954 resultados para zygotic embryos
In this study, the reproductive behavior exhibited by Arenaeus cribrarius in captivity was described, and the duration of each behavioral stage was measured. Swimming crabs were trawled in Ubatuba, northern littoral of São Paulo State, Brazil, and maintained in aquaria. Water conditions and food items were provided according to this species' natural requirements in the wild. In the presence of premolt females, intermolt males exhibited a courtship display that became intensified when the potential mate was visually perceived. After mate selection, the male carried the female under itself (precopulatory position) for 29.8 +/- 5.1 d until the female molted. Afterwards, the male manipulated the recently molted female, and inverted her position under itself as to penetrate her with his first pair of pleopods (copulation), a process that took 17.1 +/- 4.6 h. After copulation the male continued to carry his soft-shelled mate for 29.7 +/- 5.8 d (postcopulatory position). The time elapsed between copulation and spawning was 57.8 +/- 3.8 d and the time interval between successive spawns 33.8 +/- 7.1 d. Total embryonic development took 13.5 +/- 2.1 d in temperature conditions of 25.0 +/- 2.0 degrees C. During the last 4.7 +/- 1.4 d embryos' eyes were already visible. The reproductive behavior pattern in A. cribrarius is very similar to those previously described in other portunids.
The embryonic development of oothecae of Periplaneta americana was evaluated under four different constant temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 degrees C and also at different exposure times at <5 degrees C. Their suitability as hosts after the treatment for the parasitoids Evania appendigaster and Aprostocetus hagenowii was also assessed. Temperatures of 5, 10, 15, and 35 degrees C adversely affected the development of the cockroaches, and exposure times to <5 degrees C longer than 5 days sufficed to kill all the embryos in the oothecae. The lower thermal threshold for complete development of P. americana was estimated to be 6.8 degrees C, with a required total amount of 900.9 degree-days. Cold-killed oothecae were still fit for the development of parasitoids. Parasitism rates of A hagenowii were higher than those of E appendigaster, although with lower emergence rates. Our results can be useful in aiding mass-rearing of these parasitoids for biological control programmes of A americana, and may help forecast the time of emergence of nymphs of American cockroaches in infested areas. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A origem dos embriões supranumerários e a embriogenia de Tabebuia ochracea foram analisadas. Embriões supranumerários apomíticos têm origem adventícia a partir de células da hipóstase e do tegumento da região micropilar do óvulo. A embriogenia corresponde ao tipo Onagrado. Das 233 sementes dissecadas 81,37% apresentaram poliembrionia e foram encontrados até sete embriões em uma mesma semente. Aparentemente, embriões sexuais e adventícios podem se desenvolver juntos, numa mesma semente. Alguns dos embriões adventícios apresentam alterações morfoanatômicas graves que podem prejudicar seu desenvolvimento em plântulas.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The reproductive biology of the Brazilian sharpnose shark, Rhizoprionodon lalandii, off southeastern Brazil was investigated using data from gillnet landings. The size-at-maturity for males and females was estimated to be 59 and 62 cm total length (LT), respectively. Ovarian fecundity ranged from 3 to 7 follicles (mean = 4.S4), and uterine fecundity from 1 to S embryos (mean = 3.3). There was a slight positive relationship between female LT and the number of ovarian follicles, but uterine fecundity was not related to female LT. Embryonic growth is fast following fertilization during summer and autumn. Gestation requires 11 - 12 months, and peak parturition is between August and September. A comparison of size-at-maturity between animals from northeastern and southeastern Brazil suggests the existence of at least two stocks of R. lalandii along the Brazilian coast.
Males of the South American treefrog Aplastodiscus perviridis construct concealed subterranean nests. Using a complex courtship behavior that involves tactile stimuli and vocalizations, males guide the females to the subterranean nests where eggs are laid. Embryos and facultatively oophagous tadpoles (at least in stage 25) stay in subterranean nests until flooding transports them to ponds or streams. This is a rare reproductive mode previously known for few species in the Hyla albosignata and H. albofrenata complexes. Based on similarities of reproductive mode we suggest a monophyletic origin for Aplastodiscus and these complexes of Hyla.
We review the information currently available on the reproduction of the Amphisbaenia and provide original data on the reproductive biology of four Neotropical species: Amphisbaena alba; A. mertensi; Cercolophia roberti, and Leposternon infraorbitale. In total, we compiled data for 22 species: 17 Amphisbaenidae, 1 Rhineuridae, 3 Bipedidae, and 1 Trogonophidae. The majority of the species were oviparous with the exceptions of Loveridgea ionidesii, Monopeltis anchietae, M. capensis, and Trogonophis wiegmanni. Viviparity was interpreted as a derived trait that evolved independently for at least 3 times within the Amphisbaenia. In most species, reproduction is synchronized with the hot and rainy season and seems to vary with latitude. Although Amphisbaenia eggs have been found in ant nests, it remains disputable whether this is an obligatory or even a preferable location for egg-laying. Incubation time in A. mertensii lasts 59 days and this is the first report encompassing egg-laying to hatching for any Amphisbaenia species. Nonetheless, a two months incubation period seems to be the common rule for oviparous Amphisbaenia. The general pattern of reproductive output in Amphisbaenia is characterized by a low number of eggs/embryos per clutch whose individual size is comparatively large in relation to adult body size. Eggs are markedly elongated on the long axis and arranged in-line within the abdominal cavity possibly to prevent/diminish biomechanic drawbacks of egg bearing. Hatchlings of A. mertensi possess an egg-tooth implanted at the upper jaw, exhibit positive geotropism, and display defensive behaviors known to be present in adults. Our review shows that our current knowledge of Amphisbaenia reproduction is fragmentary, often based on the examination of small samples, and heavily dependent on the publication of anedoctal observations. Future publications on this subject are encouraged.
Quatro úteros provenientes de quatro fêmeas prenhas e dois indivíduos recém-nascidos de anequim, Isurus oxyrinchus, foram coletados na região Sudeste do Brasil durante os meses de setembro a novembro de 1993 e 1994. Todos os embriões estavam bem desenvolvidos, próximos ao estágio de nascimento, apresentando a dentição e órgãos internos bastante desenvolvidos. O comprimento total desses embriões variou entre 64,5 e 72,0 cm, e o maior número de embriões observado no interior de uma única fêmea foi 20. As observações aqui realizadas confirmam a oofagia como forma de nutrição dos embriões dessa espécie e sua periodicidade. A presença de dentes no estômago dos embriões sugere que a substituição dos dentes se inicia na fase uterina.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)