979 resultados para % of sample area


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It has been suggested that there are significant overlaps between removals due to deregistration and removals arising because patients live outside the practice area. If this is true, it would mean that the current estimates of deregistration would need to be revised upwards. All outside-area removals for the calendar years 2001 and 2002 were reviewed and characterised by age, sex and Jarman score of the enumeration district of the patients' residence and distance from the practice. The average outside-area removal rate was just over one removal per practice per year. Removal rates were highest between the ages of 18 and 44 years; there were no significant differences between the sexes. Rates of removal increased exponentially with distance, although even at marked distances from the practice there were about 10 patients remaining on the list for each one removed. Residents in deprived areas were more likely to be removed, although because areas most distal to the practice tend to be affluent, overall there was a predominance of affluent patients among those who are removed. In Northern Ireland rates of outside-area removal are only slightly higher than those of deregistration. It is evident that GPs are exercising some discretion as to which of the outside-area patients they retain on their list. This has the potential to cause some misunderstanding and resentment among patients, as has been reported previously.


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Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is one of the most potent marine neurotoxins reported. The global distribution of this toxin is spreading with the European Atlantic coastline now being affected. Climate change and increasing pollution have been suggested as underlying causes for this. In the present study, two different sample preparation techniques were used to extract TTX from Trumpet shells and pufferfish samples. Both extraction procedures (accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) and a simple solvent extraction) were shown to provide good recoveries (80-92%). A UPLC-MS/MS method was developed for the analysis of TTX and validated following the guidelines contained in the Commission Decision 2002/657/EC for chemical contaminant analysis. The performance of this procedure was demonstrated to be fit for purpose. This study is the first report on the use of ASE as a mean for TTX extraction, the use of UPLC-MS/MS for TTX analysis, and the validation of this method for TTX in gastropods.


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This paper presents a new technique for the detectionof islanding conditions in electrical power systems. This problem isespecially prevalent in systems with significant penetrations of distributedrenewable generation. The proposed technique is based onthe application of principal component analysis (PCA) to data setsof wide-area frequency measurements, recorded by phasor measurementunits. The PCA approach was able to detect islandingaccurately and quickly when compared with conventional RoCoFtechniques, as well as with the frequency difference and change-ofangledifference methods recently proposed in the literature. Thereliability and accuracy of the proposed PCA approach is demonstratedby using a number of test cases, which consider islandingand nonislanding events. The test cases are based on real data,recorded from several phasor measurement units located in theU.K. power system.


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Permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) of zero-valent iron (Fe0) are increasingly being used to remediate contaminated ground water. Corrosion of Fe0 filings and tbe formation of precipitates can occur when the PRB material comes in contact with ground water and may reduce the lifespan and effectiveness of the barrier. At present, there are no routine procedures for preparing and analyzing the mineral precipitates from Fe0 PRB material. These procedures are needed because mineralogical composition of corrosion products used to interpret the barrier processes can change with iron oxidation and sample preparation. The objectives of this study were (i) to investigate a method of preparing Fe0 reactive barrier material for mineralogical analysis by X-ray diffraction (XRD), and (ii) to identify Fe mineral phases and rates of transformations induced by different mineralogical preparation techniques. Materials from an in situ Fe0 PRB were collected by undisturbed coring and processed for XRD analysis after different times since sampling for three size fractions and by various drying treatments. We found that whole-sample preparation for analysis was necessary because mineral precipitates occurred within the PRB material in different size fractions of the samples. Green rusts quickly disappeared from acetone-dried samples and were not present in air-dried and oven-dried samples Maghemite/magnetite content increased over time and in oven-dried samples, especially after heating to 105°C. We conclude that care must be taken during sample preparation of Fe0 PRB material, especially for detection of green rusts, to ensure accurate identification of minerals present within the barrier system.


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The area planning process continues and formal recommendations arising from it are now being brought forward as development proposals to amalgamate or close schools. At this point in the process the Education Committee requested some comment on five different aspects of the process: the impact of Area Planning to date; the validity of the surplus school vacancy calculation methodology; the Annual Area Profile information; the Needs Model (including as appropriate the implications of the Drumragh judgement); possible enhancements to the consultation and communication process;the facilitation of alternative cross-sectoral or cross-border solutions. This paper offers high level comment on each of these issues. In addition, the Education Committee facilitated a stakeholder consultation meeting in Parliament Buildings on 4 February, 2015. The broad themes that emerged in that discussion will also be mentioned in this paper.


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This paper offers a commentary on the area planning reports form primary schools published by each of the Education and Library Boards (ELB) in June 2014. The format of the reports are broadly similar for each ELB, although there are some differences amongst them. All provide an overview on the policy context for the area planning process, a statistical picture of the schools in the ELB and detail on the issues considered for sets of schools within the ELB.


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The effects of sample solvent composition and the injection volume, on the chromatographic peak profiles of two carbamate derivatives, methyl 2-benzimidazolecarbamate (MBC) and 3-butyl-2,4-dioxo[1,2-a]-s-triazinobenzimidazole (STB), were studied using reverse phase high performance liquid chromatograph. The study examined the effects of acetonitrile percentage in the sample solvent from 5 to 50%, effects of methanol percentage from 5 to 50%, effects of pH increase from 4.42 to 9.10, and effect of increasing buffer concentration from ° to 0.12M. The effects were studied at constant and increasing injection mass and at four injection volumes of 10, 50, 100 and 200 uL. The study demonstrated that the amount and the type of the organic solvents, the pH, and the buffer strength of the sample solution can have a pronounced effect on the peak heights, peak widths, and retention times of compounds analysed. MBC, which is capable of intramolecular hydrogen bonding and has no tendency to ionize, showed a predictable increase .in band broadening and a decrease in retention times at higher eluting strengths of the sample solvent. STB, which has a tendency to ionize or to strongly interact with the sample solvent, was influenced in various ways by the changes in ths sample solvent composition. The sample solvent effects became more pronounced as the injection volume increased and as the percentage of organic solvent in the sample solution became greater. The peak height increases for STB at increasing buffer concentrations became much more pronounced at higher analyte concentrations. It was shown that the widely accepted procedure of dissolving samples in the mobile phase does not yield the most efficient chromatograms. For that reason samples should be dissolved in the solutions with higher aqueous content than that of the mobile phase whenever possible. The results strongly recommend that all the samples and standards, regardless whether the standards are external or internal, be analysed at a constant sample composition and a constant injection volume.


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Division of Marine Biology, Micrbiology and Biochemistry,Cochin University of Science and Technology


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In order to check the damage caused by the parasites, even though it is difficult in open waters, a proper understanding of the seasonal variation in the distribution of the parasite and other factors like age of the host, sex of the host, which affect distribution of parasite is a must. Although several workers have carried out investigations on the taxonomy of metazoan parasites of marine and brackish water Fishes of India, very little attempt is made to correlate such investigations with the host and the environment. In this thesis such an attempt is made by the researcher. In chapter one the literature related to the prevalence, mean intensity of infection, and histopathological changes caused by the metazoan parasites, in particular by helminths, copepods and isopods, was reviewed. Chapter two contains observations on the distribution pattern of parasites in relation to the season, sex, and size of the host. It was found that the prevalence rate of radiorynchus_indicus infecting the alimentary canal of Tachysurugs mgacuglatus, Ergasilus sp. infecting the gills of T maculatus, and Lernaeeniicus ramosus found on the body surface of Qeimgipteirfugs jagonicus was higher during monsoon season. But agarna malayi found in the opercular chamber and Ehilometra cephalus infecting the gonads of valamugil speiglari showed a higher prevalence rate during the postmonsoon season. This was discussed on the basis of the hydrographical characteristics prevailing in the study area during the three different seasons. It was also observed that the sex of the host did not influence significantly the distribution pattern of the parasites. The reasons for this were also discussed. Invariably, the size of the host was found to influence the parasite distribution pattern. It was observed that the prevalence rate showed an increase with increase in size of the fish. This was discussed on the basis of food habits of the host, along with other aspects An attempt was made in chapter three to study the histopathological effects of‘ the various parasites on their respective sites of attachments on host Fishes. It was found that except Rhadinorhyhchugs indicus, all other parasites produced damages of varying intensity, in the form of hypertrophy, rhyperplasia, haemorrhage, tissue disruption and ulcers. Interestingly, E. indicus, an acantho— cephalid with a powerful proboscis for attachment was found not to cause any serious damage to the intestine of the host Fish. All these aspects are included in the third and final chapter of the thesis.


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This is an attempt to understand the important factors that control the occurrence, development and hydrochemical evolution of groundwater resources in sedimentary multi aquifer systems. The primary objective of this work is an integrated study of the hydrogeology and hydrochemistry with a view to elucidate the hydrochemical evolution of groundwater resources in the aquifer systems. The study is taken up in a typical coastal sedimentary aquifer system evolved under fluvio-marine environment in the coastal area of Kerala, known as the Kuttanad. The present study has been carried out to understand the aquifer systems, their inter relationships and evolution in the Kuttanad area of Kerala. The multi aquifer systems in the Kuttanad basin were formed from the sediments deposited under fluvio-marine and fluvial depositional environments and the marine transgressions and regressions in the geological past and palaeo climatic conditions influenced the hydrochemical environment in these aquifers. The evolution of groundwater and the hydrochemical processes involved in the formation of the present day water quality are elucidated from hydrochemical studies and the information derived from the aquifer geometry and hydraulic properties. Kuttanad area comprises of three types of aquifer systems namely phreatic aquifer underlain by Recent confined aquifer followed by Tertiary confined aquifers. These systems were formed by the deposition of sediments under fluvio-marine and fluvial environment. The study of the hydrochemical and hydraulic properties of the three aquifer systems proved that these three systems are separate entities. The phreatic aquifers in the area have low hydraulic gradients and high rejected recharge. The Recent confined aquifer has very poor hydraulic characteristics and recharge to this aquifer is very low. The Tertiary aquifer system is the most potential fresh water aquifer system in the area and the groundwater flow in the aquifer is converging towards the central part of the study area (Alleppey town) due to large scale pumping of water for water supply from this aquifer system. Mixing of waters and anthropogenic interferences are the dominant processes modifying the hydrochemistry in phreatic aquifers. Whereas, leaching of salts and cation exchange are the dominant processes modifying the hydrochemistry of groundwater in the confined aquifer system of Recent alluvium. Two significant chemical reactions modifying the hydrochemistry in the Recent aquifers are oxidation of iron in ferruginous clays which contributes hydrogen ions and the decomposition of organic matter in the aquifer system which consumes hydrogen ions. The hydrochemical environment is entirely different in the Tertiary aquifers as the groundwater in this aquifer system are palaeo waters evolved during various marine transgressions and regressions and these waters are being modified by processes of leaching of salts, cation exchange and chemical reactions under strong reducing environment. It is proved that the salinity observed in the groundwaters of Tertiary aquifers are not due to seawater mixing or intrusion, but due to dissolution of salts from the clay formations and ion exchange processes. Fluoride contamination in this aquifer system lacks a regional pattern and is more or less site specific in natureThe lowering of piezometric heads in the Tertiary aquifer system has developed as consequence of large scale pumping over a long period. Hence, puping from this aquifer system is to be regulated as a groundwater management strategy. Pumping from the Tertiary aquifers with high capacity pumps leads to well failures and mixing of saline water from the brackish zones. Such mixing zones are noticed from the hydrochemical studies. This is the major aquifer contamination in the Tertiary aquifer system which requires immediate attention. Usage of pumps above 10 HP capacities in wells taping Tertiary aquifers should be discouraged for sustainable development of these aquifers. The recharge areas need to be identified precisely for recharging the aquifer systems throughartificial means.


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Micromirror arrays are a very strong candidate for future energy saving applications. Within this work, the fabrication process for these micromirror arrays has been optimized and some steps for the large area fabrication of micromirror modules were performed. At first the surface roughness of the insulation layer of silicon dioxide (SiO2) was investigated. This SiO2 thin layer was deposited on three different type of substrates i.e. silicon, glass and Polyethylene Naphthalate (PEN) substrates. The deposition techniques which has been used are Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD), Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) and Ion Beam Sputter Deposition (IBSD). The thickness of the SiO2 thin layer was kept constant at 150nm for each deposition process. The surface roughness was measured by Stylus Profilometry and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). It was found that the layer which was deposited by IBSD has got the minimum surface roughness value and the layer which was deposited by PECVD process has the highest surface roughness value. During the same investigation, the substrate temperature of PECVD was varied from 80° C to 300° C with the step size of 40° C and it was found that the surface roughness keeps on increasing as the substrate holder temperature increases in the PECVD process. A new insulation layer system was proposed to minimize the dielectric breakdown effect in insulation layer for micromirror arrays. The conventional bilayer system was replaced by five layer system but the total thickness of insulation layer remains the same. It was found that during the actuation of micromirror arrays structure, the dielectric breakdown effect was reduced considerably as compared to the bilayer system. In the second step the fabrication process of the micromirror arrays was successfully adapted and transferred from glass substrates to the flexible PEN substrates by optimizing the conventional process recipe. In the last section, a large module of micromirror arrays was fabricated by electrically interconnecting four 10cm×10cm micromirror modules on a glass pane having dimensions of 21cm×21cm.


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The financial crisis has exposed the need to devise stronger and broader international and regional safety nets in order to deal with economic and financial shocks and allow for countries to adjust. The euro area has developed several such mechanisms over the last couple of years through a process of trial and error and gradual enhancement and expansion. Their overall architecture remains imperfect and leaves areas of vulnerabilities. This paper provides an overview of the recent financial stability mechanisms and their various shortcomings and tries to brush the outline of a more comprehensive safety net architecture that would coherently address the banking, sovereign and external imbalances crises against both transitory and more permanent shocks. It aims to provide a roadmap for further improvements of the current mechanism and the creation of new devices including a banking resolution mechanism and amore powerfulmechanismto provide financial assistance addressing both the sovereign and external dimensions of the shocks thereby reducing the need for the ECB to fill the current void.