991 resultados para upwind compact difference scheme


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A diode pumped injection seeded single-longitudinal-mode (SLM) Nd:YAG laser is achieved by using the resonance-detection technique in Q-switching operation. The pulsed oscillator laser uses a folded cavity to achieve compact construction. This system operates at 100 Hz and provides over 20 mJ/pulse of single-frequency 1064 nm output. The M-2 values of horizontal and vertical axes are 1.58 and 1.41, respectively. The probability of putting out single-longitudinal-mode pulses is 100%. The 355 nm laser output produced by frequency tripling has a linewidth less than 200 MHz. The laser can run over eight hours continually without mode hopping.


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O amendoim cultivado (Arachis hypogaea) possui várias substâncias com capacidade antioxidante que apresentam efeitos benéficos para a saúde humana. Entretanto, a produção dessas substâncias ainda não foi observada em outras espécies do gênero. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o estabelecimento de sistemas de cultura in vitro para Arachis villosulicarpa, visando o desenvolvimento de alternativas para a produção metabólitos especiais. Segmentos nodais, internodais e foliares foram excisados de plantas in vitro e inoculados em meio MS suplementado com BAP, ANA, PIC ou 2,4-D. Os explantes apresentaram respostas distintas de acordo com o regulador de crescimento utilizado. Na presença de PIC, foi observada a formação de calos friáveis levemente oxidados em todos os explantes. Por outro lado, quando cultivados na presença de BAP ou 2,4-D, os explantes apresentaram a formação de calos compactos, com formação de brotos em diferentes taxas. Na presença de ANA, segmentos nodais e internodais não apresentaram resposta, enquanto que segmentos foliares apresentaram a formação de raízes adventícias em todas as concentrações testadas. Neste trabalho foi realizado uma avaliação comparativa da produção de metabólitos especiais e da atividade biológica em extratos de calos oriundos de folíolos inoculados em BAP 8,8 M, plantas in vitro e plantas ex vitro . Nas análises por meio do HPTLC e do HPLC foi possível demonstrar a diferença na produção de algumas substâncias e indicar a presença de flavonóides e polifenóis nos materiais analisados. Além disso, a partir das atividades biológicas foi possível identificar tanto a atividade antioxidante quanto a não mutagênica dos extratos. Dessa forma, estudos visando à detecção de metabólitos especiais em A. villosulicarpa podem expandir o conhecimento sobre as possibilidades de utilização de espécies do gênero Arachis.


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[EU]Gradu Amaierako lan honetan, enpresen gizarte erantzukizunak azkenaldian hartu duen garrantzia kontuan hartuta, kontzeptu hau jorratuko da eta eremu honetan burututako ekimen ezberdinen artean bat aukeratuko da, honen garapena eta inplementazioa aztertzeko. Hain zuzen ere, lan honetan erabiliko den ekimena, Munduko Hitzarmena edo Global Compact-a izango da. Hau, nazioarte mailako ekimen bat izanik, 10 printzipio proposatzen ditu, lau eremu ezberdinetan banatuz: Giza eskubideak, lan-arauak, ingurumena eta ustelkeriaren kontrako borroka. Bukatzeko, Global Compact-a aplikatzen duten sektore ezberdinetako hiru enpresa aukeratuko dira eta bakoitza dimentsio bat aztertzeko erabilia izango da, soziala, ekonomikoa eta ingurumenekoa hurrenez hurren. Azkenik, lanean zehar aztertutakoa kontuan hartuta zein ondoriotara iritsi garen adieraziko da.


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By using a pump recycling configuration, the maximum power of 8.1 W in the wavelength range 1.935-1.938 mu m is generated by a 5-mm long Tm:YAlO3 (4 at. %) laser operating at 18 degrees C with a pump power of 24 W. The highest slope efficiency of 42% is attained, and the pump quantum efficiency is up to 100%. The Tm:YAlO3 laser is employed as a pumping source of singly-doped Ho(l%):GdVO4 laser operating at room temperature, in which continuous wave output power of greater than 0.2 W at 2.05 mu m is achieved with a slope efficiency of 9%.


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For the first time, a high optical quality Yb3+-doped lutetium pyrosilicate laser crystal Lu2Si2O7 (LPS) was grown by the Czochralski (Cz) method. The segregation coefficient of ytterbium ion in Yb:LPS crystal detected by the inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer (TCP-AES) method is equal to 0.847. X-ray powder diffraction result confirms the C2/m phase monoclinic space group of the grown crystal and the peaks corresponding to different phases were indexed. The absorption and fluorescence spectra, as well as fluorescence decay lifetime of Yb3+ ion in LPS have been investigated. The absorption and fluorescence cross-sections of the transitions F-2(7/2) <-> F-2(5/2) of Yb3+ ion in LPS crystal have been determined. The advantages of the Yb:LPS crystal including high crystal quality, quasi-four-level laser operating scheme, high absorption cross-sections (1.33 x 10(-2) cm(2)) and particularly broad emission bandwidth (similar to 62 nm) indicated that the Yb:LPS crystal seemed to be a promising candidate used as compact, efficient thin chip lasers when LD is pumped at 940 and 980 nm due to its low-symmetry monoclinic structure and single crystallographic site. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We reported on a diode end-pumped AO Q-switched Tm:YAP laser at 1937 nm. The average output power was 3.9 W, with a slope efficiency of 29.4% and optical-optical conversion efficiency of 21.6% at a 5-kHz repetition rate. The temperature dependency of the output power and the pulse width at different repetition rates were investigated in details.


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The report looks at trends developing in the area of the Lancashire River Authority which will, by the turn of the century, bring tremendous pressures to bear on its natural resources, particularly land and water. It looks at difficulties maintaining an environment suitable for all, human or otherwise, including construction of energy plants and increasing population. It explores the scheme of harnessing water on Morecambe Bay, including fishery advantages and disadvantages. The report looks at fish deaths and diseases in Morecambe Bay and the Lancashire area, providing statistics.