910 resultados para (geodetic) thickness or volume changes


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Hypertension is a key risk factor for stroke, cardiovascular disease and dementia. Although the link between weight, sodium and hypertension is established in younger people, little is known about their inter-relationship in people beyond 80 years of age. Associations between blood pressure, anthropometric indices and sodium were investigated in 495 apparently healthy, community-living participants (age 90, SD 4.8; range 80–106), from the cross-sectional Belfast Elderly Longitudinal Free-living Aging STudy (BELFAST) study. In age-sex-adjusted logistic regression models, blood pressure =140/90 mmHg significantly associated with body mass index (BMI) [odds ratio (OR)?=?1.28/ kg/m2], with weight (OR?=?1.22/kg) approaching significance (P?=?0.07). In further age-sex-adjusted models, blood pressure above the 120/80 mmHg normotensive reference value significantly associated with BMI (OR?=?1.44/kg/m2), weight (OR?=?1.36/kg), skin-fold-thickness (OR?=?1.33/mm) and serum sodium (OR?=?1.37 mmol/l). In BELFAST participants over 80 years old, blood pressure =140/90 mmHg is associated with BMI, in apparently similar ways to younger groups.


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Hippocampus and amygdala changes have been implicated in the pathophysiology and symptomatology of both schizophrenia (SCZ) and bipolar disorder (BD). However relationships between illness course, neuropathological changes and variations in symptomatology remain unclear. This investigation examined the associations between hippocampus and amygdala volumes and symptom dimensions in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder patients after their first episode of psychosis. Symptom severity was associated with decreases in hippocampus/amygdala complex volume across groups. In keeping with previous work bilateral hippocampus and amygdala volume reductions were also identified in the SCZ patients while in BD patients only evidence of amygdala inflation reached significance. The study concludes that there appear to be important relationships between volume changes in the hippocampus and amygdala and dimensions and severity of symptomatology in psychosis. Structural alterations are apparent in both SCZ and BD after first episode of psychosis but present differently in each illness and are more severe in SCZ.


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Purpose: To describe associations between reticular pseudodrusen, individual characteristics, and retinal function.

Design: Cohort study.

Participants: We recruited 105 patients (age range, 52–93 years) who had advanced neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in only 1 eye from 3 clinical centers in Europe.

Methods: Minimum follow-up was 12 months. The eye selected for study was the fellow eye without advanced disease. Clinical measures of vision were distance visual acuity, near visual acuity, and results of the Smith-Kettlewell low-luminance acuity test (SKILL). Fundus imaging included color photography, red-free imaging, blue autofluorescence imaging, fluorescein angiography, indocyanine green angiography, and optical coherence tomography using standardized protocols. These were used to detect progression to neovascular AMD in the study eye during follow-up. All imaging outputs were graded for the presence or absence of reticular pseudodrusen (RPD) using a multimodal approach. Choroidal thickness was measured at the foveal center and at 2 other equidistant locations from the fovea (1500 μm) nasally and temporally. Metrics on retinal thickness and volume were obtained from the manufacturer-supplied automated segmentation readouts.

Main Outcome Measures: Presence of RPD, distance visual acuity, near visual acuity, SKILL score, choroidal thickness, retinal thickness, and retinal volume.

Results: Reticular pseudodrusen was found in 43 participants (41%) on 1 or more imaging method. The SKILL score was significantly worse in those with reticular drusen (mean score ± standard deviation [SD, 38±12) versus those without (mean score ± SD, 33±9) (P = 0.034). Parafoveal retinal thickness, parafoveal retinal volume, and all of the choroidal thickness parameters measured were significantly lower in those with reticular drusen than in those without. The presence of RPD was associated with development of neovascular AMD when corrected for age and sex (odds ratio, 5.5; 95% confidence interval, 1.1–28.8; P = 0.042). All participants in whom geographic atrophy developed during follow-up had visible RPD at baseline.

Conclusions: Significant differences in retinal and choroidal anatomic features, visual function, and risk factor profile exist in unilateral neovascular AMD patients with RPD compared with those without; therefore, such patients should be monitored carefully because of the risk of developing bilateral disease.


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O desenvolvimento de betões de elevado desempenho, durante o início da década de 80, revelou que este tipo particular de materiais com base em cimento é susceptível a problemas de cura. São bem conhecidos os efeitos dos fenómenos autogéneos em sistemas de elevado desempenho com base em cimento, nomeadamente a fissuração em idade jovem. Esta é, aliás vista como a maior limitação no desenvolvimento de novos materiais com durabilidade superior. Desenvolvimentos recentes de métodos de cura interna provaram ser uma boa estratégia de mitigação dos efeitos da auto-dissecação destes sistemas, onde a presente tese ganha o seu espaço no tempo. Este estudo centra-se essencialmente em sistemas de elevado desempenho com base em cimento com cura interna através de partículas superabsorventes, dando particular importância à alteração de volume em idade jovem. Da análise mais aprofundada deste método, resultam algumas limitações na sua aplicabilidade, especialmente em sistemas modificados com sílica de fumo. Conclui-se que a natureza física e química dos polímeros superabsorventes pode afectar significativamente a eficiência da cura interna. Em adição, os mecanismos de cura interna são discutidos mais profundamente, sendo que para além dos mecanismos baseados em fenómenos físicos e químicos, parecem existir efeitos mecânicos significativos. Várias técnicas foram utilizadas durante o decorrer desta investigação, com o objectivo, para além da caracterização de certas propriedades dos materiais, de perseguir as questões deixadas em aberto pela comunidade internacional, relativamente aos mecanismos que fundamentam a explicação dos fenómenos autogéneos. Como exemplo, são apresentados os estudos sobre hidratação dos sistemas para avaliação do problema numa escala microscópica, em vez de macroscópica. Uma nova técnica de cura interna emerge da investigação, baseada na utilização de agregados finos como veiculo para mitigar parcialmente a retracção autogénea. Até aqui, esta técnica não encontra par em investigação anterior, mas a extensão da cura interna ou a eficácia na mitigação baseada neste conceito encontra algumas limitações. A significância desta técnica em prevenir a micro fissuração é um aspecto que está ainda em aberto, mas pode concluir-se que os agregados finos podem ser benéficos na redução dos efeitos da restrição localizada no sistema, reduzindo o risco de micro fissuração. A utilização combinada de partículas finas de agregado e polímeros super absorventes pode ter como consequência betão sem microfissuração, ou pelo menos com nanofissuração.


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Tese de doutoramento, Medicina (Pediatria), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2013


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Bonded unions are gaining importance in many fields of manufacturing owing to a significant number of advantages to the traditional fastening, riveting, bolting and welding techniques. Between the available bonding configurations, the single-lap joint is the most commonly used and studied by the scientific community due to its simplicity, although it endures significant bending due to the non-collinear load path, which negatively affects its load bearing capabilities. The use of material or geometric changes in single-lap joints is widely documented in the literature to reduce this handicap, acting by reduction of peel and shear peak stresses at the damage initiation sites in structures or alterations of the failure mechanism emerging from local modifications. In this work, the effect of hole drilling at the overlap on the strength of single-lap joints was analyzed experimentally with two main purposes: (1) to check whether or not the anchorage effect of the adhesive within the holes is more preponderant than the stress concentrations near the holes, arising from the sharp edges, and modification of the joints straining behaviour (strength improvement or reduction, respectively) and (2) picturing a real scenario on which the components to be bonded are modified by some external factor (e.g. retrofitting of decaying/old-fashioned fastened unions). Tests were made with two adhesives (a brittle and a ductile one) varying the adherend thickness and the number, layout and diameter of the holes. Experimental testing showed that the joints strength never increases from the un-modified condition, showing a varying degree of weakening, depending on the selected adhesive and hole drilling configuration.


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Para garantir que um equipamento opere com segurança e fiabilidade durante o seu ciclo de vida, desde a sua instalação ao desmantelamento, devem ser realizadas inspeções e/ou monitorizações que, dependendo dos dados recolhidos, podem implicar avaliações Fitness- For-Service (FFS) que definirão a necessidade de reparação ou alteração do equipamento ou das condições processuais. A combinação de inspeção ou monitorização com os melhores procedimentos e técnicas de avaliação atuais fazem sobressair insuficiências dos procedimentos mais antigos. Usando métodos mais avançados de avaliação, validados e suportados através de uma vasta experiência de campo, pode-se agora avaliar defeitos nos ativos (equipamentos) e determinar a adequação ao serviço com uma análise FFS. As análises FFS tornaram-se cada vez mais aceites em toda a indústria ao longo dos últimos anos. A norma API 579 - 1/ASME FFS-1: 2007 fornece diretrizes para avaliar os tipos de danos que afetam os equipamentos processuais e a norma API RP 571: 2011 descreve os mecanismos de degradação que afetam os equipamentos nas petroquímicas e refinarias, que incluem os danos por corrosão, desalinhamentos, deformações plásticas, laminações, fissuras, entre outros. Este trabalho consiste na análise de Integridade Estrutural de uma Flare Industrial que surgiu da necessidade real de análise do equipamento no âmbito da atividade profissional do candidato. O estudo realizado a nível profissional é de grande abrangência, incluindo a inspeção do equipamento, identificação da falha ou dano, recolha e registo de dados, definição de estratégia de atuação e seleção de técnicas de avaliação da condição para posterior alteração, reparação ou desmantelamento. Na presente dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica, Ramo Construções Mecânicas, pretende-se efetuar o estudo aprofundado de uma das etapas de projeto, nomeadamente estudar a causa, avaliar a falha e implicações estruturais ou processuais devido à degradação interior do riser de uma flare, com base numa análise FFS, assumindo a operabilidade em segurança e garantindo resolutas condições de funcionamento. A presente análise FFS tem como finalidade validar ou não a integridade atual (avaliação técnica quantitativa) de modo a conhecer se o item em questão é seguro e confiável para continuar a operar em condições específicas durante um período de tempo determinado, tendo em consideração as condições verificadas no ato de inspeção e especificações de projeto, segundo os itens de verificação de segurança estabelecidos na norma EN 1990:2002/A1:2005/AC:2010 e com base na norma API 579-1/ASME FFS-1: 2007. No âmbito do presente trabalho foram realizadas as seguintes tarefas: - Identificar e analisar os mecanismos de degradação com base na norma API RP 571: 2011, face às condições processuais e geométricas que o equipamento em análise está sujeito de modo a perceber a evolução da degradação estrutural e quais as implicações na sua longevidade. - Avaliar e propor soluções de reparação e ou alterações processuais e ou geométricas do equipamento em análise de modo a permitir a continuidade em funcionamento sem afetar as condições de segurança e por conseguinte minimizar ou evitar o elevado custo económico associado a um novo equipamento e tempo de paragem processual. - Assumir limites estruturais face às condições processuais e ações externas ou adjacentes. - Garantir a segurança e qualidade da vida humana ou meio que o rodeia, do equipamento, das instalações, das infraestruturas envolventes e evitar o colapso económico, quer por motivos processuais, quer indeminizações ou agravamento do prémio do seguro. Verificou-se que os resultados serão a base para as alterações inerentes, tais como reforço estrutural, alteração da geometria do defletor, ajuste no tensionamento dos cabos e controlo da espessura mínima, de modo a alargar o período de vida útil da flare com segurança.


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El ejercicio físico de intensidad moderada a exhaustiva genera diferentes tipos de respuestas en un individuo, dichas repuestas dependen del tipo y la duración del ejercicio y de si son agudas o crónicas. A nivel funcional afecta los diferentes sistemas corporales, pero dentro de los relativamente menos tenidos en cuenta está el hematológico. De este último la literatura refiere cambios en el volumen sanguíneo, en la actividad y poblaciones de glóbulos blancos, así como modificaciones en la inmunidad celular y humoral, y en el conteo y forma de las plaquetas. Así mismo, y como resultado de estos cambios, también se ha podido determinar cómo el ejercicio modifica desfavorablemente el tiempo de vida de los eritrocitos generando una aparente anemia, que ha sido materia de amplia discusión y que puede, dentro de múltiples factores, estar asociada a hemólisis, la cual a su vez se relaciona con diferentes factores dentro de los que se destacan mecanismos como el osmótico o el estrés oxidativo; sin embargo, lo cierto es que todos estos eventos están fuertemente relacionadas entre sí y pueden determinar y redundar en un menor rendimiento en el practicante de una determinada actividad física, y por supuesto de un deportista.


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1. Shaver White and ISA Brown pullets were reared to 140 d in groups of 8 in cages on a 10-h photoperiod of incandescent light and maintained at an illuminance of 3 or 25 lux, or transferred from 3 to 25 lux or from 25 to 3 lux at 63 or 112 d of age. 2. There was no significant difference in sexual maturity, measured as eggs per 100 bird.d at 139 and 140 d, for ISA Brown maintained on 3 or 25 lux, but Shaver White pullets exposed to constant 3 lux matured significantly later than those maintained on 25 lux. 3. In Shaver Whites, sexual maturity was significantly delayed by an increase from 3 to 25 lux at 63 and 112 d, and advanced by a decrease from 25 to 3 lux at 112 d. Sexual maturity of ISA Browns was not significantly affected by a change in illuminance at 63 or 112 d, though responses were in the same direction as for Shaver Whites. 4. In both breeds, total feed consumed to 112 d was higher for birds on 3 lux than 25 lux, but lower between 112 d and 140 d when birds on 25 lux underwent rapid sexual development. In both breeds, body weight at 63 d was higher for birds exposed to 3 lux than 25 lux, but body weight gain thereafter was similar for the two light intensities. 5. In both breeds, plasma luteinising hormone (LH) concentration at 63 and 112 d was lower in birds maintained on 3 lux than 25 lux. At 63 and 112 d, transfers from 25 to 3 lux depressed, whereas transfers from 3 to 25 lux at 63 d, but not at 112 d, increased plasma LH. 6. Advances or delays in sexual maturity induced by changes in illuminance were not correlated with differences in feed intake, body weight gain, or with changes in plasma LH. 7. One possible explanation for the inverse relationship between the direction of change in illuminance at 63 and 112 d in pullets exposed to a 10-h photoperiod and the age at which they became sexually mature is that changes in light intensity and/or spectral composition affect the entrainment of the circadian rhythm of photoinducibility, to effect a phase shift in the photoinducible phase and/or the responsiveness of phototransduction pathways.


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In addition to projected increases in global mean sea level over the 21st century, model simulations suggest there will also be changes in the regional distribution of sea level relative to the global mean. There is a considerable spread in the projected patterns of these changes by current models, as shown by the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment (AR4). This spread has not reduced from that given by the Third Assessment models. Comparison with projections by ensembles of models based on a single structure supports an earlier suggestion that models of similar formulation give more similar patterns of sea level change. Analysing an AR4 ensemble of model projections under a business-as-usual scenario shows that steric changes (associated with subsurface ocean density changes) largely dominate the sea level pattern changes. The relative importance of subsurface temperature or salinity changes in contributing to this differs from region to region and, to an extent, from model-to-model. In general, thermosteric changes give the spatial variations in the Southern Ocean, halosteric changes dominate in the Arctic and strong compensation between thermosteric and halosteric changes characterises the Atlantic. The magnitude of sea level and component changes in the Atlantic appear to be linked to the amount of Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC) weakening. When the MOC weakening is substantial, the Atlantic thermosteric patterns of change arise from a dominant role of ocean advective heat flux changes.


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Background: Concerted evolution is normally used to describe parallel changes at different sites in a genome, but it is also observed in languages where a specific phoneme changes to the same other phoneme in many words in the lexicon—a phenomenon known as regular sound change. We develop a general statistical model that can detect concerted changes in aligned sequence data and apply it to study regular sound changes in the Turkic language family. Results: Linguistic evolution, unlike the genetic substitutional process, is dominated by events of concerted evolutionary change. Our model identified more than 70 historical events of regular sound change that occurred throughout the evolution of the Turkic language family, while simultaneously inferring a dated phylogenetic tree. Including regular sound changes yielded an approximately 4-fold improvement in the characterization of linguistic change over a simpler model of sporadic change, improved phylogenetic inference, and returned more reliable and plausible dates for events on the phylogenies. The historical timings of the concerted changes closely follow a Poisson process model, and the sound transition networks derived from our model mirror linguistic expectations. Conclusions: We demonstrate that a model with no prior knowledge of complex concerted or regular changes can nevertheless infer the historical timings and genealogical placements of events of concerted change from the signals left in contemporary data. Our model can be applied wherever discrete elements—such as genes, words, cultural trends, technologies, or morphological traits—can change in parallel within an organism or other evolving group.


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Oscillating biochemical reactions are common in cell dynamics and could be closely related to the emergence of the life phenomenon itself. In this work, we study the dynamical features of some classical chemical or biochemical oscillators where the effect of cell volume changes is explicitly considered. Such analysis enables us to find some general conditions about the cell membrane to preserve such oscillatory patterns, of possible relevance to hypothetical primitive cells in which these structures first appeared.


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We examined the combined effects of exercise and calcium on BMC accrual in pre- and early-pubertal boys. Exercise and calcium together resulted in a 2% greater increase in femur BMC than either factor alone and a 3% greater increase in BMC at the tibia–fibula compared with the placebo group. Increasing dietary calcium seems to be important for optimizing the osteogenic effects of exercise.

Introduction: Understanding the relationship between exercise and calcium during growth is important given that the greatest benefits derived from these factors are achieved during the first two decades of life. We conducted a blinded randomized-controlled exercise–calcium intervention in pre- and early-pubertal boys to test the following hypotheses. (1) At the loaded sites (femur and tibia–fibula), exercise and calcium will produce greater skeletal benefits than either exercise or calcium alone. (2) At nonloaded sites (humerus and radius–ulna), there will be an effect of calcium supplementation.

Materials and Methods:
Eighty-eight pre- and early-pubertal boys were randomly assigned to one of four study groups: moderate impact exercise with or without calcium (Ca) (Ex + Ca and Ex + placebo, respectively) or low impact exercise with or without Ca (No-Ex + Ca and No-Ex + Placebo, respectively). The intervention involved 20 minutes of either moderate- or low-impact exercise performed three times a week and/or the addition of Ca-fortified foods using milk minerals (392 ± 29 mg/day) or nonfortified foods over 8.5 months. Analysis of covariance was used to determine the main and combined effects of exercise and calcium on BMC after adjusting for baseline BMC.

Results: At baseline, no differences were reported between the groups for height, weight, BMC, or bone length. The increase in femur BMC in the Ex + Ca group was 2% greater than the increase in the Ex + placebo, No-Ex + Ca, or No-Ex + Placebo groups (all p < 0.03). At the tibia–fibula, the increase in BMC in the Ex + Ca group was 3% greater than the No-Ex + placebo group (p < 0.02) and 2% greater than the Ex + Placebo and the No-Ex + Ca groups (not significant). No effect of any group was detected at the humerus, ulna–radius, or lumbar spine for BMC, height, bone area, or volume.

In this group of normally active boys with adequate calcium intakes, additional exercise and calcium supplementation resulted in a 2–3% greater increase in BMC than controls at the loaded sites. These findings strengthen the evidence base for public health campaigns to address both exercise and dietary changes in children for optimizing the attainment of peak BMC.


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Objectives: The objectives of this study were to define appropriate criteria for assessing the presence of lymphedema, and to report the prevalence and risk factors for development of upper limb lymphedema after level I-III axillary dissection for melanoma.
Summary Background Data: The lack of a consistent and reliable objective definition for lymphedema remains a significant barrier to appreciating its prevalence after axillary dissection for melanoma (or breast carcinoma).
Methods: Lymphedema was assessed in 107 patients (82 male, 25 female) who had previously undergone complete level I-III axillary dissection. Of the 107 patients, 17 had also received postoperative axillary radiotherapy. Arm volume was measured using a water displacement technique. Change in volume of the arm on the side of the dissection was referenced to the volume of the other (control) arm. Volume measurements were corrected for the effect of handedness using corrections derived from a control group. Classification and regression tree (CART) analysis was used to determine a threshold fractional arm volume increase above which volume changes were considered to indicate lymphedema.
Results: Based on the CART analysis results, lymphedema was defined as an increase in arm volume greater than 16% of the volume of the control arm. Using this definition, lymphedema prevalence for patients in the present study was 10% after complete level I-III axillary dissection for melanoma and 53% after additional axillary radiotherapy. Radiotherapy and wound complications were independent risk factors for the development of lymphedema.
Conclusions: A suggested objective definition for arm lymphedema after axillary dissection is an arm volume increase of greater than 16% of the volume of the control arm.


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The thermoregulatory responses of subjects wearing two different forms of rugby league jersey, one with plastic sponsorship recognition and numbering (trial Gl) and one without (trial G2), and a lightweight alternative (trial G3), were compared with a trial without any form of upper body garment (trial GO). Ten male volunteers, mean age 20.9 (±2.3) years, height 179.8 (±4.7) cm, weight 80.2 (±8.9) kg, and body surface area 1.99 (±0.13) m2, participated in this study. Subjects had a mean maximal oxygen uptake capacity of 56.0 (±6.3) ml.kg.min-1 and a sum of 8 skinfolds of 80.6 (±23.8) mm. Subjects were exercised at approximately 50% of maximal oxygen uptake in a warm humid environment for 50 minutes. Mean ambient temperature was 27.6°C (±0.32) with a relative humidity of 64.7% (±1.44). Measurements of core and skin (7 sites) temperature, heart rate, oxygen uptake, plasma volume, peak lactate concentration, and pre- and post-trial body weight, hematocrit and garment weight were recorded. The statistical results showed that all subjects experienced significant (p ≤.0001) decreases in body weight representing a percentage decrease ranging from 1.2-1.3%. No significant difference was found between trials with respect to body weight change. No significant effect of garment type was found on pre- and post-trial hematocrit, plasma volume changes or peak blood lactic acid concentration. However, mean peak lactate was highest for trial Gl (5.6 mmol.L-1 ±2.2) and lowest for trial G3 (4.6 mmol.L-1 ±1.27). Post-trial core temperature was significantly (p≤ .0001) higher than the resting value; no significant difference was found between trials. The mean absolute increase for all experimental trials was 0.9°C. A significant (p≤.005) difference between mean total (7 sites) skin temperature was found with a post-hoc test revealing that trials Gl and G2 were significantly higher than trial GO; no significant difference was found when comparing trial G3 with trial GO or when comparing the garments between each other. Mean skin temperature under the garment (4 sites) was found to be significantly (p≤.05) higher for all trials involving a garment when compared with mean skin temperature outside (3 sites) the garment; no significant difference was found between trials. Mean oxygen uptake was significantly different between trials (p≤.005), with trial Gl and G3 found to be significantly lower than trial GO; no difference was found when comparing the garments with each other. Post-trial garment weights were significantly (p≤.001) heavier than pre-trial and were significantly (p≤.0001) different when compared with each other. There was no significant effect on heart rate, haematocrit, plasma volume changes, peak blood lactic acid concentration, or core temperature due to garment type. However, differences in skin temperature suggest that the garment used in trial G3 may have a benefit. Further research should consider the impact of increased exercise intensity and/or environmental temperature and humidity on the measured parameters while wearing the garments described in this study.