1000 resultados para Àrees temàtiques de la UPC::Ensenyament i aprenentatge::Ensenyament universitari
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This work presents an analysis of the assessment tools used by professors at the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya to assess the generic competencies introduced in the Bachelor’s Degrees in Engineering. In order to conduct this study, a survey was designed and administered anonymously to a sample of the professors most receptive to educational innovation at their own university. All total, 80 professors responded to this survey, of whom 26% turned out to be members of the university’s own evaluation innovation group (https://www.upc.edu/rima/grups/grapa), GRAPA. This percentage represents 47% of the total GRAPA membership, meaning that nearly half of the professors most concerned about evaluation at the university chose to participate. The analysis of the variables carried out using the statistical program SPSS v19 shows that for practically 49% of those surveyed, rubrics are the tools most commonly used to assess generic competencies integrated in more specific ones. Of those surveyed, 60% use them either frequently or always. The most frequently evaluated generic competencies were teamwork (28%), problem solving (26%), effective oral and written communication (24%) and autonomous learning (13%), all of which constitute commonly recognized competencies in the engineering profession. A two-dimensional crosstabs analysis with SPSS v19 shows a significant correlation (Asymp. Sig. 0.001) between the type of tool used and the competencies assessed. However, no significant correlation was found between the type of assessment tool used and the type of subject, type of evaluation (formative or summative), frequency of feedback given to the students or the degree of student satisfaction, and thus none of these variables can be considered to have an influence on the kind of assessment tool used. In addition, the results also indicate that there are no significant differences between the instructors belonging to GRAPA and the rest of those surveyed
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Postprint (author’s final draft)
Postprint (author’s final draft)
Postprint (author’s final draft)
Aquest informe recull els 228 treballs publicats per 177 investigadors/es del Campus de Terrassa en revistes indexades al Journal Citation Report durant el 2013
Conté bibliografia específica sobre 6 revistes d'arquitectura i urbanisme: Architectural Design, The Architectural Record, The Architectural Review, L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, Casabella, Domus, i també d'altres revistes importants dins les dues disciplines.
Infografia que descriu el procediment a seguir per complir amb el requisit de publicació en accés obert dels projectes finançats pel programa Horitzó 2020 o pel Ministeri d'Economia i Competitivitat d'Espanya
El E.S.S. té com a objectiu establir les bases tècniques per fixar els paràmetres de la prevenció de riscos professionals durant la realització dels treballs d’execució de les obres del Projecte objecte d’estudi, així com complir amb les obligacions que es desprenen de la Llei 31 / 1995 i del RD 1627 / 1997, amb la finalitat de facilitar el control i el seguiment dels compromisos adquirits al respecte per part dels Contractistes.
La teor\'\ı a de Morales–Ramis es la teor\'\ı a de Galois en el contextode los sistemas din\'amicos y relaciona dos tipos diferentes de integrabilidad:integrabilidad en el sentido de Liouville de un sistema hamiltonianoe integrabilidad en el sentido de la teor\'\ı a de Galois diferencial deuna ecuaci\'on diferencial. En este art\'\i culo se presentan algunas aplicacionesde la teor\'\i a de Morales–Ramis en problemas de no integrabilidadde sistemas hamiltonianos cuya ecuaci\'on variacional normal a lo largode una curva integral particular es una ecuaci\'on diferencial lineal desegundo orden con coeficientes funciones racionales. La integrabilidadde la ecuaci\'on variacional normal es analizada mediante el algoritmode Kovacic.