977 resultados para -Compact categories
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Humans can recognize categories of environmental sounds, including vocalizations produced by humans and animals and the sounds of man-made objects. Most neuroimaging investigations of environmental sound discrimination have studied subjects while consciously perceiving and often explicitly recognizing the stimuli. Consequently, it remains unclear to what extent auditory object processing occurs independently of task demands and consciousness. Studies in animal models have shown that environmental sound discrimination at a neural level persists even in anesthetized preparations, whereas data from anesthetized humans has thus far provided null results. Here, we studied comatose patients as a model of environmental sound discrimination capacities during unconsciousness. We included 19 comatose patients treated with therapeutic hypothermia (TH) during the first 2 days of coma, while recording nineteen-channel electroencephalography (EEG). At the level of each individual patient, we applied a decoding algorithm to quantify the differential EEG responses to human vs. animal vocalizations as well as to sounds of living vocalizations vs. man-made objects. Discrimination between vocalization types was accurate in 11 patients and discrimination between sounds from living and man-made sources in 10 patients. At the group level, the results were significant only for the comparison between vocalization types. These results lay the groundwork for disentangling truly preferential activations in response to auditory categories, and the contribution of awareness to auditory category discrimination.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to determine whether tumor location proximal or distal to the splenic flexure is associated with distinct molecular patterns and can predict clinical outcome in a homogeneous group of patients with Dukes B (T3-T4, N0, M0) colorectal cancer. It has been hypothesized that proximal and distal colorectal cancer may arise through different pathogenetic mechanisms. Although p53 and Ki-ras gene mutations occur frequently in distal tumors, another form of genomic instability associated with defective DNA mismatch repair has been predominantly identified in the proximal colon. To date, however, the clinical usefulness of these molecular characteristics remains unproven. METHODS: A total of 126 patients with a lymph node-negative sporadic colon or rectum adenocarcinoma were prospectively assessed with the endpoint of death by cancer. No patient received either radiotherapy or chemotherapy. p53 protein was studied by immunohistochemistry using DO-7 monoclonal antibody, and p53 and Ki-ras gene mutations were detected by single strand conformation polymorphism assay. RESULTS: During a mean follow-up of 67 months, the overall five-year survival was 70 percent. Nuclear p53 staining was found in 57 tumors (47 percent), and was more frequent in distal than in proximal tumors (55 vs. 21 percent; chi-squared test, P < 0.001). For the whole group, p53 protein expression correlated with poor survival in univariate and multivariate analysis (log-rank test, P = 0.01; hazard ratio = 2.16; 95 percent confidence interval = 1.12-4.11, P = 0.02). Distal colon tumors and rectal tumors exhibited similar molecular patterns and showed no difference in clinical outcome. In comparison with distal colorectal cancer, proximal tumors were found to be statistically significantly different on the following factors: mucinous content (P = 0.008), degree of histologic differentiation (P = 0.012), p53 protein expression, and gene mutation (P = 0.001 and 0.01 respectively). Finally, patients with proximal tumors had a marginally better survival than those with distal colon or rectal cancers (log-rank test, P = 0.045). CONCLUSION: In this series of Dukes B colorectal cancers, p53 protein expression was an independent factor for survival, which also correlated with tumor location. Eighty-six percent of p53-positive tumors were located in the distal colon and rectum. Distal colon and rectum tumors had similar molecular and clinical characteristics. In contrast, proximal neoplasms seem to represent a distinct entity, with specific histopathologic characteristics, molecular patterns, and clinical outcome. Location of the neoplasm in reference to the splenic flexure should be considered before group stratification in future trials of adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with Dukes B tumors.
We extend the basic concepts of Street's formal theory of monads from the setting of 2-categories to that of double categories. In particular, we introduce the double category Mnd(C) of monads in a double category C and dene what it means for a double category to admit the construction of free monads. Our main theorem shows that, under some mild conditions, a double category that is a framed bicategory admits the construction of free monads if its horizontal 2-category does. We apply this result to obtain double adjunctions which extend the adjunction between graphs and categories and the adjunction between polynomial endofunctors and polynomial monads.
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The socalled enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) O serogroups include typical and atypical EPEC, enterohaemorrragic E. coli, enterotoxigenic E. coli, and enteroaggregative E. coli. The aim of this article is to review the composition of each O serogroup and the major serotypes, clones, and additional virulence characteristics of each of these diarrheageniccategories. Their adherence patterns and genetic relationships are also presented. The review is based on the study of 805 strains of serogroups O26, O55, O86, O111, O114, O119, O125, O126, O1127, O128, and O142 most of which isolated in São Paulo from children with diarrhea between 1970 and 1990. Since some O serogroups include more than one diarrheageniccategory O serogrouping only should be abandoned as a diagnostic method. However serotyping is a reliable method for those serotypes that correspond to clones.
Analysis of a complete disjunctive table in which all the questions have the same set of categories.
In this paper, we compute the triangular spectrum (as de fined by P. Balmer) of two classes of tensor triangulated categories which are quite common in algebraic geometry. One of them is the derived category of G-equivariant sheaves on a smooth scheme X, for a fi nite group G. The other class is the derived category of split superschemes.
We present a compact portable biosensor to measure arsenic As(III) concentrations in water using Escherichia coli bioreporter cells. Escherichia coli expresses green fluorescent protein in a linearly dependent manner as a function of the arsenic concentration (between 0 and 100 μg/L). The device accommodates a small polydimethylsiloxane microfluidic chip that holds the agarose-encapsulated bacteria, and a complete optical illumination/collection/detection system for automated quantitative fluorescence measurements. The device is capable of sampling water autonomously, controlling the whole measurement, storing and transmitting data over GSM networks. We demonstrate highly reproducible measurements of arsenic in drinking water at 10 and 50 μg/L within 100 and 80 min, respectively.
Compact expressions, complete through second order in electrical and/or mechanical anharmonicity, are given for the dynamic dipole vibrational polarizability and dynamic first and second vibrational hyperpolarizabilities. Certain contributions not previously formulated are now included
Tämä insinöörityö tehtiin SEW Industrial Gears Oy:lle, joka valmistaa hammasvaihteita teollisuuden eri sovellutuksiin. Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää modulaarinen paisuntaastiasarja compact -sarjan teollisuusvaihteeseen. Työn alkuvaiheessa käytössä oli kahdenlaisia paisunta-astioita: kosteissa oloissa käytettävä suljettu astiamalli ja kuiviin olosuhteisiin soveltuva malli. Koska käytössä oleva suljettu astiamalli oli kallis ja kuivien olosuhteiden mallin käyttö oli rajoitettu, oli uudelle modulaariselle paisunta-astialle selkeä tarve. Uuden astiamallin tuli olla yhteensopiva vaihteen yleisimpien varusteiden ja asennusasentojen kanssa. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli puolittaa uuden konseptin hinta vanhaan verrattuna ja paikata vanhoissa konstruktioissa olleita puutteita. Työ aloitettiin analysoimalla olemassa olevat paisunta-astiatyypit, minkä jälkeen paisuntaastialle ideoitiin uusia ominaisuuksia. Toisessa vaiheessa perehdyttiin modulaariseen järjestelmään sekä öljynpaisunnan teoriaan teollisuusvaihteessa. Viimeisessä vaiheessa tehtiin konseptin varsinainen suunnittelutyö, valittiin astian valmistustapa ja materiaali sekä optimoitiin hinta. Uudesta mallista valmistettiin myös prototyyppi, jotta suunniteltua tuotetta päästiin kokeilemaan myös käytännössä. Näin voitiin varmistaa tuotteen toimivuus. Suunnittelutyön tuloksena saatiin uuden paisunta-astiasarjan piirustukset tarvittavista osista ja kokoonpanoista sekä komponenttistandardi ja myyntiä tukevaa materiaalia. Käytännön osuus antoi tietoa laskelmien oikeellisuudesta sekä öljyn täyttöön ja paisuntaan liittyvistä asioista.
Exploratory and descriptive study based on quantitative and qualitative methods that analyze the phenomenon of violence against adolescents based on gender and generational categories. The data source was reports of violence from the Curitiba Protection Network from 2010 to 2012 and semi-structured interviews with 16 sheltered adolescents. Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS software version 20.0 and the qualitative data were subjected to content analysis. The adolescents were victims of violence in the household and outside of the family environment, as victims or viewers of violence. The violence was experienced at home, mostly toward girls, with marked overtones of gender violence. More than indicating the magnitude of the issue, this study can give information to help qualify the assistance given to victimized people and address how to face this issue.