-melanocytic skin cancers) combined and for the following National Health Priority Area cancers - colorectal cancer, cancer of the lung, melanoma, cancer of the breast (females only), cancer of the cervix, cancer of the prostate, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.This report is the third in a series of three reports on relative survival after being diagnosed with cancer. It is an important reference for all those interested in the health of Australians.


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Most classification schemes in common use are actually categorization schemes which fall somewhere on a continuum between unstructured, uncontrolled lists of terms and formal classifications. Over time, terms change meaning and acquire new definitions. This paper presents the results of an approach that used the librarianship principle of consensus to form categories of terms and to relate those categories using a domain reference group. Boisot's Social Learning Cycle (SLC) was then used as a model with which to explain category variations. The single study undertaken in this investigation demonstrated the value of the SLC for explaining the variations between reference group members, and showed the potential for explaining category changes over time. This identifies areas in which consensus is breaking down or emerging, allowing for focused maintenance of categorical schemes.


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Em um ambiente global dinmico e competitivo, muitas empresas notam que constante desenvolvimento e lanamento de novos produtos so atividades-chave para seu crescimento e sobrevivncia. Hoje, um dos maiores desafios enfrentados por tais empresas envolve saber como agir em um mundo em que tanto o escopo como a estrutura do ambiente competitivo esto em constante mudana, e em que reestruturaes e mudanas de portflio so centrais para as companhias que visam capitalizar com o crescimento global. Tanto o rpido ritmo de inovao tecnolgica quando a crescente afluncia de economias emergentes apresentam riscos e oportunidades para as empresas, o que torna importante no apenas que estas estejam atentas ao lanamento de produtos de ltima gerao para mercados desenvolvidos: faz-se tambm necessrio que saibam como lanar produtos antigos para novos mercados. Usando o mercado brasileiro como um exemplo, esta dissertao procurou estudar como multinacionais tm utilizado anncios publicitrios no lanamento, para novos mercados, de categorias e subcategorias de produtos j vendidas em outros pases. Aps uma reviso da literatura disponvel, do desenvolvimento de proposies, e da avaliao destas atravs de trs estudos de caso, foi possvel verificar a existncia de alguma linearidade entre os casos e a literatura estudada, incluindo: uma busca pela legitimao da categoria que precede quela pela da marca; o uso de especialistas para a legitimao da categoria; o uso de apelos baseados em argumentos; e a divulgao de mais de uma caracterstica de produto por anncio. No entanto, dadas algumas discrepncias entre o que foi observado nos casos e aquilo descrito na literatura consultada, tambm foi possvel verificar que a maneira como os anncios so feitos em diferentes lugares depende igualmente do cenrio competitivo enfrentado pela empresa, bem como de variantes econmicas e culturais especficas da localidade em questo.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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This article investigates which semantic categories, as defined in Functional Discourse Grammar, formally manifest themselves in a sample of native languages of Brazil, and the extent to which the distribution of these manifestations across categories can be described systematically in terms of implicational hierarchies. The areas subjected to investigation are basic interrogative words, basic demonstrative words, and nominalization strategies.


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Background: We aimed to verify the association of risk behavior aggregation in different categories of physical activity (PA) with the presence of cardiovascular risk factors (RF) employees at a public university. Method. We analyzed data of 376 employees, which were visited in their workplace for measurement of weight, height and questionnaires to identify the risk behaviors and risk factors. Chi-square test was used to analyze the association between the dependent and independent variables and binary logistic regression was used to construct a multivariate model for the observed associations. Results: Associations were found between the aggregation of following risk behaviors: smoking, alcohol consumption and physical inactivity, considered in different categories of PA, and the increase in RF, except for the presence of hypertriglyceridemia. Individuals with two or more risk behaviors in occupational PA category are more likely to be hypertensive (3.04 times) and diabetes (3.44 times). For the free time PA category, these individuals were 3.18 times more likely to have hypercholesterolemia and for locomotion PA, more likely to be hypertensive (2.42 times) and obese (2.51 times). Conclusion: There are association between the aggregation of two or more risk behaviors and the presence of cardiovascular RF. 2013 Bernardo et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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INTRODUO: Estudos epidemiolgicos sobre a distribuio genotpica do HCV na Amaznia Brasileira so escassos. Baseado nisto, determinamos o padro de distribuio genotpica do HCV em diferentes categorias de exposio no Estado do Par, Amaznia Brasileira. MTODOS: Estudo transversal foi realizado com 312 indivduos infectados pelo HCV, pertencentes a diferentes categorias de exposio atendidas pelo HEMOPA, CENPREN e uma clnica privada de hemodilise em Belm. Eles foram testados quanto presena de anticorpos anti-HCV por teste imunoenzimtico, RNA-HCV utilizando PCR em tempo real e genotipados atravs de anlise filogentica da 5' UTR. Os grupos de populaes foram caracterizados epidemiologicamente de acordo com dados coletados em breve entrevista ou consulta de pronturios mdicos. RESULTADOS: Em todas as diferentes categorias de exposio ao HCV, foram encontrados predomnio do gentipo 1. A distribuio genotpica do HCV em doadores de sangue (BD) foi constituda pelos gentipos 1 (94%) e 3 (6%). Todos os pacientes com doenas hematolgicas crnicas (PCHD) possuam gentipo 1. A distribuio genotpica em usurios de drogas ilcitas (DU) foi constituda pelos gentipos 1 (59,6%) e 3 (40,4%). Em pacientes em hemodilise (PUH) foram detectados os gentipos 1 (90,1%), 2 (3,3%) e 3 (6,6%). Finalmente, a frequncia entre os gentipos 1 e 3 foi significativamente diferente entre os grupos: BD e DU, PUH e DU, PUH e PCHD, e PCHD e DU. CONCLUSES: A frequncia genotpica e distribuio de HCV em diferentes categorias de exposio no Estado do Par mostraram predominncia do gentipo 1, independentemente do possvel risco de infeco.


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Um mtodo quantitativo para se estimar o consumo alimentar e o aporte energtico das diferentes categorias alimentares apresentado atravs da reconstruo das presas ingeridas com base em estruturas corporais no digerveis. Para tal, o presente estudo estabelece, atravs do exame dos contedos estomacais de 1.086 exemplares dissecados de Macrodon ancylodon (Bloch & Schneider, 1801), Stellifer rastrifer (Jordan, 1889) e Stellifer naso (Jordan, 1889), as equaes das relaes funcionais entre o peso das presas e estruturas corporais. Com as categorias reconstrudas foi possvel quantificar o alimento ingerido pelos espcimes. Os resultados indicaram que existe uma marcada diferena, tanto na composio das categorias alimentares, bem como no aporte energtico acompanhando o desenvolvimento ontognico do predador.