971 resultados para wastewater


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Sewage sludge from wastewater treatment contains organic matter and plant nutrients that can play an important role in agricultural production and the maintenance of soil fertility, The present study has aimed to evaluate the degree of humification following sewage sludge application of soil organic matter by laser-induced fluorescence and humic acids using ultraviolet-visible fluorescence, and including comparison with Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and elemental analysis. Sewage sludge applications to the soil caused a decrease in the degree of humification of the soil organic matter and humic acids for both a Typic Eutrorthox (clayey) soil and a Typic Haplorthox (sandy) soil of around 14 and 27%, respectively. This effect is probably clue to incorporation of newly formed humic substances from the sewage sludge into the characteristics of less humified material, and to the indigenous soil humic substances. The minor alterations observed in the clay soil probably occurred due to both the greater mineral association, which better stabilized the indigenous soil organic matter, and the higher microbial activity in this soil, which accelerated sewage sludge mineralization. Sewage sludge applications increased the C content for the clay and sandy soils by 7.4 and 15.4 g kg(-1), respectively, suggesting a positive effect on these two soils.


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In areas of Australia where viticultural operations have been limited by lack of an acceptable irrigation water source, considerable expansion has occurred through the use of recycled wastewater. Despite this rapid expansion, little is known of the potential impacts of the water’s chemical constituents on soil properties, or the long-term sustainability of the vineyards using the water. In order to establish the impacts of drip irrigated recycled wastewater on a vineyard in Great Western, Australia, a study comparing the soils from the vineyard inter-row and row area was undertaken. Chemical and physical properties of the soil with varying distances from the drip emitter were also investigated. During the irrigation season, significant differences between the inter-row and row area were found for several chemical parameters including pH(1:5soil/water) (P<0.001), electrical conductivity (EC1:5) (P<0.001), water-soluble sodium (WS Na+) (P<0.001), and water-soluble chloride (WS Cl-) (P<0.001). This paper will discuss differences observed between soil properties of the inter-row and vine row area, as well as the spatial distribution of solutes under the drip emitter.


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The chemical and physical speciation of arsenic in a small pond that receives wastewater from a gold mine operation in western Victoria, Australia was studied using differential pulse polarography. By using different sample pretreatments, distinction between the physical states (dissolved or particulate As), between the oxidation states (As(III) or As(V)), and between the degrees of lability (labile or strongly bound) was achieved. The results are interpreted in terms of the physicochemical properties with reference to the use of the pond as a settlement dam for gold mining effluent. The speciation of arsenic was found to vary markedly with the physicochemical properties of the water. A model for the behavior of arsenic in the pond is proposed.


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A major concern in solvent extraction processes is the loss of extractant into the aqueous phase due to its slight solubility in the aqueous phase. Similarly, in membrane extraction processes, extractant loss through extractant leakage from the membrane into the aqueous phase is also a concern. Several published membrane extraction studies using Aliquat 336 as the extractant, have expressed this concern, but none has studied extractant leakage quantitatively. It is the authors’ opinion that the extractant leakage should be considered as a technical parameter of a membrane. In our laboratory active progress has been made in using Aliquat 336 ‘entangled’ into the polymer membranes to remove heavy metal ions from wastewater samples. In this work, we studied the loss of Aliquat 336 from the point of view of its solubility in aqueous solutions. The results showed that the solubilities of Aliquat 336 in an aqueous phase acidified with 2 M HCl is about 0.1 g/100 m/ of the solution. This figure provides a useful guideline for evaluating the leakage of the Aliquat 336 extractant from the membranes.


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Photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) process is an effective way to deal with organic pollutants in wastewater which could be difficult to be degraded by conventional biological treatment methods. Normally the TiO2 powder in nanometre size range was directly used as photocatalyst for dye degradation in wastewater. However the titanium dioxide powder was arduous to be recovered from the solution after treatment. In this application, a new form of TiO2 (i.e. pillar pellets ranging from 2.5 to 5.3 mm long and with a diameter of 3.7 mm) was used and investigated for photocatalytic degradation of textile dye effluent. A test system was built with a flat plate reactor (FPR) and UV light source (blacklight and solar simulator as light source respectively) for investigating the effectiveness of the new form of TiO2. It was found that the photocatalytic process under this configuration could efficiently remove colours from textile dyeing effluent. Comparing with the TiO2 powder, the pellet was very easy to recovered from the treated solution and can be reused in multiple times without the significant change on the photocatalytic property. The results also showed that to achieve the same photocatalytic performance, the FPR area by pellets was about 91% smaller than required by TiO2 powder. At least TiO2 pellet could be used as an alternative form of photocatalyst in applications for textile effluent treatment process, also other wastewater treatment processes.


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Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the mining and mineral processing industries and must incorporate the associated waste products. Acid mine drainage (AMD) is one such by-product and is one of the most serious environmental problems facing the minerals industry today. The oxidation of sulphidic mine wastes often continues for a substantial period of time after mine closure, resulting in difficult and costly remediation and rehabilitation works. Mining companies are often reluctant to spend increasing amounts of money on waste treatment when the mine life is limited or even finished. Hence a simple, low maintenance and low-cost method of treating AMD is required. Whilst this paper does not address the issue of AMD, it does propose methods for removal of individual species from AMD with potential benefits, including raising AMD pH.

A novel concept of using biosolids as a biological adsorbent, or ‘biosorbent’, of metals from AMD is being investigated at a laboratory/pilot scale level. Biosolids are a by-product resulting from the biological treatment of wastewater, and have been previously shown to adsorb metals from aqueous solutions. This could lead to an environmentally sustainable or ‘green’ method for treating both AMD discharges and disposing/reusing the biosolids.

The result of a laboratory-scale study of the biosorption of Zn(II) is presented in this paper. Physical parameters including reaction kinetics, mixing speed and solution pH were investigated. Solution pH also rose an average of 2 pH units over the 24 hour equilibrium time – a valuable side effect when treating acid mine drainage. The outcome of the study highlights the usefulness of biosolids as a biosorbent for the removal/recovery of metal ions from acid mine drainage. A simple, low-cost treatment technology requiring low maintenance would be beneficial to the mining industry to address some issues relating to AMD and would help integrate environmental and economic considerations into sustainable environmental management.


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The majority of on-site sewage management systems in Australia fail to perform to expectations. About 60% to 80% of on-site systems reportedly fail to produce acceptable effluent quality, and there is an increaed concern about the risks associated with public health and environmental pollution. In Victoria, a large proportion of septic tank installations have been reported to discharge highly polluted waste to drains and streams. Users, often considered by regulators as operators, have to bear the costs of upgrade/replacement of their old systems to meet stringent water quality guidelines. Some of the common problems include clogging of the disposal fields due to solids and organic overloading and surfacing of highly polluted effluent. Large land application area is subsequently required for irrigating the effluent and/or installation of upgraded disposal fields.
This paper investigates the effectiveness of various types of textile and plastic media, in polishing primary tank effluent, downstream from a typical two-compartment septic tank system. Results to date show that high biochemical oxygen demand removal rates are achieved from the textile and plastic media (up to 86% and 83% respectively). At these removal levels, the performance of a combined conventional septic tank system and plastic/textile filters is comparable to that of an advanced aerated wastewater treatment system. This approach, subject to further investigation, could provide a less costly upgrade.


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Recently, a family was denied the right to subdivide their four-hectare property on the outskirts of Melbourne, Victoria into nine residential allotments ranging in size from 4000 m2 to 6600 m2. Unsuccessful applications and approaches in the past, prior to our commissioning in late 2003, had been rejected on the basis of assessments of poor land capability, onerous wet weather storage requirements and a curious 60 m buffer from a nearby intermittent watercourse. Restriction on the type of interim wastewater systems deemed suitable for five allotments was also a major issue. The site did not have mains power and had no sewer connections. The water authority and Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (V CAT) order, prior to commissioning of the authors, asserted that "reticulated sewer is the preferred infrastructure for the area under investigation". However, the requirements imposed followed the letter of the guidelines rather than the principles. Various professional reports had already been produced on behalf of both the client and the regulator. A review of these indicated that the project had not been assessed in accordance with standard practices, had unusually restrictive assumptions, and did not accord with government policies on ecologically sustainable development.
The paper highlights the importance of sustaining professional and ethical practices to avoid costly litigation. Some professionals may have been in breach of the Institution of Engineers' Code of Ethics; others may have been in need of professional development. The question also arises whether the regulator had sought to use these adverse reports in order to satisfy unrelated planning issues.
While the writers managed to succeed in convincing the VCAT that these restrictions were unnecessary, the client ultimately had to comply with the regulator's wishes because of financial pressures. This unnecessary regimentation raises the issue of how best to safeguard lay people of moderate means against the practices of professional people who know or should know better.


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Australia is a water-stressed nation and demand on potable water supply is increasing. Consequently water conservation and reuse are increasingly becoming important. Irrigation of recycled wastewater on water repellent soils is a technology that is being trialled as a means of improving crop production and conserving potable supply. However, recycled water contains potentially harmful heavy metals. This paper reports the competitive sorption and desorption of several common heavy metals found in soils collected from a farm located in the south-east of South Australia. The soil from this location is severely water repellent, but some sites were amended with kaolinite clay (Si4Al4O10(OH)8) about 7 and 15 years ago. The metals studied were Cu, Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, and Zn. Competitive sorption of the metals was distinctly observed. For all heavy metals, the quantity of metal sorbed was higher in amended soil, and there was a strong correlation between the specific sorption to total sorption ratio and the amount of clay in the soil. The sorption intensities varied with metal, Cr, Pb, and Cu having a high sorption tendencies and Zn, Cd, and Ni having comparatively low sorption tendencies. The total sorption capacity for all metals increased in clay-treated soils compared with non-treated soils. On average, clay-amended water repellent soils had a 20–40% increased capacity to adsorb total metals; however, this increase was largely caused by the increased capacities to adsorb Zn, Cd, and Ni. The effect of clay treatment largely enhanced the sorption capacity of relatively weakly adsorbing heavy metals. The implications for using recycled wastewater on the long-term sustainable agro-environmental management of these soils are discussed.


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Reverse osmosis (RO) membranes can be used to treat ground water, surface water and wastewater, but a major problem in RO membrane applications is fouling. Many studies have investigated the mechanisms of fouling in RO membranes and suggested various methods to control the membrane fouling. This paper reviews several aspects of RO membranes, such as the types of membrane fouling, their effects on RO membrane processes and fouling control technologies, focussed on the appropriate feed pretreatment technologies and cleaning methods, especially on the membrane filtration pretreatment processes, including microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF) and nanofiltration (NF), which are the new trends in designing a pretreatment system in the application of RO.


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This study assessed the sustainability of utilising groundwater systems to
manage an aluminium smelter's fluoridated trade wastewater stream. Replacing ocean discharge of the wastewater with land irrigation is one option. Using a groundwater model (developed using MODFLOW incorporating parameter estimation software (PEST-ASP)), we found that most of the groundwater flow takes place through surface sands. Fluoride is adsorbed in these sands during the drier summer months, but desorption is rapid when winter rain flushes the aquifer. Underlying clays and other layers prevent significant contamination of the deeper aquifer.


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Three field sites were chosen to study the environmental assimilative capacity of heavy metals in soil. These sites were the Werribee Farm and the Myome Farm in Australia and Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area in China. The Werribee Farm and the Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area received sewage treatment and application on land for a long time. The Myome farm is an experimental site in which investigations on land application of municipal wastewater on water repellent soils is currently being trailed. Heavy metal contamination, in particular Cr, Cu and Zn, in the Land Filtration soil of Werribee Farm was widespread. More than a century of sewage irrigation has occurred in the Werribee Farm. The temporal distribution pattern of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) in the soil at this site follow an exponential trend with time and the spatial distribution pattern of accumulation of heavy metals in different paddocks correlates with the number of years of sewage irrigation at that site in the Farm. Extensive sewage irrigation at Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area resulted in significant Cd pollution in soil-plant (rice) system and poses a significant threat to the health of local people. Even after eight years since cessation of sewage irrigation, the bioavailable fractions of Cd in the soil as analyzed by sequential extraction techniques were very high thus illustrating long-term persistence. The simultaneous competitive adsorption of metals in water repellent soils (at Myome Farm in South Australia) was studied. In the competitive situation, Cr, Pb and Cu are the heavy metal cations more strongly adsorbed by the soil, whereas Cd, Ni and Zn are the least adsorbed. The increase in Freundlich adsorption capacity by clay amendment suggested that clayed soils are capable sorption of higher heavy metal loadings compared to the non-clayed water repellent soil, which is more vulnerable to heavy metal inputs. A simple model of environmental assimilative capacity is proposed. The results of comparison of the three field sites shows that the Werribee Farm has a higher environmental assimilative capacity of heavy metals in soil than the soils at Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area and Myome Farm, however heavy metal contamination at Werribee Farm is still a concern. The model of environmental assimilative capacity of heavy metals in soil is an effective tool to assist management of effluent applied land irrigation systems and can be used to better design environmental engineering systems.


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Through extensive laboratory and field based analysis of soil chemical and physical processes, this research identified and addressed key management issues associated with the sustainable irrigation of municipal wastewater onto sandy water repellent soils, overlaying a shallow aquifer, in an environmentally significant coastal system.


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Investigates tha application of polymer membranes in industrial wastewater treatment. Several novel membrane systems have been developed. The new systems overcome the problems of low extractant capacity and slow rate of extraction of the traditional membrane system. These new systems offer significant scope for the treatment of industrial wastewater containing heavy metal ions.