991 resultados para thorax radiography


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Die vorliegende Arbeit gewährte neue Einblicke in zwei fundamentale Vorgänge der frühen Neurogenese von Drosophila melanogaster. Der erste Teil untersuchte die zeitliche Spezifizierung der Neuroblastenidentitäten. Durch die Expression verschiedener Gene entlang der Dorsoventral- und der Anterioposteriorachse wird ein kartesisches Koordinatensystem aufgebaut, indem ein Neuroblast (NB), der in einem bestimmten Quadranten entsteht, eine spezifische Identität erhält. Die Delamination der NBs erfolgt in fünf Segregationswellen, wobei in jeder Welle die gleiche Population NBs gebildet wird. In dieser Arbeit konnte nun gezeigt werden, dass es nicht nur einen räumlichen, sondern auch einen zeitlichen Aspekt bei der Entstehung der NBs gibt: So zeigten Transplantationsexperimente, dass sowohl im frühen als auch im späten Neuroektoderm extrinsische induktive Signale an der Spezifizierung der Neuroblastenidentität beteiligt sind. Die Natur dieser Signale bleibt noch unklar. Allerdings stellen die Segmentpolaritätsgene aufgrund ihrer dynamischen Expression eine potenzielle Kandidatengruppe dar. Der zweite Teil beschäftigte sich mit der segmentalen Spezifizierung der Neuroblasten. Für diesen Prozess zeigten frühere Genexpressionsstudien, dass NBs, die zwar an korrespondierenden Positionen innerhalb des kartesischen Systems, aber in unterschiedlichen Segmenten gebildet werden, die gleichen Genexpressionsmuster aufweisen und fast identische Zellstammbäume hervorbringen. Einige dieser seriell homologen NBs generieren jedoch segmentspezifische Zellstammbäume – ein solches Beispiel ist der NB6-4, der als Modellsystem benutzt wurde. Für die thorakale Variante dieses NBs konnte ich zeigen, dass die Homöotischen Gene zur Spezifizierung nicht notwendig sind – thorakales Schicksal ist eine Grundidentität. Diese wird in abdominalen Segmenten jedoch durch die Funktion der Homöotischen Gene abdominal-A (abd-A) und Abdominal-B (Abd-B) in abdominales Schicksal transformiert. Dieser segmentale Unterschied wird durch die Regulation des Zellzyklusgens CycE bewerkstelligen. Genauer: CycE ist notwendig, um neurogliales Schicksal in thorakalen Segmenten zu generieren und ausreichend, dieses Schicksal ebenfalls in abdominalen Segmenten zu erzeugen. Eine direkte Inhibierung der Expression von CycE durch Abd-A in abdominalen Segmenten führt dagegen zu einer differenziellen Expression von CycE im neuronalen thorakalen Anteil des Zellstammbaums. Weiterhin konnten in einem Enhancerelement, das für die Expression von CycE im Nervensystem verantwortlich ist, mehrere Bindestellen für Abd-A und Abd-B gefunden werden. Die gewonnen Daten legen – in Verbindung mit bereits bekannten Ergebnissen – den Schluss nahe, dass diese neuronspezifizierende Funktion von CycE unabhängig von seiner Rolle im Zellzyklus ist.


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The aim of this study is to evaluate the pulmonary function in subjects with diagnosis of Turner Syndrome, in charge at the Syndromology Ward of the Paediatric Clinic of S.Orsola-Malpighi hospital. There are very few datas about lung function in patients with Turner syndrome’s genotype and phenotype in medical literature. Since the thorax of these subjects have peculiar anatomic shape (as “shield” or “overturned triangle”), we presupposed that these subjects could have also a peculiar respiratory function. Moreover we look for the possibility of correlation between pulmonary function and estroprogestinic replacement therapy and/or growth hormone (GH) replacement therapy. Material and methods: we studied 48 patients, with diagnosis of Turner Syndrome; they all made spirometry voluntarily and, when capable, also plethismografy. Results: - the parametres of pulmonary function are a little higher of the predicted values for age and sex but they are a little lower if they're corrected for each patient’s ideal high and weight: so we can conclude that in Turner Syndrme subjects pulmonary function is normal; -there’s not a statistically significant correlation between pulmonary function and GH therapy; -there’s not a statistically significant correlation between GH therapy’s length and pulmonary function except for Total Lung Capacity which increases with the number of years of GH therapy; - there’s not a statistically significant correlation between pulmonary function and estroprogestinic replacement herapy.


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Numerose evidenze dimostrano che le proprietà dei materiali compositi sono strettamente legate ai processi produttivi, alle tipologie di fibra e resina impiegate nel materiale stesso. Proprietà caratterizzate anche dai difetti contenuti nel materiale stesso. Nella tesi si presta particolare attenzione al processo produttivo con prepreg e autoclave trattando anche il tema della stesura di un ply-book. Si valutano in modo teorico e critico alcuni tra i metodi N.D.T. più avanzati tra cui: P.T.(Penetrant Test), Rx(Radiography Test), UT (Ultrasound Test in Phased Array) e IRT (InfraRed Termography - Pulsata). Molteplici sono i componenti testati che variano tra loro per: tipologia di resina e fibra impiegata, processo produttivo e geometria. Tutti questi componenti permettono di capire come i singoli parametri influenzino la visualizzazione e l'applicabilità delle tecniche N.D.T. sopra citate. Su alcuni provini è stata eseguita la prova meccanica Drop Weight Test secondo ASTM D7136 per correlare le aree di delaminazione indotte e la sensibilità di ogni singolo metodo, visualizzando così la criticità indotta dagli urti con bassa energia di impatto (BVID Barely Invisible Impact)di cui i materiali compositi soffrono durante la "service life". A conclusione del lavoro si potrà comprendere come solo l'analisi con più metodi in parallelo permetta di ottenere una adeguata Probability Of Detection.


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Multidetector row computed tomography over the last decade is commonly used in veterinary medicine. This new technology has an increased spatial and temporal resolution, could evaluate wider scanning range in shorter scanning time, providing an advanced imaging modality. Computed tomography angiographic studies are commonly used in veterinary medicine in order to evaluate vascular structures of the abdomen and the thorax. Pulmonary pathology in feline patients is a very common condition and usually is further evaluating with computed tomography. Up to date few references of the normal computed tomographic aspects of the feline thorax are reported. In this study a computed tomographic pulmonary angiography (CTPA) protocol is reported in normal cats and is compared with the up to date anatomical references. A CTPA protocol using a 64 MDCT in our study achieved high resolution images of the pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins and bronchial lumen till the level of minor segmental branches. Feline pulmonary bronchial parenchyma demonstrates an architecture of mixed type with a monopedial model observed in the most anatomical parts and the dichotomic aspect is seen at the accessory lobe. The arterial and venous architecture is similar to the bronchial. Statistical analysis demonstrates the linear correlation of tracheal diameter to the felines weight. Vascular variations were noticed. The pulmonary venous system enters into the left atrium through three ostia (left cranial ostia: consisted of the anastomosis of the cranial and caudal portion of the left cranial pulmonary vein; right ostia: consisted of the anastomosis of the right cranial and middle pulmonary vein; and the caudal ostia: consisted of the anastomosis of the right and left caudal pulmonary vein). In conclusion CTPA is applicable in feline patients and provides an excellent imaging of the pulmonary arterial, venous and bronchial system till the level of minor segmental branches.


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Natural stones have been widely used in the construction field since antiquity. Building materials undergo decay processes due to mechanical,chemical, physical and biological causes that can act together. Therefore an interdisciplinary approach is required in order to understand the interaction between the stone and the surrounding environment. Utilization of buildings, inadequate restoration activities and in general anthropogenic weathering factors may contribute to this degradation process. For this reasons, in the last few decades new technologies and techniques have been developed and introduced in the restoration field. Consolidants are largely used in restoration and conservation of cultural heritage in order to improve the internal cohesion and to reduce the weathering rate of building materials. It is important to define the penetration depth of a consolidant for determining its efficacy. Impregnation mainly depends on the microstructure of the stone (i.e. porosity) and on the properties of the product itself. Throughout this study, tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) applied on globigerina limestone samples has been chosen as object of investigation. After hydrolysis and condensation, TEOS deposits silica gel inside the pores, improving the cohesion of the grains. X-ray computed tomography has been used to characterize the internal structure of the limestone samples,treated and untreated with a TEOS-based consolidant. The aim of this work is to investigate the penetration depth and the distribution of the TEOS inside the porosity, using both traditional approaches and advanced X-ray tomographic techniques, the latter allowing the internal visualization in three dimensions of the materials. Fluid transport properties and porosity have been studied both at macroscopic scale, by means of capillary uptake tests and radiography, and at microscopic scale,investigated with X-ray Tomographic Microscopy (XTM). This allows identifying changes in the porosity, by comparison of the images before and after the treatment, and locating the consolidant inside the stone. Tests were initially run at University of Bologna, where characterization of the stone was carried out. Then the research continued in Switzerland: X-ray tomography and radiography were performed at Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, while XTM measurements with synchrotron radiation were run at Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen.


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Il presente lavoro è stato svolto presso la struttura di Radioterapia del Policlinico S. Orsola - Malpighi e consiste nella caratterizzazione di un sistema di acquisizione per immagini portali (EPID) come dosimetro relativo bidimensionale da usare nei controlli di qualità sui LINAC. L’oggetto di studio è il sistema di acquisizione di immagini portali OPTIVUE 1000ST (Siemens), dispositivo flat panel di silicio amorfo (a-Si) assemblato all’acceleratore lineare Siemens Oncor. La risposta dell’EPID è stata analizzata variando i parametri di consegna della dose, mantenendo fissa la distanza fuoco-rivelatore. Le condizioni di stabilità, ottimali per lavorare, si hanno intorno alle 50 U.M. Dalle curve dei livelli di grigio ottenute risulta evidente che in diverse condizioni d’irraggiamento il sistema risponde con curve di Dose-Risposta differenti, pur restando nello stesso range di dose. Lo studio include verifiche sperimentali effettuate con l’OPTIVUE e usate per espletare alcuni controlli di qualità di tipo geometrico come la coincidenza campo luminoso – campo radiante e la verifica del corretto posizionamento delle lamelle del collimatore multilamellare. Le immagini portali acquisite verranno poi confrontate con quelle ottenute irraggiando tradizionalmente una CR (computed radiography), per la coincidenza e una pellicola radiocromica EBT 3, per l’MLC. I risultati ottenuti mostrano che, per il primo controllo, in entrambi i modi, si è avuta corrispondenza tra campo radiante e campo luminoso; il confronto fra le due metodiche di misura risulta consistente entro i valori di deviazioni standard calcolati, l’OPTIVUE può essere utilizzato efficacemente in tale controllo di qualità. Nel secondo controllo abbiamo ottenuto differenze negli errori di posizionamento delle lamelle individuati dai due sistemi di verifica dell’ordine di grandezza dei limiti di risoluzione spaziale. L’OPTIVUE è in grado di riconoscere errori di posizionamento preesistenti con un’incertezza che ha come limite la dimensione del pixel. Il sistema EPID, quindi, è efficace, affidabile, economico e rapido.


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Die Bor-Neuroneneinfang-Therapie (engl.: Boron Neutron Capture Therapy, BNCT) ist eine indirekte Strahlentherapie, welche durch die gezielte Freisetzung von dicht ionisierender Strahlung Tumorzellen zerstört. Die freigesetzten Ionen sind Spaltfragmente einer Kernreaktion, bei welcher das Isotop 10B ein niederenergetisches (thermisches) Neutron einfängt. Das 10B wird durch ein spezielles Borpräparat in den Tumorzellen angereichert, welches selbst nicht radioaktiv ist. rnAn der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz wurde die Forschung für die Anwendung eines klinischen Behandlungsprotokolls durch zwei Heilversuche bei Patienten mit kolorektalen Lebermetastasen an der Universität Pavia, Italien, angeregt, bei denen die Leber außerhalb des Körpers in einem Forschungsreaktor bestrahlt wurde. Als erster Schritt wurde in Kooperation verschiedener universitärer Institute eine klinische Studie zur Bestimmung klinisch relevanter Parameter wie der Borverteilung in verschiedenen Geweben und dem pharmakokinetischen Aufnahmeverhalten des Borpräparates initiiert.rnDie Borkonzentration in den Gewebeproben wurde hinsichtlich ihrer räumlichen Verteilung in verschiedenen Zellarealen bestimmt, um mehr über das Aufnahmeverhalten der Zellen für das BPA im Hinblick auf ihre biologischen Charakteristika zu erfahren. Die Borbestimung wurde per Quantitative Neutron Capture Radiography, Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis und Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy parallel zur histologischen Analyse des Gewebes durchgeführt. Es war möglich zu zeigen, dass in Proben aus Tumorgewebe und aus tumorfreiem Gewebe mit unterschiedlichen morphologischen Eigenschaften eine sehr heterogene Borverteilung vorliegt. Die Ergebnisse der Blutproben werden für die Erstellung eines pharmakokinetischen Modells verwendet und sind in Übereinstimmung mit existierenden pharmakokinetische Modellen. Zusätzlich wurden die Methoden zur Borbestimmung über speziell hergestellte Referenzstandards untereinander verglichen. Dabei wurde eine gute Übereinstimmung der Ergebnisse festgestellt, ferner wurde für alle biologischen Proben Standardanalyseprotokolle erstellt.rnDie bisher erhaltenen Ergebnisse der klinischen Studie sind vielversprechend, lassen aber noch keine endgültigen Schlussfolgerungen hinsichtlich der Wirksamkeit von BNCT für maligne Lebererkrankungen zu. rn


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Neonicotinoids have been pointed to as a factor responsible for the increased honey bee colony losses in the last decades. Many studies have investigated the effects of the first marketed neonicotinoid, imidacloprid, while fewer have focused on thiamethoxam. One recent study showed that sublethal doses of thiamethoxam lead to colony failure by decreasing forager homing flight success. We thus decided to investigate the mechanism which caused this phenomenon. Our hypothesis was that this effect was caused by impairment of forager locomotion abilities. Therefore we tested the effects of sublethal acute and chronic exposures to thiamethoxam on forager walking (Chapter 2) and flight (Chapter 3) performances. The acute treatment (1.34 ng/bee) affected walking locomotion firstly triggering hyperactivity (30 min post-treatment) and then impairing motor functioning (60 min post-treatment). 2-day continuous exposures to thiamethoxam (32.5, 45 ppb) elicited fewer effects on walking locomotion, however both exposure modes elicited an increased positive phototaxis. Similarly, in flight experiments, the single dose (1.34 ng/bee) elicited hyperactivity shortly after intoxication (increased flight duration and distance), while longer and continuous exposures (32.5, 45 ppb) impaired forager motor functions (decreased flight duration, distance, velocity). It is known that flight muscles temperature needs to be precisely regulated by bees during flight. Therefore, we further hypothesized that the impaired flight performances of neonicotinoid intoxicated bees were caused also by thermoregulation anomalies. We tested the effects that acute thiamethoxam exposures (0.2, 1, 2 ng/bee) elicit on forager thorax temperature (Chapter 4). Foragers treated with high doses exhibited hyperthermia or hypothermia when respectively exposed to high or low environmental temperatures. In summary, we show that sublethal doses of thiamethoxam affected forager walking and flight locomotion, phototaxis and thermoregulation. We also display the intricate mode of action of thiamethoxam which triggered, at different extents, inverse sublethal effects in relation to time and dose.


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Zielgerichtete Orientierung ermöglicht es Lebewesen, überlebenswichtige Aufgaben, wie die Suche nach Ressourcen, Fortpflanzungspartnern und sicheren Plätzen zu bewältigen. Dafür ist es essentiell, die Umgebung sensorisch wahrzunehmen, frühere Erfahrungen zu speichern und wiederabzurufen und diese Informationen zu integrieren und in motorische Aktionen umzusetzen.rnWelche Neuronengruppen vermitteln zielgerichtete Orientierung im Gehirn einer Fliege? Welche sensorischen Informationen sind in einem gegebenen Kontext relevant und wie werden diese Informationen sowie gespeichertes Vorwissen in motorische Aktionen übersetzt? Wo findet im Gehirn der Übergang von der sensorischen Verarbeitung zur motorischen Kontrolle statt? rnDer Zentralkomplex, ein Verbund von vier Neuropilen des Zentralhirns von Drosophila melanogaster, fungiert als Übergang zwischen in den optischen Loben vorverarbeiteten visuellen Informationen und prämotorischem Ausgang. Die Neuropile sind die Protocerebralbrücke, der Fächerförmige Körper, der Ellipsoidkörper und die Noduli. rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass Fruchtfliegen ein räumliches Arbeitsgedächtnis besitzen. Dieses Gedächtnis kann aktuelle visuelle Information ersetzen, wenn die Sicht auf das Zielobjekt verloren geht. Dies erfordert die sensorische Wahrnehmung von Zielobjekten, die Speicherung der Position, die kontinuierliche Integration von Eigen-und Objektposition, sowie die Umsetzung der sensorischen Information in zielgerichtete Bewegung. Durch konditionale Expression von Tetanus Toxin mittels des GAL4/UAS/GAL80ts Systems konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Ringneurone, welche in den Ellipsoidkörper projizieren, für das Orientierungsgedächtnis notwendig sind. Außerdem konnte gezeigt werden, dass Fliegen, denen die ribosomale Serinkinase S6KII fehlt, die Richtung verlieren, sobald keine Objekte mehr sichtbar sind und, dass die partielle Rettung dieser Kinase ausschließlich in den Ringneuronenklassen R3 und R4d hinreichend ist, um das Gedächtnis wieder herzustellen. Bei dieser Gedächtnisleistung scheint es sich um eine idiothetische Form der Orientierung zu handeln. rn Während das räumliche Arbeitsgedächtnis nach Verschwinden von Objekten relevant ist, wurde in der vorliegende Arbeit auch die Vermittlung zielgerichteter Bewegung auf sichtbare Objekte untersucht. Dabei wurde die zentrale Frage bearbeitet, welche Neuronengruppen visuelle Orientierung vermitteln. Anhand von Gehirnstrukturmutanten konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine intakte Protocerebralbrücke notwendig ist, um Laufgeschwindigkeit, Laufaktivität und Zielgenauigkeit bei der Ansteuerung visueller Stimuli korrekt zu vermitteln. Dabei scheint das Horizontale Fasersystem, welches von der Protocerebralbrücke über den Fächerförmigen Körper auf den Zentralkomplex assoziierte Neuropile, die Ventralkörper, projiziert, notwendig für die lokomotorische Kontrolle und die zielgenaue Bewegung zu sein. Letzeres konnte zum einen durch Blockade der synaptischen Transmission anhand konditionaler Tetanus Toxin Expression mittels des GAL4/UAS/GAL80ts Systems im Horizontalen Fasersystem gezeigt werden;. zum anderen auch durch partielle Rettung der in den Strukturmutanten betroffenen Gene. rn Den aktuellen Ergebnissen und früheren Studien folgend, ergibt sich dabei ein Modell, wie zielgerichtete Bewegung auf visuelle Stimuli neuronal vermittelt werden könnte. Nach diesem Modell bildet die Protocerebralbrücke die Azimuthpositionen von Objekten ab und das Horizontale Fasersystem vermittelt die entsprechende lokomotorische Wo-Information für zielgerichtete Bewegungen. Die Eigenposition in Relation zum Zielobjekt wird über die Ringneurone und den Ellipsoidkörper vermittelt. Wenn das Objekt aus der Sicht verschwindet, kann die Relativposition ideothetisch ermittelt werden und integriert werden mit Vorinformation über das Zielobjekt, die im Fächerförmigen Körper abgelegt ist (Was-Information). Die resultierenden Informationen könnten dann über das Horizontale Fasersystem in den Ventralkörpern auf absteigende Neurone gelangen und in den Thorax zu den motorischen Zentren weitergeleitet werden.rn


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In clinical medicine, plane radiography is used for detecting the remains of medications in the stomach in oral medication intoxication cases. Since postmortem computed tomography (CT), performed prior to autopsy, is currently intensively entering the forensic routine, the technique was applied to three fatal cases of oral medication intoxication. Here we report CT and autopsy findings for these cases. In all three cases, hyperdense areas within the stomach content were documented. The measurement of Hounsfield Units (HU) beyond 74HU showed mean values of 338, 88 and 98HU. Postmortem CT also showed brain edema and pulmonary aspiration in one case. At autopsy, tablet remains in the stomach were detected microscopically in all three cases. The ex vivo CT scans of the ingested medicaments showed similar HU values. Despite the fact that further case studies are necessary beyond this one, and in spite of its limitations, postmortem CT was found to be a useful screening and documentation method for stomach contents in oral medication intoxication.


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BACKGROUND One aspect of a multidimensional approach to understanding asthma as a complex dynamic disease is to study how lung function varies with time. Variability measures of lung function have been shown to predict response to beta(2)-agonist treatment. An investigation was conducted to determine whether mean, coefficient of variation (CV) or autocorrelation, a measure of short-term memory, of peak expiratory flow (PEF) could predict loss of asthma control following withdrawal of regular inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) treatment, using data from a previous study. METHODS 87 adult patients with mild to moderate asthma who had been taking ICS at a constant dose for at least 6 months were monitored for 2-4 weeks. ICS was then withdrawn and monitoring continued until loss of control occurred as per predefined criteria. Twice-daily PEF was recorded during monitoring. Associations between loss of control and mean, CV and autocorrelation of morning PEF within 2 weeks pre- and post-ICS withdrawal were assessed using Cox regression analysis. Predictive utility was assessed using receiver operator characteristics. RESULTS 53 out of 87 patients had sufficient PEF data over the required analysis period. The mean (389 vs 370 l/min, p<0.0001) and CV (4.5% vs 5.6%, p=0.007) but not autocorrelation of PEF changed significantly from prewithdrawal to postwithdrawal in subjects who subsequently lost control, and were unaltered in those who did not. These changes were related to time to loss of control. CV was the most consistent predictor, with similar sensitivity and sensitivity to exhaled nitric oxide. CONCLUSION A simple, easy to obtain variability measure of daily lung function such as the CV may predict loss of asthma control within the first 2 weeks of ICS withdrawal.


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The superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS) comprises various symptoms due to occlusion of the SVC, which can be easily obstructed by pathological conditions (eg, lung cancer, due to the low internal venous pressure within rigid structures of the thorax [trachea, right bronchus, aorta]). The resulting increased venous pressure in the upper body may cause edema of the head, neck, and upper extremities, often associated with cyanosis, plethora, and distended subcutaneous vessels. Despite the often striking clinical presentation, SVCS itself is usually not a life-threatening condition. Currently, randomized controlled trials on many clinically important aspects of SVCS are lacking. This review gives an interdisciplinary overview of the pathophysiology, etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of malignant SVCS.


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Protective patient equipment for CT examinations is not routinely provided. The aim of this study was to determine whether, and if so what, specific protective equipment is beneficial during CT scans. The absorbed organ doses and the effective doses for thorax, abdomen/pelvis and brain CT investigation with and without the use of protective patient equipment have been determined and compared. All measurements were carried out on modern multislice CT scanner using an anthropomorphic phantom and thermoluminescence dosemeters. The measurements show that protective equipment reduces the dose within the scattered beam area. The highest organ dose reduction was found in organs that protrude from the trunk like the testes or the female breasts that can largely be covered by the protective equipment. The most reduction of the effective dose was found in the male abdomen/pelvis examination (0.32 mSv), followed by the brain (0.11 mSv) and the thorax (0.06 mSv). It is concluded that the use of protective equipment can reduce the applied dose to the patient.


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Musculoskeletal ultrasonography (US) is an established and validated imaging technique in rheumatology. Ultrasonography is able to directly visualize soft tissue pathologies such as synovial tissue changes. Pathological findings in superficial cartilage, bone lesions and synovial tissue changes in the context of rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis or crystal arthropathies may only be seen by sonography or detected earlier by ultrasonography compared to conventional imaging techniques. The activity of an inflammatory arthropathy can be visualized using Doppler and power Doppler US. US is helpful in the detection of early inflammatory changes, particularly in patients with undifferentiated arthritis and/or unremarkable conventional radiography. In addition to diagnosis in early arthritis and monitoring of therapy in rheumatoid arthritis, sonography is able to detect pivotal pathologies in spondyloarthritis and crystal deposition diseases such as gout, pseudogout and apatite deposition disease. Ultrasound-guided diagnostic and therapeutic interventions are characterized by their excellent accuracy and improvement of clinical effectiveness compared to unguided procedures. In conclusion, ultrasonography plays a pivotal role in the assessment and monitoring of therapy in rheumatic diseases.


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The effect of copper (Cu) filtration on image quality and dose in different digital X-ray systems was investigated. Two computed radiography systems and one digital radiography detector were used. Three different polymethylmethacrylate blocks simulated the pediatric body. The effect of Cu filters of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 mm thickness on the entrance surface dose (ESD) and the corresponding effective doses (EDs) were measured at tube voltages of 60, 66, and 73 kV. Image quality was evaluated in a contrast-detail phantom with an automated analyzer software. Cu filters of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 mm thickness decreased the ESD by 25-32%, 32-39%, and 40-44%, respectively, the ranges depending on the respective tube voltages. There was no consistent decline in image quality due to increasing Cu filtration. The estimated ED of anterior-posterior (AP) chest projections was reduced by up to 23%. No relevant reduction in the ED was noted in AP radiographs of the abdomen and pelvis or in posterior-anterior radiographs of the chest. Cu filtration reduces the ESD, but generally does not reduce the effective dose. Cu filters can help protect radiosensitive superficial organs, such as the mammary glands in AP chest projections.